Teen mother is forced to give up on her child – 42 years later, she reunites with her daughter


There’s no a worse feeling for a parent than to make the decision to give their child for adoption. The reasons for this could be various. Sometimes, underaged girls who end up pregnant decide to part ways with their bundle of joy either because they can’t take care for them or because of lack of support by their families.

A woman named Linda never got along with her parents. One day, she decided to leave her family’s home and live on the streets. She spent some time as a homeless person before she decided she wanted to get back home. Shirtly after, she realzied she was pregnant. This was great news. Although she was just 15 years old, she wanted that baby so badly that she promised to herself she would do her best to prove the little one with the best life possible.

Source: youtube.com/OWN

Unfortunately, her parents were strongly against the thought of Linda keeping the baby so she was forced to give her daughter Laura up for adoption. “The joyfulness of giving birth, and then the moment at which I had to walk out of the hospital without her. So I don’t want to go back and visit that,” Linda said on Oprah Winfrey show as she spoke of her daughter.

Years went by and Linda married and had a son, but the thought of her firstborn child was always present. So, one day, she decided to start looking for her. It wasn’t an easy task, but with the help of genealogist Pam Slaton, they finally believed they could reach Laura.

Source: youtube.com/OWN

It was Slaton who contacted Laura. She asked her if she was born on January 15, 1968, to what Laura said yes. Slaton then told her that she was calling on the behalf of her biological mother who wanted to reunite with her.

“I have lived all my life dying for a family, not having one,” Laura said. Her life was a hard one, and she simply couldn’t believe that she would meet her mother after four long decades.

The touching reunion took place on Oprah Show. That day, there wasn’t a dry eye at the studio. “I can’t believe I’m going to meet her. I can’t believe she actually looked for me!” Laura said.

Source: youtube.com/OWN

After so many years, Laura finally stopped asking herself the question of why her mom would leave her. She understood that Linda loved her unconditionally, and that the adoption wasn’t her idea.

This story is yet another proof that there’s nothing stronger than mother’s love because it never fades away, no matter how much time passes by.

To watch the emotional reunion go to the video below and don’t forget to share it with your family and friends on Facebook!

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Steve Irwin’s son Robert ‘canceled’ after ‘disturbing’ clip goes viral


Many said that late Steve Irwin’s children had big shoes to fill when they decided to follow into his footsteps, but they are showing the world that they are continuing their father’s legacy in the best way possible. The love they feel for the animals is enormous and their efforts to preserve different species is effortless.

Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter star and one of the most famous conservationists and wildlife experts died aged 44 in what is described a freak accident. He was pierced in the chest by a stingray barb while filming in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.

“…Even if we’d been able to get him into an emergency ward at that moment we probably wouldn’t have been able to save him, because the damage to his heart was massive. As we’re motoring back I’m screaming at one of the other crew in the boat to put their hand over the wound and we’re saying to him things like, ‘Think of your kids, Steve, hang on, hang on.’ He just sort of calmly looked up at me and said, ‘I’m dying.’ And that was the last thing he said,” one of the underwater cameramen tragically recalled.


Today, his wife Terri, his son Robert, and daughter Bindi run the Australia Zoo. During the devastating wildfire which struck their homeland, the Irwin family helped save tens of thousands of animals. They save approximately 800 koalas each year. Animals which are one of the most famous species of Australia and which hold a very special place in the hearts of the Irwins. In fact, one of the most famous photos of Steve is the one holding a koala in his arms.

Robert has made many appearances on American TV to promote Australia zoo and the work that he and his family do for wildlife. He resembles his late father in many ways.


A recent video of Robert with a crocodile caused quite a stir on the social media. As he was feeding one of the crocks, Casper, the animal ignored the food and tried to struck him several times. The keeper started yelling “Bail, bail, bail!!!” and a group of fellow keepers rushed to the enclosure to help him.

Thankfully, neither Robert nor Casper were hurt.

Later, the video of the dramatic encounter was shared by Robert with the caption: “The finale of ‘Crikey! It’s the Irwins’ is on now, 8pm in the USA so go check it out!”

“We’ve definitely saved the best for last, including one of the most intense croc feeds I’ve done! We prioritize natural behavior with our crocs. By getting in their enclosures with them, and letting them put on those huge strikes from the water’s edge, they get to use all of their predatory instincts and they just love it!”

DFree / Shutterstock.com

He then concluded: “Plus we can educate everyone about their conservation. But safety for us is also crucial and you definitely have to know when to call it. And with such a powerful and quick croc like Casper, we had no choice but to bail!”

Once the clip went viral, many took their time to comment that Robert has been using animals as entertainment.

Getty Images

On Tuesday’s Today show, Robert addressed these comments and said: “Everything always gets blown up and made a huge thing.”

He then added: “For me it’s an adrenaline rush, it’s an exciting thing to do – but for me personally, I feel closest to my dad when I’m in there working with the animals he loved.

“So many of our crocodiles are the originals, the ones we’ve worked with from day one. It’s an honor for me to continue that legacy. 

