13-year-old prodigy aims to prove Stephen Hawking wrong about God with beautiful counter-theory


Faith in God is a personal choice. While some people’s trust in the divine is infinite, some deny God’s existence.

13-year-old William Maillis is a prodigy. He finished high school at the age of just nine and graduated from the University of South Florida St. Petersburg. When he was just five years old, William could finish a 209-page geometry textbook in a single night.

In the future, he sees himself as an astrophysicist who would prove the existence of God.

Although he’s still very young, William challenged the theory of late Stephen Hawking who used to say: “Before we understood science, it was natural to believe that God created the universe, but now, science offers a more convincing explanation. What I meant by ‘we would know the mind of God’ is we would know everything that God would know if there was a God, but there isn’t. I’m an atheist.”

Source: Pexel/ Sam Kolder

William on the other hand says, “We know the universe has an age, right? 13.8 billion years. So, 13.8 billion years ago, the entire universe was reduced to a singularity, a particle smaller than a quark.”

He then adds, “However, if gravity is always working, i.e.: if you jumped off this building, you’re not going to fall 15 seconds later, you’re going to fall immediately, so, if gravity was always working, and the singularity was always there […] then the universe should have no age, it should be infinitely old. But it’s not, it’s 13.8 billion years old.

“And something can’t come from nothing, because it would have to exist in order to cause itself to exist, which is illogical. So, therefore, something other must have created the singularity, and that something other me observe as God.”

His beliefs also have to do with the fact that his father is a preacher who taught him that there is a powerful force behind the creation of the universe. William is convinced that force is God himself.

“I want to be an astrophysicist so that I can prove to the scientific world that God does exist,” he shared in an interview with HCHCMedia.

We can all agree that William is extremely smart. His father says that no matter his formal education, William is just like any other boy his age. In his spare time, he does what his friends do; playing computer games, watching TV and practicing sports.

If you are interested to learn more of this prodigy’s way of perceiving things and everything that surrounds us go to the video below.

Bill Hudson claims Goldie Hawn “poisoned” the kids against him


One thing which comes with fame is the media exposure. Many celebs have a hard time keeping their personal lives away from the public eye and the Hudsons aren’t an exception.

Kate Hudson and brother Oliver Hudson seem to have a perfect relationship with their mom, Goldie Hawn, and her partner of many years, Kurt Russell, whom they both call Pa.

When he started his relationship with Goldie, Kurt stepped in and became a father figure in the lives of her children. Both Kate and Oliver love Kurt very much and never miss a chance to remind him of that.


When it comes to their biological dad, Bill Hudson, things aren’t that well. Bill accuses Goldie of his troubled relationship with his children.

“From the moment Kurt came on the scene my role as father to Kate and Oliver was usurped. Goldie told the kids to call him ‘Pa’. She began to craft this happy family unit,” he told the Daily Mail in 2011.

“By this time she was a major star, America’s sweetheart. She needed a ‘narrative’ and I became the big bad wolf.”

Further, Bill claimed that it was Goldie, not him, who “walked out” on the family.

“But Goldie and Kurt thwarted me at every turn. I feel they used their money to take the kids away from me,” he said. “Kate grew up a pampered Hollywood princess. She needed some drama in her back story and I became that drama.”

The relationship escalated in 2015 when Oliver posted a photo on Father’s Day of Bill, Kate, and himself with the caption “Happy Abandonment Day.” Kate, on the other hand, posted a photo of Kurt, calling him dad and thanking him for being their father.

This infuriated Bill who took to the social media and said Kate and Oliver are “dead” to him, asking from them not to use his last name.

“I had five birth children but I now consider myself a father of three, I no longer recognize Oliver and Kate as my own,” Hudson said.

“I would ask them to stop using the Hudson name. They are no longer a part of my life. Oliver’s Instagram post was a malicious, vicious, premeditated attack. He is dead to me now. As is Kate. I am mourning their loss even though they are still walking this earth,” he said. Later, he added that it was his ex-wife who poisoned the kids against him, calling her “manipulative, cruel, and selfish.”


Further, in his book 2 Versions: The Other Side Of Fame & Family, Bill wrote:

“I never wanted to get into a public slanging match but I have other children now and they deserve the right to get to know Kate and Oliver and I want the world to know the truth about Goldie.

