Woman hears a rumor about a dog who cries in the mountains at night – She climbs up and makes discovery believing the rumor


This story is all about humanity at its’ finest. It melted the hearts of many because it showed the lengths one stranger was willing to go in order to save someone’s dog.

Chloe is a 14-year-old canine who got lost recently. She and a neighboring dog left their houses and embarked on an adventure. Days later, the other dog returned home, but Chloe was nowhere to be seen. Her owners looked for her everywhere, but to no avail.

The family lives on the east side of Mount Bross in Colorado, so many believed Chloe got lost there in the mountain, and after some hikers said how they heard barking while in the woods, it was very likely Chloe was indeed there.

When a woman named Trinity Smith read on Facebook how Chloe could be trapped on the mountain, she decided to investigate. When she hiked up the mountain, she could hear the barking herself, but getting to the dog wasn’t easy so she decided to get back the following day together with her boyfriend, Sean Nichols.

The next day, Trinity and Sean spend around 4 hours on the mountain, but there was no sign of Chloe. And just when they wanted to give up their search for the day, they heard a faint bark.

“I started to give up, thinking she hadn’t made it through the night,” Trinity told CBS News. “Then (I heard) that little bark, and the adrenaline started going again.”

Luckily, they managed to find Chloe who was all scared and exhausted. She had spent six weeks all alone, it was a real miracle she was alive.

“We got her!!!!” Trinity posted on Facebook after finding Chloe. “After hours and hours of yelling and climbing Sean Nichols & I finally brought this sweet, scared, hungry girl down to safety. The poor baby was stuck up there for over a month. After coming back down with her, Chloe’s owners were patiently waiting to see if this was their dog that they had been missing for 6 weeks who had ran off with another neighborhood pup. They assumed after a month of searching that their 13-year-old baby was gone forever.”

During the long time on that mountain, Chloe lost a lot of weight, but the good thing is that she’s now home and recovering from the traumatic experience all thanks to Trinity.

You can take a look at the whole story in the video below. Please SHARE it with your family and friends on Facebook!

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Mom of Texas school shooter begs people not to judge her son


Adriana Martinez, the mother of the gunman responsible for the deadliest school shooting in the US since Newtown, Connecticut, nearly ten years ago, begged for forgiveness for her and her son.

Speaking to the CNN affiliate Televisa, the mother said with tears in her eyes: “I have no words. I have no words to say. I don’t know what he was thinking.”

She spoke in Spanish and her comments were translated by CNN: “He had his reasons for doing what he did. And please don’t judge him. I only want the innocent children who died to forgive me.” She, however, didn’t say what those reasons might be.

Martinez’s son, Salvador Ramos, bought the fire arms the same day he turned 18. Before starting the fire at the Robb Elementary School and killing 19 children and two teachers, he shot his grandmother in the head. She’s currently recovering despite the severity of the injury she sustained.

Asked to describe her son, Martinez said that he was quiet. The gunman’s grandfather described him in the same manner when speaking of his grandson.

Ramos’ father, whom the shooter wasn’t particularly close to, told the Daily Beast: “I just want the people to know I’m sorry, man, [for] what my son did.

“He should’ve just killed me, you know, instead of doing something like that to someone.”

Following the shooting, Ramos was gunned down by a special agent.

Peace and Love

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Little girl asks neighbors to be her grandparents – Years later, she learns why they never had kids


A young woman named Katelynn Martinez had a friendly nature when she was young, but sadly, there were no plenty of kids around the neighborhood so she was bored most of time. Well, it was like that until she met two special people who remained a huge part of her life throughout the years.

Those people were Bill and Arlene, a couple living next door. The first encounter Katelynn had with them was when Arlene offered her some strawberries grown in her yard. Ever since, the girl spent plenty of time with the couple.

One day, Katelynn knocked on their door and told them how she needed to ask them a very important question. Both Bill and Arlene were eager to hear what the little girl had to say. She then looked straight into their eyes and said: “Will you guys be my grandparents?”

Source: Instagram/ humansofny

Of course, Kaytlynn was still very young and had no idea how much those words meant to the couple who never had children on their own, and with that, no chance to ever have a grandchild. They started crying tears of joy and gave the girl a resounding “yes.”

Bill then printed a certificate of adoption which said that they were both officially adopted by their new “granddaughter.”

Over the years, the three remained very close and the certificate stood hanged on the wall.

Source: Instagram/ humansofny

Bill and Arlene always encouraged Katelynn to be hard-working and attend college. However, when the time came for her to start college, she decided not to because it cost a lot more than she and her parents could afford.

Bill and Arlene told Katelynn that they were saving up for her studies the moment the three of them signed the printed certificate. That meant the world to Katelynn. At that point, she wanted to learn why her “adopted” grandparents never had kids on their own. The couple explained that they both came from difficult backgrounds and had a tough life. That made Arlene turn to alcohol, and up until the point she managed to overcome her addiction, it was already too late to have children. They also said that they regretted not having children until the moment she entered their life and made it better. They truly considered her the kid they never had.

