After a tough divorce, Kevin Costner, 67, found love again—And you might know her


Kevin Costner has always spoken of his now ex-wife Christine Baumgartner with fondness so the news of them divorcing after 19 years of marriage came as a shock not only to the couple’s fans but to the actor himself.

However, people close to the couple say Christine, who was the one to file for divorce, allegedly warned her husband that she would leave him had he continued be absent from home because of work.

Apparently, Costner’s absence was ‘hard’ for Baumgartner who wanted him to spend more time at home with his family in Santa Barbara.

Source: Gordon Correll

“During filming, Kevin is not around very much. His absence has been very hard for her,” a source reportedly said. Another insider reported that while Costner was aware that his wife was not happy in their marriage, her filing for divorce was nonetheless a shock to him.

“Christine doesn’t want him to throw himself into another project. He has been obsessed with filming Horizon since last year. She wasn’t happy about it,” a source reported.

“At times, his career has taken precedence over his home life,” another source added.

“All of this success and excitement over the new project probably took his attention away from his family more than he realized. Since it didn’t look like that would change and likely could get worse, it caused tension at home,” the source added.

Christine cited “irreconcilable differences” and a spokesperson of the actor said in a statement, “It is with great sadness that circumstances beyond Mr. Costner’s control have resulted in Mr. Costner having to participate in a dissolution of marriage action.”

“We ask that his, Christine’s and their children’s privacy be respected as they navigate this difficult time.”


Baumgartner was seeking $161,000 a month in child support for their three children, Cayden Wyatt, 15, Hayes Logan, 14, and Grace Avery, 13.

In order to try and guarantee this income, Baumgartner went to court, but it was Costner who scored the victory, as per his fans, although the actor said there were ‘no winners’ in the bruising battle.

Namely, a judge in Santa Barbara slashed Baumgartner’s child support payments to $63,000 per month, which is less than half of the $129,000 she currently gets and considerably less than the $161,000 she asked for.

“You know, when you have a life that long with somebody, there is no winner…and it’s this big, crazy thing called life and how it unravels so quickly,” the actor told Fox News Digital. 

“One minute you feel like you’re on top of the world, and then you realize how, you know, how vulnerable you are,” he added.

However, following the tough period he’s gone through, it seems like the Yellowstone star has found new love.

There have been speculations circulating that Costner is dating singer Jewel.

The two were recently seen together at a tennis event on Richard Branson’s Necker Island for the Inspiring Children Foundation.

As per TMZ, the two took a plane to the Caribbean and spent nearly a week together.

An insider told the magazine, “There was definitely something going on,” confirming that the pair indeed vacationed in the Caribbean together.

Jewel went above and beyond by mentioning Costner on social media. “It’s an incredible time, and one I use to relax, rest, and play with my son!” she remarked of the tennis fundraiser hosted on Necker Island in the British Virgin Islands. This year, @kevincostnermodernwest was gracious enough to mentor our youngsters.”

A source told TMZ, Jewel is “picky,” and “she wants a good man, and Kevin fits the bill,” according to the magazine.

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Lady learns her husband switches from SUV to old cheap car daily and leaves town


A woman, Catherine, was at the supermarket’s parking lot during a peacefully evening and decided to give her husband a call and grab some coffee with him. Knowing he often stopped by the supermarket on his way home, she hoped he would be able to do the same thing this time.

However, when she tried to call him, the call went straight to voice mail and she soon received a text message from him telling her he was still at work.

She then parked her car, grabbed the shopping bag from the backseat, and exited the vehicle. But as she navigated through the parked cars, an SUV caught her attention. Was that her husband’s? According to the rear bump it was. But where was he, she wondered. At that moment, the thought of him staying late at work during the past period, the secret phone calls, and his rather odd behavior started flooding her mind.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

Catherine decided to return to her car and wait for her husband to appear so that she could confront him. Shortly after, an old cheap car parked next to her husband’s SUV. To her surprise, in the old car was her husband Dylan. He was dressed in old ragged clothes. She was in complete shock and couldn’t understand what was going on.

