Preemie baby of heroin addict given 30% chance survival, then ‘Angel’ takes him home

'They told me that no one wanted him. That just broke my heart.'


To do a bad thing, maliciously violent act, is a very easy task. All you have to do is harm someone you prefer. However, to do a good thing, a thing that will dramatically change other people’s lives takes a lot of courage and desire. You have to believe in it in order to succeed.

Kelly Lively is an excellent example of such good caring person. This well-mannered woman from Indiana did not hesitate doing a lot of sacrifices just to provide love and support to another human being.

Kelly’s devotion to good-doing has been seen through a concrete example. The heart-melting story of Kelly and Marcus puts everyone on the verge of tears. There are very good reasons for that.

Kelly is a nurse and she sees people’s suffering on a daily basis. However, one child just touched her so deeply that it changed the lives of both of them. While volunteering for different NGOs as a nurse, she was in a contact with a lot of patients and social workers. One day, while doing her job, she met a social worker talking about a boy, 13 months old baby, who was abandoned by his drug-addicted mother. Kelly also found out that the boy was not only exposed to dangerous drugs, but also he was born prematurely, which gave him some 30% chance of survival. That just broke Kelly’s heart.

In addition to the terrible circumstances he was born in, the boy was left to be institutionalized. In other words, no one liked to foster care him nor even formally adopt him. That was the turning point for Kelly – she decided to adopt Marcus.

In 2017, Kelly and her sister went to meet Marcus. Their photo posted on Facebook tells everything. Kelly was too glad to take Marcus home and Marcus’ smile, as told by Kelly, was the sign that her love and care were accepted. She also adds that she is thankful for God’s good will and making that happen. Kelly’s sister, Tammy, adds:

“He’s a little fighter…all he needed was a mommy to love him and a chance.”

Marcus’ road to recovery was long. He and his Mom Kelly spent a lot of sleepless nights, fought the problems he was facing with and gave everything just to normalize his health. Nowadays, the boy still has problems with his speech since he has got trach tube. However, all those problems are not obstacle to continue fighting and loving each other.

Kelly’s undertaking was even prised by the doctors themselves. They did not expect Marcus to survive, but they add that thanks to Kelly, ‘the Angel from Heaven’, Marcus lives a second life.

Kelly’s life wasn’t smooth as well. Besides the redheaded sweet boy, there are two more additional reasons for her decision of adopting the cutie. Her inability to carry a child made her life very difficult and hopeless. In addition to that, her loss of her both parents made her extremely lonely. All of these things made her think about the idea of fostering. Luckily, she met Marcus and the wish came true.

Regarding the difficult moments of her life, Kelly says:

“The same day that broke my heart when I lost my mom was the same day I met my joy. I know that God brought us together.”

Hopefully we will hear about other similar cases in the future. We believe there are a lot of people like Kelly. The world needs more caring and lovely people, people that are nor selfish and egoist.