Mother-in-law mistaken for maid


Mildred decided to pay her son Thomas a visit one day. As she entered his place, he went straight to the kitchen, put an apron on, and started making his favorite cupcakes.

At one moment, someone entered the place. It was Thomas’ girlfriend, Delia. Mildred couldn’t wait to finally meet her future daughter-in-law who was dressed in a fancy dress.

But just as she entered the kitchen, Delia took one of the cupcakes and told Mildred, “We don’t eat this kind of food. Thomas and I are very health-conscious. You should probably ask before baking such things!” mistaking her mother-in-law for their new maid.


Mildred didn’t say anything, she just smiled and that was it. Just then, Thomas entered the kitchen as well and said, “Mom, you’re up early! These look great!”

“That’s your mother?” Delia asked, surprised and embarrassed.

“Yep, and her cupcakes are the best,” Thomas answered with a smile on his face.

Mildred sipped herself some coffee and told her son and Delia that she would take some rest and leave them catch up.

However, despite Mildred behaving as nice as possible, Delia told Thomas that his mother was extremely rude to her and made her feel so small, so belittled.

Thomas was surprised. He assured Delia that his mother was a great person, she just needed time to get to know her.


Mildred overheard their conversation and she knew something about Delia was odd. She could sense she was with her son for his money.

During dinner time, Delia started talking about fashion, trying to impress Mildred, who owned a fashion company she has been building for many years. However, Thomas and Mildred weren’t that interested in Delia’s ideas.

Thomas steered the conversation and turned to his mom saying, “Speaking of fashion trends, Mom, the new summer line is almost ready. We’ve incorporated some bold patterns this time.”


Delia had this idea that the company should follow a marketing idea she stumbled upon on Instagram, but both Thomas and his mom believed it didn’t fit their brand’s style.

“Social media is indeed powerful, Delia. But our brand’s reputation has been built on a certain elegance and timelessness. Flashy isn’t always aligned with our brand identity,” Mildred responded, trying not to offend Delia.

“Right,” Thomas added, “we aim for a balance between trend-setting and maintaining our brand’s classic appeal. It’s a fine line in the fashion industry.”

Then, Thomas said it was enough speaking of business because he had something more important to share with his mom; he and Delia were getting married. He popped the question and she said ‘yes.’

“That’s quite the news, Thomas,” Mildred replied, not sure if that was a good idea.


“Isn’t it wonderful, Mildred? We’re so happy,” Delia said, smiling.

“Of course. How about some wine to celebrate?” Mildred said, asking Delia to get some wine from the cellar.

“Sure, Mildred,” Delia replied.

Once Delia left the room, Mildred raised her concerns. She tried to warn Thomas about Delia, but he wouldn’t listen. He told his mom that he was happy with his future wife and that he was certain she loved him for who he was, not his company or his money.

When Delia returned, she didn’t only carry a bottle of wine in her hand, but a plate covered with a sheet too.

She placed it in front of Thomas and asked him to see what was underneath.

Thomas took the sheet off and saw a pregnancy test showing two red lines.

“We’re going to have a baby, Thomas!” Delia shouted. Thomas was filled with joy. He got out of his seat and wrapped Delia in a hug.

All Mildred could mutter was, “Con-congratulations.”


Realizing they were determined to get married and with a baby on the way, Mildred suggested Thomas and Delia sign a prenup. That was if he wanted her to give him the control over the business.

After Mildred left, Delia and Thomas spoke about what his mom told them. Delia was against signing a prenup, and Thomas said that their love was bigger than the company and that if his mom refuses to give him control over the business, they could do something else and find jobs, but Delia got angry and said that wasn’t an option.

Later that evening, as Thomas was getting ready to take a shower and with his mom’s words echoing in his head, he saw the pregnancy test which was placed on the edge of the sink. As he though about what to do next, the tests accidentally fell into the sink and the red color of the two lines started to smudge.

He realized Delia wasn’t really pregnant. She drew the lines using a marker. Was his mother right about her after all?


