Toddlers who were best friends in Chinese orphanage reunite when they get adopted by neighbors


They say you can’t escape fate, and these two beautiful children from our story, who have been destined to spend not only their childhood, but hopefully their lives together, are just another proof of that.

Sharon Sykes from Plano, Texas, adopted a little girl, whom they named Hannah, from an orphanage in China. The process took some time but Sharon knew Hannah belonged with her family the moment she saw her.

One night, as she was going through her daughter’s adoption information, something caught her eye. Namely, in all the photos of Hannah, she was pictured together with a boy her age. They could be seen kissing, holding hands, and playing together.

Source: Flickr/ Andy Eick

Upon further inspection, Sharon learned that the boy was Hannah’s best friend at the orphanage. They spent every minute of every day by each other’s side, and now that she was getting adopted, the two would be forced to be separated.

“When we went to the actual orphanage to get her, she was hugging him and they were giving each other kisses,” Sharon shared with Inside Edition. “That was her little friend, how could I leave him there?”

Further, she told Good Morning America, “They just shared such a sweet and special bond. They were so close we just couldn’t imagine leaving him in China and him not having a forever family himself.”

Source: YouTube Screenshot/ CBSDWF

Sharon then made it her mission to find the boy a loving home. She shared his story online hoping someone would take a notice of how sweet and loving he was. Luckily, that’s exactly what happened.

Amy Clary, who lives five minutes away from Sharon, came across the story of the boy and she showed interest in adopting him. “Look at his eyes and his smile,” Amy told ABC News. “How could you deny that? He’s just so sweet. We had to bring him home.”

The Clary family filled the adoption papers and prayed for the boy to be brought to them. Around a year later, the adoption was finalized and the little guy, whom his new family named Dawson, was finally in America. He was about to embark on a new journey and someone familiar was at the airport to welcome him, his friend Hannah.

Source: YouTube Screenshot/ CBSDWF

“They must have hugged 400 times! They kept hugging and getting so giddy that they would fall over,” Amy shared with KTVT.

The footage of the two best friends reuniting after such a long time was shared online and it touched the hearts of thousands of people who got to witness the beautiful moment.

“My heart just burst into joy. It’s a miracle. He’s adopted by such a great family that lives so close to us, and Hannah gets to have him as a little friend. I’m overjoyed,” Sharon told Inside Edition. “Every since we’ve met the Clarys, we’re now like best friends.

“(Hannah and Dawson will be seeing each other on a regular basis— at least weekly, if not more.”

Source: YouTube Screenshot/ CBSDWF

What a beautiful story of friendship. For more got to the video below.

Teen reveals trick that helped her outwit hotel intruders and it’s now going viral


The quick-thinking of one young lady proved a lifesaver in what could easily turn into a life-threatening situation.

Josie Bowers, a young woman who could easily become a victim of robbery or even kidnapping, shared with her TikTok followers how she avoided a potentially dangerous situation while on vacation with her family some four years ago.

Namely, Josie and her parents stayed at a Hilton hotel in Ocean City, Maryland and at one point, she was all by herself in the room. Just as she was getting ready to take a shower, Josie heard strange noises coming from behind the door. She got scared and needed to act quickly.

Source: TikTok Screenshot – JosiesBowers10

“Before I could shower I heard these noises, I went to go see what it was and it was this contraption. I was just standing there in my towel and this man opened the door,” the now 19-year-old Josie shared in one of her TikTok videos.

“My main thought was holy s*** I’m in a towel right now and someone is about to break in and get me. So the door opens a crack, and I just slammed it back shut and put the deadbolt on.”

At that point, she tried to think of all the tricks her police officer stepdad taught her.

Source: TikTok Screenshot – JosiesBowers10

The two men behind the door started talking to her and explained how they were hotel employees who were there to fix her door.

“So they tell me ‘your keycard is broken and we need to get into the room and fix your keypad for you,’” Josie continued. “And so I open the door a tad bit, to see if it was a worker. It clearly wasn’t, they were in jeans and a T-shirt. Hilton keeps it pretty classy, not the attire.”

At that moment, she knew she needed to pretend she wasn’t in the room all by herself and yelled, “Hey dad, there’s someone here to fix the door.” This worked and she could hear the men running. “As soon as they thought that I wasn’t alone – and potentially my dad was there – they ran, they were gone,” she shared with her followers.

