Royal experts believe that Prince Charles “may never forgive Harry” for dragging family name through the mud

The Queen has had it enough of the drama.


With still a lot going on between the members of the British royalty, many believe that the chances of Prince Charles ever getting over Prince Harry’s accusations are getting slimmer and slimmer with each passing day.

It all started after The Sussexes decided they had it enough from the family and stepped down from their royal duties in hopes of pursuing other careers. They moved to Canada and then left to America where they currently live.

Meghan and Harry got contracts with Netflix and Spotify and the chances of returning to Britain again are pretty much non-existent.


And as if turning their back to the royals wasn’t enough, the two made things even more heated after they gave Oprah Winfrey a bombshell interview during which they accused The Firm of racism and Harry said he was now free as his brother and father left “trapped” inside the system. Meghan also opened up about her suicidal thoughts and claimed the family didn’t want to offer her any help because it would be bad for their reputation.

However, despite all that, many were convinced that Harry meeting with his family at his grandfather’s funeral would be an opportunity to fix what has been broken. He indeed had a conversation with Charles and William but it was reported how he felt ambushed and didn’t want to discuss any matters without Meghan by his side. She, on the other hand, didn’t attend the funeral because she was advised by her doctor not to travel, considering she’s pregnant, and because she didn’t want to be in “the center of attention.”


A day ago, Harry appeared on Dax Shepard’s ‘Armchair Expert’ podcast and spoke of his childhood and his royal family again. He said his father “suffered” because of his upbringing by the Queen and the late Duke of Edinburgh and that he treated Harry the way he was treated, calling it “genetic pain,” as per the Daily Mail.


With this said, it doesn’t look like Prince Charles could ever forgive Harry for dragging the family name through the mud. In fact, royal experts believe that Charles plans on ditching Harry and Meghan from the family once he takes the throne and even giving a royal tittle to Harry and William’s step-sister Laura.

“With the way things are going, Charles may never forgive Harry, which hasn’t gone down well with Elizabeth,” an insider told US Weekly. “She feels that he’s putting his pride before the best interest of the monarchy. She has enough on her plate dealing with the loss of her husband. It’s drama she can do without.”


William on the other hand is ready to give his brother one last chance to prove his loyalty to the family.

“He believes that in order to repair damage and destruction from Harry’s interview, the best approach is to keep things civil with his brother rather than fanning the flames and fighting back with a tit-for-tat attitude,” US Weekly reports.

“Elizabeth is proud of William for taking the dignified approach, unlike Charles, who still hasn’t forgiven Harry for dragging his name through the mud.”