Dylan then got out of the old car, changed the old clothes into his work suit, and entered the SUV.

Catherine rushed home and waited for him there. She decided not to say anything to him.

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“So, how was your day?” she asked, noticing he seemed lost and wasn’t interested in the food.

“Oh, it was usual…meetings, paperwork, the regular stuff,” he answered as if he had practiced the reply before.

“I thought you’d have popped out for a bit?” she said.

“Nah, today was packed,” he replied, and Catherine’s heart sank. Was he lying because he was cheating on her? She wanted to confront him really badly, but she couldn’t do it, not without proof.

The following morning, she got up early and decided to wait for him parked at the supermarket’s parking lot.

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Seeing her getting out of the house, Dylan said, “Where are you headed so early?” He was dressed in his usual work attire, all dressed up.

“Oh, I’ve booked an early morning massage session, remember? The back pain’s been killing me,” she lied.

“Going without breakfast?”

“Yeah, I’ll grab something on the way and see you in a while. Sleep in,” she said as she left the house.

Some time later, she noticed her husband arriving at the parking lot in his SUV and then switching to the sedan.

He put on the old clothes and started driving, and Catherine drove after him.

At one moment, as he took a look from the rear-view mirror, their eyes almost met, but a passing bus broke the line of sight.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

Catherine’s heart was skipping beats and her hands started sweating. She had no idea what was going on and didn’t know what to expect.

As their vehicles left he city’s outskirts and took a less-traveled route filled with cracks and potholes, Catherine found herself in a forested area.

Dylan turned into the dirt road leading into the woods and Catherine decided to continue this strange journey on foot, hoping to get sight of her husband or his sedan deep into the woods.

After walking through the dense forest, she finally found herself at the clear. There, she spotted a wooden house and Dylan’s sedan parked next to it.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Catherine hid behind the bushes, about 30 meters from the house, and saw the house’s porch where Dylan was…talking to a poor man in ragged clothing.

As she spotted them laughing, she approached them and yelled, “What’s going on here?”

“Catherine? Wha-what are you doing here?” Dylan asked, shocked.

“Who is this beauty?” the other man, Harry, asked, looking at her.

“I’m his wife!” yelled Catherine. “Explain everything, Dylan! Why did you lie about the office meeting? And what’s with you switching your SUV in the supermarket’s parking lot and coming here in that rundown vehicle? And WHO IS THIS MAN??

Dylan’s blood froze.

“Wife? You never mentioned her! You said you were a poor man who worked at the gas station!” Harry stared at Dylan. “You were lying all along?”

“Harry, please. I-I can explain!” Dylan replied nervously.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

Harry got raged, grabbed a bottle from the nearby table and smashed it against Dylan’s head. Dylan then lost consciousness.

Moments later, when he opened his eyes, he realized he was dragged to the basement and tied to a chair, and so was his wife.

“Start talking, Dylan! What the heck is happening?” Catherine said with fear and confussion.

“I should’ve told you everything, but I wanted to protect you from my past,” he said. “I-I had a son, Catherine, and it all started when I went to a doctor with him…”

For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

19 years ago… Dylan exited the doctor’s office together with his baby son. The little one was diagnosed with a rare condition and needed urgent surgery, which would cost about $100,000.

He called his then-girlfriend to tell her the devastating news and told her to wait for him and their baby home. But once there, he noticed a note on the table from her which read, “Don’t look for me. I didn’t want this child, Dylan! Bye!” 

Desperate, Dylan called his friend Harry and the two, along with Harry’s crew, plotted a plan to rob a bank. While Harry and his friends were robbing the bank, Harry was waiting in the car for them ready to drive off.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

On D-Day, the crew went on with their plan. Dylan waited, and some time later, Harry flung the car door open and jumped in.

“DRIVE NOW!” he shouted.

