Married transgender woman spends $80,000 on surgery – won’t stop until she reaches perfection


Not everyone is perfect. In fact, most people would likely change something about the way they look had they been given a chance. However, most of us learn to love our flaws over time, but there also those who would stop at nothing to reach perfection.

Fulvia Pellegrino was born a male, but she always knew she didn’t fit in her body. As she felt ashamed to admit she was feeling like a woman, she was forced to hide through a great part of her life.

In order to fulfill her parents expectations, Fulvia, who was born Fulvio, married wife Marisa some 32 years ago. During the day, she was a happily married and devoted husband, but during the night, she would visit gay clubs and would put on dresses and makeup at the garages of the clubs so that no one could recognize her.

Eventually, she couldn’t hide her true self any longer. Her cars, her guns, the football nights, and everything else she was forced to do in order to present herself as the perfect guy are now long forgotten.

“It is difficult to grow up with a body which is not yours. You try to mask it in every way playing football, drinking beers, buying American 4x4s and go shooting to feel like a man,” she shared with Mirror. “Instead you understand it is a mask and so you need to throw it away and become what you are.”

The first person Fulvia told about her dream of becoming a woman was her wife. Although it came as a shock at first, Marisa has been very supportive.

Over the years, now 62-year-old Fulvia has spend around $80,000 on surgeries and hormone treatments. She had 150 lip and cheekbone fillers, four breast implants, and two rounds of liposuction, among the rest. Her butt lift surgery alone cost $22,000.

Despite everything she’s gone through, Fulvia is still not satisfied with her looks. “I am not happy with my ‘perfect’ body, because it is not perfect. Perfection is something else.”

Fulvia Pellegrino / Facebook

Speaking of her relationship with her wife Marisa, with whom she is still together, Fulvia says: “Today Marisa and I are nothing more than two sisters. We live together, we argue like two normal people but not like husband and wife.”

While her two brothers supported her decision to transition, Fulvia’s parents could never accept that their son was now a woman. Her father even tried to force Marisa to sign documents and send Fulvia to a psychiatric institution, but that didn’t happen. When Fulvia’s father passed away, she was forbidden to attend his funeral.

Fulvia Pellegrino / Facebook

Most of her family and friends want nothing to do with her.

The people from the place where she lives, the Italian town of Peveragno, mock her and make fun of her appearance. “I am now the clown of Peveragno. They point at me, they talk about me, they start inventing stories about me that I am a prostitute,” Fulvia told Barcroft in 2016. “My friends have all vanished — they didn’t accept me.”

Despite all that, this woman is happy to have Marisa’s support and she continues changing her body more and more.

“Plastic surgery is not a drug but it’s something that people like me need. I am not happy with my face and other parts of my body,” she says and adds:“I won’t stop here; I want to go ahead because it’s not perfect. If I reach perfection maybe I will stop.”

For more on Fulvia’s life story and her appearance before all the surgeries go to the video below.

As long as her way of life makes her happy and doesn’t affect her health, Fulvia can have as much procedures as she wishes. At the end of the day, everyone deserves to be happy with themselves.

Couple who struggled to get pregnant for 13 years welcome a baby boy


Infertility is an issue more and more couples face. The struggle to have a baby is real for these people and it affects both their physical and mental state.

Carissa Morris, 33, and her husband Dave, 32, were trying for a baby for 13 years, but they failed each time. As time passed by, they became more and more concerned that their dream of becoming parents was slipping through their fingers.

Over the years, Carissa suffered eight miscarriages. She couldn’t keep her babies past six weeks and doctors finally told her that one of her tubes was blocked and as a result the fluids were getting back to her uterus. Once her tube was removed, they learned that Dave was experiencing issues, too. It turned out that his job, which required from him to work at a place with too much heat, affected his fertility. Finally, they decided to consult a doctor and undergo an IVF. They only had one embryo and all of their hopes were on the procedure.

Carissa Morris / CATERS NEWS

To their surprise and delight, the first attempt was a huge success and Carissa was pregnant again. This time, she managed to go with her pregnancy almost until the end and gave birth to a baby boy just a few days before Christmas. They could never ask for a better present.

