Those who have ever attended a government or a town meeting know how serious, yet boring they can be. Going through long and tiring discussions isn't always easy to pull, but luckily, there is always someone who knows how...
Nothing really beats the relationship between dogs and little kids. Growing up around one turns the little ones into better and more responsible individuals.  And the love between them is always a bit stronger than any other out there.  The little...
Living near the woods has lots of advantages. You get to inhale fresh air, away from the heavy traffic, and get up every morning looking at the trees. What's most, you also get to hang out with some wild...
Most stray dogs have struggles fending for themselves on the streets as they depend on the kind people who are willing to share with them their scraps.  When the volunteers from a Ukrainian shelter came along a confused and unhealthy...
Most parents would do anything for the well-being of their children. Many work more than one job and take extra shifts just to make sure their little ones have the perfect childhood.  It happens, however, that moms and dads question...
People face different obstacles and fight many battles during their life, but those related to diseases such as cancer are probably the hardest. 11-year-old Tyler Butler is a cancer survivor who is ready to conquer the world. His first...