911 operator gets call from frantic boy hiding with little sister in bathroom – but it’s his actions that stun everyone

When we imagine ourselves in a dire situation, we think we’d bold and courageous to take action, but the truth is that most of the time all reason goes out the window. But what happened here is not the same case at all, and we’re taking about a 7-year-old boy who didn’t hesitate to gather his courage and save his parents when three armed men forced their way into the family’s house. Carlos, the little boy, was of course terrified of the sight of his parents being threatened by the assailants, so he ran to the bathroom with his little sister and what he did there has now been getting praise from people all over the net. Thanks to his mom, who taught him emergency scenarios, the youngster knew exactly what to do. While the attackers kept harassing the parents, Carlos quickly dialed 911. Carlos said: “There’s some guys! They’re going to kill my mom and dad, can you come please. … Can you come really fast? PLEASE, PLEASE.” Los Angeles County sheriff’s dispatcher Monique Patino was the one who received Carlos’ call, she later said that every help call is different but this one was “horrific”. Carlos told Monique that the strangers had guns and were going to shoot his mom and dad. “Bring cops … lots of them!” he begged. Monique could hear the little sister crying, she tried to keep Carlos calm, reassuring him that the police are on the way, but then things took a horrible turn when Monique suddenly heard the screams of the two little kids. Monique recalled: “Once I heard the screams, I’m holding the phone and shaking, in tears. All I can hear is them screaming.” The armed assailants heard sounds coming from the bathroom and quickly realized that there’s someone else hiding there, the broke down the door and there they discovered Carlos and his little sister, they demanded to know who they had been speaking to. 7-year-old Carlos bravely told them that he’d called the police and they would arrive in any moment, causing the men to do something totally unexpected. Listen to the dramatic events unfold in the video below: Carlos is a brave little boy, his quick smart reaction saved all his family members Share this story to pay tribute to Carlos and his heroics.

Sir Tom Jones opens up about his marriage and love life after his wife’s passing


The life of Sir Tom Jones, the music icon behind the hits Delilah, Sexbomb and What’s New Pussycat among the rest, has always been interesting for the fans and the journalists. Over the years, many stories of infidelity have been related to him, but despite all that, his beloved wife of 59 years had always been ‘his lady.’

Linda Trenchard and Sir Tom Jones, who was knighted by Her Majesty, the Queen, married when they were both just 16 years old and stayed in love during their whole lives. Sadly, Linda died of cancer in April 2016, and the musician said that he will never love another woman ever again.


Sir Jones canceled all his concert after Linda’s “short but fierce” battle with lung cancer. In fact, he had a hard time coping with the reality and couldn’t gather any strength to sing long after the loss. He opened up about their love and their marriage and even said at one point how he blamed himself for her death.

He spoke of Linda’s favorite song, Bob Dylan’s What Good Am I?, and explained how he couldn’t stop reading the lyrics over and over again and thought, “Jesus Christ, was I partly to blame? Should I have woken up before? You start to think: ‘What if I had forced her to go to the doctors?’ Because she didn’t go.”

Sir Jones shared the sad news with his fans and wrote, “Surrounded by her husband and loved ones, she passed away peacefully.”

“When my wife passed away, I didn’t think I could sing,” Sir Jones explained. “When you’re emotional, you can’t sing, your voice closes up. 

“There are certain songs I wouldn’t do. But you have to try and get things in the right perspective. Feeling emotional; use it to your advantage and put it into the song.”

He, however, wanted to fulfill one of her wishes and moved to London after her death. Linda always wanted to get back to her roots and move to England again, so her husband sold their mansion in LA because he knew it was something she wanted.

“She always said she wanted to come back and then she could not do it, so then she told me to do it in the last week she was alive.”

The couple had one son, Mark Woodward, but Sir Jones had another son on his own, with a woman he had an affair with. Apparently, he loved his wife unconditionally but when it came to his tours all around the country and the world, they had this “don’t ask” policy. No one really knew what Linda thought of her husband’s secret life and all those affairs.

The sex symbol once admitted he had slept with around 250 women in a year.


During one of his tours in the US, back in 1987, Sir Jones had a fling with 24-year-old Katherine Berkery. She then got pregnant and claimed the music star was the father. She added how she didn’t know he was married.

Sir Jones didn’t want to accept the reality and asked for a paternity test. The following year, he learned the boy was actually his but he still didn’t want to do anything with him or his mother.

Wikipedia / Ron Kroon / Anefo

Sir Jones was forced to pay maintenance every month until his son Jonathan turned 18. The boy grew up blaming his father’s negligence for his failures in life.

