Donald Trump gave Princess Diana “the creeps” after he bombarded her with flowers


Former President and magnate Donald Trump has had quite a love life. Between his marriages, he was dating beautiful women and tied the knot three times. He met his first wife Ivana in 1976 at a flamboyant New York restaurant called Maxwell’s Plum. Ivana was working as a model and was attending dinner with her friends when Donald paid for their meal. When she left the place, she saw him standing outside in his limousine, and that’s how the two started dating.


While he was still married, Trump got into a romantic relationship with Marla Maples. She claimed she didn’t want to stand in the middle of him and Ivana, but eventually, she decided she wanted to be with Donald and the two started dating and later got married and welcomed daughter Tiffany Trump.

“I loved this man. Yes, I was young, but it was my choice. I was romanced, I had Mister Charm all over me, and it was very hard to say no. When that man wants something, he’ll stop at nothing to get it. And I also believed in the good of him,” Maples said when speaking of her relationship with Donald, who was by that point one of the most powerful men in business.


During the United Cerebral Palsy charity gala in New York City in 1995, which Donald attended with Maples, he met Princess Diana for the first time.

Diana was named Humanitarian of the Year at that charity event, in recognition of her work with sick and underprivileged children. At the time, she was dating American billionaire Theodore Forstmann.

Donald Trump allegedly approached her and offered her a free membership to his famous Mar-a-Lago Florida golf club, but Diana declined. In the period that followed, Trump became sort of obsessed with her and bombarded her with flowers, according to British television journalist Selina Scott – who hosted a documentary about Trump for British TV network ITV in 1995.

“Trump clearly saw Diana as the ultimate trophy wife, and launched a ‘floral bombardment’ of orchids and roses on Kensington Palace from across the Atlantic,” Selina Scott said, as quoted by NY Post.

“As the roses and orchids piled up at her apartment she became increasingly concerned about what she should do. It had begun to feel as if Trump was stalking her.” She added that the excessive attention Diana received from Trump gave her “the creeps.”

Just weeks after Princess Diana’s death, Trump was a guest on The Howard Stern Show where he said that the late Princess had a “supermodel beauty.” Stern then asked: “You could’ve nailed her, right?” to what Trump replied: “I think I could’ve.”

In his 1997 book The Art of the Comeback, Trump wrote: “I only have one regret in the women department—that I never had the opportunity to court Lady Diana Spencer.”

Years later, in 2016, Trump gave an interview to Pierce Morgan during which he denied that he wanted to have a romantic relationship with Diana, adding he thought she was lovely when they met in New York.

Youtube/Entertainment Online

Princess Diana left this world way too early and left her sons and the entire world mourning her loss.

This year, on July 1, a new statue of her will be revealed on the grounds of Kensington Palace to mark what would have been her 60th birthday.

Jon Bon Jovi says his daughter’s drug overdose was his “worst moment” as a dad


Jon Bon Jovi is one of the best musicians there are, but at the same time, he’s also a man with a heart of gold who is doing so much for the most vulnerable members of the community.

Ever since he was a young boy, he somehow knew that music was his calling. His parents were always by his side and supported his dreams.

“What I got from my parents was the ability to make the dream reality,” he said in The Big Issue’s Letter To My Younger Self. “They always instilled that confidence in their kids, which, in retrospect, I realize was so incredibly valuable. Because even if you truly weren’t any good at your craft, if you believed you were, you could work on it.”

L. Cohen/WireImage

In 1980, at the age of 18, Bon Jovi released the first single, Runaway, with the band Atlantic City Expressway he formed with keyboardist David Bryan. The song attracted the attention of many and he knew there was no going back.

“There was no plan B for me, ever. I can remember walking the two-mile walk to school with the guy who became my first band’s bass player. And I would just conspire as to how I was going to get a band together, how I was going to play in bars and eventually make it,” Bon Jovi said. “Which to me at that time just meant keep on playing in a bar – the measurements of success change throughout the course of your life.”

