Steve Irwin’s wife reveals what her husband thought about his life


It has been 16 years since the passing of one of the greatest animal and nature lovers the world has ever seen, great Steve Irwin.

Irwin died back in 2006, leaving the world mourning his loss. During filming at the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, Steve was pierced through the chest by a stingray.

“He was having trouble breathing. Even if we’d been able to get him into an emergency ward at that moment we probably wouldn’t have been able to save him, because the damage to his heart was massive,” Justin Lyon, an underwater cameraman and Steve’s close friend told Australia’s Network Ten television.

“As we’re motoring back I’m screaming at one of the other crew in the boat to put their hand over the wound and we’re saying to him things like, ‘Think of your kids, Steve, hang on, hang on, hang on.’ He just sort of calmly looked up at me and said, ‘I’m dying.’ And that was the last thing he said.”

“The Crocodile Hunter,” installed the love for the nature and the animals into his children, Bindi and Robert, and now they are both following into his footsteps and are doing their best to keep his legacy alive.

Through his passion and the out-of-this-world videos and documentaries of incredible species, he made millions look at the nature and the creatures living in the wild and the oceans with fresh eyes. Not only was he an animal lover, but a very famous advocate and conservationist too.

Despite the time that has passed since his passing, wife Terri still misses him badly. Although he’s no longer around, she is forever grateful she had her ‘happily ever after’ with him.

“Every day is hard, and after 16 years, the sadness stops being a rock in your heart and starts walking beside you,” she opened up during an emotional interview on the program Anh’s Brush with Fame.

Further, Terri said the word ‘famous’ never existed in Steve’s life. He never let fame affect him in any way, but he remained humble until the very last day of his life. “Famous wasn’t a word that occurred to Steve. I loved that about him, he was never pretentious, never big-noted himself, and we did put everything we made for wildlife and still do back into conservation, I’m really proud of that.”

Sharing the devastating news with the kids, which were still very young at the time they lost their father, was the hardest thing of all. How do you tell a child they will never see their dad again?

“I just remember this incredible sense of responsibility, this feeling of overwhelming grief but ‘what do I do next? I kind of collected my thoughts and then had to go out to the car and tell Bindi and Robert … which was really hard,” Terri confessed.

Terri then tearfully recalls the last time she saw Steve. She, Bindi and Robert were flying to Tasmania while Steve stayed behind to film the documentary.

“I remember him at the airstrip waving goodbye. That was the last time we saw him.”

She says he would have been surprised by the outpouring of love and grief by the millions of people who loved what he did.

Rest in peace, Steve Irwin. Your family keeps your legacy alive.

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Her daughter called her fat after they went swimming – now her response has the internet cheering


The number of obese people is getting bigger and bigger, especially in the United States, and the number of those who struggle to lose weight or maintain it is probably even greater.

Allison Kimmey is a 30-year-old mother of two who has decided to accept her body the way it is after years of dieting and being size two to four. Today, she’s size eight, and that doesn’t make her less happy, on the contrary, she feels relieved that she doesn’t put any pressure to get slimmer on herself any longer.

Allison even has an Instagram account, @allisonkimmey, where she posts plenty of photos and videos which serve as inspiration for many.


What she tries to achieve is send a message of self-love and positivitity and remind people to love themselves the way they are. This message, however, doesn’t always get to everyone, and in Allison’s case, it sadly didn’t get to her young daughter.

Recently, this mom took her son and daughter at the pool hoping to have a blast and some fun time. When the time came for them to head home, the girl took a look at Allison and called her fat.


Allison described the experience on her social media and it went like this:

Me: “What did you say about me?”

Her: “I said you were fat, mama. I’m sorry.”

Me: “Let’s talk about it. The truth is, I am not fat. No one IS fat. It’s not something you can BE. But I do HAVE fat. We ALL have fat. It protects our muscles and our bones and keeps our bodies going by providing us energy. Do you have fat?”

Her: “Yes! I have some here on my tummy.”

Me: “That’s right! So do I and so does your brother!”

Her brother: “I don’t have any fat. I’m the skinniest. I just have muscles.”