“When his wife Linda passed I hoped we could finally meet and get to know each other but it didn’t happen,” Jonathan told the Sunday Mirror.

“Now I worry about him being ill. He’s old, he might pass before I get the chance to right the wrongs. I don’t want anything from my father, all I want to do is sit and talk, tell him about my life and ask about his – just normal stuff.”

”Not having a father growing up was tough. All I ever wanted was his love. People think I look and sound like a younger version of my dad”, Jonathan said when speaking of his drug addiction and spending a few years on the streets as a homeless man.

We hope this incredible singer would eventually be able to move on and find happiness once again with his family, his fans, and the people who love him.

Fifth grader finds wallet full of money – returns it back despite his family having nothing


Every act of kindness, no matter how big or small, always goes a long way.

Vince Hietpas is a fifth grader with a heart of gold. One day, as he and his dad Lorenzo were walking through the park, they spotted a wallet on the ground. They quickly picked it up and checked inside to see who it belonged to.

After they read the name and the address of the owner from the driver’s license, Vince found the house and rang the bell. He explained that he had found the wallet that belonged to 17-year-old Chase Dahlke. It was Chase’s dad, Jackson, who opened the door and took his son’s belongings. He had a couple of dollars and gave them to Vince for returning the wallet.

Source: YouTube/ abc

However, when Chase’s stepmom, Michelle, learned that someone as young as Vince did the right thing, she wanted to get in touch with him and his family and thank them in person for raising such an honest young man.

She posted online asking if someone knew Vince, and soon after, a friend told her they knew the family. They also explained how Vince’s father had COVID-19 and due to breathing problems and inability to wear a mask, he was left without a job.

Michelle wanted to do something nice for the family and decided to set up a GoFundMe campaign. In no time, over $9,000 were raised.

Vince was over the moon. He was praised for his kind act, but he simply said: “Doing the right thing is good.”

Mother gives birth to healthy miracle baby after suffering 19 miscarriages


The dream of having a big family has finally turned into a reality for parents Cary and Tim Patonai who suffered the heartbreak of 19 miscarriages before welcoming baby number three.

“Two of the miscarriages were sets of twins,” Cary told USA TODAY. “It was was traumatic for the whole family, especially our oldest child (Devlen). Each loss would break his little heart.”

Before welcoming their second son, Cary went through 17 miscarriages. Then, after Everett was born, she suffered two more before sweet Finley came to their lives.

But Finley wasn’t an ordinary baby. When doctors delivered him on October 4, he immediately turned sort of celebrity at the hospital. Everyone who heard of him was eager to see him and even take a selfie with him. If you wonder why, it’s because this cutie weighted whopping 14 pounds, 1 ounce, and was 23.75 inches long.

“The OB/GYN who performed the C-section said that in 27 years he had never seen a newborn that size. There was so much excitement in the delivery,” proud mom Cary told USA TODAY.

The couple’s other children were also quite big when they were born so Cary said jokingly, “I’m used to carrying big babies, but this was on another level.” Speaking of her pregnancy, she added, “It got to the point where I could hardly move. It would take me 30 minutes to recover from taking a shower.”

“They got him on the scale like 14.1, I’ve never seen it that big, the doctor and one of the sweetest nurses there they were all taking selfies with us, they asked permission of course, but they were just so pumped,” the 36-year-old mother said, as reported by ABC15 Arizona.

At the moment, baby Finley is wearing clothes for 6 to 9 month old babies. He’s still quite big, but he’s very healthy.

Speaking of her older son, mom Cary said, “When he was born, he was my doctor’s top five, of the biggest and I was like, just you wait, I’m gonna get to the top of the list, totally joking two years ago, and then we accidentally did it.”

Despite all the heartbreaks the miscarriages brought, this family is now complete and happy!

For more on this family’s journey go to the video below.

Husband mourns wife killed in car crash while celebrating birth of son who survived


Samantha Russell, a beautiful 22-year-old woman, was supposed to get the best gift life can ever bring; she was about to become a mother to a beautiful baby boy whom she and her husband Brandon couldn’t wait to meet and hold.

Unfortunately, that joy was taken away from her when a suspect who was fleeing from the police crashed into her car and killed her.

The devastating accident took place on July 6. Samantha was immediately rushed to the hospital, but doctors were unable to save her. Fortunately, her child survived and was delivered to the world.

The saddest day of Brandon’s life was at the same time his happiest. He lost his loving wife, but now his son was there and he had to be strong for him.

Brandon took to Facebook to share his mixed feelings with his loved ones. “Words cannot explain or express the emotions going through everyone’s head today in light of the events that took place on July 6th 2021 at around 5:30 CST. Sammy was taken from us but left behind the most beautiful gift of life,” he wrote.