Around 1983, the band was renamed Bon Jovi. Their first album was released in 1984, and some two years later, they released their third album, Slippery When Wet, which helped the band raise to stardom. It went platinum within six weeks of its release. Well, the rest is history.

Bruce Glikas/FilmMagic

Besides being an icon in the world of music, Bon Jovi is also a devoted husband and a father of four. He and his wife of 33 years, Dorothea Hurley, have known each other since high-school. They attended the same school, Sayreville War Memorial High School in Parlin, New Jersey. He got interested in her the moment he saw her, but at the time, she was dating someone else. That other person joined the service and left town and Bon Jovi saw that as a chance to get close to her.

One thing led to another and the two started dating.

Speaking of how they decided to tie the knot, Bon Jovi shared: “It was 1989, and our album New Jersey was out. We had the No. 1 album, the No. 1 single, and we were playing three nights at the Forum in L.A. We were staying at the St. James’s Club, which is that beautiful art deco hotel on the Sunset Strip across from the old Hyatt House. I pulled the curtain back in my room, and there’s a billboard of me staring right back.

“I turned to Dorothea and said, ‘I got an idea. Why don’t we go right now?’ She said, ‘You’re out of your mind.’ I said, ‘Come on. What’s better than this, right now, this moment?’ And so we ran off to Las Vegas. Didn’t tell a soul. We took a little shuttle plane, jumped in a cab, and didn’t even stay the night. The cab driver was the witness.”

Vinnie Zuffante/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

The two welcomed four children together, Stephanie, 28, Jesse, 26, Jacob, 19, and Romeo, 17.

The singer says his family always comes first no matter what. Despite his tours and hectic schedule, he always makes sure he spends enough time with them. When asked about the key to a long and happy marriage, he once shared with People that the secret was that the two grew up together and grown together.

“And we really like each other. We want to hang out,” he said, as his wife added, “I always said I was good at spotting potential too. I have a gift.”

“We work hard at it, but we enjoy each other, and we never fell for the trappings of what celebrity can do,” he continued. “We’ve witnessed that happen over the years to people that were close to us and people that we knew from afar. It’s just what I do; it’s not who I am. I write songs. I happen to be very good at performing them. That’s it.”

Shutterstock/Lev radin

There was one incident in the past involving their daughter Stephanie which brought the family even closer together.

One night in 2012, Stephanie called her father and told him she was rushed to the hospital after taking controlled substances.

“The first thing she said, ‘I’m all right,’ but then she said this is what happened,” Bon Jovi recalled. “You wake up, you shake it off and put your shoes on and say, ‘OK, I am on the way home.’”

According to him, his daughter was lucky to be alive.

That incident changed him forever. “It was horrible, a horrible moment. It was my worst moment as a father,” he confessed in an interview with Daily Mirror.

Dave M. Benett/Getty Images

In 2002, he wrote the song I Got The Girl for Stephanie. “Everybody’s got a little girl in their life — their daughter, their girlfriend, their wife, their momma,” the musician said of the piece of music devoted to his girl. “But it all goes by so fast. And they start out as little bitty babies, and their future’s looking bright. And I wrote this song for that little baby, who’s now not such a little baby anymore.”

Stephanie graduated from the New School in New York in 2017 and according to some magazines, she’s pursuing a career in modeling.

Kim Richards’ mother pushed her daughter to marry a rich man as her television career took off


Reality shows become more and more popular with each passing year and dominate the TV screens during the last two decades. From looking for new talents, to weight loss and dating, these shows cover pretty much everything.

One of the reality shows which is extremely popular is The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills which started as The Real Housewives of Orange County and expanded to Atlanta, New York, Miami and New Jersey.

One of the people who marked it is definitely one and only Kim Richards.

Shuttterstock/Kathy Hutchins

This incredible woman started her TV career when she was just a baby. According to a 1975 article published in the in the Great Falls Tribune, family and friends of her parents though Kim was an overly cute baby so they encouraged them to put her in commercials and TV shows.