“Where’s the rest of the crew?” Dylan asked.

“They’re gone! Drive!” Harry ordered.

Dylan did as he was instructed. But not long after, he noticed the police lights in the rearview mirror. As the police was getting closer and closer, they started firing and Harry was hit in the shoulder. The car of their car was also pierced.

“Keep driving!” Harry said at that moment, groaning in pain. But as they noticed it was extremely difficult to control the car, Harry changed plans.

“We’re not going to make it, Dylan! Listen to me…” Harry said. “There’s a narrow alley up ahead, about 300 meters. Drive into it, and you’ll find a sewer hatch. Ditch the car, get into the sewers, and follow the markings. Don’t worry about me. Take all the money with you. But keep my share. I expect to be paid when I get out of jail.”

Harry got arrested, but the police didn’t find the money.

Dylan could now proceed with his son’s operation, but sadly, it ended up costing double the money, so he, although he knew he would find himself in trouble, spent Harry’s share too.

“I spent Harry’s share and got the surgery done, but my son didn’t make it. His passing left me broken, but when I met you, Catherine, things changed. I felt like I could start a new life. I thought Harry would never find me, especially not 20 years later. So I never told you the truth.”

“How did he find you?” Catherine demanded, still shocked by his revelations.

“I got a call from him. He said he was out of prison. I have no idea how he tracked my number. I pretended to be a poor man because I didn’t want to return his share. Whatever I’ve earned is through my hard work. So I came up with a plan to deceive him.”

“$100,000 is a drop in the ocean for you, Dylan! You could’ve just given it to him. How could you play with our lives like this? I hate you!” Catherine sneered.

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Right then, the basement door flung open. Harry appeared with a smirk. “I just had a little visit to your cozy home,” he snarled. “Quite the palace you’ve got there, though not many valuables. Makes me wonder where all the money went.”

At that moment, Dylan asked Harry to let Catherine go and he would give him a million dollars from his bank account.

Harry agreed. “But if you even think of playing any tricks or getting the police involved, I won’t hesitate to spill all about your dark past,” Harry warned Dylan. “Remember, I’ve got nothing to lose, and I’ve plenty of allies in jail. You mess with me, and you pay the price.”

When the two entered the bank, Dylan realized that Harry wasn’t someone he could trust. He feared for Catherine’s life and decided to do something about that.

As they approached the clerk, Dylan shouted, “This is a robbery!”

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Everyone panicked and Harry got confused. He threatened to expose Dylan’s past to the police. “I will tell them everything myself,” Dylan said, “but I’m glad Catherine will be alive!”

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Matthew Perry’s death was provoked with few factors – details


Actor Matthew Perry passed away October 28, leaving fans, family, and friends mourn his sudden loss.

Among the mourners were Perry’s Friends castmates, who released a joint statement after news of his death broke.

“We are all so utterly devastated by the loss of Matthew. We were more than just cast mates. We are a family,” the cast said in a joint statement. “There is so much to say, but right now we’re going to take a moment to grieve and process this unfathomable loss. In time we will say more, as and when we are able. For now, our thoughts and our love are with Matty’s family, his friends, and everyone who loved him around the world.”

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Through his iconic role of Chandler Bing, Perry brought joy to millions of people worldwide. Sadly, although he made many laugh, he wasn’t able to help himself in his years-long struggle with addiction.

In his memoir Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing, which he released last year, Perry spoke openly about his years-long fight with addiction.

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Perry was found unresponsive in the hot tub in his LA home. When Perry’s assistant, whom he refereed to as Erin in his memoir, returned home after running errands found the actor’s head underwater, Captain Erik Scott of the LAFD reported.

“Los Angeles City Firefighters responded [and] found an adult male unconscious in a stand-alone hot tub. A bystander had brought the man’s head above the water and gotten him to the edge, then firefighters removed him from the water upon their arrival,” Captain Scott said.

