Missing 5-year-old boy with Down syndrome found with his family dog keeping him safe


The story of a five-year-old boy with Down syndrome who wondered off while his mom was asleep is just another proof that dogs are man’s best friend.

As little Jose decided to leave his home, the family dog, Alejandro, decided to follow him in order to make sure nothing bad would happen to him.

When the two friends were spotted walking down the rails, they were already over a mile away from home. The Houston Police Department rushed towards where Jose and Alejandro were reported to be seen.


“Witnesses told me the dog was with the little boy when they found him. As I walked away with the boy, the dog followed,” Sgt. Salas wrote on Twitter. “This dog was his protector and his angel.”

“It seems like that the dog knew something was up, he knew that the child wasn’t supposed to be wandering off and he ended up following him,” he told the Houston Chronicle. “He was very protective and would not take his eyes off the child.”


When Sgt. Salas took Jose to his car, Alejandro jumped in as well. “The dog was following basically everywhere I went. It wasn’t barking, it wasn’t intimidated,” he said.

Shortly after they were found, the police alerted Jose’s mother that her son was safe and sound. She explained that she and Jose took a nap, but when she woke up, he was nowhere to be seen. She added that she was happy the dog didn’t leave her son alone.


“Alejandro has always been a very overprotective dog since we got him, we got him when he was a baby. I was not surprised when they said he was walking with him the whole entire time,” Jose’s sister, Samantha Muñoz, told Click 2 Houston.

We are very happy this story turned out to be a happy one. For more go to the video below.

Parents of five adopt seven siblings who lost their mom and dad in a car crash


Those people who open the doors to their hearts and their homes for children in need are the greatest of all.

Pam and Gary are an incredible couple who have been registered as foster parents and have taken care for many children during the years. They have five children on their own, but that never stopped them from welcoming more kids in their life and providing them with love and security.

However, now that their biological kids are all grown up, Pam and Gary did something truly amazing. They adopted seven siblings who were left orphans recently.

The story of the children, Adelino, the oldest of the seven, Azaura, 11, Aleecia and Antonio, 6, Aubrey, 4, Angel, 3, and Alexander, 2, is heartbreaking. They, along with their parents, were involved in a car accident in which their mom and dad lost their lives.

After that life-changing incident, the siblings were taken to a foster family but were in search for a forever family. Finding someone who would be willing to give permanent home to all seven of them seemed like a mission impossible, although it was everything those kids ever wanted.

Azaura told CBS8 News in 2018, “I’m happy that all of us are together and that we’re all alive,” adding, “I want a family that’s fun, joyful, and who takes you out places.”

Little did she know at the time that her wish would soon turn into reality all thanks to the Willis family.

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Adoption Day Part One! . As promised, I have so much to share about everything that we’ve been celebrating over here! 🎉 . Adoption day was one week ago today and although it was nothing like any of us had envisioned from the beginning, we made it happen and we made it special! 💜 . Covid shut downs hit San Diego the week of our original court hearing in March. We got a call just 3 days before court that they were closing down and postponing all hearings until further notice. Man, was that a hard day! 😪 . We still celebrated that weekend because it was the one year anniversary of the day we’d met,🥰 but inside, we all just wanted it to be official. Waiting amidst the Covid outbreak craziness was pretty challenging. 😷 . We didn’t know if we were going to have to do a video hearing, if the courts would open up again, how long we’d have to wait…. so many uncertainties. I don’t like uncertainties. 😵 . In June the courts called and asked if I wanted to schedule a video hearing. I just wasn’t ready to give up my vision of the day in court that I felt these kiddos deserved. So I said “no”. I asked them to call back when the courts were opening… somehow thinking that was gonna happen soon 🤷🏼‍♀️ . My youngest bio child is 19. He was getting ready to leave for missionary work that had already been postponed. His departure date was August 11th, so open courts or not, that became our deadline. . No courts opened. Covid didn’t disappear like I told it to. So I started planning…. and crying… and planning… and trying to be creative… and crying some more (ok, that’s about my breakdown, we’ll talk about that another day 🙈) . It was SO important to me to make this day special, and SO important to me that all 12 of my children be together for the occasion. 🙏 . Do you know how hard it is to get 5 adult children – two from out of state, all of whom have lives and jobs and stuff, one of which JUST had a baby 4 weeks ago – all in the same place for pictures on adoption day? . Hard. 🤯 . But we did it!! And even though we didn’t get to go inside, we still took pictures outside of the courthouse because that’s where we were SUPPOSED to be 💜

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Speaking of their decision to adopt the children, Pam said how she simply knew those kids belonged in their family the moment they came across their story on Facebook.