Kim’s mother, Kathleen Dugan, who is also the mother of Kathy Hilton, Paris and Nicky Hilton’s mom, had been accused over the years that she pushed her three daughters into acting, but she denied that, saying that the girls did what they wanted to do. “I want everything for my daughters that I never had,” she claimed.

Besides Kathy Hilton, Kim Richards also has another sister, Kyle Richards, who is also part of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

Once the family moved to Los Angeles, where Kathleen Dugan believed her daughters would have bigger chances of entering the world of film, Kim landed a role in the ABC comedy series The Nanny and The Professor in which she starred alongside Juliet Mills and Richard Long. Although she was pretty young back then, she remembers the period of filming the series as a happy part of her life.

Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images

What followed were some great projects, including the fantasy science-fiction film Escape to Witch MountainAssault on Precinct 13, and the television show James at 15.

“I always wanted to be a witch,” then 10-year-old Kim said. “Then I wanted to be a movie star, a mommy, and have children. And I want to meet Santy Claus.”

At the age of mere 15, Kim already made a name for herself and became a well-known face.

“I love the business, though. And I plan to stay in it the rest of my life,” she told Austin American-Statesman in 1979. “Once you’re established, you’ll probably work right through. Somehow, I skipped the awkward period in my life. I’m really too old now to play kids.” 

Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images

Despite being on a way to even more successful career, Kim decided to take a break and raise her children.

She met her first husband, Monty Brinson, when she was just 19. His family owned a supermarket chain in the South and the marriage was a result of pregnancy.

According to the book House of Hilton written by Jerry Oppenheimer, Kim’s mother was described as a “gold-digger” who forced her daughters to marry rich man. She believed that would help with their careers.

“We found out [Kim was pregnant], and we did the right thing. It was Kim’s choice to have the baby,” Brinson said, as reported by Daily Mail. “They [Rick and Kathy Hilton, and Kim and Kathy’s mother] didn’t believe in abortion because they were Catholic. It wasn’t even an option.”

Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

Kim and Brinson divorced three years later, and in 1988, Kim married her second husband, Gregg Davis, with whom she has 2 children. After the split, she started a long-time relationship with businessman John Jackson, with whom she welcomed her fourth child.

After returning to her career, Kim is mostly involved in The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. She was a regular in the first five seasons and them made guest appearances in seasons 6, 7, 9, and 10. She, however, wasn’t part of seasons 11 and 12 but said she could return in the future.

Speaking to Dr. Phil, she said, “Living through this season on a show, sometimes it’s hard enough just to get through it. The fans are very hard on me. I went on Twitter first to see what people were saying. And it was just horrible, calling me all kinds of names.”

Shutterstock/Kathy Hutchins

Today, Kim devotes most of her time to her grandsons Hucksley and Hunter and enjoys the role of a grandmother.

“He’s super outgoing, animated, super lovable, calls me Nana,” she said of Hucksley when he was born in 2016. “I bought him a set of Safari animals, like 72 Safari animals. I can say, ‘Where’s the platypus,’ and he’ll know where the platypus is at. He knows every animal, and I’m not just saying this because he’s my grandson, but he’s so smart.”

“He sings, and he loves to dance,” Kim Richards added. “We put him in the car seat, and he immediately wants the radio [on]. He makes these faces, and he loves music. He’s just extremely loving, and a happy baby doesn’t cry a lot.”

