Famous trophy hunter shot dead in South Africa


Fifty-five-year-old Riaan Naude, a well-known trophy hunter, was found dead on Monday, a police spokesperson revealed in a statement.

Naude made many angry over the years with the number of photos he shared on the social media posing next to animals he killed in South Africa, many of which endangered species such as elephants, leopards, and black rhinos.

The police spokesperson revealed that Naude was killed by two unidentified men who got out of their vehicle and shot him while he was out of his car which got overheated. Before fleeing the scene, the shooters took some of their victim’s guns.

Getty Images/ Alys Tomlinson

Naude was found “​​lying with his face up” with “blood on his head and face,” it was revealed.

For those who have never heard of this man before, he was the founder of Pro Hunt Africa, an organization which organizes paid hunting trips for tourists. According to the media, Naude made plenty of money out his lucrative business.

The investigation is ongoing and there isn’t any information whether his killing was in any way related to his business.

Sadly, and surprisingly for many of us, trophy hunting is still legal in South Africa. The country seems to lack a conservation plan. What is even more shocking is that the government constantly raises the number of endangered animals that are allowed to be hunted per year.

Getty Images/ Kim Marriott

Humane Society International reports that roughly “83% of the wildlife trophies exported are captive-bred animals or non-native species,” as well as “native species with no national conservation management plan.”

The South African government stands by the belief that trophy hunting is what helps manage populations and better conservation.

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He was bullied because of his teeth, but everything changed when he showed up at school with this Superstar


Billy William is just a regular 12-year-old boy who loves being around friends and who enjoys watching and playing football. In fact, it is his biggest wish to become a professional football player one day. Sadly, his classmates often tease him because of this. They believe he’s way too skinny to be a football player. But that teasing isn’t just limited to Billy’s dreams, which his friends find silly. Ever since he changed schools some two years ago, many bully him for his teeth, too.

We are all perfectly aware that bullying takes place way often than many people imagine and putting a stop to is seems like a hard work. The sad reality is that most schools don’t even confess that such behavior is present among students.

Learning of the ordeal Billy was going through, one of the best and most famous NFL players, J.J. Watt, who is known for his heart of gold, decided to surprise Billy, who was at a restaurant and never believed he would see his idol standing there right next to him.

Source: YouTube

Just like this young boy, J.J. was once made fun of for his small frame. He shared with Billy his childhood experience and told him to never stop dreaming, because with hard work, everything is possible. Then, J.J. drove Billy to the YMCA where they played football and had a fun time together.

The surprises came pouring in and Billy received plenty of gifts which made this day the best in his life so far.

To learn more of this heartwarming story and all the gifts Billy received go to the video below and make sure you SHARE it with your family and friends on Facebook!

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6-year-old girl feels burning sensation and saves her entire family from house fire


Children should be taught basic life skills from very early age, both by their parents and their teachers. 6-year-old Madalyn Karlborn learned a lot about fire safety at school recently. Well, she knew many things from before as well, knowing her dad has been a firefighter for 17 years. Thanks to all that, she managed to save her family from the fire that caught their house recently.

It was around 2 a.m. when this sweet little girl felt burning sensation in her eyes and her throat. She knew the feeling was out of the ordinary and the moment she noticed the smoke detector alarm going off, she rushed to alarm her mom and dad who were sound asleep downstairs.

CBS New York

The second floor was already filled with smoke when Madalyn went down. She started yelling, “fire, fire,” in hopes to wake her sleeping parents up.

Thankfully, her dad James Karlborn heard her screams. Speaking to Inside Edition, he said, “I heard my daughter screaming ‘there’s a fire, there’s a fire,’ so I jumped out of bed and realized there was smoke all around.”

NBC New York

The whole family was out very quickly, just moments before the whole place got caught by the flames. They were lucky Madalyn acted quickly, otherwise, no one knows what would have happened. Besides her mom and dad, this quick-thinking girl saved her 2-year-old brother’s life, too.

They lost their house and all their belongings, but they are happy to be alive and are very proud of Madalyn. “She’s my angel, she makes me so proud every day,” her mom said.

Check the whole story out in the video below.

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My mother-in-law expects to get paid for spending time with her grandchild


They say that it takes a village to raise a child, and this is something every new parent who knows all too well how changeling taking care of a child can be can tell you. Thankfully, there are nurseries, as well as babysitters, that can come in handy when parents need it the most.

However, leaving your most precious jewel in the hands of people you don’t know well can be concerning. This is usually when grandmas and grandpas step in.

The truth is that sometimes parents treat their children’s grandparents as babysitters just because they believe it’s their job to take care of the grandchildren. Which, of course, isn’t.

One new mom named Amy wrote a letter to Brightside asking if she had the right to be mad at her mother-in-law who asked to be paid for taking care of her son and daughter-in-law’s baby.