“I saw how much these kids needed someone to love them because they had no one else to go to. I called the adoption service every week to show them how much I wanted to help these children,” Pam told Metro News.

“From the moment we first met them it was instant love. I looked at Gary and we both could see they are really great kids and knew we were doing the right thing.”

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Our quarantine circle ❤ These are the faces I’ve spent every day with for the last 51 days straight. All day. All night. Rarely a trip out for my husband or I because, let’s be 100% real… ain’t no way I wanna take care of 7 sick children all at once if Covid hits our house 🙈 . I don’t know how all of this will end. I don’t have the magic answers. I’m just trying to stay healthy and keep my kids safe. 🤗 . We’re still waiting on our day in court to fully finalize the adoption. The boys desperately need haircuts…we’re still waiting for the day we can chill at the beach or visit my grandbabies, or go to Rosssssss….. cause I NEED Ross to spend my tax return $ 🙃🤷🏼‍♀️ . But we’ll wait. We have each other, and we’re pretty entertaining, so I feel kinda blessed for that. 💙 . We’re testing positive for faith, social distancing from doubt, and isolating from fear. Trusting God to guide us through. 🙏 . . . . #fostercarejourney #fostertoadopt #fostermom #gettooattached #secondchanceseven #adoptionjourney #adoptionrocks #raisingseven #weareadopting #adoptionislove #fostermomlife #traumarecovery #childhoodtrauma #fosteryourheartout #liveintentionally #wearethevillage #covid #quarantine #bigfam #bigfamilylife #bigfamilymom

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The siblings are very satisfied with their new life. They have a great relationship with Willis’ biological children and all of them make one huge and happy family.

Pam and Gary even have 8 great children, so when the whole family gathers together it is definitely crowded, but they all love being by each other’s side and sharing precious moments together.

“I have noticed how incredibly happy they are and that makes me so happy too, because that’s all we ask for. The oldest of the seven, Adelino, said to me recently ‘thank you for giving us this life’ and there is no other feeling like that. The kids are great kids and we love having them around,” said Pam.

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I have this thing about nutrition… 🍩 . Whenever I have taken foster children into my home, I’ve felt an immense pressure to give them the best possible foods during the time they are with me. I’ve always looked at it as possibly their only opportunity in life to get good solid nutrition and brain/body growth. 🥦🍅🍗🍓🍒🍎🥑🥩🥬 . I’ve watched, even my new seven, go from pale skin and thin stringy hair, to nice, rosy cheeks, thick full hair and, healthy body physiques.❤ . I’m a nutrition nazi of sorts, but when you take a kiddo through the bank drive through and they ask if they’re getting fries… or when FedEx comes and gives you a package and the child yells “pizza!”… it just makes you feel like you’ve gotta feed them well! 🍕🍔🍫🍭🧁🍪🍿 . Why the donuts today then? 🍩 Cause I have to loosen up now. I’ve got these guys forever! They eat mounds of broccoli, carrots and spinach now (well, all except for the teenagers who choke a few bites down here and there to oblige me) 🙃 . These five littles are the best fruit and veggie eaters I’ve ever had ❤ So sometimes, I just gotta give ’em a fat, gooey donut and let ’em enjoy! 🍩 . Balance…. . Donuts and balance! 🍩🙃❤🤷🏼‍♀️ . . . . #fostercarejourney #fostertoadopt #gettooattached #secondchanceseven #adoptionjourney #adoptionrocks #raisingseven #adoptionislove #fostermomlife #fosteryourheartout #liveintentionally #wearethevillage #bigfamily #bigfamilylove #bigfam #nutrition #healthyfoods #donuts #donut

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Pam and Gary stepped in for these kids when they needed that the most and didn’t let them lose their faith in humanity.

If you believe this story is inspiring and uplifting, please share it with you friends and family.

First time mom gives birth to daughter after 40 hours struggle


Nicole and Matthew Seismer couldn’t wait for their bundle of joy to be born. They prepared everything for the big arrival, but what happened on the delivery day left everyone stunned.

The couple prayed and hoped for their baby to be born healthy, and that is exactly what happened. When baby girl Blakely was welcomed into the world, the new mom and dad were overjoyed. However, Nicole knew something was wrong as she kept experiencing contractions and felt like she was still in labor. Doctors told her it was sort of normal to feel that way, but soon, they realized there was more to the pain she was feeling.