Mom delivers twins – 4 years later, she looks at their faces and notices a stunning truth

Brandie, a young mom of twin boys named Blaine and Rylie, decided to do an experiment in order to see what happens when she decides to spend time on her phone instead of watching her kids play and how that affects her relationship with them. What she discovered was the sad truth about the role of technology and the internet within the family dynamic. This California mom shared the results on Facebook with her friends not assuming that her post would spread on the social media like a wildfire. “Today I did an experiment, I watched my boys play,” she wrote. “As I sat quietly in the corner of the room I tallied how many times they looked at me for various reasons: to see if I saw their cool tricks, to seek approval or disapproval for what they were doing, and to watch my reactions.” Mom Delivers Twins. 4 Years Later, She Looks At Their Faces And Notices A STUNNING Truth “I couldn’t help but wonder if I was on some sort of technology what message would I have been sending?”
Mom Delivers Twins. 4 Years Later, She Looks At Their Faces And Notices A STUNNING Truth
Facebook / Brandie Wood
“28 times my angels would have wondered if the World Wide Web was more important than them. 28 times my boys would have not received the attention most adults are searching for. “28 times my loves would have questioned if they were alone emotionally. 28 times my kids would have been reassured that who you are online is what really matters.”
Mom Delivers Twins. 4 Years Later, She Looks At Their Faces And Notices A STUNNING Truth
Facebook / Brandie Wood
“In a world where we are accepted as who people perceive us to be and not who we really are, in a world where validation comes from how many followers or likes we have, in a world where quality time with loved ones is being replaced by isolation and text messages from the other room, I beg you to be different.”
Mom Delivers Twins. 4 Years Later, She Looks At Their Faces And Notices A STUNNING Truth
Facebook / Brandie Wood
“Please put down your technology and spend some time with your family & loved ones. The next generation of children is counting on us to teach them how to be adults, don’t be too busy on social media, you never know who is watching and what message you are sending.” Brandie’s message serves as a powerful reminder to put down your phone and spend more fact time with the ones you love. Please SHARE this with your friends on Facebook! Peace and Love Bored Daddy

Kelly Clarkson shares unexpected marriage update


Kelly Clarkson rose to fame thanks to one of the most prominent talent shows there are, American Idol. The moment she first took the stage, she became America’s sweetheart. And why wouldn’t she? Besides her impeccable singing talent, Kelly is also a very grounded person who has worked hard for everything she has.

When she started dating her now ex-husband Brandon Blackstock, everyone agreed that she met just the right person for her. Brandon has always appeared as loving and invested in the marriage.

Source: Instagram/ Kelly Clarkson

Speaking of how their fairytale started, Kelly once told presenter Ryan Seacrest, “[Brandon and I] met years ago when I was working with Rascal Flatts, and he used to tour manage with him. I didn’t really know he was [my manager’s] son, and it was kind of weird. I was like, ‘Dude, I gotta know that guy.’”

This happened back in 2006, some 6 years before they became a thing.

“We were just in a room together, and then he came up and said he was from the same hometown as me. And I was like, ‘Oh, we’re so getting married,’ I was so that girl. When he became single, I was on the prowl,” Kelly added.

Source: Steve Granitz/WireImage

Shortly after tying the knot, the couple welcomed their first child, daughter River Rose. In 2016, they welcomed son Remington. Together with Brandon’s two children from a previous relationship, they made a cute blended family.

“Brandon is not my other half. He’s a whole, and I’m a whole. I’ve never believed in someone taking care of me, and that’s probably because I grew up poor and without a lot of family stability,” Kelly said of Brandon back in the day.

Everything seemed perfect and Kelly and Brandon were considered one of the best celeb couples, but that all changed in 2020 when Kelly filled for divorce. The news came as huge shock to many, especially her fans. Nothing spoke trouble, so it didn’t come as a surprise that people started wondering what was going on behind closed door throughout the years.

Source: Instagram/ Kelly Clarkson

Days before she filed the papers, Kelly shared in an interview with Glamour Magazine that since the pandemic struck, things haven’t been easy for her. “Honestly, I have been on an emotional roller coaster. This has been really hard as a working parent, because I’m still doing all the same jobs. It’s been exhausting, honestly, cooking every meal and cleaning nonstop after toddlers and teenagers! Everybody’s learning from home now, and the teaching! So, everything has been crazy,” she said.

She also shared how she felt when she got abandoned by her father at the age of 6.