Me: “Actually, everyone, every single person in the world has fat. But each of us has different amounts.”

Her brother: “Oh right! I have some to protect my big muscles! But you have more than me.”

Me: “Yes, that’s true. Some people have a lot, and others don’t have very much. But that doesn’t mean that one person is better than the other. Do you both understand?”

Both: “Yes, mama.”

Me: “So can you repeat what I said?”

Them: “Yes! I shouldn’t say someone is fat because you can’t be just fat, but everyone HAS fat and it’s okay to have different fat.”

Me: “Exactly right!”

This mom wanted to teach her children that no matter if one has more lbs than others, everyone is equal and no person is better than the other because they are thinner. However, this was also a lesson to her followers and other people out there.

“If I shame my children for saying it then I am proving that it is an insulting word and I continue the stigma that being fat is unworthy, gross, comical and undesirable,” Allison wrote.

We truly believe that people like Allison are an inspiration.

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9-year-old has a sweet handmade present for his dad – his father’s reaction shocks him


Parenting done right, we’d say!

It is every parent’s dream that their children grow into respected individuals but teaching them right from wrong.

A dad of a 9-year-old boy from Massachusetts can brag with his son’s thoughtfulness and creativity without any guilt. Why, you may wonder. Well, it is because this dad, Aaron Gouveia, received an incredible handmade gift by his boy Sam. He even posted a video of it on his TikTok account @daddyfiles which gathered over 13 million views in just three days time.

TikTok via Daddyfiles

As Aaron explained, his son has been taking sewing classes for over a year inspired by his great-aunt Val to pick up the hobby.

“His great-aunt is [an] unbelievable seamstress. She sews everything. She’s been making us gifts our whole life and he thought that was so cool,” dad Aaron said in the interview. “So for the last few years, she has been showing him how to do things and it got to the point where he wanted to kick it up a notch.”

Sam has been learning the craft of sewing at a local store called the Franklin Mill Store and he has created many beautiful pieces so far, including cat pajama pants for his brother, several scrunchies, a dress for his cousin, a pillowcase and now a shirt, according to his father.

“I was so impressed and so flattered that he wanted to make it for me,” Aaron said.

“It’s really good. It’s definitely different. It looks very ’70s. It’s almost got a leisure suit lapel. But it fit and it was my style,” Aaron said of the special gift, the now-famous navy blue shirt with a beautiful intricate floral print with roses that everyone has already seen and heard about.

When he laid eyes on the special gift, Aaron said he tried it on right away and wore it for a special occasion already. Although he’s son is the only boy in the class, Aaron, who is the author of books titled “Raising Boys to Be Good Men” and “Men and Miscarriage,” makes sure he supports his wish of learning how to sew and encourages him to become even better at it.

“He’s the only boy there but he doesn’t care. That doesn’t stop him. He just loves it,” this proud dad told Good Morning America. “[Franklin Mill Store is] such a safe and educational space. We’re really grateful to them,” he added.

@daddyfiles Sam made me a shirt! Wow. #sewing #sewingtiktok #samsewgood #boyswhosew #parenting #raisingboys ♬ original sound – Aaron

“He’s only 9 and he’s making these dresses and shirts and pants and pillowcases and scrunchies and things like that. It’s really amazing,” Aaron said of Sam.

In the past, another video of this family was also well-received and seen by a lot of people. When he turned 9, Sam received a sewing machine as a present, and it was a reaction worth sharing with the rest of the world.

“He doesn’t want his mother to feel left out, so now he’s working on a shirt for her too,” Aaron wrote. We hope he posts another video soon so that we can see what Sam will create for his mom.

What a beautiful family.

We wish Sam more success in the years to come and we are happy he does what he loves even though he’s just nine.

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Gwyneth Paltrow wins her lawsuit – stops to whisper in the plaintiff’s ear as she leaves the court


During the last couple of days all eyes were on actress Gwyneth Paltrow and the lawsuit over an accident which occurred back in 2016 she was accused of by a man named Terry Sanderson.

