The most amusing stories come from taxi drivers. They get to meet many new people on a daily basis and the interesting thing is that they have no idea who they are going to run across. We don't even...
Welcoming that tiny bundle of joy into your life changes everything. Even if it means sleepless nights and being surrounded by poops and diapers, it is by far the best thing one can experience.
Dr.Erik Bostrom from Minnesota knows the...
The best of the best performers are in the run for the Champion's title of the special America's Got Talent edition. Incredible vocals such as that of Susan Boyle and Angelica Hale could be heard filling the air and...
If you don't believe in guardian angels disguised in humans, then you have to check Cassie Camilo's story. This brave young mother decided to leave everything in her home country of Brazil and try to pursue the American dream...
Waiting for your family to get done with the long and pretty boring shopping trip to the nearest mall doesn't have to be that annoying, at least not when there is a public piano nearby. Yes, this instrument can...
When I think about it, no human has ever been there for me when I needed them the most as my dog has. He's become my best companion from the moment I first took him out of the shelter....
It's truly incredible how talented some people are. However, we are perfectly aware that being able to master something requires lots of practice as well.
Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron are ice dancers who are always treating the audience with...
Life isn't always about winning. When you think about it, it's more about what kind of people we turn to be along the way. Because getting a medal or a ribbon in a competition will never have the same...
Take a second and think how many times it has happened for you to judge someone based on their physical appearance. I guess that no matter how kind and nice we are, we do make assumptions about people we...
Big brothers are the best. Having one in your life means having someone you can always rely on no matter how tough things get.
When they are young, siblings may not really understand the importance of being in each other's...