Trick-Or-Treater Sees Empty Candy Bowl, He Does Something Very Unexpected and It Goes Viral!


Thinking about Halloween for a moment I bet you’re immediately thinking about trick or treaters and the many groups of marauding children all with bags full of candy treasure. All that sugar and all those hyper children with sugar rushes….

These kinds of circumstances give most people the picture of spooky and freaky costumes and large groups of happy sugared up children and with the fun of Halloween it’s not hard to think that its the ideal environment for children to get up to a bit of unsupervised naughtiness!

But for this boy, Halloween brings out the very best in his nature, from Idaho Falls in Idaho, He really does something so special and it goes viral, for a change, for the best reason possible…

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It was also really the most amazing thing that the owner had a security camera and it was recording the Haloween happenings, it perfectly captured this boy and his selfless and kind act, outside the home of Jesse Robertson.

At Jesse’s home, outside he had placed a large bowl outside, with candy and a sign that reads “Do a trick, take a treat! Only one or two, please. You’re on camera!”. When the boy came to the bowl it was empty, he came, did a silly trick then he walked away, but….

Then he seemed to have a thought, then he turned back around, came back to the bowl and dipped into his own candy bag and put some handfuls of candy into the bowl!

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How many children would you honestly see do this? I really do think about how amazing it was to see something like this happening. I mean, really, such a completely selfless act of kindness, it warms my heart to see such a kind thoughtful thing!

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Just the thought of another child coming to the bowl and walking away without any candy, without anything at all. Replenishing Jesse’s candy bucket from his own supply!

When another trick or treater come to the bowl he will go away feeling great about getting some lovely treats because of this young boy.

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See for yourself this amazing act of kindness, and what he does when he sees the empty bowl: