Garbage Men Delight ‘Their Biggest Fan’ With A Surprise Present

Her reaction is so sweet!


Being able to bring laughter in someones’s life and brighten someone’s day is a trait possessed only by big-hearted people with extraordinary souls who know that a small act of kindness can go a long way.

A little girl got a wonderful surprise when the local garbage men (bin men) showed up to her house and gave her a gift. Dad and mom filmed the sweet meeting.

Dad writes, “The bin men found out their biggest fan watches them ever week and decided to give her a present – sorry for all the ‘oh my goodness’s’ I was just so happy for her.”

He reveals that he approached the bin men a week earlier and “told them my daughter loves watching them and would the be so kind to just give her a wave next time, we only expected a wave, which is why my daughter shouted ‘he has a present’ and my wife grabbed her to go to the door, we had absolutely no idea and this was all the bin company Greyhound Recycling, the shock and enjoyment experienced by us all is genuine, faith in humanity restored.”

Note: dad revealed that the gentleman giving the present was the driver (and doesn’t touch the bin).

Watch the sweet moment below.

The bin men found out their biggest fan watches them ever week and decided to give her a present -sorry for all the “oh my goodness’s” I was just so happy for her.