“I am sick and tired of her portraying this squeaky-clean image to the world when the reality of her life is so different, I have done this book because I want to show the flip side of the Hollywood dream.”


Although they don’t want to have anything with their biological dad, both Kate and Oliver feel like they should connect to his three children from his marriage to Cindy Williams.

On their podcast, Kate and Oliver spoke of their half-siblings.

“I was thinking about how everybody’s getting older,” Kate said. “I just had this moment of like, it would be nice to connect a little bit, especially with my sisters.

“We’ve been talking so much about sibling relationships, and distraught relationships,” Kate Hudson continued. “And we’re sitting here like, we’ve got the best family, we’re so great. And yet, we don’t ever acknowledge the fact that we have four other siblings — four. So I’ve been thinking a lot about the Hudsons. Thinking that it’s important that we reach out with all of our siblings and maybe connect with them a little bit.”

Youtube/Inside edition

We hope that no matter what happened between them and their dad, they would be able to offer and accept forgiveness.

Oprah Winfrey speaks of her decision not to get married to her partner of 30 years and shares photos of her $100 million property


The great Oprah Winfrey remains until this day one of the women who made history and a revolution in the entertainment industry. She is a pioneer who first stepped foot in a world which consisted of all white males when she started hosting The Oprah Winfrey Show, which aired for 25 years.

Oprah’s childhood was rough. As a teenager of just 14, she was sexually abused and became pregnant. She gave birth to a son who was born prematurely and died shortly after. After that, she never had children.


Born in the small town of Kosciusko, Mississippi, on January 29, 1943, she didn’t seem to have any real chances of doing something with her life, so her decision to move to Nashville with her father and her stepmother turned to be the best she has ever made.

She never kept quiet of the abuse she suffered. Instead, she spoke openly of those who hurt her, and instead feeling hate towards them, she says the stuggles they caused her somehow helped her become the woman she is today. Speaking to the Readers Digest, the most famous host and The Color Purple actress, said, “Being 14 was a very difficult time for me, it was rough. And had I had guidance at that age, my life might have been very different.”

“But I do believe, from the lowest moments in your life, the deepest pits where you don’t understand it, every single moment of emotional destitution, where you couldn’t see a way out… I believe every moment is a building block and another step in your journey to being who you are meant to be, and who you are meant to become.”


Once in Nashville, Oprah won the Miss Black Tennessee beauty pageant when she was 17.

It helped her get a job at the local radio that organized the contest. She got her first job on the television after she moved to Baltimore, Maryland, where she began co-anchoring the six o’clock headlines on WJZ-TV. However, after some time, her mentor, who was an editor and yelled at her every single day, moved her to read the news instead of being a host. She recalls those times, saying, “I used to go to work every day shaking with fear, saying ‘I know I’m going to be fired’.”

“I wasn’t a great writer, I wasn’t fast enough. In the end I didn’t get fired, but I did get demoted to the talk show … which was seen as a big demotion in those days. And that’s where it all began. So, I thank him. He was inadvertently a guiding light!”


Then, in 1986, after working as a host of the TV show People Are Talking, talented Oprah found herself hosting AM Chicago which was soon renamed to The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Over the course of the 25 years, Oprah welcomed over 37,000 guests and had that many interviews with different people, from ordinary to celebrities and presidents.

One of her most memorable interviews ever, which was watched by over 90 million people, was that with legendary Michael Jackson. He opened the doors to Neverland to Oprah who described the experience as unique and exciting. “We are coming in the gates of Neverland, and it’s like a moment in The Wizard of Oz. It was literally like going to see the wizard. We couldn’t believe it. I felt like a kid.”


The Oprah Winfrey Show ended in 2011 and it marked the end of an era. It won a total of eight Daytime Emmy Awards and Oprah received the Lifetime Achievement Award and People’s Choice Award for “Favorite Talk show Host” four times. For all she did as a host, and all those people she helped, Oprah received the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama in 2013.


Oprah is a very special woman with a heart of gold. A humanitarian who made a change in the life of ordinary people and gave numerous surprises to those who were lucky enough to be part of her audience. The stories shared on her show made millions cry and smile. She impacted many and is still doing that. Amid the pandemic, she donated $10 million towards coronavirus relief efforts.


When it comes to her private life, she has been together with the love of her life, Stedman Graham, for over 30 years, but the two never married. In fact, he proposed to her when he called on her show back in 1987 and said, “I want you to marry me. I think it’s time.” She said yes, and the two even planned a wedding but then decided to not tie the knot. In fact, she believes one of the reasons they are still together is that they never married.