“Yes they’re dangerous, but they’re amazing creatures, deserving of our respect.”

What are thoughts on this? Please SHARE this article with your family and friends on Facebook to see what they think.

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Young mother dies days after giving birth, but saves lives by donating 12 organs


Life isn’t always fair. Some times, we experience such loses that moving on seems like an impossible mission.

Kathleen Thorson, from Medford, Oregon, and her husband Jesse were high-school sweethearts. They were together for 14 years and married back in 2006. God blessed them with four beautiful children. Everything looked picture perfect and they were the kind of family everyone admired. But then, a tragedy struck. Just days after giving birth to her youngest child, baby boy Teddy, Kathleen suffered from an intracerebral hemorrhage and passed away a couple of days later.

Her family’s world shattered into a million pieces. Her four children were left without a mother, and Jessy lost the love of his life.

“We never spent a minute apart,” Jesse told Good Morning America. “We had 14 years and used every minute of it … there are no regrets of how we spent the time, just about the amount of time we had.”

During those tough times for the family, they found a silver lining. Kathleen was an organ donor. Her generous gift of life benefitted 12 different people.

“As we get to know more about that process … recipients who receive [Kathleen’s] organs, it’s something that will be continually lifting us,” Jesse said.

Kathleen was described as a wonderful person. She was loving and caring, and she continued spreading her generosity even after her life.

“I don’t know if she ever met someone she couldn’t find a way to love and care about,” Jesse told GMA. “Her heart was wide open. Her heart and her kindness and her willingness to love.”

Source: Rogue Valley Chorale

Kathleen’s children will know that their mom died a hero. “I’m glad my kids will know their mom for doing that,” Jesse said. “My 7-year-old told his first grade class that his mom has ‘helped people.’”

I believe that this story should serve as a reminder of the importance of organ donation.

Rest in peace, Kathleen.

Please SHARE this story with your family and friends on Facebook to honor organ donors.

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Quick-thinking daughter calls 911 pretending to order pizza to save her mother


A young lady from Oregon, named Tiffany Urban, was a witness of something no child should ever see. Her mother was abused by her boyfriend who was extremely violent.

Afraid for her mother’s life, Tiffany knew she needed to act quickly if she wanted to stop something tragic from taking place. Then, she thought of a clever idea and prayed for it to work. She took the phone and called 911 pretending she was ordering pizza.

“You called 911 to order a pizza?” the dispatche said as he told her she had the wrong number.

“No, no, no. You’re not understanding…,” the young lady replied. She then proceeded to give her address and her phone number.

At this point, the dispatcher knew something was wrong. He was trained to sense when something serious is going on and sent officers at Tiffany’s address.

Unfortunately, her mom was already severely beaten by her boyfriend. He punched her several times and wasn’t planning to stop. However, had it not been for Tiffany’s quick-thinking, things could have ended up tragic.

The police took the violent boyfriend to custody.

The good thing was that the dispatcher underwent specialized training to respond to such emergency calls, which isn’t the case with all dispatchers. Most of them never get any training at all.

We hope the state would consider changing their policy and would start offering the much needed trainings for 911 dispatchers.

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‘General Hospital’ Star Jack Wagner’s Son Harrison Was Found Dead In A Parking Lot

On the morning of June 6, 2022, the son of ABC’s soap opera “General Hospital” star Jack Wagner was found dead in a Los Angeles parking lot.

He was 27 years old and was pronounced dead at the scene at precisely 5:14 a.m. local time.

Harrison had been known to have addiction problems in the past. However, the cause of death is deferred and still being investigated to see if that played a role at all.

“Deferred means that after an autopsy, a cause of death has not been determined and the medical examiner is requesting more investigation into the death, including additional studies. Once the tests/studies come back, the doctor evaluates the case again and makes the cause of death determination,” a spokesperson said in a statement.

Harrison has given his parents a few scares in the past. For example, in July of 2016, Harrison experienced a relapse and went missing for nearly a week. “I’m going to ask those who want to share their fears, addictions & struggles to do so w me via Twitter. We can face them 2gether, I’ll start,” Jack had tweeted at the time.

“I fear for my youngest son’s safety,” he had also written in a separate tweet. “Harrison has struggled w drugs & alcohol just as I did when I was younger. He’s relapsed & is MIA 5days.”
Jack and his ex-wife Kristina Wagner got married in 1993 and share Harrison as well as a second son named Peter. Jack also has a daughter, Kerry, from a previous relationship. Jack and Kristina, who both starred in “General Hospital,” officially got divorced in 2006.

On May 20, 2022, just a few weeks before Harrison died, Kristina had posted a picture of herself with Harrison and Peter on her Instagram at their ranch, which they were moving from.

“A bittersweet farewell to the place we called Wagner Ranch for 25 years. The prickly beauty of the high desert and a landscape surrounded by national forests always reminded us that there is peace when you are willing to look for it. Oh Ranch, it’s time to part. We’ll miss you so much with our heartwarming memories. We know that there are many opportunities for joy ahead,” she captioned the post.

To hear more about some of the potential clues that led up to Harrison’s death, check out the Entertainment Tonight video below.

