Creep tries to lure 12-year-old with candy, the boy remembers life-saving tip his parents gave him long ago


He’s such a smart boy!

Local authorities in Utah, United States, have recently commended the bravery shown by a 12-year-old boy after he had gallantly fought off a kidnapper – all by himself with a keyring. Duncan Jensen had been walking home from his cousin’s house in Centerville when one stranger in a nearby car called out to him and asked if he wanted some candy. Recognizing the danger the stranger posed, Duncan politely refused and tried to cross the street instead. However, the stranger jumped out of his car and grabbed Duncan by his shirt. Thankfully, the boy had remembered the advice his parents had told him. Duncan’s dad, Jerry Jensen, said: “We say if you get to the point where you think you may be taken, we want you to punch, bite, scratch, you do whatever you can to get away from whoever is trying to take you.” Duncan had been playing with his keys before he was grabbed and had the key ring right in between his knuckles. As the kidnapper faced him, Duncan took the opportunity to punch him – right in the face. The attack stunned the kidnapper and allowed Duncan to run to a nearby park and hide behind some rocks. His kidnapper followed by car, tried to spot him by pulling into the parking lot, but drove off afterwards. Duncan hid for about 30 minutes and then raced home to inform his parents, who were horrified but thankful that Duncan was unharmed. “You never think something like this is going to happen and it will. It does,” Duncan’s mom, Tenisha Jensen, remarked. Police are now looking for the suspect – he was described as a white male in his 30s, with blond hair and bears a tattoo on his neck. He was seen wearing a black T-shirt and a blue colored pair of shorts. His car was an old blue Sedan which had 4 doors. Watch the news report below!
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Man takes dog out of stroller, bends down to him thinking no one’s watching

So when you see a buggy in the park you would usually expect to see a mother driving the buggy with her precious cargo wrapped up securely inside, on a normal day of course. What would you do if you saw a buggy with no baby inside and a guy bending over it in this odd situation? When, Doug Delony, a digital producer at, was jogging in the Discovery Green Park, Houston, his interest was sparked by the empty baby buggy and he couldn’t resist going over to have a closer look. Doug caught on straight away what was really happening and took a photo of the very odd behaviour of the man. That photo has gone viral, but why exactly may give you a surprise. Doug really loves to go out for an invigorating afternoon run in his favorite place, the Discovery Green Park in Houston Texas, but one afternoon he saw a guy kneeling next to a baby buggy, an empty baby buggy, the guy kneeling over it caught Doug’s attention, so he caught a quick photo to post at Facebook. He never expected the photo would be shared hundreds of thousands of times, he didn’t even know the guy in the picture, but now everyone on the internet knows what he did. The television station KHOU saw the viral photo and wanted to investigate further, everyone wanted to know about the mysterious man and KHOU wanted the exclusive. The man, who intrigued everyone lived in a 10th floor apartment across from the park, but, the man, who we find out is called Troy Griffin has such innocent and great intentions. Doug Delony said:

“Most afternoons I take a run through Discovery Green, and most afternoons I see this guy with a stroller but no baby. He brings this beautiful… what appears to be… disabled pup to the park. He lets it sit in the grass and take in the smell and the sound. Here he is giving it water out of a small cup he brings with him. An adorable dog and a nice guy – God bless em.”

Many dog owners take their dogs to that park, but sadly in this case, Troy’s somewhat aging Max can’t walk on his own because of arthritis. Troy doesn’t want Max to miss all the fun and smells of being outside, so he uses a baby buggy to give Max some much needed mobility. Max just comes alive when he’s outside! Troy’s wife, Edie, says that the 16 year old Max is part of the family. Since he was 3 weeks old they have looked after him, and Edie wouldn’t know what she would do without her amazing baby. This awesome pooch even warned them of a coming tornado at their old home; he’s a real hero! He told KHOU:

“He’s part of our family. He’s my best friend. He’s taught me life lessons that I will never forget.” Sadly, the doggy is blind in one eye and has a cataract in the other. Max is the equivalent of 112-years-old in human years, so it’s no surprise that he’s racked up a lot of medial issues. Despite his problems, Max is living it up in a penthouse-like apartment, and he even has a large corner to himself that’s filled with tons of toys! Edie and Troy aren’t going to give up on their pooch just because he’s elderly. The baby stroller proves just how far they’ll go to make sure he gets all the love and attention he needs.”

