Homeless father unable to find shelter that takes men with children

Life is a never-ending circle of ups and downs and we never really know when a desperate situation will come across our way. Joseph Cantu from Southeast Michigan had a nice life with his wife...

Hidden camera footage shows a caretaker assaulting an 84-year-old elderly granny

The world we live in is a cruel one. How often does it happen that you stumble upon a story of animals being abused and neglected, or elderly people being assaulted at the assisted...

Heartrending Clip Of First Responders Entering The Twin Towers Before They Collapsed

Today, 18 years after the terrorist attacks that made all the American citizens breath as one soul, we remember the sacrifice of those who lost their lives in the attempt to save others'; the...

17-month-old injured in Texas shooting is out of surgery and recovering

The shooting that took place in West Texas on August 31, 2019 left the whole country in distress. An armed man named Seth Ator was driving around shopping centers in Midland and Odessa shooting...

5-year-old boy riddled with cancer ‘from his nose to his knees’ is now all...

Mom Alice Phillips and dad Ricky Wetherley describe their 5-year-old son as the most vibrant young child out there. Freddie loves what most his peers do and that's running around, hanging out with his...

BF takes pictures with engagement ring in front of his GF without her noticing...

When a guy named Edi Okoro started dating his girlfriend Cally Read, he knew he wanted to spend the eternity with her. Well, he also knew he was ready to pop the question so...