Girl gets her hair done as a birthday present from mom – Dad chops it off as a punishment

Co-parenting can be one of the toughest things ex spouses experience. This is especially true if they had undergone a rough divorce and long custody battles. The reason why is probably because both the mother and the father believe they are doing parenting better than the other person involved in the upbringing of their child. The sad reality is that this dysfunctional relationship between the parents affects the kids the most. Many times, what one of the guardians believes is the right way of raising the child, is unfitting for the other. As a result, kids are torn between the wishes of their parents that are completely different from one another. This pressures the child to choose between the parents, and that’s something no mother or father should ever make their children do. Kelsey is a lovely girl whose parents are divorced. On her 13th birthday, she asked her mommy to let her dye her hair and get some highlights as a birthday present. Her mother, Christina Johnson said yes and Kelsey got her new looks. A couple of days later, the girl went to see her dad and her stepmother. But little did she know that the visit will turn into a nightmare. Namely, when Kelsey’s father saw his daughter’s new hairstyle he didn’t approve of it. What he did next? He decided to chop off Kelsey’s hair short. This traumatized the girl to the extent that she didn’t want to go out or see her father again. She didn’t want her hair cut, but the father and his new wife did it by force, all because, as they said “actions have consequences.” No one really knows the real reason behind the type of treatment the poor girl got. She couldn’t stop crying over the fact she was treated like that by her own father. As for him and his new wife, they have both been suspended without pay from the firefighter department where they work. Kelsey’s mother believes how they did what they did only to humiliate the girl. The case is now in the hands of the social services in Wood County who stepped in and are conducting an investigation. We do hope that Kelsey’s father and stepmother would get the punishment they deserve for breaking this girl’s heart and disrespecting her will.

Gordon Ramsay says his children won’t get a penny of his multi-million fortune


One of the best culinary shows, Masterchef, wouldn’t be what it is had not been for one and only Gordon Ramsay. He resembles a tough guy, and probably is, but his excellence in executing the perfect dishes gives him all the right to be critical of the contestants.

Knowing that he learned from the best in the business, it doesn’t really come as a surprise that Ramsay managed to earn a multi million dollar fortune through his food empire.

After his dream of becoming a professional football player was crushed due to a knee injury, he moved on to study hotel management and was great at what he did. This man has never been average, and that’s mainly because of his extreme dedication for everything he’s ever put his mind to. Once he finished school, he went on to be trained by some huge names in the food industry, including Albert Roux and Marco Pierre White in London and Guy Savoy and Joël Robuchon in France.

Shutterstock/Sterling Munksgard

His first serious job as a chef was at Marco Pierre White’s restaurant La Tante Claire.

This experience made him even better at the job, and it wasn’t an easy one, to be honest.

“He was a f****r in here, let me tell you,” Ramsay said of Marco Pierre when talking to Savour Magazine. “He busted my arse but I never complained about it because I loved what he taught me.

“And in terms of Marco, if you thought I was tough to work for, you should have stood alongside him. When I walk into this kitchen now, and all the young girls and young guys are excited to see me, and I’m excited to see them, I think ‘s**t, if you’d have been here 25 years ago.’”

“I was standing outside, opening scallops, and it was p*****g down with rain,” he added. The French boys were in the kitchen laughing their heads off, and what did Koffmann do? He threw me a big f*****g smelly duffle coat. But I opened them, 180 of the f*****s. I had to prove my worth. I wanted to show you can be taught, you can develop a palate, and you don’t have to be French to be a f*****g great chef.”

Youtube/Kitchen Nightmares

After being the head chef of Aubergine in London and receiving the “Newcomer of the Year” at the prestigious Catey Awards, Ramsay decided it was the time for him to open his first restaurant, Restaurant Gordon Ramsay in London. From that moment on, Ramsay opened restaurants in different parts of the world, including America, Canada, South Africa and Australia. Over the years, this incredible chef has been awarded 16 Michelin stars and he currently holds seven. His London restaurant is the longest-running three Michelin-starred restaurant.