Source: TikTok Screenshot – JosiesBowers10

“I’m glad I had this experience so I can teach people about it. Obviously, I’m safe but it could have ended up a lot worse,” she said. “Be safe, you can get door stoppers, always put on the deadbolt.”

The video of Josie was seen more than 12 million times and people thanked her for this useful tip.

@josiebowers10 #duet with @braccozz #hotel #staysafe #storytime #fyp #oceancity #hilton ♬ Amityville Horror – Scary Halloween Sound Effects – Halloween Sound Effects

We are glad she didn’t get hurt and we hope this will help others in the future.

Woman feels the urge to share police officer’s heartwarming act of kindness after car crash


It’s truly incredible how small acts of kindness can influence a great number of people to do good themselves. This is the story of officer Brian Dougherty, a truly compassionate man who brought smiles on the faces of the many people who stumbled upon his good deed towards a young boy whose family was involved in a car accident.

In fact, the accident involved three vehicles, and fortunately, no one was injured, but it was obvious that the boy was in distress from the whole situation.

It was then that officer Brian stepped in. He took the boy with him and then both sat at a street curb. In order to cheer him up, officer Brian started talking to him and asked him about his favorite Disney character. The boy calmed down and felt secure by his newly made friend’s side.

One of the people who was in the other car which took part in the accident was Janet Balestriero. She took notice of the officer and couldn’t help but snap a photo and share it on Facebook. This is what she wrote, “Car Accidents can be scary… especially when it’s your first. I found myself smiling at that scene wondering if anyone else even noticed this Officer’s kindness.”

Source: Facebook – Janet Balestriero

Soon after, the photo, along with Janet’s post, was shared thousands of times. People praised officer Brian’s action. One person wrote, “Thank you officer for your act of kindness, although you probably thought nothing of it. Just calming and reassuring a little boy! A compassionate heart you have sir!”

Coral Springs PD wrote that officer Brian has been with the department since 2016 and that he’s also part of the department’s SWAT team. Clyde Perry, Coral Springs Police Chief, humbly said, “[We’re] so proud of our officers. Things like this happen often, but are rarely reported on.”

Source: Facebook – Coral Springs Police

Janet decided to do something for the kind officer herself.

Namely, she’s part of the organization Kindness Rock Project which writes inspirational messages on rocks and then places them at different locations so that random people can find them. This time, she painted a rock with officer Brian’s badge number on it and left it at the Coral Springs PD. 

Source: Facebook – Janet Balestriero

“A single act of kindness can have a ripple effect,” Janet says, and we can’t agree more.

Linda Kozlowski left the film industry after “Crocodile Dundee” – This is her today


Many actors struggle to find their place under the film industry sky until they land a role that helps their career skyrocket overnight. For actress Linda Kozlowski, the role that changed both her professional and personal life was that of Sue Charlton in the action comedy trilogy Crocodile Dundee.

Before landing that role, Linda played both in Broadway productions and numerous films, including Death of a Salesman. Unfortunately, after the movie wrapped up, offers didn’t come pouring in and she turned to being a waitress for some time. She even considered leaving California, but it was actor Dustin Hoffman, her co-star in Death of a Salesman, and his wife who decided to do something for Linda and help her out. Namely, they offered her to stay in their Malibu house until she decided what to do next.

Source: Youtube/ABC News

It was during that stay that she was given the script for Crocodile Dundee after Hoffman recommended her for the role. However, she didn’t get it because of it, but because the producers really liked her.

“There was a feeling in that room that was so positive,” she recalled of the audition. “I never once thought, ‘Oh, my God, this might not work.’

“Dustin asked me, ‘Who are these people? What are their names, and where are they staying?’,” she recalled. “And I told him. So just as they were calling me to say I had the part, they got a phone call: It was Dustin Hoffman. At first they thought it was a friend doing a bad impersonation.

“Once they realized it was Hoffman, they were just beaming. It was a sign they’d made the right decision.”

Kozlowski’s longtime friend William DeAcutis added: “Dustin’s call was like the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval, but Linda got the movie because they liked her.”

Source: Youtube/60 Minutes Australia

The movie was a huge success and Linda became star in Australia, where it first premiered, almost overnight. “It was a bit like being Cinderella,” she told the Los Angeles Times. “In Australia, I’d be riding about in limos, whereas here I was still running around in my old Toyota trying to see casting directors.”

Speaking of the fame she later gained in the States and her hometown of Fairfield, Connecticut, Linda recalled: “But I’ll tell you where I was a big star. In Fairfield, Conn., where I grew up. My parents, Stanley and Helen Kozlowski, still live there, and when the movie opened they saw it again and again.