Baby Oliver weighted 6lb 7oz, but doctors soon realized he was experiencing health issues which meant he needed to spend Christmas at the NICU.

“He was three weeks early and was born blue, his oxygen dropped to 20% for nine minutes and he immediately intubated,” Carissa explained. Luckily, doctors managed to stabilize him and shortly after they had the NETS group, which is the Neonatal Emergency Transport Service, come in and place him in their Neonatal Ambulance.

Carissa Morris / CATERS NEWS

Some 30 hours later, the proud parents could hold their baby for the first time. “It was fantastic to be able to hold Oliver for the first time; he definitely has everyone wrapped around his finger,” she continued.

Oliver needed to be fed through a tube for some time because he had an obstruction in his stomach, but the scans revealed it was something that could be fixed without a surgery.

Carissa Morris / CATERS NEWS

We are glad this little guy is going great. They all make a wonderful family.

Alfonso Ribeiro: This is what Carlton Banks from Fresh Prince is up to these days


The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is a Hollywood classic and one of those series that have re-runs even years after they were first released.

This particular series stole the hearts of millions of fans, and one of the actors who helped make it what it is today is Alfonso Ribeiro, who played the role of Carlton Banks, the preppy and politically conservative cousin and friend of Will Smith.

Ribeiro was born on September 21, 1971, in New York. His family was from Trinidad and Tobago, and many of them were involved in showbiz, so it didn’t come as a surprise when Ribeiro chose to pursue a career in film. His grandfather, Albert Ribeiro, was a singer under the name “Lord Hummingbird,” and his aunt danced on the ’60s sketch comedy show Laugh-In.

Youtube/Giraldi Media

“As a kid, my dad was my manager, and he always said to me, ‘Here’s what we’re going to do: The more eggs you have in the basket, the more opportunities you have for one of them to hatch when you need them to hatch,’” Ribeiro recalled in an interview with The Ringer.

“‘And so we’re just going to learn to do everything. We’re going to learn how to dance, we’re going to learn how to sing, we’re going to learn how to act, we’re going to learn how to entertain, we’re going to learn how to talk, we’re going to learn how to read. We’re going to be well-rounded in the business.’”

Ribeiro became part of the showbiz at the age of nine when he landed a role in the series Oye Willie. Later, he was part of the Broadway show The Tap Dance Kid. His dancing was out-of-this world and became his trademark over the years.

Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

In 1984, Ribeiro danced alongside Michael Jackson for one of his Pepsi commercials and that’s when the entire country got interested in him.

“Michael Peters, who ended up directing the commercial for The Tap Dance Kid, was Michael Jackson’s choreographer, and he was like, ‘Oh, we got a kid.’ And Bob Giraldi goes ‘No, no, no, I got a kid’ and comes to find out that it was the same kid and it happened to be me,” Ribeiro recalled.

In 1990, he appeared in an episode of A Different World and was offered to be a series regular. At the same time, he was offered the role of Carlton in The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and since both series were NBC productions, he had to choose. Well, the rest is history.

s_bukley /

The series was a huge success and Ribeiro turned into a real star. His incredible dancing was so contagious that it got its known name, the “Carlton Dance,” and is until this very day very popular.

In an interview with TMZ in 2012, Ribeiro confessed he created the dance moves inspired by Courtney Cox’s dancing in the Bruce Springsteen music video “Dancing In the Dark” and Eddie Murphy’s dance in the stand-up film Delirious.

“On the Fresh Prince, they basically had a script that said, you know, Carlton dances, and I said, ‘Alright, well how would Carlton dance? You know what, I’m stealing it,’” he said. “I stole it from Courtney Cox and Eddie Murphy,’” Ribeiro recalled. “It’s a combo of all of that with a little bit of me mixed in.”

As this role changed his life forever, it also affected his future career. Ribeiro nailed it in the series, but soon, everyone saw him as Carlton and he had a hard time getting a role.

