Local Farmers Leave Their Own Crops To Harvest Dead Farmers Crop First!

So often in life its every man or woman for himself or herself and especially in this hard and difficult world, there are many people who don’t or won’t make the time to help...

Teacher Dresses as Michael Jordan And Regrets It, His Career Could Be In Bits

In life, there are many strange things that happen every day, to all sort of people, but for a teacher, in Seattle, he had a shock when he was put on paid leave, from...

Nurse believed that the young girl’s family was not aware of what she did...

One of the worse things is cancer, even more so when it's concerning children. Jonathan and Shelby thought that their daughter, Sophie, who is two years old, was suffering from allergies. She was finding it...

Mom’s Clever Punishment Is Getting Love From All Over The World!

Sometimes children are children, but rules are also rules, so when this one mom found her son using his phone after bedtime, even though he knew it was again the rules. He then had...

After Parents Jailed, Boy Is Alone At School, Cop Does The Only Thing He...

School for many children is a scary affair, there are tests in school, bullies at play time and simply fitting in is a challenge in itself. All in all it’s a lot of anxiety! A...

What this Woman Sees The Plumber Doing Goes Viral!

Most of us, in general, have our office jobs, even some of us work from home, but some of us have to deal with dirtier harder jobs! One person who has one of these...