“No question about it — we would not stay married, because of what that would have meant to him, and I would have had my own ideas about it. I have not had one regret about that,” she told Yahoo.


The couple doesn’t have any children. It’s not that they didn’t want to become parents, but Oprah believed that being a mother asks for the ultimate sacrifice and she holds mothers in the “highest regard”.

“I realized, ‘Whoa, I’m talking to a lot of messed-up people, and they are messed up because they had mothers and fathers who were not aware of how serious that job is,’” she explained.

“I don’t have the ability to compartmentalize the way I see other women do. It is why, throughout my years, I have had the highest regard for women who choose to be at home with their kids, because I don’t know how you do that all day long. Nobody gives women the credit they deserve.”


Recently, she shared photos of her incredibly spacious and breathtaking $100 million property. She first stepped foot there when she was invited to a party by then owners Robert and Marlene Veloz. Oprah fell in love with their Santa Barbara 42 acre home and offered them $52 million to make it hers. Today, its worth doubled.

Oprah calls her home The Promised Land and here’s the story behind the name. One day, as she and her friend Bob Greene, who is a fitness guru as well, said the place needed a name because it represented something huge in every sense of the word.

“He goes, ‘You need a better name. The fact that you are an African-American woman from Mississippi and you get to have this . . . it’s deep,’ ” Oprah recalled speaking to Vogue. “So I go, ‘Yeah! It’s like a dream.’ And he’s like, ‘Yeah! It’s a promise, it’s the Promised Land!’ So I feel that every day. I don’t know of a person who can honestly, deeply, profoundly speak to the word contentment.”

Down her lane, which she calls the Hallelujah Lane, there are 12 oak trees Oprah refers to as to the 12 Apostles. Her tearoom faces a stunning view of Montecito, towards the Pacific Ocean, and she has her own garden that she harvests herself. She also has a garden full of roses and thousands of white hydrangeas along Hallelujah Lane which are a tribute to her grandmother who had a single hydrangea in front of her porch which she admired.


Oprah says her home is the only place where she feels like herself. Speaking to Veranda, she said: “I’ve done many interviews with people who had to lose what they had in order to value what they still have. Sometimes I stand under the arbor, close my eyes, and allow myself to take in as much as I can: I hear birds splashing in the fountain and literally smell the roses. This garden makes me present.”

Oprah changed the world of television in a way she probably never dreamed of. We only wish her the best in the years to come.

Deputy single-handedly lifts SUV and saves mom from being crushed in front of horrified children


Not all heroes wear capes, some come in the form of police officers who go above and beyond for the safety of those they sworn to protect.

Deputy Jon Holt has proved many times before that he is more than ready to step up for people in trouble, and this time, when one mother lost control on her SUV and crashed on the side of the road, wasn’t any different.

Source: YouTube/ WRIC

Holt was on his way back from a call when he noticed the flipped vehicle which landed upside down and trapped the mother underneath. The poor woman was struggling to gasp for air as her two frightened children were screaming for help. The incident took place on George Washington Memorial Highway in Gloucester, Virginia.

“I see the female laying with her head pinned underneath the vehicle,” Deputy Holt recalled speaking to WRIC.

“I have to be that reassuring figure, even though inside I’m frantically figuring out what I need to do,” he added. “At that point, I put my shoulder into the door frame and all I’m thinking to myself is ‘I just have to stand up.’”

Source: YouTube/ WRIC

The vehicle weighted around 4,000 pounds, and Holt knew he needed to find a way to save the mother. “You can’t let a child see their mom pass away,” he explained.

Luckily, he managed to lift the car for a few seconds, enough for the mother to release herself.

The entire incident could be seen on his body camera, which was rolling the entire time.

Realizing the woman was now safe, Holt couldn’t believe what had happened. He later said there was an angel by his side who gave him strength.

Back in 2020, this amazing man received the regional award “Top Cop” for saving an entire family from a burning home. A year before that, he performed CPR on a man and saved his life.

Although he’s dubbed a real life hero by the entire community, Holt says he isn’t one. “I’m no hero,” he said. “I’m just an average cop that gets put in extraordinary situations.”

For more on this extraordinary story go to the video below. Make sure you share it with your family and friends.

