As we grow up, all of us find some kind of idol in the faces of famous people. Whether the idol is a famous music star or some prominent sportsman, the selection is great. This is so true even for already famous and well-established celebrities. Michael Buble proves just the same thing.
We all know Barbra Streisand, I mean, who hasn’t heard of this extremely talented and prominent artist. For millions of people she is one of the most talented film stars, and for additional millions of fans she the best singer ever. Barbra is the music idol for many generations and she still shines on the stage. Michael Buble is one of those loyal fans.

The Canadian famous singer enjoys his fame and success he has achieved. With all those albums and songs and his established position in the music industry, he still thinks that the image is not complete. His wish to sing with Streisand is the thing that will fix that problem. And fixed it is!
Michael got an offer by Barbra to do a duet of the song ‘It Had To Be You’. Her idea was that he should be the one that will stand next to him while this amazing song is performed. Michael does not wait for a second offer – he crabs the chance immediately.
However, as an idol, Barbra’s presence during the recording session made him quite nervous. Therefore, he decided to calm down his tension by opening the session with a joke! He said:
“This is the cheapest recording session I’ve ever had… because you’re paying for it!”

Barbra isn’t one of the world’s most famous artists for no reason. She sensed Michael’s tension in advance and she prepared a special recording session. Knowing that Michael is a fan of big band style of songs, she did just the same thing. The live orchestra behind them did the trick. Both of them did a marvellous job and the emotions they are sending are just wonderful.
Barbara is known for experimenting with the music. This experiment with the live band during recording session is just another exercise of her skills. Regarding it, she says:
“This is the way I’ve always recorded. Since my first album. I’ve recorded with an orchestra. It’s so much fun! I get inspired by what the orchestra’s playing and it makes me do other things that I haven’t thought of until that moment singing with them.”

The outcome of Barbra and Michael’s collaboration is incredible. Enjoy the song!