“What’s funny is the local paper never referred to me as ‘Linda,’ always as ‘Stanley’s daughter.’ It was ‘Stanley’s daughter says this…’ and ‘Stanley’s daughter says that’…”

Source: Youtube/ABC News

After the movie, she didn’t really do much acting. Linda married her co-star Paul Hogan with whom she has her only child, Change Hogan. After 23 years of marriage, the couple divorced back in 2013 because of “irreconcilable differences.” According to Sydney Morning Herald, Linda received $6.25 million in a one-off payment following her divorce.

“I lived in Paul’s shadow for many, many years and it’s nice to feel my own light right now,” she told New Idea. “Honestly, we just naturally grew apart. One of our problems was we really had nothing in common and, over time, that happens to a lot of people.”

Source: Youtube/60 Minutes Australia

Today, Linda is in a relationship with Moulay Hafid Baba, a tour guide she met during a trip to Morocco. The two are now co-owners of a Marrakesh-based luxury travelling business, Dream My Destiny.

“We knew in a flash that we had known each other for a thousand years, which was a magic moment in both our lives,” Linda told Luxe Beat Magazine. “As business partners, we plan all our guests’ trips together.

“He’ll look after the men when the ladies need to shop for shoes! He knows the country inside out, including the Sahara Desert. You feel safe with him wherever you are.”


Linda, who is 63 years old, says she doesn’t plan on going back to acting as it’s been a long time since she’s last been on set.

“I don’t miss acting because my life is so full now. Reality is better than make believe.

“One thing I always hated about acting was that it got in the way of having an adventurous life,” she added.

“You had to stick around LA and wait for work. Now I’m rejoicing in my freedom. I definitely think acting helped develop my intuition, which is essential to my new endeavor, as so much of what I do is based on reading people and instinctively catering to their needs.”

She enjoys her life to the fullest and is looking as beautiful as always. We are glad she has found happiness and passion in her new profession.

Reba McEntire says “things started going south” prior to her divorce and reveals she found love again


Going through a divorce has to be tough, no matter if the ex-spouses remain in good relationship or not. It’s stressful, exhausting, and many times painful too. This is also true for celebrities. We may think they have it easy when splitting because of their money and fame, but that’s rarely the case.

Country music legend Reba McEntire went through a divorce back in 2015, and had a hard time moving on. She once admitted how divorcing her now ex-husband of 26 years wasn’t her idea. She and television producer Narvel Blackstock met when he was a guitarist in her band and tied the knot in 1989. They have a son together, and Reba was a stepmother of Narvel’s three children. One of them is Brandon, who was married to the America’s sweetheart Kelly Clarkson.


Giving some insights about the split in an interview with CMT’s Cody Ala, Reba revealed, “I didn’t want it in any shape, form or fashion. It was really hard to make the adjustment when someone’s not happy. I just want everybody to be happy in their lives because our lives are too short to be miserable. I just thought it was the best thing to take my marbles and go play somewhere else, is what Daddy used to always say.”

Recently, Reba revealed how the divorce affected her business and her career, having in mind that she and her ex-husband founded Starstruck Entertainment together, a company created to help manage her career. Blackstock also produced songs and award-winning songs for his now ex-wife.

Reba McEntire and Narvel Blackstock / Tyler Michaels/FilmMagic Getty Images

In Apple Fitness+ series “Time to Walk,” the 66-year-old singer said, ”Things started going south with my marriage. Narvel Blackstock, my manager and husband at the time — we got a divorce, and the shocker of it all was, there were four people who were taking care of all my business.

”I had my production manager who left, I had my CEO who left, my manager and husband, and my father had died. So four men who were rock and pillars of my world were gone.”

Being a devoted Christian, she turned to God. ”Everything that I was dealing with privately, personally — I had to run it all through God. I had to say, ‘OK big boy, I can’t handle this. This is way over my pay grade — I don’t know what to do. And I would wait, and He would guide me. And so without my faith, I have no idea where I would be or my career would be, at this time today,” she said.


Rumors were that Narvel was dating Reba’s longtime friend Laura Putty Stroud, which only added to the already painful heartbreak this country singer faced. She says, however, that her music and her faith helped her get through that dark period of her life. Now she put everything behind and embraced love once again.

