Josh Groban Moves Crowd With Live Performance

Simon and Garfunkel's most iconic song, "Bridge over Troubled Water," that was released back in 1970 as part of their fifth and final album, made it among the best-selling singles of all time, with...

Woman Gets Brand New Look For Son’s Upcoming Wedding

I just love these stunningly inspirational videos depicting women who are undergoing incredible transformations and turn into the person they've always wanted to be. And speaking of positive changes, it's pretty obvious that Christopher...

Landen Hoffman: 5-year-old’s condition shows “very little change”

The whole nation is standing by little Landen's side. The five-year-old who suffered severe injuries after the 40 feet fall continues fighting for his life. As we are all praying and donating for the...

Hero waitress recovering after leaping off pier to save little boy

This world is a better place because of people like young Hanna Pignato who proved once again that not all heroes wear capes. This 19-year-old lady didn't hesitate even a bit when she found...

Sisters install hidden cameras in mom’s care home – horrified by what staff are...

Seeing someone you love turning into a person unable to take care of themselves because of an illness they suffer is the saddest thing ever. When 71-year-old Joy Lewis was diagnosed with Alzheimer, her...

Son sends Willie Nelson song his 92-year-old mother wrote. Her reaction when he sings...

The saying 'Never give up’ turned out to be completely true for the 92-year old Lyndel Rhodes. This lady became quite famous in the ninth decade of her life. Her love for the music...