When we look at Gordon Ramsay on TV, whether it’s Masterchef, Hell’s Kitchen, or another production, we see a passionate but rather angry man who yells at his staff and the competitors. But is he like that in real life?

“Everyone says ‘Oh, that’s for the camera!’ but I’m as passionate in business with or without a camera,” he told Mip Trends.

“If you were to mic-up a sports player, a boxer, or football player and listen to the dialogue — in the Champions League Final or the Premier League or the FA Cup — it would be no different to what it’s like in the kitchen.

“Because it’s freakin’ raw, it’s brutally competitive, and we should never shy away from that level of competitiveness. That’s the one thing that’s got me where I am today — being competitive is healthy, that’s really important.”

Shutterstock/Jaguar PS

Speaking of his reputation, Ramsay told The Guardian, “I was a crazy f***ing psycho!”

“If anyone even bruised a chive, I came down on them like a ton of bricks. It’s been tough, but am I about to crack and fall on my ar*e? Am I f**k!

“But I don’t want to continue at this pace,” he admits. “There’s a need for pressure because that’s what makes me really tick. But I’m more excited about jeopardy than pressure. The risk element, the dangerous element. There’s something quite stupid about that.”

Being awarded Officer of the Order of the British Empire in 2006 and being inducted into the Culinary Hall of Fame in 2014 speaks a lot of this man’s importance in the world of food.

Shutterstock/ Featureflash Photo Agency

Ramsay and his wife Tana have been married for 25 years and have 5 children together. One would think that chef Ramsay’s children are spoiled rotten, having in mind that their father is worth around $220 million, but that’s far from the truth. In fact, all of his kids receive 50 pounds a week, except for their oldest daughter Meghan who gets 100, and that’s it.

Ramsay once said that he won’t hire any of his children at his restaurants because he doesn’t want his staff not to be able to tell them off when they do something wrong only because they are his kids. “You want to work in this business? You go off to another chef, learn something different and come back with something new to improve the business,” he was reported saying on a US radio show, as quoted by Hello.

He has also made it clear that his fortune won’t be going to his kids.

“It’s definitely not going to them, and that’s not in a mean way; it’s to not spoil them,” Ramsay told Telegraph.

“The only thing I’ve agreed with Tana is they get a 25 percent deposit on a flat, but not the whole flat.

“I’ve been super lucky, having that career for the last 14 years in the US. Seriously, it has earned a fortune, and I’ve been very lucky, so I respect everything I’ve got.”

He added that whenever the family takes trips together, he and his wife fly first class while the kids sit in economy.

“I turn left with Tana, and they turn right, and I say to the chief stewardess, ‘Make sure those little f*****s don’t come anywhere near us; I want to sleep on this plane.’ I worked my f*****g arse off to sit that close to the pilot, and you appreciate it more when you’ve grafted for it.”

What do you think of Gordon Ramsay’s view on money and his children?

Boy rejected before dance has dream come true when girl asks him to be her date

When the touching story about a boy with Down Syndrome who was turned down by a girl he invited to be his date for the homecoming reached the FOX5 Surprise Squad, they decided to do everything in their power to make this boy’s prom the most memorable day of his life. Just when 17-year-old Daniel Rivas though he had to attend his prom without a date, something incredible happened.
Source: Video Screenshot
He got a proposal by Kyle Fronius to be her partner for the night. She is a lovely girl with a heart of gold who never thought of Daniel as of someone with disability. She believes that students like him are no different from the rest, they are simply normal people who learn in a different way. Her way of perceiving things is what makes this girl so special.
Source: Video Screenshot
The lovely gesture didn’t leave Daniel’s mother Tonya indifferent either. What Kylie did for her son was unbelievable. Tonya was glad there was someone out there who didn’t see any disability in her son.
Source: Video Screenshot
As the Fox5 Surprise Squad got the whole story, they could start planning the surprises for both Daniel and Kylie. What they prepared for the teenagers was something they will remember till the rest of their lives. But one thing was certain, they deserved all the presents they were about to receive.
Source: Video Screenshot
When Monika Jackson approached the young teens she told them how their story touched the hearts of many people. The first among the number of surprises was a huge Rolls Royce that would help the couple arrive to the dance in style.
Source: Video Screenshot
But, before attending the homecoming, they went to the Bistro 57 and had a special treat. Tonya was overwhelmed because although she walked by that place many times before, she never had the chance nor the finances to visit it.
Source: Video Screenshot
As they approached the venue where the party took place they noticed a red carpet and they couldn’t believe it was there for them. They felt like celebrities, and their faces revealed how happy they were. This was indeed a very special night. But that was only the beginning of an amazing experience. As everyone was cheering and looking at them, they were told that they both got a paid trip to Disneyland.
Source: Video Screenshot
But, the biggest surprise was yet to be revealed. Since the story of these teenagers got uploaded on the Fox’s YouTube channel it was viewed more than 4.8 million times. This is a story that teaches us that we should always treat everyone equally because we are all human beings and no person should be superior to others. It also teaches us that a simple act of kindness can go a long way and even change lives. Take a look at the video and get ready to learn what the biggest surprise of the night was. Source: FOX5 Las Vegas

