Back in 1980, the students from the Catholic school of St Columba’s College in Ayrshire, Scotland, U.K, were shaken by the news that their classmate and friend, 7-year-old Aldo Moroni had died of a heart attack. Today, 39 years...
Imagine what it must feel like to learn that a family member you believed was dead is actually alive. This happened to two cousins who survived the Holocaust and haven't seen each other for 75 years. Their reunion is one...
No matter if we had the time of our life while at high-school or we didn't have that many friends to hang out with, when it comes to the prom everyone is looking forward to it. It's time of love,...
A heartbreaking photo of a 12-year-old Jew student kneeling and kissing the shoe of a Muslim boy surfaced recently and people were left disgusted both at the bullies and the society that lacks to provide support for students who...
When people reach certain age and retire, their life changes completely. All of a sudden, they are left wondering what to do next and how to spend all that free time they have. Sadly, many of them end up...
Although they appear to be tough, bullies are actually people who are so miserable and whose self-esteem is so low that they believe it will make them feel better if they hurt and harass others.   Unfortunately, bullying is present even...