“A rapid medical assessment sadly revealed the man was deceased prior to first responder arrival. The circumstances are under investigation by LAPD and the LA County Medical Examiner. We mourn with families and friends who lose a loved one unexpectedly,” he continued.

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It was reported that prior to his passing, Perry played a game of pickleball, a game he was a huge fan of.

He was indeed someone who fought hard to break off his habits and to stay sober, for which he had spent over $7 million over the years, but that wasn’t always easy. In fact, Perry used his personal experience to help others who were in the same position as he was.

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On Friday, the Los Angeles county medical examiner provided details related to Perry’s cause of death, saying the actor died of “acute effects of ketamine” while contributing factors included “drowning, coronary artery disease and the effects of buprenorphine” – which is used to treat opioid use disorder.

His death was ruled accidental.

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Close friends of Perry have stated that the actor was clean and sober prior to his death, while Perry himself had showed a clear willingness to turn his life around in recent years.

I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we’re going to miss Matthew Perry enormously. Thanks for all the memories!

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One of Patrick Dempsey’s twin sons called ‘his clone’ & ‘next McDreamy’ after their red carpet appearance


Recently, the sexiest man alive, 57-year-old actor Patrick Dempsey, made a red carpet appearance with his wife and his children.

The Dempsey family stepped out in style for the movie premiere of Ferrari, and as everyone agreed that they all looked incredibly stylish, one particular member of the family stole the spotlight, one of the actors twin sons, 16-year-old Darby.

Patrick and Jillian Dempsey at the premiere of “Ferrari” in Los Angeles, California on December 12, 2023 | Source: Getty Images

Why this young man made many talking is his striking resemblance to his handsome dad.

Fans couldn’t help but comment how much Darby looks like his dad. “OMG! His son, the one on the right side of the photo, is his clone! 😳😳,” one person wrote.

Another fan likened the young man to his dad’s character on Grey’s Anatomy and dubbed him “the next McDreamy.”

Patrick Dempsey posing as Dr. McDreamy from “Grey’s Anatomy” in 2005. | Source: Getty Images

The truth is that good looks run in the Demspey family.

Sullivan, Talula, Patrick, Jillian, and Darby Dempsey at the premiere of “Ferrari” in Los Angeles, California on December 12, 2023 | Source: Getty Images

Patrick and wife Jillian first became parents in 2002 with the arrival of their daughter, Talula, 21. A few years later, they welcome their twin boys, Darby and Sullivan, 16.

Speaking of being a dad of three, Patrick revealed that having a bigger family made things easier for him and his wife.

“I love having a big family. I think it’s easier, oddly, in some ways, having three children as opposed to one. And it’s been great for my relationship with my wife and our life and everything,” the Grey’s Anatomy alum said in 2008.

However, when his children turned teenagers, he revealed that things were now harder because raising teens required a lot of energy.

“Because you need to be around, but they don’t want you around because they’re fighting for their independence, which they should,” he told People in 2023. “They need to find out how they interact in the world, they need to learn those boundaries, they need to make mistakes. And you need to be there for them and allow them to learn from that.”

After years of being a runner-up, Patrick finally received the well-deserved title of “Sexiest Man Alive.”

“I’m glad it’s happening at this point in my life. It’s nice to have the recognition,” the actor said.

Asked how his children would react, McDreamy said they would probably tease him.

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You’ve got to make love to me this very moment


Most jokes about men and women are about the complex yet beautiful relationship between them.

If you love such jokes read the one below, you are going to love it, that’s for sure.

My wife was standing in the kitchen, preparing our usual Soft-boiled eggs and toast for breakfast…wearing only The t-shirt that she normally slept in.

As I walked in, almost awake, she turned to me and said softly, “You’ve got to make love to me this very moment!”

My eyes lit up and I thought, “I am either still dreaming or this is going to be my lucky day!”

Not wanting to lose the moment, I embraced her and then gave it my all; right there on the kitchen table.

Afterward, she said, “Thanks,” and returned to the stove, Her T-shirt still around her neck.

