Barron Trump thought Donald Trump was “too tough” on Joe Biden during presidential debate


It’s been almost a year since the presidential elections in the U.S. took place, yet, media outlets are still covering different stories related to it.

Former President Donald Trump, who now lives in his family’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, said during many occasions he is planning on running for president again in 2024. A former White House aide, however, suggested that he might not even be able to run because of his health so we are yet to see how Trump’s story will unfold.

One thing about the elections is that the presidential race was sort of toxic. Both Trump and Biden said harsh words about one another and many believed they both crossed lines.

Source: Shutterstock/Nuno21

Their debates were heated, including the very first one moderated by Chris Wallace, during which Trump interrupted Biden multiple times; 128 to be exact, as reported by Slate. Biden on the other hand called Trump a “clown.”

Now, according to a new book, Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections, by Fox commentator and The Federalist senior editor Mollie Hemingway, Trump is still mad at Wallace.

Daily Mail obtained a section of the book and revealed Trump to have said, “The problem was Biden would speak and it was lie after lie, after lie. Everything he said was a lie, this guy, and then Chris Wallace wouldn’t let you respond. Chris Wallace was terrible.”

Source: Shutterstock/Evan El-Amin

One person who believed Trump crossed the line during the debate and the presidential race was his son Barron Trump. Apparently, Donald confessed that his then 14-year-old son told him he was “too harsh” on Biden. Baron was even reported to have told his dad that he “caught wind” of some of the negative feedback.

“People thought I was too belligerent,” Trump said, according to the book. “I will say my own son Barron said, ‘Dad, you were too tough. You didn’t have to keep interrupting him.’”

Barron now attends the private school Oxbridge Academy and is part of the class of 2024. The spokesperson of the school said, “We look forward to welcoming him into our school and community,” as reported by People. On the school’s website it says that the institution is “committed to providing both merit scholarships and generous financial aid in an effort to attract the most qualified students and to make Oxbridge financially feasible.” They offer a number of classes, including teaching students kindness.

Source: Getty Images North America/Chip Somodevilla

Melania Trump protects her son from scrutiny and the teen is rarely spotted out in public.

Recent photos of him and his parents show how tall Baron grew up to be. His dad, Donald Trump told New York Post jokingly, “Barron is 6-foot-7, can you believe it? And he’s 15. Eric (Trump) is short — he’s only 6-foot-6.”

Mailman tracks down little girl who sent her late dad a letter addressed to Heaven


The pain of not having your mom or dad in your life leaves a void in the heart. It is especially difficult to lose a parent at a very young age.

8-year-old Sianna from England lost her daddy when she was just four months old. It was a difficult time for her mother, Sarah Tully, who was left to raise her daughter all by herself. As time passed by, the little girl was eager to learn where her daddy was. She was looking at her friend’s fathers and couldn’t stop wondering why hers wasn’t around.

One day, her mom explained to her that she did have a daddy, but he was in heaven, looking down on her from above.

Sianna decided to send a letter to her father and addressed it to Cloud 9. She then put the letter in a postbox.

The following day a mailman named Simon was picking the post when the handwriting on Sianna’s letter attracted his attention. When he read the address, his heart broke in two. He just couldn’t stop thinking of the child who was desperately trying to reach her father. Aware that the letter could get lost in transit without a proper address on it, he went to his manager and asked for a permission to try and track down the child who wrote it.

“I’m a postman in the Braunstone area; earlier today I emptied the red pillar box…and there was a letter in a child’s handwriting addressed to their dad in Heaven, Cloud 9,” he wrote in the plea he posted on Facebook.

“I’m trying to find the parents of the child as I would like to reach out to them and with their permission sort out a little something for the child.

“I myself lost my dad last year and as an adult found it hard so I can only imagine what this child is going through. Please, if anyone has any details then it would be hugely appreciated.”

In no time, someone who knew Sarah told her about the post. She then contacted Simon and explained how her daughter believed her dad would get her letter. She was also touched by the number of responses on Simon’s plea. “I never thought this would happen. I’m in shock,” she told the BBC.

Sarah took the letter but said she won’t open it.