Michael J. Fox and wife tracy share secret to long marriage

Speaking of relationships between celebrities, the first thing that comes to our mind is, well, that they don’t last long. Every marriage anniversary is a special occasion, but when it comes to Hollywood, these celebrations are even more special because they are rare. When they first met on the set of Family Ties, Michael J.Fox and Tracy Pollan didn’t probably assume that their off-screen relationship would outlast that of 19-year-old teen Alex and the brainy dancer Ellen Reed, the characters they played on the show. Now as they are celebrating their 32nd wedding anniversary, they speak of the things that kept them together all these years, the Parkinson’s disease, their four children, and their love. Michael J. Fox was in his late twenties when he was diagnosed with the Parkinson’s disease. It was short after he and Tracy got married and had their first child.
Instagram/Tracy Pollan
Tracy never left her husband’s side and is his biggest support. The two are doing their best to cope with Michael’s condition and are working hard on raising funds for finding cure for Parkinson’s disease. Michael is no longer acting actively but he’s still in the business. He provides his voice for movie roles and takes part in important documentaries.
Screenshot via YouTube
Michael and Tracy come from different backgrounds but share a positive outlook on life. They are both middle children with a great sense of humor. They have been each other’s support, best friends, and biggest love throughout the years. Speaking about their anniversary, Tracy told People: “It was us against the world. That’s exactly what we’ve created … Just give each other the benefit of the doubt. He assumes I’m doing the best I can.”
Facebook/The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research
This loving family that we all love so much always sticks together and says they never take things for granted. They are well aware that things sometimes change in a blink of an eye, and are living their life to the fullest. “Find the best things about you and the best things about life and celebrate them.” Seeing these two standing strong as always and enjoying their days together with their kids is amazing. We wish them a happy anniversaries and many more to come.

3-year-old boy called “Ginger & Ugly’ by bullies has heartbreaking reaction

We live in a world where people tend to lessen our value and make us feel worthless for the sake of reaching their personal goals. This sort of treatment that involves humiliation is also known as bullying. Bullying can happen to everyone. It’s present in the everyday life of people, but I guess it mostly affects little children who are vulnerable and many times unable to take a stand and speak for themselves. 3-year-old Noah Gilbert is a sweet boy with a ginger hair. And although he used to love the way he looks, some rude people made fun of the color of his hair and that crushed his self-esteem. His mother is now trying to share Noah’s story and raise the voice against bullying.
The unpleasant incident took place while Noah and his mom Lauren boarded a bus. There, a group of teenagers started laughing because of Noah’s hair color and made some nasty comments that broke the boy’s heart. Some of the gruesome words that spoke were, “I would hate my child to be ginger, I would kill it” and “all kids with ginger hair should go straight to social services.”

Although he’s just three years old, Noah could perfectly understand that they were speaking about him and he couldn’t understand why would someone say such bad words.

