9-yr-old hears God telling her to look in the bushes – gets closer to it and finds an abandoned baby


A newborn baby boy with the placenta and the umbilical cord still attached was abandoned in someone’s backyard. The little one was exposed to the shining sun and could easily die if an angel in the form of a 9-year-old girl wouldn’t found it by chance.

9-year-old Elysa from Indiana was playing in the backyard when she heard strange noises. She assumed that one of the pigs might have escaped so she decided to go and check. As she was slowly moving around, she noticed tiny pink legs.

At that moment, Elysa started screaming and rushed to the house to alert her mom about the “strange” creature. “It just freaked me out, I didn’t know what it was,” she told CBS 2’s Brad Edwards.

The mother, Heidi Laub, went to check what was going on and that’s when she realized there was a baby near one of the bushes.

“That’s when she was like, ‘Oh my God, it’s a baby,’ and I was like, ‘What?!” Elysia recalled.

“I just saw pink legs kicking away,” Elysia said. “I knew it was alive and I knew we had something. I could not second guess myself. I knew we had to get help.”

Luckily, the little one was taken to the St. Anthony’s Hospital where doctors confirmed nothing was wrong with him. They said the baby was just a day old.

Authorities at the Lake County Sheriff’s office say Elysa is the baby’s guardian angel.

“I didn’t do this myself,” Elysia said. “Somebody helped me — God. He put me in that place.”

“If I wasn’t there and God didn’t tell my brain – if my brain didn’t make me go over there, we would find a dead baby in the yard this afternoon,” this precious girl added. “It would be much worse and much different.”

Thanks to Elysa, the baby got a second chance in life.

For more on this heartwarming story go to the video below.

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Love and Peace

List of 20 most attractive men in the world according to the opinion of ordinary people


What some people find rather appealing, others may consider average. The truth is that there is no accounting for tastes.

Recently, the social network Reddit created a pool asking users about famous people they find attractive. We can agree that the users really have a great taste in men. Below is the list. We hope you’ll enjoy looking through it as much as we did. Of course, we could probably add some other attractive celebrities we believe deserve a place on this list. Whose name would you add?

20. Jensen Ackles

© Steven Bergman / AFF-USA.COM / MEGA / Mega Agency / East News

19. Tom Hardy

© Invision / Invision / East News

18. Pierce Brosnan

© Invision / Invision / East News

17. Jason Momoa

© Gage Skidmore / Wikimedia Commons, © CC BY-SA 2.0

16. Chris Evans

© Invision / Invision / East News

15. Ryan Reynolds

© Invision / Invision / East News

14. Harrison Ford

© Image supplied by Capital Pictures / East News

13. Keanu Reeves

© PopularImages / Depositphotos.com

12. Hugh Jackman

© Kristin Callahan / Everett Collection / East News

11. Sebastian Stan

© Invision / Invision / East News

10. Matt Bomer in the White Collar TV series

© White Collar / Fox Television Studios

9. Jon Hamm


8. Chris Hemsworth

© face to face / FaceToFace / REPORTER / East News

7. Ewan McGregor

© SteveSands / NewYorkNewswire / MEGA / Mega Agency / East News
© East News

5. Danny DeVito

© Elizabeth Goodenough / Everett Collection / East News

4. Paul Rudd

© Invision / Invision / East News

3. Idris Elba

© Fred Duval / MEGA / Mega Agency / East News

2. Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn

© The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring / New Line Cinema

1. Henry Cavill

© Invision / Invision / East News

Who do you find the most attractive of all? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

Police officer makes headlines when he asks girl living in a “suspicious vehicle” to follow him to the sidewalk


When they respond to emergency calls, officers have no idea what they will stumble upon.

Two officers, Scott Marsh and Zach Pricer of the Huntington Beach Police Department in California, were asked to check on a “suspicious vehicle” located in a parking lot at Cross Park near Graham Street and Edinger Avenue. When they answered the call, they realized a single mom and her 11-year-old daughter were living in the car.