Namely, Sanderson claimed that Paltrow, who is also the CEO of the wellness brand Goop, “skied out of control” into him and that caused “knocking him down hard, knocking him out, and causing a brain injury, four broken ribs and other serious injuries.” The accident happened at Deer Valley Ski Resort in Utah on 26 February 2016 but the time and place were the only facts the two sides agreed on as they both provided different versions of the event.


The trial began on March 21, 2023, and both sides rested on March 30, waiting for the jury to reach a verdict.

Sanderson asked for $3.1 million in his complaint which he filed in January 2019, then changed his mind and asked for $300,000 instead.

The actress filed a countersuit in February 2019 and claimed it was Sanderson who “plowed into her back,” and delivered a “full ‘body blow’,” leaving her “shaken and upset.” She added that she sustained minor injuries as a result. Paltrow asked for “symbolic damages” of $1 “plus her costs and attorneys’ fees” and claimed that Sanderson was trying to use her celebrity status in order to exploit her wealth.

In his testimony, Sanderson claimed that Paltrow was uphill and he was downhill and that there was no one in front of him. He then heard a “blood-curdling scream” before he “got hit in my back so hard.” From that moment on, he claimed, everything was black.

“I tried to move, and I could not move a limb. I couldn’t move my head. I couldn’t move my body,” Sanderson, who is a retired optometrist said. “Nothing was responding.”


He further claimed that the accident affected his personality to change and his speech to be upside-down and backward. According to Sanders, he’s no longer interested to engage in certain activities as he was in the past and lost the spark he once possessed, and it was all because of the accident.

Paltrow claimed just the opposite. She stated that “Mr. Sanderson skied directly into my back,” and that left her upset.

When asked if she had “some sympathy for Mr. Sanderson’s declining brain,” she added, “I really do. I feel sorry for him. It seems like he’s had a very difficult life.” But she again repeated that she wasn’t to be blamed for the accident.

After hearing various testimonies, including those of Sanders’ children and his then girlfriend, as well as the only person who had allegedly witnessed the accident, the jury reached a verdict that Paltrow was not guilty. She issued a statement saying, “I felt that acquiescing to a false claim compromised my integrity. I am pleased with the outcome and I appreciate all of the hard work of Judge Holmberg and the jury, and thank them for their thoughtfulness in handling this case.”

Her attorney, Steve Owens, also said in a statement, “We are pleased with this unanimous outcome and appreciate the judge and jury’s thoughtful handling of the case. Gwyneth has a history of advocating for what she believes in — this situation was no different and she will continue to stand up for what is right.”

What caught everyone’s attention was that when she was about to leave the courtroom, Paltrow leaned towards Sanderson and whispered to him, “I wish you well.” 

What are your thoughts on the trial?

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Jodie Foster hid the truth about herself from the public for over 35 years


Despite the fact that she grew up in front of the eyes of her audience, the private life of actress Jodie Foster has always been hidden from the public.

Her successful career in film, which started when she was still just a child, spans many years during which she landed plenty of iconic roles. She had her big breakthrough when she was only 12 years old and played a child prostitute in Martin Scorsese’s 1976 film, Taxi Driver.

Foster has won two Academy Awards as well as three Golden Globes. At the 70th Golden Globe Awards in 2013, she received the honorary Cecil B. DeMille Award for her “outstanding contributions to the world of entertainment.”

Besides being a famous actress and a director, The Silence of the Lambs star is also a mother of two.


Over the years, there were plenty of speculations regarding Foster’s sexuality and people couldn’t help but wonder who she had her sons with.

It took Foster many years to reveal the truth about herself, or to be precise, it took 35 years from the interview she gave as a 17-year-old teenager who was asked about her preference of man to reveal that she was in fact attracted to women.

During the interview in question, Foster was supposed to give an answer to the question “What kinda fellas do you like?” She didn’t lose her composure, but it was her facial expressions that made people question whether she was even into men at all.


The truth was that she was afraid for her career. She was waiting for the right time to open up about her sexuality and she decided that her 2013 award acceptance speech was the perfect moment. As she took the stage, Foster said, “I hope you’re not disappointed that there won’t be a big coming-out speech tonight, because I already did my coming out about a thousand years ago back in the Stone Age.”