As they were getting ready to take out the placenta, the doctors decided to do an ultrasound and that’s when they were all left in a complete shock. There was another baby getting ready to be born.

Nicole visited the doctor only once during her pregnancy and was hoping to give birth at home, but as her water broke at 36 weeks, she was forced to go to the hospital after spending 40 hours at home without painkillers. During that single ultrasound she had while pregnant, doctors saw one baby only. The other one, Cade, who was born 59 minutes after his sister, was probably “hiding,” so Nicole had no idea she was carrying twins.


“We thought the biggest surprise would be the sex of the baby, but we were wrong. It was terrible when they said there was something else in me.

“When [the doctor] said we were having another baby, I literally asked him if he was lying,” the mom said. “I couldn’t digest it all because I was in a lot of pain.”

Cade had trouble breathing when he was born so he needed to spend some time at NICU. Luckily, a few days later, he was allowed to be taken home to his family and twin sister.


“It was funny,” the 31-year-old mom said. “We were happy, but it was really shocking. But now I can’t imagine having an only child. It seems they are destined to be together.”

The happy parents now needed to get another pair of everything they had already bought for the single child they expected.

It truly was a beautiful surprise, don’t you think so? We wish them all a happy and healthy life.

Kim McGuire: The true story of the actress who played Mona “Hatchet-Face” Malnorowski


The life story of lawyer and actress Kim McGuire, best known for her iconic role of Mona “Hatchet-Face” Malnorowski from the musical Cry-Baby, is touching, to say the least.

Born on December 1, 1955, in New Orleans, to a father who was a successful lawyer, Kim showed interested in law as a teenager. She also loved dancing and acting, so she chose to pursue two different careers. She earned a master’s degree in theater and dance from the University of New Orleans, and later, she graduated from Loyola Law School and became a lawyer.

Kim came to prominence with the role of Mona “Hatchet-Face” Malnorowski, a member of the grotesque teenage gang led by Wade “Cry-Baby” Walker portrayed by Johnny Depp.

Kim McGuire and date attend the “Wild at Heart” Universal City Premiere in 1990 / Getty Images

When casting for the movie, John Walters had a clear image of what he was looking for from the actress that was supposed to portray Mona “Hatchet-Face” Malnorowski because he had wrote a script for a movie titled Hatchet-Face some years before, but the movie was never released. “Hatchet-Face” would have ”the body of Jayne Mansfield and the face of Margaret Hamilton … [and] nobody, but nobody, gives her grief,” according to Walters.

“Wanted: Girl with a good body and an alarming face who is proud of it,” the ad for the role said.

“I had just randomly sent my picture to six casting directors that week. I sent it to [casting director] Paula Herold, who was casting for a film called Reversal of Fortune, which I had no idea what it was about. And I guess I had a reversal of fortune, because they called me in for Cry-Baby,” Kim said in It Came From Baltimore, a special feature on the director’s cut DVD of Cry Baby.

Getty Images

For the movie, Kim’s already distinguished facial features were overly exaggerated and she didn’t resemble herself. “That face that she wears in the movie is certainly make-up; Kim has a very blank face in real life,” Walters later said.

“When people see me after seeing that, they think I look really good,” Kim told The Atlanta Journal in 1991.

Cry Baby became a Hollywood classic. It was so well-accepted that it was turned into a Broadway musical which opened at the Marquis Theater in New York City in 2008. It ran for 68 performances and was nominated at the Tony Awards for the Best Musical, Book, and Score.

After the movie, Kim appeared in other projects, including Acting on Impulse, Serial Mom, and an episode of New York Undercover, which was her last TV appearance.

In 1994, Kim married Gene Piotrowsky. They moved to New York but ended up unemployed after 9/11 so they decided to move to Biloxi, a Mississippi city on the Gulf of Mexico, where they both started working for the Mississippi Repertory Theater Company.

Unfortunately, in 2005, their home and all of their belongings were completely destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. They barely made it alive as Gene was forced to carry her on his back to a safer place where they faced the hurricane for eight hours before help arrived and evacuated them.

The couple was forced into homelessness. They lived in shelters before they moved to New Orleans in November 2005.