In an attempt to help the struggling family of two, they called the police department’s Homeless Task Force and explained that the mother and daughter were in desperate need of housing.

While the mother spoke on the phone with someone from the task force, officer Pricer decided to take some time talking to the girl because he knew she probably felt scared and confused. Hoping to put her at ease, he asked her whether she knew how to play hopscotch.

“For an 11-year-old girl, to see a police officer towering over her is a scary thing,” Pricer, 38, told The Orange County Register. “I was trying to break the ice and get her to feel comfortable with me.”

When she said she didn’t know how to play, he decided to teach her. He went first and the video of him and the girl playing the fun game was soon shared all over the social media with huge number of people praising his kind act towards the girl.

“Your feet touched the line, but I’m going to let you go because it’s your first time,” Pricer said when the girl played for the first time. “I’ll give it to you.”

Source: Facebook screenshot/ Huntington Beach Police Department

The caption of the video read, “This morning an officer checked on a suspicious occupied vehicle in the area of Graham and Edinger.

“During his investigation, he learned the people in the vehicle were a mother and her 11-year-old daughter and they had been living out of their car. The officer contacted our Homeless Task Force to help arrange housing. As the officer worked on housing arrangements with the mother, another officer on scene, Officer Pricer, began displaying his expertise in hopscotch to the daughter. #Copslovehopscotch.”

Source: Facebook screenshot/ Huntington Beach Police Department

People couldn’t help but comment on the video which restored their faith in humanity.

“Very sweet, but the officer is out. You can’t use your hand to balance when picking up the marker,” one person wrote. “Way to go Officer Pricer, you’re a good man,” another added.

There were also those who shared their concerns for the mother and the daughter. “This makes me so sad & happy at the same time. Prayers for that woman & her daughter. May God meet their needs. May God bless the police offers that helped them out and took the time.”

Source: Facebook screenshot/ Huntington Beach Police Department

We are so thankful for people like Officer Pricer. Thank you for all you do for the community.

You can see the video which went viral below.  

2 little girls pose for a photo at Disney World – Now Look closely at Minnie Mouse

Disney World is dubbed “the place where dreams come true” for so many reasons. No matter if you are a child or an adult, the magic this place brings to life is an experience one can never forget, not in a lifetime. 

One special family experienced the beauty of this fairytale place where all the characters come to life in a very significant way.

The video, a part of Disney Parks’ “Unforgettable Stories” series, introduces us to Shaylee Mansfield and her family. Both her mom and dad are deaf and this cute girl is deaf too. When they were Shaylee’s age, her mom and dad didn’t have it easy. Luckily, they say things are a bit different now. The girl attends a school where everyone knows the sign language and Shaylee considers it her safe place. What’s most, she loves the school and has many friends. She’s loved, cared for, and understood, and that makes her very happy.

Outside home and school is a different story. The truth is that not many ordinary people know the sign language, so Shaylee has a hard time communicating with people and that makes her feel left out at times. 

Like most children her age, Shaylee and her sister dreamed of visiting Disneyland, and their mom and dad made that dream come true. They, however, feared that Shaylee’s experience would not be complete because she wouldn’t be able to communicate with her heroes. Once there, they enjoyed the beautiful day, but the highlight of the trip was when the two sisters posed for a photo with Minnie Mouse.

Once the photo opt was done, Minnie left the family stunned. She turned to Shaylee and signed with her. It turned out she was learning the sign language in order to enable an exhilarating adventure for children like Shaylee. While it may seem like a tiny gesture, it can truly mean the world to feel included.

“It made her proud of her own language. She made that connection,” Shaylee’s dad said once he soaked up his daughter’s interaction.

I am sure the world felt a lot more hopeful for this girl that day! For more on the story and Shaylee’s precious smile go to the video below. 

Please SHARE this touching story with your family and friends on Facebook!