“I have no idea what is in it, I always say that’s between her and her dad.

“I told her it was too late to post it at first but she started crying, so I said ‘come on then’ and we walked to the post box down the street.”

Along with the letter, Simon also brought a gift to Sianna, a beautiful father-daughter figure Sarrah put picture of on Facebook with the following caption:  “The gift Simon the postman brought my daughter… this has been a very touching time for us …its been overwhelming thank u to u all x.”

Many took their time to praise this kind-hearted mailman’s act. He truly is an angel.

U.S. soldier amputates his own leg to save the lives of his buddies

During our lifetime we hear of people who do deeds so daring and noble that they don’t deserve anything less than to be hailed heroes. Army Spc. Ezra Maes is one of them. This young man’s bravery touched the hearts of many and what he did for his crewmates became a symbol of compassion and sacrifice. It was back in 2018 when Maes served in Poland along with some of his friends. During an overnight training exercise, the tank in which he and his fellow mates stayed suddenly started rolling down the hill. Maes was convinced it was part of the exercise or maybe some sort of prank and yelled to the driver to step on the brakes. But when the driver replied that it wasn’t him, Maes realized they were all in big trouble.

The tank was moving with 90 miles and hour and stopping it was impossible.

“We realized there was nothing else we could do and just held on,” Maes said about the accident. After a number of sharp bumps, the tank crashed into an embankment. Maes flew across the machinery and his leg got caught in the turret gear. Initially, he believed his leg was just broken and seeing his friends being severely injured with one breaking his back and another one bleeding profusely from a deep cut on her thigh, Maes started twisting and turning his leg desperately trying to release himself so he could offer them help. In the next moment, he was free, but he lost his leg. He explained: “I pushed and pulled at my leg as hard as I could to get loose and felt a sharp tear. I thought I had dislodged my leg, but when I moved away, my leg was completely gone.” Despite losing a lot of blood that was pouring from his leg heavily, this brave soldier managed to get to the medical kit and grab a tourniquet.

He couldn’t think of the pain or the leg he lost as the lives of the fellow soldiers rested on his shoulders.

“All I could think about was no one knows we’re down here,” he continued. “Either I step up or we all die.” Luckily, one of the phones was still working and Maes was able to call for help that soon came to the place of the accident. Maes was quickly rushed to the nearest hospital and later transferred to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany. “I feel super lucky,” he said. “My crew all does. So many things could have gone wrong. Besides my leg, we all walked away pretty much unscathed.” Sgt. Maes is an exceptional person who sacrificed losing a part of his body for the sake of his fellow soldiers’ lives. He deserves the whole country’s deepest respect!

94-year-old grandmother tries on wedding dress 70 years after being forbidden


Dreams do come true, although sometimes it takes way too long for something like that to happen. When 94-year-old Martha Mae Ophelia Moon Tucker got married back in 1952, she didn’t wear a wedding gown because the racial segregation laws practiced at the time didn’t allow her to enter a bridal boutique.

Instead, with the help of the woman she worked for at the time, Martha was only able to buy a navy-blue dress that would later come to be known as a “Carmen Jones” dress. Saying “I do” to her now late husband Lehman Tucker Sr. was all that was important, but still, not being allowed to wear a wedding dress was something that stayed with Martha more than 70 years.

Last year, however, all thanks to her granddaughter Angela, that all changed and Martha was finally able to try a real wedding gown on.

Speaking to Insider, Angela said how she and her grandma were watching “Coming to America” when Martha leaned on Angela’s shoulder and said: “I’ve always wanted to try on a wedding dress. I didn’t have one when I married.”

Seeing the devastation in her dear grandma’s eyes, Angela decided to surprise her by taking her to a wedding-dress fitting at David’s Bridal boutique in Hoover Alabama. Martha had no idea her wish of many years would finally turn into a reality. Angela even hired a makeup artist who gave sweet Martha a beautiful makeover.

“She’s always made sacrifices to give from her heart,” Angela said. “So to return a gift from my heart to her was priceless.”

Martha said she couldn’t believe how far things got from the time she got married. Racism is slowly, but surely, becoming part of the past.