“We wound up having to go into Section 8 housing. A real change. In L.A., both of us were pretty high economically. I was wearing $ 1,200 dresses. From that, to nothing. Living in Beverly Hills, to nothing. It was just a big change of lifestyle. It’s not just material things. It’s losing roots. I have not seen my parents in three years, which is just horrible,” Kim said in 2015.

Kim McGuire / Facebook

Over the course of 10 years, they moved places five times but had a hard time overcoming the trauma the hurricane left in their lives.

“Though they plan and equip themselves for something like this, it’s never enough. We ought to know: We lived in LA during the 1994 earthquake, we were visiting New York on 9/11, and now we lived through this. I told a friend about all of that and he said, ‘Do me a favor and tell me where you’re moving to next…,'” Gene told the San Diego Union Tribune after the disaster.

Kim McGuire / Facebook

Finally, after ten long years, Kim and Gene seemed to settle in Florida where she continued helping vulnerable women and victims of the hurricane. Sadly, in 2016, Kim experienced severe pneumonia and was admitted to the ICU at Physicians Regional Hospital in Naples, Florida. Unfortunately, she didn’t respond to the treatments and died of cardiac arrest. She was 60 years old at the time of her passing.

“The outpouring of love and prayers for Kim from her family, friends and fans has been overwhelming and most comforting. Kim’s parents and sister thank you very much. Kim was a dancer, choreographer, actor, attorney and author and credited her dear father for instilling in her a love of learning,” Kim’s obituary said.

We are so sorry Kim was forced to go through so much during her life. Her incredible acting in Cry Baby left a mark we will never forget.

Child star Shaun Weiss’s remarkable before-and-after photos


Becoming popular at very young age can be either a curse or a blessing. Many child stars miss on their childhood and are unable to cope with their fame, so a lot of them turn to drugs and alcohol and ruin their lives.

Unfortunately, one of those child celebrities who couldn’t find their place under the Hollywood sky and felt defeated and disappointed by the way their career unfolded is Shaun Weiss, the chubby goalie from The Mighty Ducks.

Landing the role of Greg Goldberg seemed like the perfect start to a successful career in the film industry, but things went south for Weiss when he started having problems with law enforcement.

Shaun Weiss was born in 1978 in Detroit. He was part of a number of commercials from early age and landed a role in Pee-wee’s Playhouse. However, he had his big breakthrough with the legendary film The Mighty Ducks. He was also part of Heavyweights in which he played the role of Josh Birnbaum, one of the kids who ended up in a fat camp. Other films and project Weiss was part of, among the rest, was the NBC drama Freaks and Geek.

Unfortunately, Weiss started getting in trouble after he was arrested in 2017 and was sentenced to 150 days in the Los Angeles County Jail. However, he only spent 12 days there before he was released due to overcrowding. Shortly after this incident, Weiss was arrested once again for possession of illegal substances. It was very much obvious that the child star lost control of his life.

Shaun in ‘Pee Wee’s Playhouse’ (Getty Images)

The good thing was that he was aware he needed professional help in order to get on track. In a Facebook post, Weiss wrote how he “surrendered to the reality that without immediate treatment my life is in eminant (sic) danger.”

The wide public became aware of the severity of Weiss’ condition after the police released a mugshot of him in 2020 in which he was completely unrecognizable.

He was reported for shattering a car’s window and sitting inside the vehicle.

Many of Weiss’ friends were desperate to help him get a new lease on life and even started a fundraiser in order for him to be able to receive professional help and go to rehab. Luckily, that turned out to be just what Weiss needed so badly.

Shaun Weiss, Vincent La Russo, Brandon Quintin Adams and Matt Doherty from the movie “The Mighty Ducks” (WireImage)

“Shaun demonstrated perseverance during his recovery complicated by the COVID-19 pandemic. He had to move treatment and transitional programs on several occasions. He underwent dental reconstructive surgery, and had a close family member suffer a serious accident during his treatment,” the Yuba County District Attorney Office said, according to The Sacramento Bee. “Shaun regained employment and has been traveling across the country making guest appearances and signing autographs,” they added.

Recently, Weiss shared before-and-after photos of him which show the progress he made during a year of sobriety. It looks like they show two completely different people.

”A journey of a thousand miles begins with 12 amazing steps,” he wrote and thanked everyone for their support.

”Moving to sober living was nerve-racking as there are a lot of roommates constantly on top of each other. But he’s thriving in his growth and making the best of it,” his friend and advocate, Drew Gallagher, told People in 2020.