“I had what I love taken away from me because I won. When you do a role like Carlton and people love the role, and you do the job so well that they essentially tell you that you can’t do it anymore because we can’t see you as anything else, it is a very difficult thing to deal with,” Ribeiro told Atlanta Black Star. “It was like, ‘Wait a minute, but I did it well. I did my job. I did what I was asked to do, I made you believe that that’s who I am.’ That’s what an actor is supposed to do. And then I was punished for it. Because then I didn’t get to do what my craft was. I didn’t get to do it anymore.”

Shutterstock/Eugene Powers

He stood for himself and other actors who have been typecast over the course of their careers.

“I’ve always said that the idea that you can do something so well in your life that no one will allow you to do it again, is very difficult to go through,” he told Pop Culture. “Imagine being the greatest home run hitter in the game and never being allowed to go hit home runs because you hit home runs. Doesn’t make sense. But in show business, that sometimes is the case. So having to reinvent myself by turning myself into myself, which is weird.”

After the series which marked his life, Ribeiro hosted America’s Funniest Home Videos and played in the sitcom In The House, among the rest. He also competed in Dancing With the Stars.

Ribeiro is married to wife Angela Unkrich with whom he has three children. He also has a daughter, Sienna, from his first marriage.

Although he’s been criticized for being in an interracial marriage, Ribeiro says his family is the most important thing for him.

“I try to do everything in my power to make sure that my family’s with me on all of these journeys that I have to go on. I feel it’s incredibly important,” he said. “We prioritize family. We prioritize each other.”

His eldest daughter, Sienna, graduated from high school in 2021, and the proud father wrote on Instagram: “My baby girl Sienna just Graduated from High School. I’m so proud. She’s gonna go do big things in her life. She’s smart, beautiful, motivated, funny, passionate and makes everyone around her happier.”

Alfonso Ribeiro has had a successful career and has a beautiful family. What else is there to wish for? He truly is a happy man.

Worried officer enters home when girl who waves him every day is suddenly gone

Some kids are lucky and don’t even know it, in a stable good home with loving parents, unfortunately, that’s not the case here. Klynn Scales grew up in a house surrounded by drugs, neglect, and violence! Just down the road from their house there was a shop, the 7-Eleven, from where she and her brothers stole food when there was nothing to eat.

There was a particular Police Officer that would pass by their house each day, and Klynn would wave to him, every day, she was nine after all!

Klynn said, “He was the one adult I could trust as a kid” She didn’t know the Officer’s name, but he had said once that he was there for them if they needed it and that he would protect both of them. Klynn used that memory to help her through things from day to day, the good and especially the bad! She said, “Those words would come to me during the worst times of my childhood life.” The police officer was true to his word, he really meant what he said. One day he passed the house and very unusually he didn’t see Klynn waiting there to wave to him.Then, his gut told him that something was not right straight away! He went straight to the house to investigate his instinctive feeling and found her there at the house. She had collapsed and wasn’t able to breathe properly.

He picked her up and took her straight to the hospital, where she was treated for malnutrition.

She later wrote on Facebook: “You saved my life, literally.” What she remembers about that day is very blurry, but she recalls seeing a halo of light around the officer as he stood over her that day. She said, “Jeff Colvin is not just a hero to me, but my guardian angel also. He was there when I had no one” The two are friends but lost contact when Klynn moved to Texas, from Kansas City, Missouri. A full 20 years later Klynn wrote about her story, a woman with the Kansas City Police Dept saw her story and searched for the Officer… Decades Later Sgt. Jeff Colvin got an email, it seemed very mysterious, about a little girl. He was really taken back with shock, he said, “Most times we go through our career without realizing if we truly helped anybody out.”

Colvin remembered Klynn and her family and they got to reunite with each other.

Klynn said, “I just never thought this would ever happen, to find my hero …I am so happy that I was able to thank you in person and I hope one day I can become someone’s hero, or make a positive impact like you did mine.” How amazing, what a really lovely story here, if you love it like we do then please SHARE with friends and family.
How amazing, what a really lovely story here, if you love it like we do then please SHARE with friends and family. Peace and Love

Prince Charles has huge regrets about “Megxit,” royal author claims


From the moment actress and later Duchess of Sussex, Megan Markle, became part of the British Royalty, all eyes were on her. Tabloids followed her every move and in attempts to protect his wife from the pressure by the magazines and the public, Harry and Meghan stepped down from their royal duties as senior royals in January of last year.


