Milam Kiser, 3, from Shelbiana, Kentucky, has the soul of a star.
“The child is a diva,” her mother Amanda told Caters News.
“She loves to dance and absolutely adores music.”

But Milam isn’t your typical 3-year-old. She and her brother Noah were both born with a rare, genetic condition called osteogenesis imperfecta type III.
When a person has this condition, their bones are very fragile and vulnerable to breaks. It can often be diagnosed in the newborn period when a baby gets fractures just from being held and handled. Although this vulnerability to fractures is one of the main symptoms, according to Rare Diseases, other signs of the disorder include short stature, dental problems, macrocephaly (unusually large head), and hearing loss. Many of those afflicted are not able to walk without assistance.

“The change is caused by a gene mutation which affects bone formation and structure and can cause dwarfism,” Amanda explained.
“Both Noah and Milam are affected; they are tiny.”
“People always ask me if they’re twins even though there are three years between them.”

“She will get fractures very often. Since she was born, she’s had around 60, which have either required casting or splints.”

Despite Milam’s tiny stature, the little girl has big dreams: she is going to be a ballerina.
As a music lover, the toddler spends lots of time on YouTube. “Milam asked me to go to ballet classes because she watches the other girls on YouTube doing it and wants to be like them,” Amanda said.
As can be imagined, her mother was a bit apprehensive about the suggestion. The little girl was confined to a wheelchair and her condition made physical activity risky. Despite her worries, however, she couldn’t say no to her daughter’s dream.
“She said she wanted to be a ballerina, so I called the instructors, explained about her being in a wheelchair and they were all on board.”
In a video recorded by Amanda, you see Milam on the first day of ballet class.
In the opening scene, the little girl shows off her tutu for the camera, bouncing ecstatically on her bed. After about 10 seconds, the scene changes, and then you see Milam in the swing of her class.

The tiny ballerina doesn’t let her wheelchair hold her back, as she points her toes and pirouettes in line with the other girls.
She watches the other students carefully, synchronizing her moves with theirs. “Some of the children were a bit older than her but she really enjoyed herself,” Amanda said. “Usually Milam gets really nervous around the other kids at first, and there may be a few tears, but she really got stuck in.”
“She absolutely loved it.”

Since her first ballet class, Milam has suffered a few falls which have lowered her confidence a bit. “She was so happy when she’d finished the class but she’s really nervous to go back now,” Amanda revealed. Still, this video shows the pure beauty and joy of a little girl finally getting her dream.
P.S. Milam, if you see this, sweetheart— don’t let a few falls keep you down.
Watch her adorable performance below!
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