What’s most, she loves all the attention she’s getting. Angela even joked, saying of her granny: “Now she’s saying, ‘Do you think Oprah may call me?’ I said, ‘I don’t think so Grandma.’”

100-year-old woman celebrates milestone birthday with her older sisters who are 102 and 104


Frances Kompus turned 100 years old in November 2021. Many of the people who are important to her, such us her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren were there to wish her a happy birthday. Well, although it’s rare for someone to reach this milestone, it’s not unusual. What is in fact unusual in this story is that among Frances’ guests were her two older sisters, Lucy Pochop, who is 102 years old, and Julia Korpiva, who is 104.

The three sisters were born in Kansas where they lived in a farm with their parents. The sisters’ father died at the age of 98, so it’s safe to say that longevity runs in the family.

Speaking of the possible reasons they all reached their milestone birthdays, the sisters say that the secret is in eating well. They remember the times when they were making their own bread and didn’t consume ready-made or bought food.

“We always had homemade bread, just plain potatoes, and gravy and meat. With those cookstoves, that was hard to bake. The temperature was hard to keep. Even if it didn’t come out good, we still ate it,” Julia said laughing. “I am thankful for us girls being together all the time, my parents and my faith,” she added.

They even have some useful advice for the young people and say that what kept them vital is regular exercise as well as faith.

“Walk a lot,” Frances said, before Julia added: “I think faith comes first – and thank your parents and grandparents.”

What is interesting about these sisters is that they all live independently. While Julia and Lucy’s apartments are right next to one another, Francis lives few blocks away, which means they get to spend quality time together.

Happy birthday, Francis, you are lucky to still have your sisters in your life.

Jackie Kennedy’s former bodyguard reveals details about her and says she was an amazing mother


Jacqueline “Jackie” Bouvier Kennedy Onassis was a supremely stylish and eloquent young woman who brought optimism to the White House after becoming First Lady.

She captivated the entire country the moment she was first spotted in the company of her husband John Kennedy on the campaign trail. The two married shortly after they were first introduced to each other by a mutual friend. At the time they tied the knot, JFK was a senator and she worked as a reporter-photographer at the Washington Herald, which was her first job following her graduation from the George Washington University.

Jackie’s father was a stock broker and a wealthy man so she had the chance to get education at prestigious private schools and travel the world.

As a young child, she was described by one of her teachers, Miss Platt, as “a darling child, the prettiest little girl, very clever, very artistic, and full of the devil.”


People close to JFK and Jackie spoke of the instant connection they both felt the moment they were both invited to a dinner party in Georgetown. “She knew instantly that he would have a profound, perhaps disturbing, influence on her life,” Jackie’s family friend Molly Thayer said, as quoted in America’s Queen: The Life of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.

“My brother really was smitten with her right from the very beginning when he first met her at dinner,” JFK’s brother, Ted Kennedy, claimed.

JFK and Jackie married on September 12, 1953, at St. Mary’s Church in Newport, Rhode Island. Following their honeymoon in Mexico, he was recovering from a back injury and she encouraged him to write a biography, Profiles in Courage, for which he received a Pulitzer Prize.

Getty Images

Seven years after tying the knot, John F. Kennedy became the youngest president of The United States of America. His youth was felt as a pleasant change in the political scene and he and his wife made a perfect team whose main goal became the well-being of the American people.

JFK and Jackie welcomed four children together, Caroline Kennedy, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr, and two other children who both died shortly after birth.

Since they had toddlers, Jackie went on a mission to restore and preserve the White House as well as turn it into more children-friendly place with a tree-house and swings.

Getty Images

Unfortunately, Jackie’s life changed forever when President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, in Dallas Texas. In his honor, she created the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum.

She was left heartbroken. The fairytale ended and she decided to stay out of the spotlight. Then, in 1968, Jackie married Greek shipping magnate, Aristotle Onassis. In 1975, Onassis passed away, and Jackie was left a widow again.

Until her passing in May, 1994, the former First Lady worked as an editor. She was laid to rest next to JFK at the Arlington National Cemetery, outside of Washington D.C.