Happy, but a little puzzled, I asked, “What was that all about?”

She explained, “The egg timer’s broken.”

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Spoiled daughter refuses to help her exhausted single mom, soon learns a cautionary lesson


Being a single parent comes with unique sets of hurdles and obstacles. Besides the financial struggles, single parents are often forced to juggle between jobs, household chores, and raising their children.

With no partner to divide responsibilities, single parents have a lot on their plate, but they do everything in their power to provide their children with the best life possible. Sadly, the children don’t always understand what their parents are going through and aren’t grateful for the things, the love, and the sacrifice their moms and dads do for them.

People having a divorce | Shutterstock

A single mom of two shares a story about her daughter and how she refused to help around the house.

Namely, ever since she and her husband divorced, they remained on good terms and decided not to let the issues they had between them interfere in any way with the upbringing of their son and daughter.

The mom shared that she experience difficulties, both in terms of finance and raising her children. Her ex did contribute financially, but it was far from enough.

On top of that, her daughter, who was 15, refused to help with anything around the house. She didn’t show any interest in helping with her younger brother too.

Difficult child | Shutterstock

Not being able to cope with her daughter’s reckless behavior any longer, the mom decided to talk to her in order to explain to her that being part of a family meant sharing the responsibilities and the load, especially during tough times.

She went to the extent to tell her daughter that if she was not willing to help around the house, she needed to pay rent.

Difficult conversation | Shutterstock

The following day, the daughter entered the home together with her father, Carl, who told his ex-wife, “How dare you, she’s a child.”

The daughter’s face was grumpy, but that’s when the woman realized that her plan worked, because the daughter was convinced this was a confrontation between her parents, but it was in fact a strategy to teach her a lesson.

Angry man | Shutterstock

As she assumed her daughter would complain to her father, the woman called her husband beforehand and told him about her plan, and to her surprise, he decided to play along all for the well-being of his daughter.

The parents got into a heated argument in front of their daughter until the mom pretended to pass out.

Woman passed out | Shutterstock

She couldn’t witness her daughter’s reaction, but according to her ex, their daughter was extremely frightened. It was then that the father told her that he would be taking her and her brother with him, but at his place, she had to take on the responsibilities she had been avoiding at her mom’s place.

At that moment, the daughter started hugging her mom as she threw herself on top of her.

Shocked girl | Shutterstock

Once the theatrics were over, the woman and her ex had an open and honest conversation with their daughter and explained to her just how important it is for her to understand her role in the household and that she was old enough to have some responsibilities.

Luckily, the conversation worked. Not only the daughter promised to do certain chores around the house and help with her little brother if needed, but she also apologized to her mom for her behavior.

Parents talking to child | Shutterstock

The change that followed in the days to come was incredible, and definitely a positive one.

This story is a proof that we should never underestimate the power of open communication and mutual understanding. This, along with shared parenting values, leads to healthy relationships and healthy children.

Happy girl and mom | Shutterstock

The mom from this story chose and unconventional method, it lead to a profound lesson.

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My mother-in-law tried snooping in my bedroom only to end up screaming and feeling humiliated


Each and every one of us values our privacy, and when that part of our life is disturbed, we feel attacked and even vulnerable.

A woman took to Reddit to share how she dealt with her mother-in-law who used every opportunity to snoop into her and her husband’s bedroom. However, her husband believes she went too far in her revenge against his mother and now she wonders, AITA.

Senior woman looking through binoculars | Source: Getty Images

It all started when OP noticed her mother-in-law secretly entering their bedroom. When she confronted her, the mother-in-law said she was just looking for a bathroom to use, although she knew there was a bathroom downstairs.

This happened a couple of times, and one time, when OP noticed her husband’s mother going upstairs, she decided to follow her. The mother-in-law entered the bedroom again and started going through her daughter-in-law’s bills and documents.

