Brave Marine jumps on grenade to save fellow soldier’s life

Help us show this hero the respect he deserves!


Our soldiers are our heroes. These people deserve all the praise and respect we can ever give to them for everything they do for the country and its people.

Being part of the military not only means being physically strong, but also having a brave heart and in the case of Lance Corporal William Kyle Carpenter, risking your life for that of your friends.

This courageous young man was just 21 when he earned his rank and went to Afghanistan.

During the stay, a grenade landed near him and a fellow soldier. Without hesitating even a bit, Kyle stepped up and did something truly amazing.




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8 years ago today I woke up to my first sunrise on Parris Island. Honored to have earned the title. #SemperFidelis

A post shared by Kyle Carpenter (@chiksdigscars) on

The decision to use his body as a shield that would spare his friend from dying was a split-second one.

How many people you know would literally be ready to give their own life for the sake of other’s? Not many, I guess. But, Kyle did exactly that.

Unfortunately, his bravery left him severely injured.




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Happy Father’s Day dad. Thank you for always being there. I love you

A post shared by Kyle Carpenter (@chiksdigscars) on

Kyle’s body was riddled with shrapnel and the bones in his face and skull were shattered. One of his lungs collapsed and he lost part of his jaw. At the time he was brought back to Camp Bastion, he was considered P.E.A (patient expired on arrival.)

Considering his condition and the severity of the injuries he sustained, Kyle’s survival was a real miracle.

Although the road to recovery was a tough one, but Kyle never stopped fighting. Over the years, he had to undergo forty different surgeries.

Kyle’s name now stands for bravery. He was awarded the Purple Heart and the prestigious Medal of Honor.

Kyle is now retired from the military and is majoring psychology at the University of South Carolina. He’s also a motivational speaker and an advocate for his fellow wounded warriors. A true American hero, indeed!

You can learn more about Kyle’s incredible story in the video below.

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