The absolute classic phrase you might have heard is, in the service industry, “The customer is always right”, but as always there are some people out there who prove this wrong! We all know, those of us who have worked...
One thing that is never acceptable it bullying, and even though time passes by the sting of a bully can last forever! A guy from Texas stood in front of a board at a school quite recently to explain just...
During September 2014 when this 16-year-old, called Anthony Schultz, was jogging down the street, it was a sweltering Arizona night. He was all alone, and he was jogging with all his strength, he really had no clue that a...
With her Three children, Erika Jeorgean Swart got on board the plane, after they took off into the air, the reaction from her 9-year-old daughter completely took her by surprise! Gabby became super anxious about going from Orlando to...
Even in the darkest times, when as a country we seem so divided, it's evident that there are still hopes and love, glimmers of greatness. This story has just that, a guy called Cody Shugart and Mr. Chip the...
Each day without fail there is a real tragic event that happens, we can ignore it and turn off the Television, even block out and ignore the news, but cops don't have that luxury at all, they must watch...