Namely, Amy has been married for ten years now, but she and her husband only welcomed their baby just six months ago. As she needed to get back to work, while her husband works from home, they had a hard time making arrangements for the baby so her mother-in-law offered to watch the baby while the couple is at work. They were more than happy to accept the offer, especially because they knew she would take great care of the little one. “I truly appreciate her time and devotion and everything she does,” Amy said of her mother-in-law and added that besides taking care of the baby, the grandma also cooks and cleans around the house.

What Amy didn’t expect, however, was her mother-in-law to ask to be paid for babysitting her own grandchild. “How dare she ask for money for precious time with her grandkid?” Amy asked and added that her husband is on his mother’s side and believes she has the right to ask for compensation for the favor she offers.

Amy asked from the readers to advise her what to do.

Babysitting involves a number of responsibilities so maybe parents should indeed consider offering payment to those taking care of their children, even if those people are the closest members of the family.

Just because they are grandparents doesn’t mean they have the obligation to help around with the grandchildren. If they are not offered anything in return grandmas and grandpas out there could feel like they are taken advantage of. The question about offering payment should be talked through in order to avoid these sorts of negative outcomes.

What are your thoughts on this? Are you on Amy’s side with this one or you believe her mother-in-law is right?

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Everything you need to know of Clint Eastwood’s rich love life and his new girlfriend


Known not only for the huge number of films he both acted in and produced and directed, but also for his weakness for beautiful women, Clint Eastwood is one lucky man. He has been active in the film industry since the ’50s and has numerous awards under his belt. He has won four Academy Awards and four Golden Globes among the rest.

In fact, Eastwood is a true Hollywood legend who has done a lot for the world of film.


His awesome looks and charm were the reason why many women fall for him over the years. Although he was only married twice, the actor has eight children with different women and is known as someone who wasn’t really faithful to his partners.

He married Maggie Johnson in 1953 and the two had two children together, Kyle and Alison. However, shortly after they tied the knot, the Million Dollar Baby director had an affair with a woman from Seattle which resulted with a daughter, Laurie, that Eastwood learned of and met later in life.

Eastwood in the 1960s

Although he remained married to Johnson until 1984, Eastwood had plenty of affairs, including that with Sondra Locke with whom he was together for nine years before he divorced his wife. Locke was also married, but she never divorced her husband.

Eastwood has daughter Kimber with a stunt-woman named Roxanne Tunis, son Scott and daughter Kathryn with Jacelyn Reeves, a flight attendant, daughter Francesca with actress Frances Fisher and another daughter, Morgan, with second wife, news anchor Dina Ruiz.


On the premiere of his movie The Mule, in December 2018, Eastwood appeared on the red carpet with all his children. It could be seen from the photos that he’s a proud father.


Today, Eastwood is dating his girlfriend of six years, beautiful Christina Sandera who is 33 years his junior. The two met back in 2014 while she worked as a hostess in the actor’s Mission Ranch Hotel, a resort created by Eastwood in Carmel, California.

The two live together in the actor’s $20 million mansion in Carmel Valley and his friends and family say he’s really happy with her. Also, those close to the actor say how she’s getting along with all of his kids who love her and respect her very much.

Christina’s ex husband, bakery owner Paul Wainscoat with whom she was married for 11 months, slammed his ex-wife in public. He told National Enquirer, “I wish Clint all the luck in the world with that woman, describing their marriage as hell.

Well, Eastwood has a great time around his girlfriend. “She’s fun, easygoing, and his kids like her too. She’s on an even keel like he is,” a source told Closer Weekly. Honestly, that’s all that matters. We are very happy our favorite actor is having someone special as Christina by his side.

The Feral Kid from ‘Mad Max’ wasn’t allowed to attend the theater premier – this is him today, age 50


The Mad Max films caught the world by storm. Telling the story of a police officer in a future Australia, “cruising the squalid back roads that have become the breeding ground of criminals foraging for gasoline and scraps,” the action-packed movie turned into a true classic loved by millions.

The second sequel, Mad Max 2, released in the United States as The Road Warrior, featured impeccable Mel Gibson in the main role. However, another character that fans went crazy about was The Feral Kid, played by then 8-year-old Emil Minty.

This boy became a huge star almost overnight and his portrayal of the grunting, primitive-looking mute, stunned millions of fans, although he never said a single word in the movie.

However, besides the stardom he rose to at such early age, Emil never made a career in Hollywood.


So how did it all start for Emil Minty?

Back in the day, his sister was signed to a talent agency, but she insisted her brother be the one to try and land some roles, which is exactly what happened. At first, Emil, who was born in late 1972 in New South Wales, Australia, was part of a couple of commercials. But then, he auditioned for the role of The Feral Kid and his life took a different turn.