Edie told KHOU:

“But I don’t think you should just turn your back on someone just because they’re elderly. I think they deserve our love and our care and our attention. And there is so much we can learn from them even as they get older.”

The couple really do believe that even though Max is getting much older, he’s not sad at all and he’s very much a happy doggy. Max has taught the couple an important life lesson – we should treat all the elderly with respect, and make sure they feel happy and loved always!

The life story of Nancy Sinatra, Frank Sinatra’s daughter – from failing artist to fashion icon


Frank Sinatra is one of the most popular and most influential artists of the 20th century.

The huge number of songs, among which “My Way,” “I’ve Got a Crush on You,” “Strangers in the Night,” “Fly Me to the Moon,” the list is endless, really, which are everlasting hits both old and new generations fall in love with over and over again even years after his death, make Ol’ Blue Eyes an icon.

Sinatra tied the knot four times. He married his first wife Nancy Barbato Sinatra when he was 19 years old and the two had three children together, Nancy Sinatra, Frank Sinatra Jr., and Tina Sinatra. Some twelve years later, he divorced and moved on marrying iconic Ava Gardner with whom he stayed together for 6 years. His third wife, actress Mia Farrow was 29 years his junior and the two were married for 2 years. Sinatra married his fourth wife, Barbara Sinatra, who remained his wife until his death.

The legendary singer and actor’s eldest child, daughter Nancy, followed into his footsteps. She was born on June 8, 1940 and is probably best known for her hit “These Boots Are Made For Walking.” The song had a music video, which was a rarity back in the day, before MTV.

Before she appeared in her iconic go-go boots, Nancy had other songs, but somehow experienced failure each time and she was even very close from being dropped by her father’s record label Reprise Records.

After this hit song that earned Nancy two Grammy nominations, she had other hits like “How Does That Grab You, Darlin’?” “Sugar Town,” and the song she recorded together with her father, “Somethin’ Stupid.”

Nancy tried herself in the film, too, and starred in he Ghost in the Invisible Bikini (1966), Last of the Secret Agents? (1967), The Wild Angels (1967) and Speedway, alongside Elvis Presley (1968), but music was her first and biggest love.

During the 70’s, Nancy took some time off from recording and performing and dedicated all her time to raise her children she had with Hugh Lambert, her second husband. Before Lambert, she was married to teen singing idol Tommy Sands, but their marriage didn’t last long.

In 2013, Nancy released the studio album, Shifting Gears. She also wrote two books about her father, Frank Sinatra, My Father (1985) and Frank Sinatra: An American Legend (1998).


Enjoy Nancy’s biggest hit in the video below.

Loretta Lynn stayed with her husband for 48 years despite his affairs and violent behavior


Born on April 14, 1932, to a father who worked as a coal miner in the coal-mining hills of Kentucky, Loretta Lynn was the eldest of eight children. Her life wasn’t an easy one during her childhood because her parents had a hard time making ends meet and providing for the family.

Lynn, however, rose to fame during her late twenties, and over time, she became one of the most famous and most prominent female country musicians with a career spanning six decades. Lynn has released 50 studio albums, and today, at the age of 89, she’s still producing music and performs in front of audience.

At the age of 15, Lynn met the man who would become her husband. The two stayed together for 48 year, until his passing in 1996. One would assume that her marriage was a picture-perfect one, but’s that’s far from the truth.