Youtube/National Geographic Society

Jackie was a woman adored by millions. Always soft-spoken and grounded, she is until this day considered a very important historical figure.

Those close to her describe her as a loving human being. Her former bodyguard Clint Hill revealed details of the former First Lady’s private life which make us love her even more.

Hill said that when he was assigned to protect Jackie, he wasn’t happy at all because he expected to accompany her to ballet, fashion shows, and tea parties. But it didn’t take much for him to realize that she wasn’t a typical First Lady.

“She wanted the children to be brought up as normal children. Nothing special. The agents were to treat them as if they were just one of their own. If the kids fell down, they got up. You didn’t help them. They had to learn all this stuff on their own. She wanted to avoid as much publicity as she could for the children and for herself,” he explained.

“Oh, she was a great mother. She was very concerned about them, about their education. She formed a school there in the White House so that Caroline could go to school and had a bunch of several young classmates brought in from outside, from all walks of life. And it was right up on the third floor of the White House, had two teachers. They used to play out on the south grounds,” he added.


One time, while she was on holiday at Squaw Island, she realized that Hill’s two children were around the same age as her children. Although he had taken the family with him while protecting Jackie, he wasn’t able to spend time with them. Jackie then told him to bring his kids and let them play with her children. He quite liked the idea, but he had to say no.

“I finally convinced her; I said, ‘This just isn’t a good idea. I’m a government employee. You’re the wife of the president. They’re the president’s children. I don’t think it’d be a very good idea for my two children to be playing with your two children, and something should happen.’ She finally understood the problem and said, ‘Okay.’”

Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

When President Kennedy was shot, Hill was the one who climbed onto the car and made sure no photographs were taken of the killing. He then drove Jackie to the hospital. She was utterly heartbroken and confused, but she still found the strength to speak to Hill.

“She said, ‘Oh, what’s going to happen to you now, Mr. Hill?’ She was so much more concerned about my wellbeing and that of the other agents that were involved, that she wanted to make sure that we were going to be okay,” Hill shared with JFK Library.

“And I told her, ‘I’ll be okay, Mrs. Kennedy. I’ll be okay.’ She hadn’t changed clothes. She hadn’t cleaned up. She hadn’t done anything, she just was in shock. And she was more concerned about us than she was about herself.”


We love you, Jackie, and we are forever thankful for everything you did for the country as a First Lady.

The personal life of Tucker Carlson, the host of the most-watched show “Tucker Carlson Tonight”


Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson, the host of the most-watched cable news show in the United States, Tucker Carlson Tonight, has gained over 3.7 million followers on Twitter. He has worked as a political analyst for Fox News since 2009, both as a guest and a guest host, before he launched his own show that attracted millions of Americans.

Wikipedia Commons / Gage Skidmore

Becoming more and more popular with each episode of his show, people became more and more interested in his personal life. If you are eager to learn more about this successful journalist, author, political commentator and columnist, stay with us.

When he was just 6 years old, Tucker’s mother, Lisa McNear Lombardi, who was an artist, divorced his father and left the family, so he and his brother grew up with their dad.

In fact, it was his father, Dick Carlson, who suggested Tucker should try himself as a journalist because he was a famous journalist and the director of Voice of America himself, so wanting his son to follow into his footsteps wasn’t surprising.

Tucker, however, graduated from Trinity College of Connecticut in 1991, with a BA in History. Before that, he studied in Switzerland, at the elite college at Lac Leman from where he was kicked out for reasons still unknown after which he attended boarding school St. George’s School, in Middletown, Road Island.

After finishing college, Tucker dreamed of becoming part of the CIA, but failed to get the job. It was then that his father said to him, “You should consider journalism. They’ll take anybody,” according to Columbia Journalism Review. This didn’t seem like a bad idea and Tucked took his dad’s advice which later turned to be the best thing to do having in mind the popularity he enjoys nowadays.

His first job as a journalist was that of a fact-reviewer in Policy Review.

“Tucker was an enterprising, hard-working shoe-leather reporter,” his former colleague, Adam Myerson, said.