“I don’t think you get rid of that. I have people in my life that suffer from addiction to certain things, and that doesn’t go away. It’s always there. It’s just navigating your life around that existence in your life,” she said.

“You don’t ever one day wake up and are like, ‘Okay, I’m totally cool with the fact that I have major abandonment issues,’ because horrible things happened.”


During an occasion, Kelly told Entertainment Tonight that she and Brandon forgot two out of four of their anniversaries. ”But the great thing about us is we collectively do it. It’s not like one of us forgets and one of us remembers. We both epically fail. We’re always very busy. The only times we’ve remembered our anniversary is when we had [it] off. If we’re working, we forget what day it is,” she added.


While Kelly cited “irreconcilable differences” as the legal grounds for divorce, people close to her and Brandon believe the reasons were many. Apparently, one of them was the hearing problem their son faced when he was still very young. The stress did its part in moving them apart. Their careers were also a big thing that kept them from spending enough time together.

“Things had changed in their marriage and the split was a while coming,” source told People. “They both work so hard. It’s nearly impossible to enjoy each other, especially with the children needing constant attention.”


The couple signed prenup before the wedding, but they still ended up suing each other. Namely, Starstruck Management Group, where Brandon works as a talent agent, sued Kelly. In December 2020, she counter-sued.

The prenup gives Kelly proprietary rights to the Montana ranch where Brandon is currently living. He tried to challenge the prenup and claimed that he worked full-time on the ranch and had huge business plans for the establishment.

Kelly got primary custody of the children and is obliged to pay Brandon $195,601 per month in spousal and child support.

Source: Instagram/ Kelly Clarkson

During a conversation with Gwyneth Paltrow on the Kelly Clarkson Show, the singer/ songwriter said she’s not planning on marrying ever again.

“Coming from someone who’s literally amidst a divorce, I can’t even imagine doing it again,” she said.

“I’m actually in that place where I think a lot of people, I’ve heard, that go through divorce, it’s almost like you start dating yourself again, like you actually make time for you again, and I love dating me.”

Jada Pinkett Smith opens up about Jaden’s “heartbreaking request” and how she dealt with it


Every parent out there is doing their best to raise their kids right and help them become independent individuals who will eventually leave the “nest” in order to live their lives the best they know and even start a family on their own. However, seeing them grow and eventually leave the home is both beautiful and heartbreaking.

Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith have gone through that stage of life, and although they somehow knew their son Jaden, who is independent and very mature, would want to live on his own when he reaches 16 or 17, they still found it hard when he asked them to let him “go” as a present for his 15th birthday.


The thing is that Jaden has been under the spotlight from the moment he was born. Both him and his sister Willow are now celebrities on their own, but having parents as famous as Jada and Will “robbed” them of having a normal childhood.

In an interview with Dazed Magazine in 2018, Jaden said: ”People treat me like I’m not a normal human so much, that you start to believe it, like, ‘Am I not a normal human?’”

The good thing is that he met some skater friends living nearby and started feeling normal around them. ”If I wasn’t famous and didn’t have all this sh** going on, and I didn’t have to fly to all these different places all the time, I would just be here with these guys, every day just skating. That would be my vibe,” he explained.


His father, Will, told BBC Radio 1Xtra: “Jaden is 100 percent fearless. “He will do anything. As a parent, it’s scary; it’s really terrifying. But he is completely willing to live and die by his artistic decisions, and he doesn’t concern himself with what people think.”

It was probably that attitude that made Jaden ask his mom to let him move from the family house and live on his own. In an episode of Red Table Talk, Jada opened up about the traumatic experience. “At 15 years old, Jaden, and I remember this day specifically, it’s probably one of the most heartbreaking moments of my life,” Jada began and continued: “You got to a point where you told me straight up, you were like, ‘Mom, I have to leave here to live my life.”