Susan Dey’s life after hit TV series “The Partridge Family” and her crush on colleague David Cassidy back in the day


How many of you remember watching “The Partridge Family?” If you were a fan, you were probably enchanted by the beauty of Laurie Partridge who was played by actress Susan Dey.

When Susan was offered the role in the ABC series which lasted for four years, from 1970 to 1974, she didn’t have any experience in acting, but casting her was the right thing to do as she was incredibly talented and it felt like she’d been in front of the camera many times before.

Wikipedia Commons / ABC Television Network.

The adventures of the singing family which traveled from place to place to perform in a refurbished psychedelic school bus stole the hearts of many. After it finished in the States, it became a huge hit in the U.K as well and the cast gained huge popularity.

Susan’s colleague, David Cassidy, who played Keith in the show, quickly became a teen idol whom many girls adored. Among all those women who were crazy about him was Susan herself. She had a crush on him for a longer period of time, but the two only started dating after the show was over. Their relationship didn’t last long and they remained good friends until David published his book, C’mon, Get Happy: Fear and Loathing on the Partridge Family Bus, where he shared some intimate details of his relationship with Susan. Among the rest, he said he ended what he had with her because she was too innocent for him.

This made Susan mad. She vowed to never speak to him again and even refused to attend the cast reunion years later.

Since “The Partridge Family,” Susan was part of many movies and TV shows and even wrote a book titled, Susan Dey’s Secrets on Boys, Beauty and Popularity.

Over the years, she earned six Golden Globe and three Emmy award nominations before she won a Golden Globe award for Best Actress for the role of Grace Van Owen in “LA Law.”

According to Worldation.com, Susan turned down the role of Sandy in Grease and Olivia Newton John, who played that role, was offered the role of Laurie in “The Partridge Family” but her manager convinced her not to accept it.


Today, Susan is enjoying a quiet life with her husband and their family in New York where she grew up. She’s no longer under the limelight but she’ll always remain someone who made our young years awesome. No one really forgets such series as “The Partridge Family” no matter how much time passes.

77-year-old janitor lady who never had a birthday party gets surprised by school staff

Frances Buzzard from West Virginia is everything but an ordinary janitor. Even though she is 77 years old, she is so vibrant and energetic that everyone at the elementary school where she works admires her lovely personality and her work ethic. Feeling like she deserves her contribution for the Belle Elementary School to be awarded, the principal of the institution tried to dig into Frances’ past in order to learn more about what she really likes. But what she discovered was a sad secret Frances was keeping from everyone for so long.
The sad truth was that this amazing woman has never had a birthday party in her life. The staff, along with the students, wanted this to change and they knew that throwing a birthday party was the least they could do. Miss Frances had no idea what the students were up to so when she heard her name being called over the loudspeakers, she thought there was something she had to take care of at the school cafeteria. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine that she would have her first ever party at the age of 77. As she entered the place, her heart got filled with joy and excitement as more than 200 students greeted her by shouting “surprise” and singing “Happy Birthday.” Frances couldn’t believe all those people were there just for her.
It was her special day and all those cupcakes were just for her. It was her time to be in the center of the attention for all the right reasons, her big heart and kind personality. She was brought to the center of the room where there was a huge screen showing photos of Frances attending special historical events such as the moon landing and her standing next to Neil Armstrong or having fun at Woodstock, and the sight was hilarious to watch.
Frances’ parents were poor and they couldn’t afford to give her a proper birthday party. They didn’t even celebrate Christmas back then. She recalled: “I don’t remember any. They didn’t do things like that. We didn’t have Christmas parties either. They would get us fruits and nuts when they could afford it.” She also added that they actually tried to prepare a party for her once but nobody showed up because of the cold weather. This was one of the most important days of her life. It’s a day she will never forget, because today was all about her. All those people were there to celebrate her life and to make sure she knows how loved and appreciated she is.
Watch the sweet video and see how great of a surprise that was!

Meaningful tattoos of parents dedicated to their children


Tattoos represent a permanent reminder of something powerful that took place in person’s life. Their meaning can be deep and meaningful. On top of that, tattoos are special form of art, most times unique and very personal.

The following stories involving tattoos and the meaning behind them are heartwarming because they represent the bond between parents and their children. Beautiful indeed.

