It’s not like we need to be reminded of how much we all love firefighters. But in case you do need a reminder of all the hard work, sacrifice and heart that goes into their jobs…
More than 3,500 personnel are now fighting the Ferguson fire, which broke out near Yosemite on July 13 and has since grown to include more than 43,000 acres.

Turlock Fire OES Strike Team 4803A is among those agencies, and when they arrived at Turlock resident Brenda Ann Marks’s door late last week, she was certain they were there to deliver bad news: The fire was creeping closer, and she’d have to evacuate.
But she was wrong.
“I heard a knock at the front door,” wrote Brenda. “There stood 4 firemen in full gear. I said, ‘Oh no, I have to leave again?’ He instantly replied, ‘No, ma’am we’re here to help you. Is there anything we can do?’”

These kind-hearted men had just stopped by her cabin to do a welfare check and ask if she needed anything. After all, it had to be an intensely frightening experience, not knowing if, or when, she might be forced to evacuate with only what she could carry.
She couldn’t think of anything off the top of her head — but they could!
He then replied so sweetly, “Do you have a lawn mower? Your lawn needs mowing and we want to do it!” So one guy headed out and mowed my back yard!!

Then the other guy said, “Why is your freezer out here on the deck?”
“Oh,” I said, “I still have to clean it out it’s empty of rotten food…I’m going to do that today!”
He replied, “Well I’m going to clean it out for you… Do you have cleaning supplies bleach, 409, some rags?”
I said, “Oh that’s ok I can do it.”

Lo and behold, before I knew it two of them pick up my freezer and took it over to the gravel out front. Cleaned it and carried back into my home.
I had an ice chest that was leaking water inside the front hallway… Well I’m sure you can guess he took everything out transferring it to a good freezer next to it!

I also had a lot of pieces to the inside of the refrigerator freezer propped up in the hall drying from being cleaned.
Well, that wouldn’t do. Minutes later, the freezer had been reassembled, restocked and even cleaned! All these kind gestures literally brought Brenda to tears. She was so touched that she took the time to jot down their names so she could acknowledge them in a Facebook post.

These men went well above their job description to bless a complete stranger. Wouldn’t the world be a better place if we were all a little more like Shaun, Cameron, Steve, and Corey?
Share their example of kindness and selflessness today!