Dad tears down realizing the house they were hunting for his son was actually for him


Moms and dads out there sacrifice a lot for their children without expecting anything in return. But when they receive appreciation for the hard work and all the love they have for their kids, parents know they have done a great job raising caring individuals.

Michael Green is the creator of The Angry Grandpa Show on YouTube which is very popular. Now, as much as we enjoy all of the videos posted on the channel, the one below is definitely one of our favorite.

Michael and his girlfriend Bridgette asked Michael’s dad, Charles, to help them search for their dream home. They checked out a bunch of houses and it looked like they finally found what they were looking for.

Charles loved everything about the place. There was a fireplace and the rooms were big and comfy. He just knew it was the perfect house for his son. But what he didn’t know was that the house wasn’t for Michael, but for him.

“For the past few months, Bridgette and I have been planning a huge prank on Angry Grandpa and today’s the day we’re going to pull it off,” Michael says at the beginning of the footage which has been watched by over 17 million people.

“We’ve been taking my dad house hunting with us under the pretenses that he’s looking for a house for me and Bridgette. The only problem is, he’s been looking for his own house,” he adds.

The moment Charles learns the house is his is so touching it brings tears of joy. When Michael hands him the key, Charles is in disbelief.

You will definitely need tissues for this beautiful moment. Check it out in the video below.

Young man saves a bobcat from fire but never expects to receive such gratitude


Some years ago, devastating wildfires struck great part of U.S. and a huge number of people were left without homes. The same was true for a number of wild animals who watched their habitat being destroyed right in front of their eyes. The animals ran in confusion and fought for their lives, just as all the humans who were affected by this natural disaster.

One family, the Kraus, found a safe place to stay, but they weren’t at ease because they knew many wild creatures needed humans’ help. This Pennsylvania family did what they believed was right and provided shelter for a young fawn and a newborn bobcat. These wild animals were raised in their home together with the family’s cats and dogs.

No matter how incredible it sounds, that’s exactly what happened.

The bob cat was named Benji and he became an important part in the life of each and every Kraus member. One particular person Benji was especially fond of was the family’s son, George.

The two spent most of their time by each other’s side and did a lot of fun things together. In the video below, the sweet bobcat is seen cheerfully playing with George and it is definitely one of the cutest videos we’ve ever stumbled upon.

George wrote that Benji passed away years after being part of the family. He truly was one of a kind. The love he was able to give to his rescuers was unmatched. He showed affection towards the rest of the pets too, especially the deer, Athena, whom he shared the same fate with. They were happy to be rescued by such loving and caring people like the Kraus.

Watch how Benji overwhelmed his rescuers with love in the video below; it’s the sweetest sight! It doesn’t come as a surprise that this sweet bonding has been seen by over 7.6 million people.

Barista is fed up with rude customers, so he decides to teach them a lesson with brutally honest sign


As we grow old, life gets tougher and tougher with every passing day and as we are preoccupied with our personal problems, we often forget to be kind to those around us.

Now when you think about it, when was the last time that you used the words ‘please’ and ‘thank you’? If you can’t really recall, you are not the only one. A barista that works at the CUPS Coffee and Tea noticed how less and less people use these words and that got him so mad that he decided to place a sign in front of his shop that would hopefully remind the customers to be more polite. It read: “One small coffee” $5.00 “One small coffee, please” $3.00 “Hello, I’d like one small coffee please.” $1.75 Looking at the sign, customers realize it wouldn’t cost them anything to use the ‘magic words’ but it would save them some money. But it also makes them think deeper about the importance of treating others with respect and kindness. That person that makes you your first morning coffee had to be up very early in the morning so that you can enjoy drinking it. The thing is that we’ve become selfish and don’t appreciate other’s work and sacrifice. Austin, the barista who came up with the brilliant idea told WDBJ7: “I decided, because I need to solve all the injustices of the world, to start charging more for people who didn’t take the time to say hello and connect and realize we’re all people behind the counter.”  His sign took the attention of many passersby and apparently someone thought it was worth posting it on Facebook. In just a matter of days, Austin’s sign has gone viral and people loved this barista’s brilliance. Take a look at what Austin has to say in the video below.