1. Steven and Gloria Kimmel had a son named Issac. The boy’s health was fragile from the beginning. Before even turning one, Issac got pneumonia and didn’t make it. His parents were left heartbroken. He lived shortly, but touched their lives forever. In memory of him, they tattooed angel wings on their backs.

When their daughter Claire was born, they posed for a beautiful photo, placing her between them and giving her the wings which honored the brother she never met.

“The tattoo was meant to be his angel wings. He was half of each of us, so we each had one of his wings to hold us. He was the angel that was holding us together when we were so lost without him. The tattoos are a reminder that he is always with us in spirit,” Steven said.

The two tattoos which fuse in one are a perfect reminder that Isaac is in heaven, among the angels.

2. Honey-Rae Phillips is a girl born with a huge red mark all over her leg. Knowing how judgmental people can be of those that are somehow different, her parents, Adam and Tonya, were aware there could be mean comments and stares. In order to assure their little girl they would be there for her every step of the way, they tattooed a replica of Honey-Rae birthmark on their legs. Cute beyond words.

Source: The Mirror

3. A man named Ian experienced the worst form of heartbreak. His wife and his six-year-old daughter Mya were killed in a car crash. Days before the accident, his little girl wrote a letter to him which read:

“To daddy, I love you more then enything. Lots of love, Mya…”

She included little hearts and kisses. After her passing, Ian tattooed his little angel’s letter on his hand, to remind him how much his daughter loved him and cared for him.

Source: The Northern Echo

4. A girl named Charlotte had a hard time communicating with her parents. Soon after, the family was told that she was deaf. As a result, she needed to wear a cochlear implant attached to her left ear. In order to show his support, her father shaved his head and tattooed an implant just like the one Charlotte needed to wear.

Source: Facebook/ Anita-Alistair Campbell

When she first saw it her daddy’s tattoo, Charlotte took a closer look, touched it, and said it looked “Cool.”

Source: Dean Purcell, NZ Herald

5. 8-year-old Gabriel Marshall of Kansas had a brain tumor. Luckily, it was operable and doctors were able to remove it, leaving sweet Gabriel with a scar on the head.

Just like most people in his position, he felt self-conscious and even thought the scar made him look ugly.

In order to make him feel a bit better about himself, Gabriel’s father, Josh, got a tattoo of his son’s scar so that Gabriel wouldn’t feel alone. “If people want to stare, then they can stare at both of us,” Josh said.

Source: Facebook/Josh J-Mash Marshall

All these parents went above and beyond for their children, and we honestly believe that’s what parenting is all about!

For more heartwarming stories check out the video below.

Devoted dad gets his daughter back eight months after she was adopted without his permission


One South Carolina father was forced to go through hell after his daughter was put up for adoption and ended up with a new family without his knowledge.

Christopher Emanuel spent eight long months fighting at court until he was able to embrace his girl again and hear her call him dad. He wasn’t sure whether Skylar would be returned to him, but he never gave up.

All parties involved are not without fault in #thwarting me and violating my Constitutional, State and God given rights…

Posted by Christopher Emanuel on Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Namely, Christopher asked for his name to be written on the state’s responsible fatherhood registry. This way, he knew he would be notified if his ex-girlfriend, Skylar’s mom, tried to give the girl for adoption, something she obviously planned on doing the entire time.

Sadly, a couple of days after he made this request, a Southern California family filed to adopt Skylar, and Christopher’s name was listed nowhere in the paperwork.

Speaking to the news station WACH, Christopher explained that he was feeling completely devastated and lost as all he ever wanted was to be a great dad.

“My daughter was in San Diego, California, with the perspective adoptive couple where her name is changed. I have medical documentation calling my daughter another name and she was never legally adopted,” Christopher said, according to ABC4 News.

With the small #Team we currently have, we cant do this by ourselves ‼️

Join us in our fight to change the policy that…

Posted by Christopher Emanuel on Monday, 22 February 2021

Luckily, court records showed that his paternal rights were terminated without his permission and he was granted a sole custody of his daughter.

Today, the two live together and are very happy. Christopher founded the Sky is the Limit Foundation whose goal is to teach fathers of their paternal rights. He and Skylar are travelling all across the country and are helping fathers in need.

Christopher Emanuel wins custody of his daughter after she was adopted, as a newborn, without his permission. He said…

Posted by PMUnited News on Thursday, 18 February 2021

We are very happy everything turned for the best for these father and daughter.