Source: Instagram/ humansofny

Sadly, in 2013, just two days short of the anniversary of their adoption, Bill called Katelynn and told her that Arlene passed away. It was a huge blow for Katelynn who loved Arlene as her real grandmother.

During the funeral, Bill announced to the room that the greatest joy of her life was raising her granddaughter, Katie.

Source: Instagram/ humansofny

It is beautiful how these neighbors became a family over the years. Katelynn remembers sharing some of the best moments of her life with her grandparents and she’s forever grateful for everything they did for her and how much happiness they brought in her life.

Source: Instagram/ humansofny

If you loved this inspiring story as much as we did please SHARE it with your family and friends on Facebook!

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Love and Peace

Dog seen outside of store with a sign around his neck


The sad reality is that a huge number of dogs are being abandoned by irresponsible owners who simply decide they don’t want a pet in their life any longer. Most of these animals end up on the streets, while some find themselves at shelters. One such place was where a man named Steve Moore found his best friend, a three-year-old Golden Retriever named Jackson.

Whenever Moore needed to go somewhere, he would take sweet Jackson with him. However, as most shops won’t allow pets inside, and Moore didn’t want leaving Jackson alone inside the car, he trained him to wait for him while ignoring any distractions such as loud noises or passersby who feel the urge to get closer and pet him. The training involved a lot of trips and treats as the dog perfected his impulse-control skills.

These days, while Moore is running errands, he leaves Jackson outside with a cute sign around his neck which says: “Dad told me to wait here. Me waiting.”

These sweet dog is very patient and never leaves the place where Moore tells him to wait at. He just stands there until he spots his favorite human getting out of the store.

A number of people who see Jackson in front of Target with the sign around his neck assume he’s looking for a home or some food, but when they get closer and realize that he’s one happy and loved dog, they just smile and pet him on the head.

Moore says that he’s surprised at the number of people who would love Jackson to be their dog while just shortly ago he was a sad dog at a shelter that nobody wanted to give a second chance and a loving home.

For more on Jackson and Moore’s friendship go to the video below and don’t forget to SHARE it with an animal lover.

Bored Daddy

Dogs are the best

5-year-old boy fails to show up at his friend’s birthday party – his parents get an unexpected ‘No Show Up Fee’ invoice


Five-year-old Alex Nash was invited to a friend’s birthday party at a dry ski slope in Plymouth, Devon, just before Christmas. His parents confirmed Alex’s attendance and the boy was looking forward to it, but on the day of the party they realized that Alex was double-booked and due to spend some time with his grandparents, which is exactly what the boy did.

Some days later, Alex’s parents, Derek Nash and Tanya Walsh, found a brown envelope inside their son’s backpack. When they opened it, they were left in complete shock. It was an invoice which required from them to pay a £15.95 no-show fee to Julie Lawrence, the mother of the child whose birthday party Alex missed.

“It was an invoice for a ‘child no-show’ fee for the party… and it was a proper invoice with full official details, even her bank details, and e-mail address, and name,” Nash told BBC News.

This is the invoice sent to Derek Nash after his son didn’t attend a children’s birthday party (Image: SWNS)

According to Alex’s mom, they didn’t call Lawrence to tell her that they changed their mind about the party because they couldn’t get in touch with her as they couldn’t find the invite. What’s most, Tanya even said how they weren’t sure if they had one.

Party guests enjoyed “three toboggan runs, a snow tube ride, and a hot birthday meal with ice cream or jelly during the Christmas holidays.” As Alex didn’t show up after his parents confirmed his attendance, Lawrence believed they were supposed to pay for the cost she made.

Nash said they weren’t happy about the invoice. He even told school officials about it and confronted Lawrence, saying she wouldn’t receive a penny from him. Lawrence on the other hand threatened to take Nash and Tanya to the small claims court because they refused to pay. She said they were supposed to inform her about Alex not coming to her son’s party beforehand as they had her contact details written on the invite.

Derek Nash, with his five-year-old son Alex, was outraged by the invoice ( Image: SWNS)

The boys’ friendship fell victim to conflict. According to Alex’s parents, the two children no longer play together at school.

What are your thoughts on this? Tell us in the comments section below and don’t forget to SHARE this story with your family and friends on Facebook and see what they think.

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Toddler waits for garbage man to come by every Thursday – One day, she gives him a special gift


As young children, we are all blessed with pure hearts and some form of innocence, but as years pass by, these characteristics somehow fade away to some extent. Spending time with youngsters reminds us of those days and that is why most of us enjoy the company of the youngest members of our family, whether it’s our own children, grandchildren, nephews or nieces.

A toddler named Brooklyn is a typical child. Fun, loving, and caring. She makes everyone’s days a bit brighter with her positivity and outgoing personality.

