20 Years After Their Birth Captivated The World, The Aylmer Twins Are All Grown...

In 1996, Donna and Vince Aylmer had the surprise of the lives when they found out that they weren’t just expecting their fourth child, they were going to be welcoming a fifth one too. On...

This Woman Was Being Followed By An Unmarked Police Car. What She Did Next...

When an unmarked police car turns on their lights, always pull over into a gas station. If you can do what the person here did, you need to. It’s your life on the line...

Hilarious Dentist Puts New Spin On Dance Challenge

When most of us think about the dentist, frightening images of sharp tools, screeching machines, and grisly older men come into mind. But this dentist is here to change our perception of dentists -...

65 years of math in American public schools. This is frighteningly accurate

Last week I purchased a burger at Burger King for $1.58. The counter girl took my $2 and I was digging for my change when I pulled 8 cents from my pocket and gave...

Terri Irwins Latest Confession About Husband Can’t Be Ignored

There are some people that leave their mark on the world in a way no one else can compare. And in 2006 the world mourned the loss of one of the world's finest, Steve...

Woman has the best comeback for her rude mother-in-law…

A woman who was married to her irresponsible husband had to raise a kid on her own because the so-called man of the house was always out at the bar with his friends, and...