Plant Causes Severe Burns And Even Blindness And Is Now Spreading Quickly. Here’s What You Should Know

This terrible plant is spreading quickly. Officials are now putting out a warning about the dangers.


Spring and nice weather have finally come and that means its time for some fun in the nature. Everyone likes having a great walk in the woods and enjoy the tranquillity the nature provides. Whether you are alone, with friends or family, the fun and joy is always there. However, being in the nature means there are some potential dangers we have to be aware of. Besides animals, plants also can be somehow dangerous to us and our health. Some plants are even deadly, the experts warn us.

Giant Hogweed is one of those plants that are definitely in the group of dangerous plants. Its Latin name is Heracleum mantegazzianum. It used to thrive in certain parts of the world, but now it is spread in more areas. Many people now can easily encounter this plant but they still do not know the danger it hides. A single touch means burns or in the worst case blindness.

In the USA, this plant can be found in Maryland, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Vermont, Virginia and Washington. It can grow up to 14 feet in height and its diameter can be up to 5 feet.

People gave different names to the plant. Among the most popular names of the plant are giant cow parsnip, giant cow parsley, cartwheel-flower, or hogsbane.

It has thick stem. There are also white hairs and beautiful white flowers. The beauty of the plant hides the danger. Do not touch it.

The actual danger comes from the sap of the plant. It contains some dangerous chemicals such as photosynthesizing furanocoumarins. This chemical is responsible for the sever burns.

Usually the burns are accompanied by blisters. The blisters show up in a period of 48 hours and the scars are long-lasting.

However, what’s even more dangerous is the possibility of causing blindness. If the chemical touches the eyes, the blindness is the possible outcome.

However, accidents happen and if you do come in touch with it, just wash the affected area with cold water. Also do not expose it to the sun.

Sunscreen works fine if you are outside. This helps removing the skin irritation.

Same procedure should be followed if it touches your eyes. Wash the eyes with cold water and wear sunglasses.

Some more details are in the video bellow:

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