When asked about those hard few years after the split, Reba told CMT Radio, “I’ve prayed every day to help me have the strength to move one foot in front of the other, to continue on with what I’m supposed to be doing and why he put me on this Earth in the first place.”


For a while, Reba dated former businessman and photographer Anthony “Skeeter” Lasuzzo. During a visit of Jackson Hole in Wyoming, Reba’s friends suggested that Lasuzzo be her tour guy, and after a couple of months later, the romance started. In 2018, they appeared at the Grammy Awards together.


After two years, the couple split and Reba said they remained good friends. Currently, she’s dating actor Rex Linn, 64, best known for his portrayal of Sgt. Frank Tripp on CSI: Miami.

“We’ve been talking during the pandemic. We had dinner with Rex, was it in January? And then February on, it was the COVID pandemic,” Reba said in her own podcast.

“We were talking, texting [and using] FaceTime — and that’s a really good way to get to know people. … It’s good to have a person to talk to, laugh with, get into subjects about what’s going on. Discussions about our past, our family, funny stories. Him being an actor, me being an actress. He’s very into my music, I’m very into his career. It’s just great getting to talk to somebody who I find very interesting, very funny, very smart and is interested in me too.”

Instagram / Rex Linn

We wish this country music legend all the happiness in the world. Reba we are very glad for you.

Freddie Mercury’s heartbreaking final words revealed by his friends in a new documentary


Extremely skilled in music and with a vocal control like no other, Freddie Mercury remains until this very day one of the greatest musicians who have ever walked this Earth. His extraordinary vocal range of nearly five octaves along with his precision placed him on the pedestal and the magic he produced with each of his performances is almost impossible to be replicated by anyone.

Freddie Mercury was born Farrokh Bulsara in Zanzibar on September 5, 1946. At a very young age, his parents sent him to boarding school in Mumbai, India. This period of his life was tough because he was away from his family, but it was also the time when he first got into close contact with music, something that would remain a crucial part of his being until the rest of his life.

Freddie lived FOR music and THROUGH music. It was who he was. Music represented a huge part of his identity.

Source: Youtube/Lilaaloo

In 1964, during the bloody revolution of Zanzibar, he and his family moved to England where Freddy attended the Ealing College of Art. At the same time, he was part of a band named Wreckage. Some time later, Freddie met two people who changed his life forever, Roger Taylor and Brian May, who were part of the band Smile which changed its name to Queen after Freddie joined it.

In the book Is This The Real Life? The Untold Story of Queen, author Mark Blake writes that Freddie Mercury suggested the name, saying that “it’s wonderful, people will love it.”

Queen went on to become one of the best and most famous bands in the history.

Source: Koh Hasebe/Shinko Music/Getty Images

Their debut album Queen was released in 1973, and people got hooked. In 1974, they had their first big hit with Seven Seas of Rhye, and a year after, the legendary and everlasting Bohemian Rhapsody was released.

“I remember Freddie coming in with loads of bits of paper from his dad’s work, like Post-it notes, and pounding on the piano,” Queen guitarist Brian May recalled in 2008. “He played the piano like most people play the drums. And this song he had was full of gaps where he explained that something operatic would happen here and so on. He’d worked out the harmonies in his head.” Freddie then explained that this piece of music was something he dreamed of writing and producing for a long time.

The song reached incredible success and people from all over the world tried to understand the true meaning behind the lyrics. Freddie, however, never revealed what he had on mind while working on the song. Instead, he believed everyone should interpret it the way they wanted.

“I think people should just listen to it, think about it, and then decide for themselves what it means to them,” he said.

“I don’t like to explain what I was thinking when I wrote a song, I prefer people to put their own interpretation upon it – to read into it whatever they like,” he added, saying it would be “awful” to do otherwise.”

Source: Youtube/QueenOfficial

Bohemian Rhapsody was inducted into the Grammy Hall Of Fame in 2004, and readers of Rolling Stone magazine named Freddie Mercury’s vocal performance the best in rock history. In 2018, it was named world’s most-streamed song of the 20th century, with more than 1.6 billion listens across all major streaming services.

Unfortunately, great Freddy Mercury passed away in November, 1991, at the age of just 45. The news of his passing took the world by storm and left millions of people mourn the loss of the greatest singer of all time.

Just 24 hours before saying the final goodbye, Freddie revealed he had AIDS. “It was announced before he died, but he did not want to be the object of pity or scrutiny, and within 24 hours, it was gone. It was probably perfect timing. Bloody good move, I thought,” Brian May recalled.