The boy got so upset that once he reached home, he started asking why he couldn’t have blonde hair like that of his brother. His brother’s answer was a poignant one and that made Lauren write a Facebook post that vent viral in a blink of an eye.
She wrote: “He hasn’t stopped asking me why people don’t like his hair. He asked me if I could change it for him so people will like it. I can feel my heart breaking every time he asks me. “It isn’t okay to bully somebody for their hair colour, not now. Not ever.” People took their time to defend Noah saying he’s the cutest little boy out there and his ginger care makes him even more special. “This has had such an effect on Noah, it’s just unfair,” Lauren continued. “I have naturally ginger hair too and I remember being bullied growing up, but not as young as three.”
Lauren wants the teens to apologize for their words. She even reached the principal of the school they attend. Every child is beautiful in their own unique way and no one has the right to make them feel any less special than they truly are. We should all stand against bullying.

Nurse sings to dying woman to grant her final wish


If you’ve ever had a loved one pass away, you know what a stressful time it can be.

When people get old to the extent of not being able to take care of themselves, their family often makes a decision to send them to a nursing home. Unfortunately, if they get sick or terminally ill, these people can easily end up in a hospice where they are supposed to be provided with quality care during the final months or days of their life.

The thing is that not many people have good words to say about hospice. Very often, we stumble upon stories of elderly people who are neglected and treated poorly at these facilities. The truth is, however, that we shouldn’t generalize based on isolated cases, and the video below shows exactly that.

A dying woman who used to work as a voice teacher had one last wish. She wanted the nurse, who happened to be her former student, sing for her one last time. She truly enjoys his beautiful voice, and so are we.


We are glad people as compassionate and as caring as this nurse still exist. They surely restore our faith in humanity.

“What a beautiful voice! She must have been one heck of a teacher! God bless! ❤” one person commented.

“This man is a blessing. A perfect example of using a God given gift to comfort those around him. Selfless and beautiful!” another person added.

This will definitely help change people’s position on hospice care.

Make sure you watch the video below. It’s so touching!

Sadly Maria is no longer with us, which makes this whole clip even more moving.

Make sure you share this beautiful clip with all your friends on Facebook to honour all the staff working tirelessly to take care of our elderly loved ones.

Bored Daddy

Love and Peace

Tom Brady had a son with ex-girlfriend Bridget Moynahan – he’s now 14 and into sports just like his famous dad


Handsome, successful, famous, and loved by millions, it looks like Tom Brady has it all. He’s a truly talented man who many consider to be the greatest player in the NFL History, something we can’t argue against.


Tom was born in a family of sports people and his three sisters excelled in different sports. As the youngest child out of four, he had three role models to look up to while growing up. What is very special about Tom is that he never settled for less than being number one. And if you think his talent was enough for him to reach the stars, you might be wrong.

At the age of 14, he and friend John Kirby became parts of the Junupero Serra High School team, but ended up sitting on the bench. In order for that to change, they worked out on their own for three days a week besides the regular training sessions they had with the team.

His hard work paid off the following year when he threw the game-winning touchdown during his first game.


“He wanted to be THE man and wanted to be the leader. After all these years, he lived up to everything he was dreaming for,” his high school coach Bob Vinal said speaking to The Athletic.

Tom attended the University of Michigan because his parents wanted him to be part of the sports team and get a great education at the same time. In 2000, he was drafted in the sixth round by the New England Patriots and that is probably the best deal they have ever made.


In July 2020, Tom had an interview with Forbes in which he spoke of his beginnings and his career. “Both personally and professionally, I have faced challenges and sought out people who had better professional insights where I could use their experiences to learn from,” he said. “In my young career I doubted myself a lot. When I saw things that weren’t going my way, I thought I was the victim of circumstance. But when I changed, shifted my view and my mind to say ‘I am not a victim, why don’t I empower myself.’ I could grow in ways I was struggling. Through working with psychologists and others, I learned you have to face the challenges and look at them as opportunities for growth. It was a lot of work, but it really paid off in my life.

“My wife uses a great line: ‘The teacher appears when the student is ready.’ You can’t force something to happen in your life. You have to just be open and embrace them when the time is right.”