“My next audition was for the Feral Kidd in Mad Max 2. It came down to about three kids out of many, and we were asked to come up with a story on how we became the Feral kid out in this wasteland,” he said in a radio interview.

“My short story was that we were flying with my parents in a plane, landed, had no fuel, dad went to find fuel and never came back, mum went to find dad, never came back, and I was left to defend for myself. And well, that’s how it all began.

“I was just eight years old, and I was just having fun, surrounded by these crazy guys in costumes and all these cars in the desert. I was just playing around and jumping into cars, just had an amazing time.”

Sunset Boulevard/Corbis via Getty Images

During the filming, his mother was there the entire time.

“My mom spent all the time with me at Broken Hills for about three months. She would ground me before I was about to go on and do a scene. She sat me down, and we did breathing exercises and relaxed and calmed down,” he recalled.

“I mean, I was 8-year old. I was hyperactive, ran around, and got into things. When it came to doing my work, I believe that back then, I was quite professional. But [director George Miller] was able to get out of me what he wanted for the character, and he was a genius. A mastermind.”


What the character was known for was his skill of throwing boomerang. In the book Mel Gibson – Man on a Mission, by Wensley Clarkson, Emil was quoted saying that it was Gibson who taught him how to “throw a boomerang and head-butt people without hurting them.”

When the filming was over and the film was released, Emil wasn’t allowed to attend the premiere because the movie was R-rated.

When it was reclassified to M, Emil went to see it together with Gibson and his family.

Youtube/Mad Max Costumes

The character of The Feral Kid was praised by critics, with The Calgary Herald movie critic Rosemary McCracken writing: “Wild of hair and short on words but stout of heart and killer with a boomerang. This has to be the toughest preteen in the outback.”

Besides the success the film achieved, Emil didn’t continue his career in Hollywood. He did stare in a few movies, including Fluteman and The Winds of Jarrah, as well as some commercials, but that was it.  

He got interested in jewelry and is working at the same jewelry shop for 25 years. “I just got more interested in having a secure job and getting a trade,” he said. “So I just sort of faded out of the movie and television industry, and I still work in the jewelry industry and for the same person today 25 years on.”

Youtube/Oz Studio

Today, Emil is happily married and has two children. He says that his family leads a life like most ordinary families.

As of the legendary role he portrayed, he shared with the Daily Telegraph: “I’m just so thrilled to have been a part of it. It makes people’s day when they find out I’m the Feral Kid.”

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‘Partridge Family’ star Danny Bonaduce lost ability to speak & walk due do mystery illness


Landing a job as a child actor can easily snowball into a full-blown career in showbiz. However, that’s not always the case. Because of one reason or another, some child actors have it enough of being under the spotlight and turn to different careers.

Actor Danny Bonaduce played the role of wisecracking, redheaded middle son of the singing family band in the smash hit television series The Partridge Family. These series took the country, and perhaps the world, by storm.

Danny became a huge teen idol and a true star. Many young girls were into him and his popularity grew bigger and bigger every day.

“We had 21-year-old girls hanging around our house all night,” Danny’s mother, Betty, told People magazine in 1992. 

“I was the witch who wouldn’t let them in.”

Getty Images

Being that famous at such young age was flattering for young Danny who spent his days on jet planes and hanging with other famous stars. “I spent my childhood on jet planes and with mayors. I didn’t play baseball, but I did ride on an elephant. I missed out on football but I flew on the Concorde. I totally lucked out,” he said. 

However, once The Partridge Family came to an end, Danny had a hard time landing other jobs. He did stare in a couple of movies, but never reached the same level of success as with the role of Danny Partridge. Apparently, he was told he “not funny anymore” and that he wasn’t “cute anymore.”

During the 80’s, as he took a step back from Hollywood, Danny became an on-air radio personality and focused on his private life.

Getty Images

At the age of 26, he tied the knot with his first wife, Setsuko Hattori, who was from Japan. Their union lasted for three years and rumors were he married her so that she could get a green card. His second marriage and how he met his second wife, Gretchen Hillmer, actress and entrepreneur, resembles a movie plot. The two went on a blind date and tied the knot that same day. They were together for over 16 years and had two children together.

Wikipedia Commons

Once they called it quits, Gretchen published a book about her life and what it was like to be married to a child-star. In it, she claimed that her marriage was “rocky and full of craziness.”

Danny’s third wife, who is 26 years his junior, Amy Railsback, is a former substitute school teacher who now manages Bonaduce’s career full-time.

Amy has been her husband’s support during the hardest of times.


In April 2022, Danny suffered a mysterious illness which left him unable to walk. It was Amy who realized something was wrong when she noticed he couldn’t speak properly. What he uttered wasn’t proper English and that raised a red flag. “She looked really nervous, and she [said], ‘You’re not saying words, you’re not speaking English,” Danny recalled. 