Source: Inside Edition/YouTube

This beauty loves playing with her parents and everyone in the family, but there is one man she is particularly fond of, the garbage man. Every Thursday, Brooklyn stays by the window waiting for the garbage truck to arrive. Her parents say this is the highlight of her week. When she notices her favorite garbage man, Delver, she waits for him to wave her hi.

Her third birthday was celebrated on Thursday, the same day Delver collects the garbage in Brooklyn’s neighborhood.

Source: Inside Edition/YouTube

She was waiting for him to arrive because she prepared a special gift for him, wanting to show him that he was her friend and that he was welcomed to be part of the celebration. She was about to meet him in person and she was looking forward to it.

The moment she spotted him, Brooklyn handed him a cupcake. He was very honored he was invited to the birthday party.

Source: Inside Edition/YouTube

The following Thursday, Delver came with a bunch of gifts for his little friend. He even sent Brooklyn’s mom a video of disposing the garbage as Brooklyn was eager to learn what happens to it once it’s picked up from the neighboring houses.

The beautiful story of the unlike friendship between Brooklyn and Delver found its way to the social media. People were glad the girl never minded he was a garbage collector, she just recognized that he is a good man. This story is just a reminder that racism isn’t something we are born with.

Source: Inside Edition/YouTube

For more, check out the video below and make sure you SHARE this heartwarming story with your family and friends on Facebook!

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Love and peace

Meghan Markle shares goodbye message to a loved one


Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, shared a heartfelt tribute on the website of the animal welfare charity Mayhew, reflecting on the death of her beloved friend, Oli Juste.

Juste passed away on January 15, 2022. He and Meghan shared mutual love for animals and he was the one who introduced her to the work of the Mayhew, the organization she decided to support as a royal patron back in 2019, following her marriage to Prince Harry.

Earlier this year, her contract with the charity came to an end, but she said she would continue supporting the work the people there do for animals in need.

Oli Juste was known as one of the best dog trainers and animal behaviorists in Britain. Many remember him from his appearance on Channel 4’s Puppy School. He was also running a personal podcast, A Dog’s Best Friend, which featured a number of guests who were interested in making this world a better place for our furry pals.

Although it’s been four months since Oli’s passing, many learned of the devastating news just after Markle’s post.

“Every day there was another twist and turn, every week another update—which Oli and I would connect about: ‘What can we do? How can we do more? Look at the amazing work they continue to do,’” Meghan wrote.

“In his memory, we will be creating the Oli Juste wing at Mayhew, to shelter the animals who may have a harder time finding their forever homes.

“Because, much like Oli, they will never be forgotten, and they will always be loved.”

A number of people who knew Oli personally or through TV and social media took to Instagram to share their condolences.

“Oh Oli, I am sorry to hear this, and only just today. You were a most lovely gentle person and so much fun…,” one person wrote. “So shocked to be just reading this. I was literally listening to one of Oli’s podcasts today-with Beverley Knight. I’m quite new to his podcasts but absolutely love them and have recommended them to so many people,” said another.

He and Meghan didn’t only work together but were close friends too.

Rest in peace, Oli.

Shooter’s grandfather claims family had ‘no idea’ he’d two legally bought AR-15s


Grandfather of massive shooter Salvador Ramos, who opened fire at the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, and took the lives of 19 young students and two teachers, claims that the family was unaware his grandson had two legally bought guns.

Ramos, who was eventually shot dead by law enforcement officers, went on the shooting rampage before shooting his grandmother, Celia Martinez, in the head. He then took her vehicle and headed towards the school.

Ramos turned 18 on May 16 and that same day he allegedly purchased two AR-15s with three hundred rounds of gun ammunition from a store in Uvalde, the Oasis Outback.

The shooter moved in with his grandparents after an argument with his mother, who allegedly cut out the Wi-Fi. According to his grandfather, Rolando Reyes, nothing about his grandson spoke trouble. He said that on the day of his birthday, his wife Celia, who is now recovering at a hospital after being shot, took Ramos to Applebee’s to celebrate his birthday. Reyes further claimed that neither he nor any other member of the family was aware that Ramos purchased the guns.

“I didn’t know he had weapons. If I’d have known, I would have reported it.” Reyes, 74, told ABC NEWS further revealing that his grandson was a quiet young man who sometimes worked with him. “Sometimes I’d take him to work with me. Not all the time, but sometimes.

“This past year he didn’t go to school. He didn’t graduate. You would try to tell him but kids nowadays think they know everything. He was very quiet, he didn’t talk very much.”

When Reyes’ wife was shot, he got a call from a neighbor telling him they heard a gun shot coming from his house. The grandfather rushed home but his grandson was already gone.

An Instagram friend of Ramos’ said that the teenager had sent him a photo showing a receipt for a gun he bought from Daniel Defense, a gun manufacturer, reported The Daily Dot.

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