“She was driven and the hardest worker I knew. She always ALWAYS knew what to say when I was going through an issue or needed advice.

“She was an all around good person who did not deserve to die on impact from a reckless driver,” he added.

Samantha’s killer, 37-year-old Javan Jermaine Ervin, has been arrested. He is charged with first-degree murder in commission of a felony, aggravated battery and criminal possession of a firearm.

As Brandon is now left to raise the boy alone, a GoFundMe page has been set up to help the Russell family.

Rest in peace, Samantha.

Amanda Lepore, “the most expensive body on Earth”: Life, career, net worth


Feeling good has a lot to do with the way we look on the outside, and that is the reason why many people turn to plastic surgery in the pursuit of better self-image and self-confidence.

The trend with these types of surgeries started during the 80’s, and it is becoming more and more popular every year. According to The Aesthetic Society statistics, in 2020 only, patients spent around $9.3 billion on aesthetic procedures, and that included surgical options as well as nonsurgical therapies.

One particular type of people who undergo the knife for the sake of looking flawless are celebrities. Most of them never confess that they have altered their faces and bodies, but some are brave enough to speak up about the procedures they had over the years.

Take Amanda Lepore for example. Her looks are pretty distinctive and she’s never afraid to share with her fans details about the surgeries she had. Her bravery is just one of the reasons why she’s loved by many.

Thomas Niedermueller/Life Ball 2019/Getty Images

One time, Lepore even said she had the most expensive body in the world.

Born as a boy, Lepore always felt like she was in the wrong body. At the age of 15, she started receiving female hormones, and two years later, at 17, she had undergone a gender reassignment surgery.

According to Lepore herself, her mother had a lot to do with how she saw herself. On the days when she felt sick, Lepore’s mother, who had schizophrenia and was eventually hospitalized, looked “terrible.” She didn’t wear any makeup and didn’t feel like dressing up, but on those days she felt better, well, that was a completely different story. She would put makeup and would visit a parlor, and that’s something which stuck in Lepore’s memory.

“I associate glamour with being happy. If you put on high heels and lipstick or get a new outfit, you feel great,” she explained. “It’s a celebration of loving yourself, and the whole ritual of it is so great.”


Lepore’s father, who was an Italian-American, wasn’t happy with his son turning into a girl, but since he abandoned the family, Lepore saw it as a chance to do what she wished for her entire life.

Her mom, on the other hand, was supportive with her son wearing make up and dress as a girl, but she was against a gender reassignment surgery.

Wanting to be a real girl so badly, Lepore convinced her boyfriend’s father to adopt her and sign all the necessary documents for her surgery.

“I think he was happy that his son found a nice girl,” she said of her-father-in-law paying for the procedure.

In the years that followed, besides having her nose done, she got her first breast implants.

Shane Gritzinger/FilmMagic

After she divorced her husband, Lepore suffered a tragedy; her mother died of cancer.

She was then determined to start her life over, and that meant cutting all ties with her father, whom she last saw at her mother’s funeral.

Once she left New Jersey and moved to “The Big Apple,” Lepore became an instant sensation. The public first learnt of her and her impeccable style when she appeared on The Joan Rivers Show with NYC’s “Club Kids in 1990.

The show was described by Dazed as an “outrageous set of party-goers whose outfits and personas heavily shaped the New York club scene.” 

From that moment on, all eyes were on Lepore. Besides her unique appearance and style, it was very obvious she possessed multiple talents, including that for acting and singing. And although she didn’t pursue a career in film, she did appear in numerous documentaries and made songs with certain rappers.

Speaking of her glamour, Lepore told Interview Magazine, “It kept me out of trouble. When I worked for [club promoter] Michael Alig, everybody was overdoing partying. It would take me so long to get ready because I was never one of those girls that were naturally the cover of Vogue. I had to work hard to look nice.

“I would take hours and hours to get ready. If you have high heels on, if you’re dressed nice, you really can’t be drunk or sloppy because it’s dangerous. It’s part of being a lady, so it really kept me out of trouble.”

Having in mind the number of surgeries she had, including having her hairline lowered and eyebrows lifted, cheekbone augmentation, double eyelid surgery (removing skin), lip augmentation, and eye surgery to make her eyes look “doll-like,” Lepore’s statement that she has the most expensive body on Earth might be true. According to some magazines, she spent around $1 million on her looks. She, however, says she doesn’t know the right amount but is happy that each of her procedures was a huge success.