This was a hard blow for Danny who makes a living as a radio personality.

He was rushed to the hospital where doctors ran a hune number of tests to discover what caused his speech impairment. He wasn’t able to walk properly either, and experienced a hard time to balance his body. Having seen his father having a stroke, he was convinced he suffered one as well, but doctors claimed that wasn’t the case, although they were unable to diagnose Danny.


In April, 2022, he shared with his fans that he’s taking a break in order to focus on his health. “I’m taking a temporary medical leave from my radio show. I’ll share more when I know more. I’m still working towards receiving a diagnosis. What I know is, I need time to focus on my health. I love my job and talking to you guys & I’ll be back on the air soon,” he shared on social media and thanked his well wishers.

Then, in May, Danny’s sister updated the info regarding his health, writing: “We are not being coy when we say this is a ‘mystery illness’… in layman’s terms, his balance sucks — super sucks — and all the great medical minds of Seattle are at work trying to solve this conundrum. We will keep you posted.”

Twitter / Amy Bonaduce

In June, Danny said he’s feeling a bit better, although he’s still unaware what caused his health to decline in the first place, referring to his illness as “mysterious.”

Today, he’s back on the radio and is trying to raise awareness about the importance of having regular checkups at the doctor’s.

“There was nothing that said this was going to happen. There was nothing at all. Take time to consider your health, what you’re doing. Pay attention,” Danny told ABC News.

We wish Danny only the best life can bring and we keep our fingers crossed for him to recover fully.

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10-year-old girls tries to take her own life because of bullying – bully’s parents mock her mom


Jess Caldcott, Lilly-Jo’s mother, felt as though her world collapsed when she discovered the reason why her daughter became withdrawn, sad, and not willing to go out and do what she once enjoyed doing, like riding her bike and being around the family.

The word bullying was ringing inside her head and she became aware her daughter was a victim of constant terror by the kids who were supposed to be her friends.

Facebook/Jess Brown

Initially, the mother encouraged her daughter to ignore all the bad comments she was getting on a daily basis and she brought up the issue of bullying in front of school officials, but nothing useful came out of it. The teasing and the threatening became even more severe and Jess felt as though she failed at being mother because there was nothing she could do to protect Lilly-Jo. The struggle was real and the girl eventually snapped and did something unthinkable.

A day before her 10th birthday bullying was about to take its toll. That day a young life could be lost all because of the peers who decided to mock and hurt the girl who used to be happy and enjoyed her life to the fullest. It was the day Lilly-Jo tried to commit suicide because she wasn’t able to cope with the way she was treated by her classmates any more.

Jess decided to speak up about her daughter’s condition and raise awareness of the consequences of bullying that is unfortunately part of every educational facility and affects the life of many innocent kids who are way too weak to stand for themselves.

“My daughter is fighting for her life because of bullying.”

This mother told Mirror UK how she knew things were getting even worse when her daughter refused to eat or drink the day before her birthday. It was obvious her health was deteriorating as she confessed that she swallowed tablets in attempt to take her own life.

“I sat her down and she admitted she’d taken some pills. I took her to the GP and he said we should go straight to [the] hospital. I thought my daughter was going to die.”

Facebook/Jess Brown

Fortunately, doctors were able to save her and now she is sharing her story with the world.

Lilly-Jo told Mirror UK:

“[The bully] was staring at me in the changing rooms and calling me fat. She saw me eating two crumpets, a drink and a turkey baguette, that was all I had. I’m scared she’s going to call me fat.”

The bullying was going on for quite some time and the things this brave little girl was forced to go through are simply unthinkable.

“[The bully] has pulled her hair, pushed her, smacked Lilly-Jo and also shut a locker door on Lilly-Jo’s head, stamped on her foot when it was broken – the list is endless… I am disgusted my daughter is being bullied yet nothing is being done about it. Nobody seems to want to help at all…

The day after Lilly overdosed I went round to the parents of the girl who has bullied her and showed them the pictures of her in hospital. I wanted to show them the impact of their daughters’ words but they just laughed at me and swore at me.”

Jess claims that the school officials didn’t offer any significant help but despite her claims, Cath Crossley, the headteacher of Witton Middle School, told Worcester News the school did everything to curb the bullying:

“We were made aware of these bullying allegations and took immediate action, following the relevant school policies and procedures. Face-to-face meetings were organized with myself, the deputy headteacher and our chair of Governors with the families involved and the families have also been working with our support worker.

Our thoughts go out to Lily-Jo and her family at this difficult time.”

Facebook/Jess Brown

Schools should do everything in their power to provide a safe physical and emotional surrounding for their students and incorporate into the system anti-bullying policies that will make sure a safe learning environment is being met.

We hope no other kid will have to endure what Lilly-Jo went through. We pray for her health and we hope she will have a happy life ahead.

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