After he recovered from the shock, Thomas decided to test Delia. He wanted to know if she truly loved him or she was with him for his money.

The following day, Delia tired to convince Thomas that they needed to break free from his mother, who Delia said was controlling, and run the business by themselves.

“Think about it. You can break free from her. Transfer the ownership of the business to me. We can run it together without her looming over us,” Delia said.

“Transfer the business to you? That’s my family’s legacy,” he replied. “My mother has spent her life building it.”

Delia gave Thomas an ultimatum. “It’s either me or her, Thomas. Choose me, or I’ll leave,” she said.

Thomas pretended to agree because he came up with an idea. “Alright, I’ll transfer the business to you,” he said, hiding his real plan.

“You won’t regret this, Thomas. We’ll be unstoppable together,” she whispered.


Delia thought she had won. With Thomas transferring the business to her, she had a plan to remove Mildred from her way by not letting her to have a say about the company.

She was speaking on the phone to one of her friends, bragging how she has finally done it when someone knocked on the door.

Delia ended the conversation and opened the door. There was a man in uniform, stern and official, with a group of people accompanying him.

“Miss, I’m Patrick. We’re here to commence the attachment of assets,” the man announced, extending a formal document to her. “The business Thomas transferred to you has significant unpaid taxes. You’re in serious legal trouble.”

Delia panicked. “Please, can we talk about this in private? I’m sure we can make a deal,” she pleaded while the men moved around the house listing furniture and valuables.

“And what about Thomas? Are you willing to throw him under the bus for your gain?” Patrick asked her.


She said that she didn’t care about him, she only cared about the company. “It was all a ruse to gain control of his assets. I’m sure you and I can work out a deal,” she confessed, desperate. “Come on, how much do you want?”

“So, you’re offering financial incentives, and perhaps more, to make this go away?” he asked loudly. “Is that what you hear, too, Thomas?” Patrick called out.

Thomas and his mom stepped out from behind the door of the adjoining room.

“Y-you set this up?” Delia started yelling.


Thomas smiled. “Meet Patrick and his team of actors, love,” he said sarcastically. “The documents for the business transfer were fake… just like your pregnancy test, Delia. Next time you try this ruse on some unsuspecting fool, you might want to use a permanent ink marker.”

Delia started crying and begging for another chance. She tried to convince Thomas that she truly loved him, but he was done with her.

As he told her to leave his place, Thomas turned to his mother and thanked her for helping him realize what kind of woman he wanted to marry.

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Student shouts out loud when she sees her teacher for the first time: ‘My dad has a picture of you’


After years of hard work and dedication, Angelina, 28, found herself feeling proud of the school she has successfully ran for years.

As a teacher, she thought she has seen it all, until one day a girl entered her class and introduced herself as Emily, saying that she owned a cat named Whiskers and that she and her dad had recently moved to town. All of a sudden, the girl added, “Oh, and my dad has a photo of you at our house.”

Angelina smiled awkwardly and didn’t ask any questions, but the girl’s words stood with her for a while. Intrigued to see who her father was, Angelina decided to wait and see who would pick up the girl from school.


The moment she saw the girl’s father, Angelina’s heart stopped for a second. It was Michael, her high-school sweetheart whom she planned her life with when she was young.

This brought so many memories of her life with him.

Angelina recalled the days when the two had deep conversations about their future together, and then she recalled the decision she once made that hunted her all these years.

Twelve years ago, she woke up feeling pain and being pale. Michael was by her side. He got scared and brought her a glass of water, but she didn’t feel any better.

Not knowing what to do next, he called her parents who were quick to arrive to Michael’s place. They all went to the hospital together, praying that nothing serious was going on.

After running some tests, doctors revealed that Angelina was pregnant. She was expecting a baby with Michael.


Sharing the news with him, Michael was over the moon. He told her he loved the idea of being a father and spending the rest of his life with her and their baby. Angelina’s parents were as excited. They were happy she found someone like Michael who loved her so much.

