The number of shootings in the schools around U.S. is staggering. Most of them result in innocent students and teachers being either hurt or left dead, and that's beyond sad.
The shootings cast dark shadow over the educational institutions...
Most of us have a favorite celebrity person that we admire and die to meet in person one day, although we know that may never happen. But in case it does, it looks just like this 13-year-old girl named...
Some encounters are meaningless and fade away as though they have never happened, others, however, have the power to change one's life in a ways they have never expected. Such was the meeting between an elderly lady and three...
As a group of workers was toiling on the massive oil rig in the Gulf of Thailand, one of them spotted a pretty unusual sight.
A terrified dog somehow found himself there in the ocean and no one knew...
Jack Dunn was 17 years old, a teenager and he was having terrible stomach pains, he even struggled to walk properly with the pain he was in. His parents were quite rightly concerned and took him to a hospital...
Nowadays, although everyone leads a very busy life and follows tight schedules, many people still find the time to stick their noses in someone else's business.
Just recently, a woman was caught on tape arguing with a mother and a...