His former co-workers, among which Emilio Estevez who played the coach in The Mighty Ducks, say they are proud of Weiss who managed to regain control on his life again. Estevez, who is now part of the series The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers, said he and the team behind the project would be happy if anyone from the former cast join them.

We are very happy and proud of Shaun Weiss. We hope he gets back to filming again.

Third grader appreciates his teacher so much he gives her his birthday money as a pay rise


Teaching your child to be considerate is one of the most humble things you can do for them, because at the end of the day, taking care of one another is what makes this world a better place.

Parker Williams loves school so very much. What he loves most about it, is his teacher, Mrs. Chambers. “I think she’s a really kind teacher, and she has her own way of teaching, and she spends time on everybody,” this boy says of her.

As he is well aware that Mrs. Chambers always go the extra mile for her students, Parker felt devastated when he heard on the news that teachers in America are practically underpaid. His little heart was broken, because he knew Mrs. Chambers deserved a lot more.

Source: Darrell R. Williams/Facebook

In order to fix things, Parker did the most amazing thing ever and stole the hearts of thousands of people who learned of his kind deed. Namely, he celebrated his 9th birthday and received a bunch of presents, among which some money. When his parents asked him what he was planning to do with his $15, he didn’t tell them, but he had a plan on how to spend it.

Parker put the money in a tiny bag which he then placed on a handwritten note that said:  “Dear Mrs. Chambers, I don’t think that teachers get paid enough for what they do. So will you accept this gift.”

Source: Darrell R. Williams/Facebook

Needless to say, Mrs. Chambers was deeply touched by this gesture. Of course, she couldn’t possibly accept the money, but she appreciated the deed very much. Instead, she gave Parker his money back along with a note. “Teachers put their all in all the time. We often take work home. Our day doesn’t end when the bell rings. It’s so great that Parker realized that we do a lot extra,” she later said.

When Parker’s parents saw Mrs. Chamber’s note, they couldn’t help by share it online. They said they were very proud of their son for being considerate.

Source: Darrell R. Williams/Facebook

Parker’s mom explained that they always teach him to help others as much as he can and added that whenever he gets money for his birthday or for Christmas, he always gives 10% to charity. How adorable is that?

Vanna White, the host of Wheel of Fortune, announces death of her father in emotional tribute


Vanna White, the long-time host of “Wheel of Fortune,” shared some heartbreaking news with her fans a few days ago. Her father, Herbert White Jr., passed away at the age of 96.

Vanna’s parents got divorced when she was still an infant and she was raised by her mother and her stepfather, Herbert, whom she considered a real father.

The host and model never missed a chance to remind this man how much he meant to her. During an episode of the game show which she’s been hosting since 1982, Pat Sajak mentioned Vanna’s father and asked her how he was doing, to which she replied: “He’s great… I call him every morning to say ‘good morning’ and that I love him,” adding that “He’s special.”

On the day she lost her biggest support in life and her father figure, Vanna wrote:

“It is with great sadness that I tell you my 96-year-old dad passed away peacefully this morning. He lived a full and happy life and will be remembered as one of the kindest and most wonderful human beings of North Myrtle Beach.”

She concludes her post writing, “I love you so much dad. RIP.”

Many fans took their time to share their condolences.  “So sorry, Vanna. I’m sure you will miss him but God has a new angel and I’m sure he will watch guard over you,” one person wrote. “Sending my deepest condolences and prayers for you and your family. May your memories keep him close in your hearts,” another added.

Among those who sent their prayers was Sajak’s daughter who commented: “I am so very sorry for your loss. My whole family is thinking of you.”

On last year’s Father’s Day, Vanna shared a message of her kissing her dad and reminding him once again how much she loved him.

Our hearts go out to Vanna and her family.

The Difference Between Men And Women. Do you agree?