Over the course of the years, Lynn suffered numerous heartbreaks because of her husband Oliver Vanetta “Doolittle” Lynn. According to her memoir Still Woman Enough, Doo was a huge womanizer who cheated on her whenever possible. He was also a heavy alcoholic, which made him violent very often. Lynn shared details of their stormy relationship and their passionate reconciliations.

“Every time Doo smacked me, he got smacked twice,” Lynn told Fabiosa. During one fight, she emptied a skillet of creamed corn over her husband’s head. Another time she struck him: “I heard teeth hittin’ the floor and thought, ‘Ooh, I’m dead. He not gonna put up with this.’ But he laughed.”

Asked why she never put a stop to her turbulent marriage, the singer said: “I put up with it because of six kids,” as reported by CBS News.

Lynn always credited Doo for her successful career, saying he believed in her more than anyone else and encouraged her to start singing although she was way too shy to perform in front of people at the beginning. She even recalled how Doo bought her her first guitar for $17.

Country singer Loretta Lynn and her husband at a soiree in circa 1976. (Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)

”I married Doo when I wasn’t but a child, and he was my life from that day on. But as important as my youth and upbringing was, there’s something else that made me stick to Doo. He thought I was something special, more special than anyone else in the world, and never let me forget it. That belief would be hard to shove out the door. Doo was my security, my safety net,” she wrote in one of her biographies.

“And just remember, I’m explainin’, not excusin’… Doo was a good man and a hard worker. But he was an alcoholic, and it affected our marriage all the way through.”

Each time she was going through rough times during her life, she managed to channel the pain and feelings into her music.

“If you can’t fight for your man, he’s not worth having,” she shared with Times.

After his passing, she was heartbroken despite the numerous affairs and all the fights. “Three days after my husband died, I left Hurricane Mills and come to Nashville,” she shared with Nashville Scene in 2000. “After bein’ here awhile, I said to a friend of mine, ‘It seems like I been here a couple months already.’ And she said, ‘You been here a year.’”

Lynn is now focused on her six children, her three grandchildren, and her career.

Kirstie Alley’s struggled with her weight over the years, but look at her now, she’s such an inspiration


The truth is that most people struggle to maintain their perfect figure. Between the wish to look sexy and all those sweets and junk food that lure us to take a few bites, many are having a hard time to say no to the unhealthy way of living.

Those who don’t look the way societies expect them to are usually criticized about their physical appearance. This is especially true for the celebrities who are likely to end up in the magazines whenever they gain some weight.

Kirstie Alley / Instagram

Kirstie Alley, an award-winning actress who we all love, has spoken openly about her battle with the weight and how she went from skinny to overweight over the years. Today, however, she looks the way she feels most confident about herself, and we believe she’s very beautiful.

”I spent my whole life thin, then one summer I probably gained around 40 or 50 pounds,” Kirstie told OK! in 2018. This wasn’t the first time for her to speak of her problem with her weight. Years before that, back in 2004, she had an interview with Oprah where she said, “Honestly, I didn’t know how fat I was. Thanks to the tabloids, I went, ‘Damn, girl, you’re fat!’”.


This came as a revelation and Kirstie got her comedy series Fat Actress the following year. It only premiered for a season and was based on Kirstie’s life.

”I think women across the country will identify with her,” co-creator Brenda Hampton told TODAY in 2004. “It’s difficult to lose weight and find a relationship, no matter where you live. It makes it all the more painful when you’re in the spotlight.”


Kirstie described herself as a “disorganized” person and she believes that trait stood on her way to organize her meals and eat more healthy. ”It’s not in my nature to plan,” Kirstie told People in 2016. “I’m a very spontaneous person, and that’s how I got fat.”

Throughout the years, Kirstie got help from weight-loss program Jenny Craig and she was Jenny Craig’s spokesperson until 2007.

Kirstie Alley / Instagram

However, when she took part in the show Dancing With The Stars in 2011, she again gained a lot of weight that she was determined to lose once again. Working really hard for the show she shredded 100 pounds. She and dancing partner Maksim Chmerkovskiy finished in second place.