Lepore also had rib reshaping surgery during which her lower ribs were broken and pushed in for the sake of getting a hourglass figure.

Shutterstock/ lev radin

She published her book Doll Parts in 2017 and gave her fans an opportunity to learn more about her life and her successes.

“I’m inflated in the right places. I think I look better than a blow-up doll,” she told Out.

“I do have that blow-up doll thing with the boobs, and the big round lips and the long hair. My boobs and lips and ass and hips are inflated. My head a little bit, too.

Asked whether doctors refused a procedures, she explained, “No, but I recently got my eyes done, and I was really happy with them. They’re now much more doll-like. I’m glad I waited because I went to a Korean doctor, and they know how to make Japanese eyes into white eyes. I wanted my eyes bigger.

“I think I look a lot more proportionate. It makes everything else look natural because everything else is fake, so I have matching eyes now. I know I said I wasn’t going to do any surgery, and I was happy, but who can resist bigger doll eyes?”

Amanda Lepore is the muse of a number of well-known photographers, especially David LaChapelle. She has appeared in a number of fashion magazines, including French PlayboyPonytailDAMn and TUSH. She has a net worth of $2 million.

4-year-old girl killed after SUV slams into a preschool playground


A very tragic incident took place on Wednesday when a young woman in a Jeep Cherokee drove through a chain-link fence around a playground at Imagination Station Learning Center in Arcadia. The 18-year-old hit two children and the vehicle only came to a halt after hitting a tree.

Both the children were transferred to DeSoto Memorial Hospital, where 4-year-old Maleena Valdez succumbed to her injuries. The other child is in a critical condition.

One of the witnesses of the horrific incident, Becky Stidham, told WINK: “Kids screaming and I said, ‘Well, it could be coming from our pool,’ but it was so many screams of so many kids and everything that I thought, well, you know, there’s no way it could be coming from the pool.”

According to ABC affiliate WFTS, the woman behind the vehicle was identified as Kiara Morant from Tampa. As she didn’t produce a valid driver’s licence, Morant was taken into custody but was released shortly after. However, authorities said it happened before little Maleena died. As for now, as the investigation is ongoing, Morant will face additional charges in connection with the child’s death.

Maleena’s family was left utterly heartbroken. They couldn’t believe their little angel was taken from them.

A GoFundMe page has been created to help the family with the funeral expenses.

“She was the light of our lives and she will desperately be missed by all who loved her. She was a sassy, kind, funny little girl who loved her big sissy and mommy and daddy more than anything in this world! Maleena was so innocent and pure-hearted! She still had so much life to live!” the GoFundMe page read.

“Due to these unforeseen circumstances her Mother will be out of work for some time to mourn the loss of her sweet baby girl and we all know that bills do not stop, and on top of it, funeral costs will also now be added to the everyday stuff that was already present before this horrible tragedy.” It added that Maleena’s mother, Savannah, had another child to take care of.

“We are asking for any help to alleviate even a piece of the burden for her family so that they can take this time to be together and mourn without added stress. Please continue to pray for Maleena’s mother Savannah, Father Miguel, sister Jazziah and the rest of the family and friends, and that justice will be served in this unspeakable tragedy.”

Rest in peace, sweet angel.

Woman sells all of cheating husband’s things at yard sale while he’s away with his mistress


Way too many marriages end in divorce because of infidelity. When a person learns that their partner has been unfaithful, they react in a number of ways. Some decide to go separate ways, others decide to work on their relationship, and some are looking for revenge.

When a woman from White Rock, near Vancouver, Canada, learned that her husband had a mistress, she did something that caught the attention of a huge number of people.

Namely, she posted an ad on the Canadian pages of classifieds site Craigslist that she was selling all of her husband’s possessions and that included his beloved red leather theater-style sofas with recliners, a ping pong table, a foosball table, furnishings, workmanship, garden pots, athletic equipment and electrical apparatuses.

“Husband left us for a piece of garbage […] Selling everything and moving house following 10 years of marriage,” the ad read.

Source: Craiglist

She wasn’t selling his clothes, however, because she burnt it all at the driveway.

On top of that, she opened the door to her home for potential buyers before the place went on the market. An estate lawyer from Vancouver explained that the proceeds from the sale might be counted as assets in divorce proceedings.

She even wrote that she would be expecting potential buyers to visit her yard sale in the afternoon because she would be drinking and having fun with her friends and wouldn’t be able to get up early in the morning. “So, please talk softly to the sunglasses-wearing females,” she added.

She closed the ad with the words: “Life is too short to squander time, my eyes were placed at the front of my head by God for a reason. I am looking forward to moving forward!”

What do you think of this revenge?