Tag: soldier

Soldier falls in love with puppy overseas, Watch moment they’re finally reunited in USA

Many animals make great pets, but let's be honest, none beats dogs. They are easy to make...

United States Air Force Surprises Everyone With Flash Mob Performance

They say that if you have a family and a couple of good friends, a roof over...

Mom Fears That 2-Year-Old Won’t Recognize Her Soldier Dad

Being in the military means being a hero to a whole nation of people who understand and...

Girl And Her Mom Approached A Soldier At The Airport. They Never Thought He’d Do This.

The following story is believed to be circulating online for a longer period of time, and people...

Soldier Faces Flight Delay & Misses Life Altering Moment

Army Spec. Brooks Lindsey was trying to make it home and be by his wife's side during...

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