As many criticized her figure and her battle with the weight, people assumed she had undergone surgeries and even starved herself for the dance competition. After hearing those words, she took to Twitter to answer to the mean commenters, writing, “NO surgery, NO flippin lasers, NO barfing, NO starving … Jeez … my products, organic food, dance.” 


In 2014, Kirstie returned to Jenny Craig’s program and lost 50 pounds. But this time, her focus changed and she’s now fixed to maintaining the weight. She gave up sweets and junk food and is doing her best to avoid any weight fluctuations.

Speaking to Women’s Health, she said, “It’s so important for women to look the way they want to look and feel the way they want to feel for their own reasons, not because someone’s telling them to or because it’s fashionable or trendy.”

“Losing weight is losing weight, but just because you’re skinny does not mean you’re happy,” she added.


Today, she’s much more disciplined and has much more energy, but still, being diagnosed with Lyme disease recently, she does have a hard time coping with her diet.

Being a celebrity and speaking openly about her looks and her struggles to lose weight over the years definitely served as an inspiration for many women from all over the world who are going through the same struggles as Kirstie.

To us, she’s one of the most beautiful women of Hollywood, with some extra pounds or not.

Dad learns daughter had been bullying girl so he treats victim to shopping spree meant for daughter


When you tell a parent how their kids are disrespectful towards others and bully their peers, most will stand for them and won’t accept they are guilty of such things.

However, there are also those parents like Randy who will never let their kids be the reason for some else’s suffering.

When he learned how his daughter Re’Onna was bullying another girl, he wasn’t happy about it. What’s most, he knew he had to put a stop right away. Randy was determined to teach his girl a lesson to remember.

When he was a teenager himself, Randy experienced what it feels to be bullied. So he hated the fact that Re’Onna was doing that to someone.

In order to punish her for her careless behavior, Randy did something that made parents from all over the country praise him.

He knew his girl loved shopping more than anything and decided to use that fact in his favor.

He was saving for some time because he wanted to treat Re’Onna with a shopping trip. However, now he learned she was a bully, he wasn’t sure he would do that. In fact, he was certain she didn’t deserve it.

Instead, Randy decided to spend all the money on clothes and stuff for Ryan, the girl his daughter bullied.

Learning of this, Re’Onna was really mad, but she eventually realized that her father was right.

Ryan was going through some hard times as she lost her father, her grandfather, and her aunt recently. Being disrespected and mocked by Re’Onna only worsened her life.

She had troubles explaining how it all made her feel, but it was obvious she was depressed and sad and the bullying affected her a great deal.

When Ryan’s mom first learned of the ordeal her daughter was going through she was hesitant whether to speak to Re’Onna’s parents. She knows how protective some moms and dads can be even when they are aware of their kids’ destructive behavior.

But she couldn’t watch Ryan suffering and she made that call. However, never in her wildest dreams did she expect from Randy to handle the situation in such manner.

The best part of the shopping trip was that Re’Onna got to be part of it, but only as a witness.

Her dad didn’t buy her anything but she saw all the nice things Ryan got.

Luckily, this made Re’Onna realize that not everyone is as fortunate as her and that bullying can have devastating effects on people, crush their self-esteem, and leave them vulnerable even years after it takes place.

At the end, Ryan and Re’Onna became friends all thanks to Randy who definitely deserves the parent of the year award.

He wants other parents to know that they should do all in their power to make their kids good humans, even if that calls for desperate measures.

Take a look at the whole story in the video below and share it with your friends.

Love and Peace

Bored Daddy

Mother of one thinks she’s pregnant. Instead, she gives birth to cancer tumor


A woman from Scotland named Lauren Knowles and her husband Trent, who were parents of one, were overwhelmed to learn that she was pregnant again.

Her pregnancy test was positive, and it was enough for them to start imagining how their lives would look like with two kids in the house.