Wikipedia Commons / Gage Skidmore

During his early days on TV, Tucker’s “trademark” were his colorful bow ties, he later ditched. “If you wear a bow tie, it’s like [wearing] a middle finger around your neck; you’re just inviting scorn and ridicule… the number of people screaming the F-word at me… it wore me down after a while so I gave in and became conventional,” he said.

People’s favorite host has been married to the love of his life, Susan Andrews, for almost 30 years. What is interesting is that the two met when they were both just 15 years old. Speaking of those days, Tucker told People how Susan was “the cutest 10th grader in America.”

Hope Gregory

Before proposing to her, Tucker asked Susan’s dad, who was a respected man, for her hand in marriage. Today, he says he simply can’t imagine his life without her. Honestly, the two make a truly charming couple.

Tucker and Susan are parents of four daughters and a son.

Facebook / Fox and friends

His children, whom Tucker calls his “little angels” keep a low profile. Tucker wrote about his son once in a column, but avoids to speak of them. However, he confesses how he “forbids” his son from watching Oprah Winfrey because he believes her beliefs are anti-male and can affect his self-confidence. “When I had a son, I stopped watching Oprah because it was just too anti-male, and I felt like I did not want to bring him up in a home where Oprah was constantly attacking men,” he said.

“And remember, keep your boys away from Oprah or it will make them feel bad about being male. It’s absolutely true. Keep your girls away from rap, keep your boys away from Oprah. And everybody will be fine,” Tucker added.

The FOX News‘ primetime anchor is supporting the charity Horton’s Kids, which helps young people at risk from Washington D.C.

An event which took place back in 2000 could easily ruin the host’s career and marriage after a woman accused him of rape. Shortly after, he was cleared of the accusations as it was determined he wasn’t at the Kentucky hamburger restaurant where the alleged rape took place. The woman later confessed that she was suffering from schizophrenia and was delusional.


In 2018, the family went through another unpleasant event when someone tried breaking into their home. At the time, Tucker’s wife was home alone. She locked herself in the pantry and called 911 as the attacker was throwing himself at the front door and cracked it.

Speaking of the incident, Tucker described it as a treat and told Washington Post: “They weren’t asking me to change anything, they weren’t protesting a policy or advocating for legislation. They were threatening me and my family and telling me to leave my own neighborhood in the city that I grew up in.”

Tucker has a picture perfect life with his children and his loving wife of more than 30 years by his side.

Former Baywatch star Erika Eleniak looks absolutely stunning at 52


With all the shows about doctors, lawyers, and cops, Baywatch, the iconic show depicting the everyday adventures of a group of lifeguards was a true refreshment back in the day.

Among all the characters we all loved so much was the beautiful blonde lifeguard Shauni McClain played by actress Erika Eleniak. When she appeared on the show, she took everyone’s breath away thus producers decided to upgrade her role and her character was taken under the wing of Jill Riley, played by Shawn Weatherley.

However, once the show took a bit of a different direction and Pamela Anderson became part of the cats, Erika believed she should take a break and eventually leave it.

Speaking of Baywatch, Erika said in a recent interview: “I loved being there, and I loved the role, especially the second season. I got some great storylines. I really got to dig my chops into some good acting roles. We did Baywatch to be a serious look at lifeguarding.”

Over time, she somehow started feeling uncomfortable being part of the show and said, “For me, as soon as it became even sexier, when it became syndicated, it was definitely not comfortable. It ended up being a bit of a push and pull between myself and the producer sometimes. So when Pamela came on, it was just the perfect fit for Baywatch – she was definitely footloose and fancy-free and loved being more of an exhibitionist than I did.”

Erika was part of other series and films as well, including E.T. the Extra Terrestrial, where she starred at the age of just 12, the horror film The Blob, the 1993 film adaption of The Beverly Hillbillies, and more.

Today, the beautiful actress is out of the spotlight and doesn’t appear on screen, but she’s active running her podcast The Spiritual Alchemy Podcast. She’s also very active on Instagram where she posts photos of her and her family.

This year, Erika, who is happily married to key grip Roch Daigle with whom she has a daughter, is 52 years old. Honestly, based on her looks, we would never guess it. She defies age and looks absolutely stunning.