This one is old, but gold, and probably the best story out there that tells the difference between men and women in a hilarious way. We simply love it! You can read it below. Let’s say a guy named Fred is attracted to a woman named Martha. He asks her out to a movie; she accepts; they have a pretty good time. A few nights later he asks her out to dinner, and again they enjoy themselves. They continue to see each other regularly, and after a while neither one of them is seeing anybody else. And then, one evening when they’re driving home, a thought occurs to Martha, and, without really thinking, she says it aloud: “Do you realize that, as of tonight, we’ve been seeing each other for exactly six months?” And then, there is silence in the car. To Martha, it seems like a very loud silence. She thinks to herself: I wonder if it bothers him that I said that. Maybe he’s been feeling confined by our relationship; maybe he thinks I’m trying to push him into some kind of obligation that he doesn’t want, or isn’t sure of. And Fred is thinking: Gosh. Six months. And Martha is thinking: But, hey, I’m not so sure I want this kind of relationship either. Sometimes I wish I had a little more space, so I’d have time to think about whether I really want us to keep going the way we are, moving steadily towards, I mean, where are we going? Are we just going to keep seeing each other at this level of intimacy? Are we heading toward marriage? Toward children? Toward a lifetime together? Am I ready for that level of commitment? Do I really even know this person? And Fred is thinking: …so that means it was…let’s see…February when we started going out, which was right after I had the car at the dealer’s, which means…lemme check the odometer…Whoa! I am way overdue for an oil change here. And Martha is thinking: He’s upset. I can see it on his face. Maybe I’m reading this completely wrong. Maybe he wants more from our relationship, more intimacy, more commitment; maybe he has sensed – even before I sensed it – that I was feeling some reservations. Yes, I bet that’s it. That’s why he’s so reluctant to say anything about his own feelings. He’s afraid of being rejected. And Fred is thinking: And I’m gonna have them look at the transmission again. I don’t care what those morons say, it’s still not shifting right. And they better not try to blame it on the cold weather this time. What cold weather? It’s 87 degrees out, and this thing is shifting like a garbage truck, and I paid those incompetent thieves $600. And Martha is thinking: He’s angry. And I don’t blame him. I’d be angry, too. I feel so guilty, putting him through this, but I can’t help the way I feel. I’m just not sure. And Fred is thinking: They’ll probably say it’s only a 90-day warranty…scumballs. And Martha is thinking: Maybe I’m just too idealistic, waiting for a knight to come riding up on his white horse, when I’m sitting right next to a perfectly good person, a person I enjoy being with, a person I truly do care about, a person who seems to truly care about me. A person who is in pain because of my self-centered, schoolgirl romantic fantasy. And Fred is thinking: Warranty? They want a warranty? I’ll give them a warranty. I’ll take their warranty and stick it right up their… “Fred,” Martha says aloud. “What?” says Fred, startled. “Please don’t torture yourself like this,” she says, her eyes beginning to brim with tears. “Maybe I should never have…oh dear, I feel so…”(She breaks down, sobbing.) “What?” says Fred. “I’m such a fool,” Martha sobs. “I mean, I know there’s no knight. I really know that. It’s silly. There’s no knight, and there’s no horse.” “There’s no horse?” says Fred. “You think I’m a fool, don’t you?” Martha says. “No!” says Fred, glad to finally know the correct answer. “It’s just that…it’s that I…I need some time,” Martha says. (There is a 15-second pause while Fred, thinking as fast as he can, tries to come up with a safe response. Finally he comes up with one that he thinks might work.) “Yes,” he says. (Martha, deeply moved, touches his hand.) “Oh, Fred, do you really feel that way?” she says. “What way?” says Fred. “That way about time,” says Martha. “Oh,” says Fred. “Yes.” (Martha turns to face him and gazes deeply into his eyes, causing him to become very nervous about what she might say next, especially if it involves a horse. At last she speaks.) “Thank you, Fred,” she says. “Thank you,” says Fred. Then he takes her home, and she lies on her bed, a conflicted, tortured soul, and weeps until dawn, whereas when Fred gets back to his place, he opens a bag of Doritos, turns on the TV, and immediately becomes deeply involved in a rerun of a college basketball game between two South Dakota junior colleges that he has never heard of. A tiny voice in the far recesses of his mind tells him that something major was going on back there in the car, but he is pretty sure there is no way he would ever understand what, and so he figures it’s better if he doesn’t think about it. The next day Martha will call her closest friend, or perhaps two of them, and they will talk about this situation for six straight hours. In painstaking detail, they will analyze everything she said and everything he said, going over it time and time again, exploring every word, expression, and gesture for nuances of meaning, considering every possible ramification. They will continue to discuss this subject, off and on, for weeks, maybe months, never reaching any definite conclusions, but never getting bored with it either. Meanwhile, Fred, while playing racquetball one day with a mutual friend of his and Martha’s, will pause just before serving, frown, and say: “Norm, did Martha ever own a horse?” And that’s the difference between men and women. If you love this, please share it with your friends. Peace and Love Bored Daddy