However, Angelina felt conflicted. She didn’t feel like she was ready for a baby. She had dreams she wanted to pursue, a career on her mind, and a wish to own her own school one day. When she attempted to voice her concerns, her dad stopped her with the words, “Now is not the time for foolish dreams. You need to focus on what’s important – this baby.”

Angelina nodded. She felt like this situation was forcing her to put her aspirations aside, and she didn’t feel happy because of it.


Some months later, Angelina received a letter from a college she had applied for some time ago.

“Mom, Dad, look at this. The college I applied to… they’ve accepted me!”

Her parents reacted with mixed feelings. “Angelina, this is great news,” her mother said, “But have you thought this through? With the baby coming…”

“I could do both – be a mom and study. I could manage with some help from Michael,” Angelina suggested, her voice full of hope.

Her father was skeptical, “Angelina, we are proud of you, but you have to be realistic. You’re about to become a mother.”

Angelina said, “But I can do both. I know I can.”

Her mom then said, “Michael has found a good job, and he’s preparing for the baby. He can’t be expected to juggle work and help with the baby while you study.” Her dad was on the same page as her mother. “Your place is with the child, Angelina. Michael will be the breadwinner, and you should focus on raising your family,” he said.


At that moment, Angelina felt like her dreams diminished. Her parents didn’t understand her aspirations. They only saw her as a future mother, and that was all.

When the time came for Angelina to give birth to her daughter, her parents and Michael were by her side. The baby was born healthy.

She loved her little one, but the idea of motherhood overwhelmed Angelina. She felt trapped and robbed of the life she had always envisioned for herself.

After thinking carefully, she decided she wasn’t ready to be a mother, and she felt like her girl would be better without her, so she left a note and left, leaving her family behind.


Angelina attended the prestigious school, excelled at her studies, and was finally able to open her own school as she had always dreamed. However, the thought of abandoning her family haunted her every single day.

After gathering the courage, Angelina decided to follow Emily after school one day, and she had suddenly found herself at Michael’s doorstep.

“Angelina?” Michael asked in shock when he opened the door.

“I’m sorry to come unannounced. We need to talk,” Angelina started, feeling emotional.

Michael then invited her in. They talked about his life with his daughter, and how things were hard at times but they somehow managed.


“I left to chase my dreams, but I’ve realized the cost was too high. I missed out on so much,” Angelina confessed, her eyes on the photographs.

“You achieved your dream, then? Your school?” Michael asked.

“Yes, I did,” Angelina responded, her voice a mix of pride and regret.

“Then maybe it wasn’t all in vain,” Michael said. “We’ve had a good life, me and our daughter. It wasn’t easy, but we managed. She’s grown into a wonderful, smart, and kind girl.”

Angelina told him that the school Emily now attended was in fact hers.

Michael said he was glad she succeeded in her life, and that there was something else he needed to tell her.

Emily was sick and the treatment for her illness cost a lot of money. He did all he could to be able to find the money, but it was hard. He even sold his house and that was the reason they moved places.


Angelina felt helpless. She found her daughter after that many years and she simply couldn’t lose her again.

That’s when she made a decision that would change her life yet again.

A few days passed by when Angelina appeared at Michael’s door again. She was holding an envelope with a check in it with a significant sum.

Michael asked her where she had found the money.

“I sold the school, Michael,” Angelina revealed, her decision heavy but clear.

“But that was your dream—” Michael said.

“I know, but our daughter’s life and being a part of it means more to me now. I lost you both once; I can’t let that happen again. I’d give everything to be a part of her life again,” Angelina said with determination.


Luckily, Emily was able to receive the treatment and heal.

Angelina moved in with Michael and their daughter, hoping to bond with her girl.

Being with her family again brought Angelina a sense of peace and fulfillment, far surpassing her professional achievements.

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My son heard his mom crying & strangers’ voices, urging me home — What I discovered was beyond belief


Cutting ties with members of the family is never an easy decision, but there are times when that’s the only reasonable thing to do.

