Little Brother Steals Spotlight From Sisters Practicing Routine

This is hysterical! You’ve gotta love younger siblings!


Everyone with a sibling knows that sisters and brothers can get on your nerves very easily. The disadvantage is that it’s hard to make them stop because a sibling always knows which of your buttons to press to get a rise out of you. Having a sibling isn’t always a bad thing though. It’s great to have someone you can relate to about mom and dad or school. They’re also always great to have around to make you laugh too. When two sisters wanted mom to film them practicing their cheer routine their little brother offered to help by hitting play when they were ready to start the music. However, they never anticipated his little show behind them.


Mom watched her daughters get into position as she stood before them hitting record on her phone. Her son is in the corner next to the speaker and finds the button to press in order to start the music. The music starts and little bro decides he needs to show off his own routine too. The girls begin to cheer but the hilarious part is that they don’t realize their little brother is stealing the show with his own moves behind them.


The girls are enthusiastic and smiling at the camera as little bro jumps and flails his arms around behind them. He kicks up his legs into the air too! When the chorus “I can make your hands clap” plays the silly boy decides to smack his behind in hilarious fashion. His sisters never notice but we’re sure the girls will have something to say about the footage once mom replays it for them. This routine just took a turn we’re sure mom will have to handle when the yelling starts. Watch it for yourself in the video below. You’ve gotta love when a sibling acts up!