She then continued, saying, “While I’m here being all confessional, I guess I just have just a sudden urge to say something that I’ve never really been able to air in public.”

Foster revealed that she was dating producer Sidney Bernard from 1993 to 2008 and she had both her sons, Kit and Charlie, with her.

Listening to her talking about her private life didn’t leave a single dry eye in the audience.


In 2014, after a year of dating, Foster married photographer Alexandra Hedison who used to be an actress but didn’t think it was the right career choice for her.

Hedison used to date Ellen DeGeneres. They were a couple from 2000 to 2004 and even considered adopting a child together, but split shortly after.

Foster and Hedison are rarely seen together in public. In fact, the two have just a few red carpet appearances together, with their most recent one at the 2021 Cannes Film Festival.


When Foster won Golden Globe for her performance in The Mauritanian, she gave her acceptance speech from home via a video and with Hedison right by her side. “I love my wife, thank you, Alex!” she said as she kissed her wife.

We are so happy Jodie Foster now lives her life as her true self.

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Wisconsin school bans Dolly Parton song from class concert


School concerts are something children look forward to. Getting ready for those special events which will have their moms and dads in the audience cheering and crying tears of joy is as exciting as the final performance.

A group of first graders from a Wisconsin elementary school were preparing for their spring concert which was all about the The World so they chose songs related to the theme. Among them were Here Comes the Sun, by The Beatles, What a Wonderful World, by Louis Armstrong, and Rainbowland by Miley Cyrus.

The song is from the album Younger Now which was released in 2017. Cyrus has often performed this song together with her God-mother, Dolly Parton.


However, as much as many adore the song whose lyrics go “Let’s all dig down deep inside, brush the judgment and fear aside,” the administrators at Heyer Elementary School in Waukesha forbade the students from singing the song, labeling it controversial. Some of the parents reacted to this decision and said it was taken off the program because it promotes LGBTQ acceptance and references rainbows which is something the pride flag bears as well.

Getty Images

Speaking to Fox News, superintendent James Sebert confirmed that the song was removed because it may not be  “appropriate for the age and maturity level of the students,” and because they avoid raising such issues withing the classroom for being controversial.

Melissa Tempel, the students’ teacher, said that the little ones were sad when they were told they couldn’t be singing Cyrus’ song which they love very much. She added that she believes the lyrics are in fact sweet and simple.

“My students were just devastated. They really liked this song and we had already begun singing it,” Tempel said. “These confusing messages about rainbows are ultimately creating a culture that seems unsafe towards queer people,” she added.


School boards in Wisconsin, including the one in question, have become increasingly partisan when the Republicans gained a lot of support and power in the school board races in 2022 and have used their positions to change policies including those for transgender students.

What do you think of this ban?

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6-year-old boy goes missing: When rescuers find him, they notice what’s lying beside him


The realization that one of your children have gone missing is a terrible thought to suddenly have, in fact, it terrifying!

As parents, it’s our first instinct to love and care for our children at all times and no matter what, when they have disappeared like this and you really can’t do anything to change that event, the fear and panic levels shoot right up to the max!

The parents of this six-year-old little Kaydon Leach had these awful feelings when he was missing on the night of April 23, also with him and missing is his dog, Chula!

Officials started looking for him at 7 pm, there were 100 people needed to stretch all through the night to Tuesday, to look for him, when they found the little boy he was not alone!

The Bureau of Investigation for Blount County, Tennessee, issued an alert for an ‘endangered child’ and the rescue teams with performing grid searches through about 2000 acres right through the night!

Given that Kaydon is just six-years-old, fears for his safety were paramount. The large-scale operation to find him included not only the Blount County Sheriff’s Office SWAT Team, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, a Black Hawk military helicopter and volunteer search parties from the local area, as well as K-9 teams too!

About 22 hours later he was found, believe it or not, half way home at the Top of the World Community in Blount County, around 3:30pm and by the black and white terrier Kaydon had with him, Chula, that turned up to help them!

The County Sheriff’s Office, Chief Deputy Jeff French, said:

“The dog actually growled at the rescuers when they approached Kaydon.”