When they issued the bombshell decision through their former Instagram account Sussex Royal, the British and basically the whole world was shocked by what they latter referred to as the “Megxit.”

Rumors were that Harry’s grandmother, The Queen, wasn’t happy with the couple for not speaking to her prior to sharing their decision with the public and called a crisis meeting. However, not much changed and Harry and Meghan now live in L.A with their son Archie Mountbatten-Windsor, and their newborn baby Lilibet “Lili” Diana in a big house close to the elements of nature.

“Archie is really happy, and he has some space to run free. The house came with a play structure that he’ll be climbing in no time,” an insider told Harpers Bazaar. “They’re excited to be there and to become part of the community. It’s a really happy time for them as a family.”

Wikipedia Commons / Mark Jones

During those hard times for the Royal family, it was reported that Prince Charles, Harry’s father, regretted his son and his daughter-in-law’s decision.

According to royal author Nigel Cawthorne, Prince Charles was charmed by Meghan the moment he met her. “He saw that the marriage of the Sussexes brought Harry great happiness and that it created at the same time a new story for the monarchy that resonated deeply both in Britain but also in the Commonwealth and other English-speaking countries if not the world,” the author of Prince Andrew, Epstein and the Palace wrote. 

“I think [Prince Charles] likes strong women, but in The Firm, there is only room for one Queen,” Cawthorne told The Sun. “I think he foresaw considerable problems ahead for The Firm. Harry and Meghan amplified the popularity of the royal family in the way that Prince Andrew and Fergie did at the time.”


Prince Charles offered moral support but couldn’t do much to persuade them to stay. He “personally regrets the fact he will not see his son and family.”

However, despite stepping down from the Royal duties and leaving Britain, Prince Charles and the Duke of Sussex were very close. Well, until all the mess the Sussexes created with their public appearances during which they practically slammed the Royal Family and made everyone angry, especially Prince Charles who was sad his son dragged the family name through the mud.


“I’ve probably bored you to tears over the years. What I’ve tried to do all these years is to make sure, if I can possibly, is that ensure that you and your children, my grandchildren, also everybody else’s grandchildren, have a world fit to live in, that provides them with opportunity,” Charles said when he spoke to Harry in BBC Radio 4’s Today.


In April, Harry and Meghan announced their plans for launching a charitable organization, Archewell. “To do something of meaning, to do something that matters. Archewell is a name that combines an ancient word for strength and action, and another that evokes the deep resources we each must draw upon. We look forward to launching Archewell when the time is right,” the Duke and Duchess of Sussex said in a statement.

We hope the pandemic would be over soon and Prince Charles will be able to enjoy the company of his son’s family whom he misses dearly and with whom he seems to be in a bit of better terms after the birth of little Lilibet.

Suspected tornado damages veteran’s home at the same time he took his wife off life support


The severe weather that swept through the southern parts of the country claimed the lives of at least two people and left many injured. Properties were torn down and families were left without a roof over their head.

One of the people who lost their houses when the tornado struck is a veteran named Frank Senn. His property in Elmore County, Alabama, was damaged, but that wasn’t the biggest loss he suffered that day. Unfortunately, Frank experienced an incredible heartbreak as he was forced to say the final goodbye to his beloved wife of 40 years, Glenda.

Around the time the tornado hit, Frank was at the hospital where he made the toughest decision in his life, to take Glenda off life support.

A few days before his entire life turned upside down, Glenda fell down the stairs and broke her neck. She was rushed to the hospital where doctors did all in their power to safe her life, but there was nothing that could be done.

“The doctor came in today and said there was nothing else they could do and took her off of life support,” heartbroken Frank shared with WSFA. “They are going to put her in a room until she passes away,” he told Fox 19. “They are going to keep her comfortable.”