Our hearts go out to the Wagner family. What are your thoughts on the potential cause of Harrison’s death?

Newborn smiles in his teen mom’s arms just moments before she passes: ‘She had so much love for him’


Abbie Hallawell’s life was about to change forever. Her 17-year-old daughter Teegan Barnard was pregnant. Sadly, what was supposed to be the best day in this family’s life turned into a tragedy when the young mom suffered cardiac arrest. Doctors did all in their power to save her, but she passed away few weeks after she gave birth to her baby boy, Parker John.

Shortly before passing, Teegan was pronounced brain dead, but before that, she got to hold her little one in her arms. Abbie made sure she took as many photos of her daughter and her grandson as possible so that he could have a memory from his mommy who left this world way too soon.

Source: Have Your Say Stories

Abbie says her daughter would have been the best mom in the world. As sweet Parker is growing bigger and bigger, she and her son-in-law make sure they mention Teegan as often as possible. Although he’s way too young to understand his mom is no longer there, they want to make sure he knows just how much she loved him.

Parker is often dressed in clothes on which the photos of him and his mom are printed so that he could keep her close to his heart.

On one of the photos, Parker is seen smiling at his mother, and we are sure it would be a memory he would cherish forever.

Source: Have Your Say Stories

We are very sad for this family’s loss. Rest in peace, Teegan.

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Firemen Drive Bullied Boy Home – Hours later, Mom sees Strangers on Her Front Lawn

Bullying occurs way more often than any of us can ever imagine. The sad truth is that is most often takes place at schools, the places where children should feel safe and secure. A boy named Jonathan had fallen victim of bullying and it lasted for a very long time. One day, he was severely beaten. Having autism, it seems it’s hard for the students at his school to accept him as their friend. Instead, they make fun of him and call him names. One day while on the bus, a kid got near him and started calling him fat and stupid. Jonathan put on headphones so he wouldn’t have to listen to the bully and went about his day. But on the bus ride home, things got much worse.
Image Source: YouTube/CBS
Another student beat up Jonathan. He crushed his glasses, broke his lip, and left bruises on his face. Jonathan’s autism makes it difficult to have self-control. But on that day, he made lots of people proud. He didn’t fight back.
Image Source: YouTube/CBS
At the time of the incident, a group of firefightes from the local station approached Jonathan, called him mom, and drove him home. During the ride, Jonathan felt so comfortable that he told the firefighters about his condition and told them what he wants to do when he grows up. The firefighters dropped him off at home and drove away. But what Jonathan didn’t know was that it wouldn’t be the last time he’d meet his heroes.
Image Source: YouTube/CBS
That same evening, some people showed up in Jonathan’s front yard and had a huge surprise for the young man. When he realized they were the firefighters who helped him earlier that they, he was over the moon. They had some new shoes for him. “That’s all for you for being such a great kid, for keeping your cool, for not losing it, and for being the better person,” the firefighters told Jonathan.
Image Source: YouTube/CBS
Jonathan himself had a message for his bully: “I would like to tell that student that I forgive him, and would like to be his friend. My mom and I talked yesterday, and would like to invite the student who did this to dinner with us, so that he can see that we are not different, just because we look different.” Jonathan is an inspiration for all – and we can learn a lot from his kind heart. The firefighters’ gesture to him was so nice, and I think Jonathan will go far in life. In this video, Jonathan explains what happened – and we get to meet some of the heroic firefighters who helped him, too. Jonathan is a real hero! Please share this article to let the world know what a good-hearted boy he is – and to thank the firefighters for their beautiful gesture. Bored Daddy

Sweater at Target dubbed ‘deeply offensive;’ Target responds: Get over it


Nowadays, people get easily offended by things we somehow considered normal back in the day. Sometimes, these feelings are totally justified, while other times, they seem like nothing but exageration.

It is up to you to decided whether the young woman from the following story was right about getting mad with Target for selling what she considered a very offensive sweater.

Namely, Reign Murphy is a regular customer at the store, so one day, she decided to go shopping. Among the plenty of stuff offered there, her attention was attracted by a red sweater. However, once she picked it in her hand, she was shocked by what was written on it. The sweater said: “OCD Obsessive Cristmas Disorder.” Having been suffering from this psychological disorder around 2.2 million Americans suffer from, she was deeply offended. Reign believed the store shouldn’t have mocked with something like that.

Source: Twitter

She then snapped a photo of the sweater and shared it on Twitter. The number of shares and comments surprised her. Many people shared her opinion and believed the writing on the piece of clothing was ofending in deed. Of course, there were aslo those thought the message was neither disrespectful nor hurtful, despite dealing with the condition themselves.

Target spokesperson, Jessica Carlson, apologized to those offended by the product but said they won’t stop selling it.

Source: Twitter

Previously, another woman claimed some of the designes sold at Target were insulting, such as the shirts with signatures such as “bride,””trophy,” and “Mrs.”

According to her, these designes led to the belief that a woman could be bought or sold.

For more on the story go to the video below and tell us what you think.

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