If someone tells you Tom Brady isn’t the best, just remind them that he won seven Super Bowls in ten championship appearances.


At the time he was a rising star, Tom dated actress Bridget Moynahan, the I Robot star, who was at the start of her career herself. The two dated for two years, from 2004 to 2006. After they split, Tom started dating Brazilian model Gisele Bündchen, but just a couple of months into their relationship, his ex told Tom she was carrying his child.

“Certainly, a lot of people make sacrifices for their family, and I’m dealing with a certain situation, a very joyous, happy situation”, Tom said at the time. “And some people have dealt with death in the past and that’s incredibly difficult.”


Things looked complicated for both Tom and Bridget, but they decided to raise their son Jack together.

Speaking to Harper’s Bazaar in 2008, Bridget said, “Going through that traumatic time of being heartbroken and then being pregnant turned my whole life upside down and inside out and just knocked the wind out of me. But I got so much out of that. It’s golden and it’s tough and it was f***ked up. But now I have a child, and it’s the best thing in the world.” 

Gisele was also confused at the beginning as she didn’t know what to expect, but today, she says, “Jack, my bonus child, has been a huge gift and blessing in my life.”

Jack is 14 and lives with his mom and her husband Andrew Frankel, who has three children from a previous marriage. He is very close with his father, Gisele, and their kids, his brother Benjamin and sister Vivian.

Jack’s mom told People, “Tom and I made a decision to raise a child together and we both found partners that not only supported us in raising that child, but also loved our child as if he was their own. I don’t think you can ask for more than that. My son is surrounded by love.”


When it comes to the Brady family, sports runs in their genes, so you won’t get surprised when we tell you that young Jack wants to follow into his father’s footsteps. He’s not really into football, however, but loves soccer instead. “Though after the Olympics he’s like, ‘I think I’m going to win a gold in swimming.’ Then it was Michael Phelps. So I think he just likes awards,” his mom said.

No matter what he chooses to be, his parents will always be there for him to support him, just like they have so far.

5-year-old girl’s quick act saves her dad’s life, calling 911 with her innocent words help arrived


Kids are so adorable, sometimes they just know how to say the truth of a situation, when us adults would normally bite our lip. Savannah, who is five years old is equally hilarious in what she does, so much so that it has gone viral!

She discovers her father, daddy, in distress, she knows exactly what to do and gets right to it, it all starts when her father feels pain and thinks the worse…

The conversation that Savannah has with dispatcher is so incredibly funny, her dad thinks is is having a heart attack but is in too much pain to speak, Savannah steps in!!

Flickr/Indi Samarajiva

So little Savannah takes the phone from dad and she reassures him that he will be alright and manages to keep amazingly calm for the whole duration of the 911 telephone conversation.

Little Savannah competently tells the 911 dispatcher that her dad “can hardly breathe” she tells him that he needs help and to hurry up and get to their home. The dispatcher reassures little Savannah that help is on the way and it won’t be too long.


She turns and tells her pop that he will be alright and help is coming soon. The dispatcher asks if the front door is locked, Savannah doesn’t know, so she asks her dad…

When she finds out that the door is actually locked, the dispatcher asks her to unlock it ready for the emergency workers…

When Savannah realizes that strangers will be coming into her house she realizes that she and her dad are still wearing their pajamas.

Flickr/Monica Secas

She makes a decision that she needs to get changed before the rescuers arrive, so she say to the dispatcher that since she’s in a tank top, she must go to her room to get dressed.

The dispatcher gently intervenes and says that she really needs to stay there with her dad, to look after him and watch him, the dispatcher continually checks if her dad is awake and how he is doing.


Lovely Savannah really can’t help thinking about what she is wearing and she doesn’t want the emergency workers to see her in her pajammies!

Savannah says:

“I don’t know what I’m gonna wear, but he really needs oxygen real fast.”

She then introduces the dispatcher to her doggie LouLou, who likes to bark a lot, but is a very friendly dog!


You really have to listen to Savannah and her sweet reassurance she gives to her dad through the whole thing!