Facebook/Red Table Talk

Being just 15, he had to be legally emancipated, with the consent of his parents. Jada said she knew that day would come and confessed she believed it would be for the best. Her mother, Jaden’s grandmother Adrienne Banfield-Norris, who is the co-host of Red Table Talk, said she would never allow him that if she was in Jada’s position. In fact, it’s not just Adrienne, but a lot of other people believe that the Smiths’ parenting is somewhat “crazy,” and judge them about how they raise their kids.

But Jada knows what’s best for her children. “I knew. I told Will – when Jaden was smaller – I said, ‘We’ll be lucky to keep him in the house until he’s 16.’ Because he was so mature. He was making films… he could really manage his own life,” she said.

“Every child needs something different. Being in this lifestyle, in this world is a bubble and he wanted out. I understood that because I didn’t have the bubble. I knew what having my freedom outside the bubble, what I gained from that. I knew the sooner I let him go, the faster he was going to come back.”

Facebook/Red Table Talk

The good thing is that Jaden, who is now 23, changed his mind and decided to continue living with his mom and dad until 2017. Today, he owns a $4 million home which is just 5 minutes away from his parents’ place.

“See, here’s the thing. I’m not going anywhere. The thing that people don’t get is everything at this house is free,” Jaden told Ellen DeGeneres in 2013. “I can get anything and everything at his house, so I’m going to be there for 20, 30 years,” he joked. “[Will] says as soon as I have a movie that’s bigger than one of his movies, I can get my own house.”


As far as we are concerned, Jada and Will are incredible parents and they all make a beautiful family.

Retired teacher’s brutally honest words on parents criticizing the system has many people applauding: Do you think she’s right?


We can all agree that the educational systems of many countries have to undergo reforms, but as long as the parents blame the teachers for every failure of their children and don’t question their parenting, nothing really could be changed. 

One retired teacher had it enough of listening everyone criticizing the system and the educators so she decided to tell parents to think again before pointing their fingers towards the educational system. 

In order for more people to read her words, she published them in a newspaper. Needless to say, what she had to say has gone viral and turned into an Internet hit. 

Read her post here:

“As a retired teacher, I am sick of people who know nothing about public schools or have not been in a classroom recently deciding how to fix our education system.

The teachers are not the problem! Parents are the problem! They are not teaching their children manners, respect or even general knowledge of how to get along with others. The children come to school in shoes that cost more than the teacher’s entire outfit, but have no pencil or paper. Who provides them? The teachers often provide them out of their own pockets.

When you look at schools that are “failing,” look at the parents and students. Do parents come to parent nights? Do they talk with teachers regularly? Do they make sure their children are prepared by having the necessary supplies? Do they make sure their children do their homework?

Do they have working telephone numbers? Do the students take notes in class? Do they do their homework? Do the students listen in class, or are they the sources of class disruptions?

When you look at these factors, you will see that it is not schools that are failing but the parents. Teachers cannot do their jobs and the parents’ job. Until parent step up and do their job, nothing is going to get better!”

If you agree with this former teacher, share this article with your family and friends.

Peace and Love

Bored Daddy

Senior couple goes to a therapist office and has quite a demand. This is Gold!


We are perfectly aware that most seniors are witty and will always show you how you shouldn’t mess with them. They have way more experience than we do and we can learn a lot from them. Take this couple for example. This is gold!

A couple, both age 78, went to a therapist’s office. The doctor asked, “What can I help you with?”

The man said, “Will you watch us have s*x?”

The doctor looked puzzled, but agreed. When the couple finished, the doctor said, “There’s nothing wrong with the way you have s*x,” and charged them $50.

This happened several weeks in a row. The couple would make an appointment, have s*x with no problems, pay the doctor, then leave.

Finally, the doctor asked, “Just exactly what are you trying to find out?”

“We’re not trying to find out anything,” the husband replied. ”She’s married and we can’t go to her house. I’m married and we can’t go to my house. The Holiday Inn charges $90. The Hilton charges $108. We do it here for $50… and I get $43 back from Medicare.