When kaydon was found he was cold and the rescuers wrapped him up in blankets and a jacket, they took him up the mountain to the nearest road, then he was taken to the Blount Memorial Hospital, the family expressed their deepest gratitude to everyone who helped in the search for him.

They said:

“We’re so thankful to everyone, from local law enforcement agencies to volunteers, who helped us find Kaydon. The amount of support we have received has been tremendous, even from people we don’t even know. We appreciate all our friends and neighbors, and ask for privacy at this time.”

We are so pleased it all worked out int the end and the little by was found safe and all be it a little cold, well too! It just goes to show that dogs really our a mans best friend!!

If you love this story and you think too that dogs are the perfect pet SHARE! Help us pay a tribute to wonderful Chula!

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Michael Douglas opens up about his health battles


Michael Douglas spent most of his childhood accompanying his famous dad Kirk Douglas on movie sets. This made him fall in love with acting and make an impressive career in Hollywood like few actors have.

Today, Douglas, who will be turning 79 this year, can brag with a number of iconic movies under his belt. Among the rest, the Academy Award winning star starred in Wall Street, The Game, and Falling Down. The truth is that the list of films he was part of is so long that it is hard to choose a favorite one.

Asked about the best role he’s played, Douglas told The Guardian in 2023, ”To use a baseball term: I have a pretty good batting average. I can’t say they are all grand-slam home runs, but I have a lot of hits, singles, maybe doubles, a couple of triples.”


However, his rich career isn’t limited to acting only.

In fact, it was the classic One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest that he produced which brought him his first Oscar. He received another one for best actor in 1988 for playing the sleazy Gordon Gekko in Wall Street.

Over the years, he was considered one of the most attractive celebrities. He and wife Catherine Zeta-Jones make a much-loved couple. However, as he’s reaching certain age, it appears that his health started deteriorating.

His health issues started back in 2010 when he was diagnosed with tongue cancer. Doctors weren’t able to diagnose him until the cancer reached advanced stage. It was a friend’s doctor from Canada who was able to find the root to the oral discomfort he had felt for quite some time.

”I will always remember the look on his face,” Douglas has shared.

”He said: ‘We need a biopsy.’ There was a walnut-size tumour at the base of my tongue that no other doctor had seen.”

Michael Douglas attends the men’s final on day 15 of the French Open 2022 held at Stade Roland Garros on June 5, 2022 in Paris, France. (Photo by Jean Catuffe/Getty Images)

He started intensive treatments almost immediately and the chemotherapy affected his physical appearance. As he was forced to be fed with liquids only for some time, he lost 45 lbs. Thankfully, in 2011, he was told that he was cancer free.

Speaking of the possible reasons that led him to getting cancer, many assumed it was the drinking and the smoking, but Douglas said it was oral sex that caused his cancer, or to be more precise, HPV (human papillomavirus], which is the most common sexually transmitted infection.

”I did worry if the stress caused by my son’s incarceration didn’t help trigger it. But yeah, it’s a sexually transmitted disease that causes cancer. And if you have it, cunnilingus is also the best cure for it,” Michael Douglas said.

However, as his words attracted a lot of attention by the public, his spokesman claimed that the actor was walking about HPV in general and wasn’t referring to his diagnosis.

Douglas’ health was sort of affected again when the COVID-19 pandemic struck.

“I was quite surprised to realize how much energy I had lost throughout the pandemic,” he said. The reason why was that he was ”much more couch potato–ing.” ”My long-term memory is fine, but short-term… not so much. I’m looking into it,” explained Douglas in an interview with ARRP Magazine in 2021. 

At first, he thought that his short-term memory was affected because of his weed-smoking habits, but now he’s looking for other reasons. ”I used to blame it on pot.  But I’ve got some friends who’ve been smoking as long as I have and have fabulous memories, so I don’t think that’s the issue. I’m researching it,” he said.

Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas attend the “Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania” UK Gala Screening at BFI IMAX Waterloo on February 16, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Karwai Tang/WireImage)

We truly hope Michael Douglas won’t be facing any major health issues in the future.

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