When Twin Girls Are Born They Are Full Of Joy, The...

There are some things that when we hear them we are getting prepared for bad news, one of those things is when we hear...

Parents Mourn Son, He Took His Life At 12-Years-Old Over School...

Our children should have their lives filled with joy and play, laughter, and feelings of security and fun, to be children without the worries...

Officer Impounds Single Mom’s Car, But When Her Discovers Her Secret,...

Pulled over for a routine check, Ebony Rhodes felt nauseous and butterflies in her stomach as she stopped, she was so far down on...

Army Veteran Is Pulled Up By The Police, Officer Has Seen...

When the very brave man and women that serve our country come home after months abroad, they have baggage, both mental and emotional. Quite...

He Sees the Elderly Woman Is Being Attacked, He Decides To...

You can guarantee that if I ever saw someone attacking my grandmother, I would break free and lose it. Some people steal from the...

Veteran Pleads Guilty To Parking Violation, When He Says Why, Judge...

The thought of going to court for most of us is a dreadful thought, really its a real dread for us law abiding citizens! However,...

Mom Poses For Photo With Two Kids At The Beach, Then...

Recently at the beach with her family, Kirsten Bosly, of Perth, Australia wasn't enjoying the fun on the beach with her loved ones, she...

Dad Finds Out Son Is Bullying, He Teaches Him A Lesson...

Bullying seems to have always been a problem, throughout history, but it now seems to be getting worse and more severe. There are lots...