Freddie kept the illness a secret. Only few of his closest friends knew what he was going through, among which his band mates and Elton John. They visited him frequently and spent with him the last days of his life.

Elton John shared what Freddie’s last year of life was like in his book Love is the Cure: On Life, Loss and the End of AIDS.

“He knew death, agonizing death was coming. But Freddie was incredibly courageous. He kept up appearances, he kept performing with Queen, and he kept being the funny, outrageous, and profoundly generous person he had always been,” Elton John wrote.

“As Freddie deteriorated in the late 1980s and early ’90s, it was almost too much to bear. It broke my heart to see this absolute light unto the world ravaged by AIDS. By the end, his body was covered with Kaposi’s sarcoma lesions. He was almost blind. He was too weak to even stand.”

“By all rights, Freddie should have spent those final days concerned only with his own comfort. But that wasn’t who he was. He truly lived for others.”

Source: Youtube/YouTubetest

Peter Freestone, Freddie’s PA and dear friend, revealed that the singer spent the last few weeks in bed. However, he once asked if he could be carried downstairs.

“Freddie was downstairs in Garden Lodge on November 20, as he wanted to see some of his artworks for one last time,” Peter recalled. “Terry carried him down the stairs, but he walked around the sitting room and Japanese room, with one of us supporting him.”

“He commented on how and when he had acquired a few of the pieces. Of course, there was a quiet atmosphere in the house during those last days, but Freddie remained the Freddie we knew until the end.”

Source: FG/Bauer-Griffin/Getty Images

His close friends opened up about Freddie’s life in the new BBC documentary Freddie Mercury: The Final Act.

Wife of Queen guitarist Brian May, Anita Dobson, said that Freddie looked fragile at the end. The last words he shared with her touched her deeply. “I remember he said, ‘When I can’t sing anymore darling, then I will die. I will drop dead.” 

Freestone revealed in the documentary, “Joe [Fanelli]called me at about 5:30 am, and Freddie had basically gone into a coma, and we made Freddie sort of comfortable. You could see Freddie had moved a bit, and then as we were changing his T-shirt, we just looked and saw his chest had stopped moving.”

Source: Shuttterstock/Emanuela Vigna

More than a year after Freddie Mercury left this world, his friends organized a concert in his honor at Wembley Stadium in London. The Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert for AIDS Awareness was attended by around 70,000, but was streamed and watched by over half a billion people worldwide.

Besides Elton John and the members of Queen, other famous names who honored Freddie Mercury, among the rest, were David Bowie, Annie Lennox, and George Michael.

“When George Michael sang ‘Somebody To Love,’ there were moments where he had that crystal clear razor-edge just like Freddie. It was a real ‘chills up your spine’ moment for all of us,” Brian May recalled in the new BBC documentary Freddie Mercury: The Final Act, as reported by Mirror.

“Freddie lived for his music and loved his music, and he was proud of himself as a musician above ­everything else.”

Freddie Mercury was unmatched. He is still living through his music. May he rest in peace.

Firefighter adopts a baby he helped deliver after an emergency call


God works in mysterious ways and hears our prayers when we least expect. This is the incredible story of two people who desperately wanted another child and a baby named Gracie who became part of their loving family.

Marc and Beth Hadden had two sons, and doctors told them that having another child would be too risky for Beth. Working as a firefighter and a teacher, two jobs which require hearts of gold but are not paid enough, they weren’t able to be register for adoption at an adoption agency. And just when they lost hope of ever having another child, something surprising happened.

Source: YouTube Screenshot – Inside Edition

Namely, Marc was called to assist a woman with severe abdominal pain. However, the moment he arrived in her home, he realized she was about to give birth. As there wasn’t time for her to be rushed to the hospital, Marc helped deliver the baby himself. And that is how baby Gracie was born.

“I was tasked with everything to do with Gracie… I helped her take her first breath,” Marc told CBS News.

When he took the mom to the hospital, he overheard the doctors and the nurses saying that the baby girl would be put up for adoption. Without hesitating, Marc asked for his name to be put on the list.

Source: YouTube Screenshot – Inside Edition

He then talked to the mother and told her everything about his family. After that, he sent a photo of Gracie to his wife and she joked that it would be nice if they could adopt the baby, not assuming that would really happen.

It only took a few days for the adoption process to be completed. The family was thrilled, but at the same time, they were not prepared for a baby in terms of the things needed such as a baby bed, diapers, and more. Thankfully, the entire community stepped in and soon, the Haddens’ home was filled with baby stuff.

