Articles by

Kelly White

Kelly White is an award-winning journalist based in London where she covers financial markets, economies and companies in Europe.

He Sees the Elderly Woman Is Being Attacked, He Decides To Take Action!

You can guarantee that if I ever saw someone attacking my grandmother, I would break free and...

Veteran Pleads Guilty To Parking Violation, When He Says Why, Judge Utters 5 Words!

The thought of going to court for most of us is a dreadful thought, really its a...

Mom Poses For Photo With Two Kids At The Beach, Then She Has A Life Changing Moment!

Recently at the beach with her family, Kirsten Bosly, of Perth, Australia wasn't enjoying the fun on...

Dad Finds Out Son Is Bullying, He Teaches Him A Lesson He Will Never Forget!

Bullying seems to have always been a problem, throughout history, but it now seems to be getting...

Nurse Heartbroken, Sick 1-Year-Old Abused Girl, Leads To A Double Life-Changing Event!

That drive we feel to procreate for some of us is especially strong, sometimes more than others,...

Students Learn and Expose Real Truth About Their Strict Math Teacher

A Vietnam veteran called, Jim O'Connor is an amazing math teacher he is not one to dice...

Group Studies What People Do When They See Bullying Happening In Front Of Them!

Even given the best efforts of parents, bullying is still a huge problem, students just keep doing...

She had to Stop Herself Screaming When She Found Out, Julia Is Officially A Working Girl!

A first job is a big deal, we all remember our first job, it's memorable, it's also...

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