Waitress loses It To See What Couple Do After They Can’t Afford To Tip Her!


Most everyone knows that working in a restaurant is one the most grueling types of work because you’re on your feet all day long, so it’s no surprise that working as a waitress is hard work. On top of this, you have to smile and greet customers every day, and smile and be happy every minute of every day!

Working literally for tips can seem like your performing tricks for treats and that effect of smiling and being on your feet all day makes you ache all over, in places you didn’t know could ache!


A waitress working at Spring St. Smokehouse, called Chelsea Roff is one of those wonderful people who endure their work every day as a waitress. Always a smile on her face but sometimes people can make her cry too, especially when they callously remark how she is not getting a tip from them.

Chelsea raised her sister since she was a little girl, going through problems with eating disorders, going to yoga, she even runs a non-profit to help others with eating disorders with yoga! She really struggles with her finances but she works on hard to make ends meet.


Chelsea kept her cool even when there was a couple that she served, they politely said they only had enough money to pay for their meal, nothing was left for her, at all! She really relies on tips to pay the bills, but she was compassionate towards them, kind as always.

The couple were very kind and they offered Chelsea something else, even though they couldn’t afford to leave a tip, she was stunned! Earlier in the day, someone else had put her a surprise of cash on her table, which of course she split with her co-workers.


Chelsea really wasn’t up to what was happening with her customers that day… We’ve all heard about paying it forward right?

Well… it was revealed to Chelsea that day something that blew her away when she realized!


Watch the video and see for yourself, and please SHARE with your friends and family…