Source: YouTube Screenshot – Inside Edition

When Garcie turned five, Marc gave an interview for Inside Edition and said: “Gracie has me wrapped around her finger. There’s no doubt about it.”

This beautiful family is now complete and it’s all thanks to that emergency call Marc answered to some years ago.

Source: YouTube Screenshot – WSB-TV

If you want to learn more about the Haddens and their incredible life story check out the video below.

The love story of Sir Anthony Hopkins and his current wife Stella Arroyave who is 18 years his junior


Each of the roles great Sir Anthony Hopkins has ever landed is iconic in a unique way. His passion for acting can be felt by the audience and that’s something that makes him one of the greatest actors that have ever walked this Earth.

Among the huge number of roles he played throughout the years, that of Hannibal Lecter is probably one of the most prominent and most powerful ones. It brought him an Academy Award and helped his career skyrocket.

Shutterstock/ Bart Sherkow

Speaking of the time he was offered to be part of The Silence of the Lambs, Hopkins recalled in an interview with Variety:

“I’m thrilled that the movie worked. I’m proud to be in it. I was in the theater, in London, and my agent phoned me— Jeremy Conway, his name was— and he said, ‘I’m sending a script over to the theater called The Silence of the Lambs‘.”

“I said, ‘Is it a children’s story,’ I didn’t know. ‘No,’ he said. ‘It’s with Jodie Foster.’ I said, ‘Oh.’

“I think Jodie just won the Oscar for The Accused, actually. So I came to the dressing room and I started reading it, and I got through about 10 pages. When [the FBI agent] Crawford said, ‘You don’t want Hannibal Lecter inside your head,’ I thought, ‘Ooh, that’s it’,” he added. “I phoned my agent, and I said, ‘Is this an offer? This is the best part I could ever…’ He said, ‘Well, it’s not a big part.’ I said, ‘I don’t care’.”

In 2006, Hopkins was awarded the Golden Globes lifetime achievement award, the Cecil B. DeMille Award, and in 2021, he won another Academy Award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role for the film The Father.

When it comes to his private life, Hopkins was married three times. He and his first wife, actress Petronella Barker, tied the knot in 1966 and two years later, they welcomed daughter Abigail, Hopkin’s only child. However, he and his daughter are not on good terms and haven’t spoken to each other for over 20 years.

“I accepted it years ago. It’s her choice and she must live her life,” he said about his daughter.

“I say to young people, ‘If your parents are giving you trouble, move out.’ You’ve got to let go. You don’t have to kill your parents, but just leave if it’s holding you back.”


In 1973, a year after he divorced his first wife, Hopkins married Jennifer Lynton. They stayed together for almost thirty years, and a year after they finalized their divorced, he married his current wife, Stella Arroyave, who is 18 years his junior.

Their first encounter was a serendipitous one. Namely, she owned an antique shop and he happened to enter her place in hopes of finding some furniture. Instead, he found love.

Stella grew up in New York but moved to California to pursue a career as an actress. However, she wasn’t lucky enough to find her place in Hollywood at the time and quit her dream. When she met Hopkins, that all changed. Stella got the opportunity to stare alongside him and Nicole Kidman in The Human Stain as well as other films, and today, she is a successful director and screenwriter.

“I took a lot of course at UCLA, writing, directing, filming. I did some music videos,” Stella told Yahoo. “When I married Tony, I produced the [2007] film Slipstream. I always wanted to produce, direct, write. It was something I nurtured, studied.”

She had her directorial debut in 2020, with the film Elyse, starring her husband.

Shutterstock/Kathy Hutchins

Speaking of working with Hopkins, Stella told Variety: “He’s a consummate professional. He treated the set and me and the actors as he treated any other film production. He knew his lines and asked me what I thought and we had a few good exchanges and ideas.”

Before the film, Stella revealed she spoke to Hopkin’s grammar school teacher who told her something interesting about the actor.

“He said that of all the students in the school, he wouldn’t have guessed that Anthony would achieve this level of success because Anthony was a loner,” she said.

“The only thing he saw was that he was interested in drawing and piano. It confirmed to that Tony is a private man who enjoys being alone. But he’s a genius.

“His focus is his passion — art, music, film and theater. He’s living his life fully, being himself to the full extent of his passion,” she added.” I think you get it.”

Shutterstock/Jaguar PS

Anthony Hopkins has given so much to the world of film. In 1993, he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for services to the arts.