Officer Goes Beyond The Call Of Duty To Help Teenager

Contrary to the common belief that police officers are only spending their days pulling people over and giving tickets while patrolling in their cars, the reality is totally different. These people do a lot...

Man who sold VHS player on eBay and received heartbreaking letter from 86-year-old buyer

Online shopping and online trade is currently the most convenient way of doing business. People buy and sell things on regular basis. There is a huge number of websites that offer online trade that...

Lukas Wilson shares an unheard performance of his father’s song

We all know of Willie’s talents and his stunning performances. His exceptional music career resulted with some of the most recognizable Country Music masterpieces that trigger our emotions and our pleasant feelings. What we...

Little Girl and Veteran Become Best of Friends

How much we care for the elderly speaks a lot about us as human beings. This group of people is valuable for the community as they have been through so much during their lifetime...

One day, Moses, Jesus and an old man went golfing. The ending will have...

Get ready for some good laugh because it doesn't get any funnier than this. You know what they say, oldie but goldie.  One day, Moses, Jesus and an old man are golfing. Moses steps up...

Pink invited veteran father on stage for duet

War veterans are people who have done so much for our country. In fact, I am not sure if we can ever thank them enough for their sacrifice. That is why I always shed...