During his time of grief, Frank has the support of his family, his neighbors, and the entire community, who gathered together to clear up his property. “The love and outpouring of support that’s come out to help my father and our ranch farm has been amazing,” Jon Senn, Frank’s son, said.

We are so very sad for this man’s loss. Our hearts go out to him during this difficult times.

Player’s opponent knows his mom is battling cancer – joins him in prayer after the game


Being there for someone during their toughest of times is the ultimate act of humanity.

Ty Jordan and Gage Smith are two football players who are part of opposing teams. While Ty plays for the West Mesquite High School, Gage is part of Sherman High School. Recently, they played against each other, and as much as they saw each other as rivals on the field, outside of it, it’s a completely different story.

Recently, Ty’s mother was diagnosed with two types of cancer, a lung cancer and a bone cancer. The diagnosis was a devastating one. Ty had a hard time accepting the reality but managed to vent his emotions through the game of football, something he loves.

Source: Takka_Jordan/Twitter

Ty told his teammates about his mom’s condition and they all have been very supportive. He also shared the news on the social media where he asked from his friends and family to send prayers.

As Gage and Ty knew each other from middle school, Gage stumbled upon Ty’s post and wanted to do something for him in order to remind him that he was there for him.

As the game was over, Gage approached Ty and shook his hand. Then, he told him he wanted to pray for his mom with him. The two then knelt down holding their hands and said a prayer.

Source: Takka_Jordan/Twitter

Everyone who witnessed Gage’s gesture was touched. Among them was Ty’s aunt Takka who took photos of the rivals praying together and shared them on Twitter. Little did she know, however, that her post would attract the attention of a huge number of people who praised Gage for his kind act.

Source: Takka_Jordan/Twitter

Gage’s coach, JD Martinez was proud of his quarterback and was glad he didn’t let the rivalry on the field be an obstacle for showing what humanity should be all about. He said he tells his team that although football is a competitive sport, they should always treat those from the other teams with respect.

We truly hope Ty’s mother would win the battle against cancer.

Sweet 6-year-old girl meets baby sister for the very first time and is overwhelmed with joy


Adalynn is a six-year-old girl whose biggest wish was to be a big sister. There wasn’t a day that she wouldn’t ask from her parents to give her a sibling. She wanted that so badly that she even asked one as a Christmas present.

Her mom and dad explained to her that babies aren’t simply bought at a store but it takes time for them to arrive.

One day, Adalynn finally heard the news she was longing for. She was going to have a sibling. She was over the moon, to say the least, and the only thing that interrupted her happiness was the fact that she still needed to wait 9 months.

Source: Dale Benson/Facebook

During the pregnancy, Adalynn made mom Erin and dad Dale buy a bunch of clothes and baby stuff for the bundle of joy. More great news came after an ultrasound which revealed the baby’s gender. It was going to be a girl, just like Adalynn hoped for.

The family even organized a gender reveal party just for Adalynn, who couldn’t stop her tears of joy when she learned she was going to have a baby sister.

Source: Dale Benson/Facebook

Everything was ready for the big arrival and everyone was aware of Adalynn’s high levels of anticipation, but no one knew that the sisters’ first encounter would melt thousands of hearts from all around the country and beyond.

On the day Erin went into labor, sweet Adalynn got up and saw her grandma in the house, and her mom and dad were nowhere to be seen. That’s when she realized her sister was finally coming into her life.

Source: Dale Benson/Facebook

The first encounter was magical, and we are so happy dad Dale caught it on tape. The moment Adalynn laid eyes on the little one, her first words were “I’m gonna cry!” as she clasped her hands to her chest. The amount of love Adalynn felt was so overwhelming that she did start to cry tears of joy. She couldn’t stop starring at her sister Madeline, or Maddy, as her family calls her.

Source: Dale Benson/Facebook

One thing is certain, Maddy would be the happiest girl in the world to have a big sister as loving and as caring as Adalynn.

Source: Dale Benson/Facebook

The video of the two beauties has been seen more than 400k times and received almost 400 comments. If you want to see it yourself watch it below.