What began as an awful tragedy very soon after became one of the most incredible stories I have ever heard! Ryan from Oklahoma and Jessica from Michigan had both lost the other halves, their spouses, to brain cancer in August...
Celebrating at a restaurant is a wonderful way to celebrate, that is unless you are called Makenzie and Steven Schultz, their celebration quickly turned into a complete disaster, the worse they have ever had! For the first glass of water...
When you're homeless your kind of stuck in a rut, between a rock and a hard place, but to suddenly find out there is something amazing waiting for you, something you completely forgot about, it will change your life,...
To voluntarily have your daughter's leg amputated is an incredibly difficult decision to make. This truly awesome story of facing facts and overcoming anything that has in store for you... Born with deformed legs and hands, little Jemma Kelly was...
At a young age we teach our children to give respect to their elders, thankfully, this is something that many of those children then carry on doing as adults too. Seniors now live much longer and we have and...
This nine-year-old boy managed to beat the odds in his battle against cancer, just long enough to get to see his newborn sister and pick her name before he sadly passed away, his parents describe his heartbreaking story... The doctors...