Baby born at 24 weeks weighing only a pound just celebrated her first birthday
Baby Amina who was born 16 weeks prematurely weighing only one pound, 10 ounces is celebrated as God's miracle. Her mommy, Taylor Dobson said how her little bundle of joy had a heart defect...
17 Useful Parenting Life Hacks All Moms And Dads Need Urgently
Every new parent needs a bit of help every now and then. Honestly, the excitement that comes with the welcoming of that bundle of joy can easily die down once the mommy and the...
Couple’s fancy dancing wins Grand Nationals
No matter how much you love dancing, the chances of ever achieving the excellence of the shag dancing couple Charles Womble and Jackie McGee is almost impossible.
These two paired some 40 years ago...
Boy draws huge crowd as he plays Queen hit on a public piano
Young children showing incredible skills at playing instruments is always a delight to watch and listen to.
Cole Lam is a young pianist whose talent is described by many as unique. Videos of his...
30 Clever Ways To Help You Calm Fussy Babies
Being a parent is quite a demanding job as you have to keep close eye on your kids at all times. And if you are a parent of an infant, that usually means spending...
2-year-old boy melts hearts singing Elvis classic
The "King of Rock and Roll," legendary Elvis Presley left the world a legacy that is popular even today, years after his passing. His legendary music lives on and even members of the youngest...