Mature woman looking at bills | Source: Getty Images

When OP told her husband about this, he told her she was overreacting. Knowing she wasn’t overreacting, OP decided to change the locks of both her bedroom and the office, but her mother-in-law still found ways of entering there and snooping around.

One day, she invited the entire family over, including her mother-in-law, but this time, she plotted a revenge. What she did was considered brilliant by the redditors.

Open bedroom door with a key inside | Source: Getty Images

Namely, in order to convince her husband that his mother was going through their stuff, she asked from him to coat their doorknob in fine glitter so they could see if she had entered their bedroom. The husband wasn’t happy with the idea, but he eventually agreed.

OP, however, went a step further and rigged a folder of glitter over the door that would drop down on her MIL in case she entered the room.

When the MIL arrived along with the rest of the guests, the woman’s husband told them which bathroom to use and asked them not to go upstairs, but as expected, his mother didn’t listen.

Woman peeking her head through a door | Source: Getty Images

Just when she thought no one was watching her, she went upstairs, but when she tried opening the bedroom’s door, she got all covered in glitter.

“She completely lost it and started screaming at me, so I yelled back, and now my husband is saying I went too far.”

A woman’s hand covered in glitter | Source: Getty Images

MIL was mad, but the person who should have been mad was OP who didn’t ask a lot, just her mother-in-law to stay out of her bedroom and stop invading her personal space.

MIL even accused the woman of ruining her car because she couldn’t get rid of all the glitter that got glued on her car’s seats.

According to the redditors, the MIL got what she deserved.

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Husband tells pregnant wife ‘you know my mom comes before you’ & goes to his mother instead of helping her


The story a woman shared on Reddit asking if she was in the wrong for issuing an ultimatum to her husband make us question if a toxic mother-in-law can ruin a relationship between two people.

The woman explained that she and her husband dated for five years before tying the knot, but up until that point, she wasn’t aware of how ‘toxic’ his relationship with his mother was.

Namely, the woman was in the sixth month of pregnancy, but she wasn’t getting any help from her husband in the process of getting ready for welcoming a child.

A pregnant woman in a yellow shirt holding her belly | Source: Shutterstock

Whenever she would ask something from him, he would say he wasn’t available because he needed to check on his mom and spend some time with her. “My husband is a complete mommas boy. He’ll call his mother for hours and talk to her and spend time with her more than he does with me.”

This started bothering the woman, so she confronted her husband, but he simply said, “You know my mom comes before you.”

A pregnant woman and her husband fighting | Source: Shutterstock

This came as a shock to the woman. She couldn’t believe her husband could say such a thing to her, but she decided to let it go and decided to get everything ready for the arrival of her child all by herself. But then, she received a call from her mother-in-law who told her that she had won, as though the two were battling over her son’s affection.

OP was left in complete shock.

“I think my MIL is competing with me, and I might even have to give my husband [an] ultimatum because after reading these comments, things could only get worse from here.”

A man kissing his mother on the cheek | Source: Shutterstock

On the day of their anniversary, OP bought her husband a gift and prepared his favorite meal. When he returned home from work, he just changed his clothes and told her he needed to go out. She was certain he went out in order to get her a gift, but she couldn’t be more wrong.

After waiting for some time, she called him, and guess where he was. At his mother’s place.

A woman crying as her husband and his mother talk to her | Source: Shutterstock

Most of the redditors advised OP to talk to her husband again and explain to him that he wasn’t in a relationship with his mother and that his bond with his mother was rather strange and unhealthy.

After she did that, her husband told her that she shouldn’t get mad at him or his mother, because his mother meant a lot to him.

Hearing this and realizing her mother-in-law wasn’t willing to change, OP gave her husband an ultimatum. He either spends more time with her or she’s divorcing him.

This was a wake-up call for him. He swore he would do his best to change.

As of her mother-in-law, OP told her that in case she continues manipulating her son in spending most of the time with her, she would not let her see her grandchild.

OP wanted to know if she was the a*****e for doing this.

Most users said she wasn’t and sided with her.

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