When she was seven months pregnant, Lauren experienced bleeding. She was rushed to the hospital and prayed her baby to be safe and sound. Unfortunately, after the ultrasound, doctors revealed some shocking information.

Source: LaurenKnowles/Facebook

It turned out it wasn’t a baby what she carried in her stomach. Lauren was experiencing a ‘molar pregnancy,’ which is a rare complication of pregnancy characterized by the abnormal growth of trophoblasts, the cells that normally develop into the placenta. Those cells grew into cysts at Lauren, and unfortunately, they were malignant.

“The tumour grew in my womb the same way a baby would,” Lauren told The Daily Mail. “The same hormones were produced and my pregnancy tests always came back positive.”

Lauren underwent a surgery and chemotherapy, but sadly, the tumor grew bigger at a worrying rate.

Source: Instagram/LaurenKnowles

One day while at the hospital, Lauren experienced severe pain and cramps. She somehow managed to go to the bathroom where she ‘gave birth’ to the cancer mass which was as big as a pear.

“I lost all my hair and three months after starting treatment, I gave birth to the mass in the hospital toilets,” this brave woman told The Daily Mail. “The mass was the same size as a baby at 17 weeks so it was a big tumor to push out with no assistance.

“I was so relieved when I saw the tumor down the toilet as I knew my ordeal was finally over.”

Source: Instagram/LaurenKnowles

Finally, Lauren was cancer free. Doctors advised her not to get pregnant again, but as she was determined to try once again, they told her to wait at least a year before she conceives.

And so it was. A year passed by, and Lauren got pregnant again. At first, she was concerned and wondered if everything would be just right this time. After an ultrasound, when she and her husband heard their future baby’s heartbeat, they were finally at ease.

Source/; Instagram/LaurenKnowles

Today, they are parents of two. Their second child, baby girl Indi, is 10 months old. She was born five weeks prematurely, but is a happy and a healthy child.

Source: LaurenKnowles/Facebook

The couple moved to Perth, Australia, and Lauren makes sure she shares her story because she wants it to serve as an inspiration to others who are going through the same she went through.

21-year-old knows as the world’s hairiest girl shaves her face and finds a soulmate


When Supatra ‘Natty’ Sasuphan was born, her appearance baffled medical experts. Doctors in Bangkok, Thailand, have never seen someone like her before.

Natty’s face and body were all covered in hair and no one really knew why. She suffered from several conditions and was placed in an incubator. When her mom was allowed to see her, she was shocked by how hairy her baby girl was.

“I gave birth and the doctor said she had lots of hair, and I thought it was normal,” Natty’s mom Sompon said at the time. “When I saw her in the incubator, I was shocked that she had so much hair, I thought it was the normal amount of hair.”

Eventually, Natty was diagnosed with Ambras Syndrome, which is rare and not treatable. According to experts, there are only 50 documented cases of people suffering from it in world over the years. It is believed that it is caused by an incorrect chromosome.

The condition causes excessive hair growth over the entire body, with the exception of the palms, feet soles and mucous membranes.

Natty’s family tried a number of procedures, including laser removal, but nothing seemed to work. No known procedures help to slow the growth of hair.

In 2010, Natty, who is now 21 years old, entered the Guiness Book of World Records as the hairiest teenager in the world.

Source: Facebook

The condition never affected Natty’s self-confidence. Her parents said her childhood was a normal one. “There were a few people who used to tease me and call me monkey face but they don’t do it any more,” Natty told The Daily Mail a few years ago.

Eventually, Natty decided to start shaving her face regularly after she met her husband. She found love and a soulmate who love her for who she is and doesn’t mind her condition.

“Not just my first love, you’re the love of my life,” Natty wrote under a photo of herself and her husband that she shared online.

Source: Facebook

We are so glad this young and beautiful woman is happy and healthy despite everything. She;s no longer called names such as “monkey face” and “wolverine.”