One thing that is certainly not an answer to anything is violence, however, some people believe that it can have a place as an effective solution, like self-defense, used correctly of course. A little boy, who had been bullied...
A really heartwarming and lovely moment was captured in this video, at dinner in a place called Racine in Wisconsin. This US veteran had a really wired moment chatting with the waiter! The Guy had assumed that the waiter was...
A baby's first words are always special and for most children that tend to be the usual 'Mama' or 'Dada'. For sure, the parent who has their little boy or girl say their name first feels especially special, but...
Bethani and Tim Webb met for the first time and Bethani knew that things were going to be different, how he smiled, his great passion for life and grandeur dreams pulled Bathani to him. So the fact that Tim...
People go about their daily lives, dashing from doing one job to the next, a guy perched on the sidewalk and singing can be an interruption to the flow of your day a little hiccup, enough to stop and...
There are often things behind your walls you might not imagine, it's times like home renovations that can reveal them, things like cash, jewels, antiques. As you pull out the old ready to replace with the new almost anything...
A childbirth is both a special thing and a unique miracle, each and every time, especially for loving parents... There are some births that really are unique, in a way every birth is unique, but some more than other births. This...
It can be very difficult to stay organized around the house with more and more "stuff" piling up. When kids and pets are added to the equation the storage space is even more limited! Before you throw everything in...
The community group together in Johns Island, South Carolina, still very emotional after a complete nightmare of a situation, they had been searching for 24 hours for a girl that as kidnapped, Heidi Renae, just 4 years-old. Thankfully everyone feels...
You only get one chance to make a first impression, but these teenagers did everything they could when they realized their mistake. A waiter in Los Angeles was serving four teens, really making sure that their evening was perfect....