Mom posts this online after her daughter showed up like this


This past Saturday night my 15 year old daughter asked me to sleep at a friends house and go to the movies. I said yes. She has always been very good about communicating with me and checking in with me. But her plans changed that night and the series of events that followed are nothing that any family should have to experience….

I received a fb message at 100am saying someone had received a phone call saying that my daughter Ryleigh Payton was somewhere passed out.

Immediately my heart sank and I tried to call her phone repeatedly and of course there was no answer. I questioned who, where, when, why’s…and received no answer back because that girl was already in route of finding the girl who called her and my daughter, picked them up and brought them to my driveway.

As I opened the car door to see my daughter, lifeless and foaming at the mouth covered in vomit 911 was on their way. Ambulance arrived on seen and she was unresponsive, since we didn’t have many details except she had been drinking vodka we weren’t sure if she was given or taken anything else so she was given Narcane 4 time only to still fall unresponsive.

Transported to Heywood where there was no change we were told my daughters airway was not strong enough and she would need to be interbated and transferred immediately to Umass. While arriving there the doctors informed us my daughter was No longer breathing on her own at all.

I suffered 14 long hours pleading and begging for my daughters life, experiencing flashbacks from the moment she was born, to her first smile and giggle, the first time she said Mumma, her first step, her 1st birthday, her first day of school, her first friendship,sleepover, sickness, her graduation of middle school, our private mother daughter moments, laughing, joking, running, snuggling and so forth, I was thinking of her siblings and what losing her would do to them and the rest of her family and all of the people that love her.

My daughter was with a group of teens, I’m sure as the started to notice some signs that Ryleigh was not okay panic started to set in, they thought they would get in trouble if they tried to get help so they left her there.
Only 1 girl who was not even her friend but an acquaintance stayed with her, trying to find a way to get my information and she succeeded.

She didn’t care about getting in trouble herself, she wanted to get her the help she so desperately needed, the other kids who left her I’m sure we’re scared and didn’t realize the severity of her condition at the time so I’m sharing our experience so that EVERY TEEN who may come to be in this situation knows….you will NOT get in trouble for getting someone help!!!! You have the ability to SAVE a precious life!!!!!
So please reach out and get help no matter what the circumstances. That one girl SAVED my daughters life by contacting someone who could get ahold of me and if it were not for her the reality of it is I would be burying my daughter this week. PARENTS share this with your children so they see the dangers of under aged drinking and what it can do!!! After 14 hours my beautiful daughter finally by the grace of God opened her big beautiful green eyes to see her Mumma and asked for her sister Courtney Ackles and we are on our way to a long recovery due to breathing issues, bodily injury from her repeatedly falling while intoxicated, lacerations to her eye, and the worry she doesn’t develop a pneumonia from vomit being in her lungs, so we are not fully out of the woods yet, but she is home,safe and as comfortable as she can be right now.

Thank you to all who have stood by my family in this time, saying prayers, helping my other kids and husband while I was at the hospital, we are blessed. Please share this to prevent another child from going through this and another parent to endure what I have. My 92lb child had a 2.8 blood alcohol level from drinking Ciroc the typical Vodka of choice among young teens these days.

Don’t ever think this couldn’t happen to you because it is very real and it’s everywhere!!! Our pictures of her may be disturbing to some but our hopes are in sharing our pain we may be able to PREVENT AND SAVE ANOTHER CHILD!!! SHARE OUR STORY!!!

Thankfully, this young woman was able to return home. But it’s a situation that we see posted on social media, from parents around the country, time and time again. Help spread the word — if it prevents even one person from repeating this, then it’s worth it.

Please Share this with your family and friends.

Peace and Love
Bored Daddy