A man shared a story of a traumatizing experience and a day no one could prepare him for.

The day started as usual. He was at the office, trying to find some missing files, when his phone started ringing. It was his eight-year-old son Luke who was supposed to be at school at the time. Looking at the phone, the man realized that his son had called him 10 times before, and he immediately knew that something was very wrong.


He rushed to call him back, freaking out, when he heard the boy saying, “Daddy, please come home!! Mom is crying…”

“Slow down, buddy. What’s happening?”

“Daddy, I don’t know what to do. I just came home and now I hear mom crying in her room!”

“Why didn’t you go into her room?” the man asked his son.

“I’m too scared to go inside. I hear other voices in there!”

“Okay, okay! Stay in your room. Lock the door! I’ll call your mom,” the man said, trying not to panic.


He tried calling his wife, but the call went straight to voicemail. This wasn’t something usual for his wife who always picked up when he called her. Sadly, this made him even more terrified. He quickly grabbed his keys and called 911 as he rushed out of the office.

Unaware of what could be going on, the man couldn’t wait to get home.

When he arrived, the cops still weren’t there but he couldn’t wait for them, he simply had to enter the room and make sure that he wife was safe.

No matter what it was, or who was inside the room, he was ready to face them.

The man kicked the door opened and to his surprise his wife wasn’t inside the room. It was her sister, Diana, having “fun” with two men.

At that moment, his wife, Nikkie, came in with the cops running after her. When she saw her sister, she was horrified.

“Diana?! What the heck?!” Nikkie blurted out.

The man’s sister-in-law was wrapped in the expensive sheets and pretended as though she didn’t do anything wrong. “I thought no one would be home. Just having a bit of fun, that’s all,” she said.

Diana was married and she believed that Nikkie’s home would be the perfect place for her extramarital encounters. She used the key Nikkie once gave her and she believed there would be no one at home.

However, that day Luke felt sick and one of his teachers was nice enough to drive him home before previously alerting Nikkie who arranged to get the rest of her day off from work. 

The teacher believed the boy would be safe at home until his mom arrives, and yes, he was supposed to be safe, but this incident scared him for life.

Luke couldn’t stop hugging his mom and asking if she was safe.


“My boy was traumatized. Honestly, so was I,” the man wrote.

“So, Mom wasn’t in danger?” Luke asked. “No, my boy. It was just your Aunt Diana being funny. But don’t worry because we won’t be seeing her again any time soon.”

He gave Nikkie a serious look, and she nodded, and that’s when they cut ties with Diana.

The man sharing this story added that he had also sent Diana’s husband a warning text about his wife because he believed he gad the right to know what she was doing.

What are your thoughts on this? How would you react?

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John Schneider slams Beyoncé’s new country song and compares her to ‘a urinating dog’


Beyonce’s move to country music doesn’t seem to be an act loved by everyone.

John Schneider, who plays in The Dukes of Hazzard, expressed strong feelings against the super star after she made a decision her song “Texas Hold ‘Em” to be played on a country music radio station in Oklahoma last week.

Appearing on One American News Network, Schneider spoke of how the country music has changed over the years.

“The lefties in the entertainment industry just won’t leave any area alone, right? They just have to seize control over every aspect, don’t they?” host Alison Steinberg said. Answering, Schneider compared Beyonce’s release of a country song to “a dog peeing on a tree.” He said, “They’ve got to make their mark, just like a dog in a dog walk park. You know, every dog has to mark every tree, right? So that’s what’s going on here.”

Further, Schneider, who’s also a country singer, said that singers like Beyonce should simply stay in their comfort zone.

Beyonce’s fans believe that her new album, which is to be released on March 29, 2024, titled Renaissance: Act II, could be a full-length country record.

Following the reports that stars such as Lana Del Rey and Post Malone would try themselves into the world of country music, Schneider said that plenty of country singers are worried about the influence these pop musicians could actually have on country music.

The truth is that this sort of music is extremely popular, with 76 million Americans listening to country music every week, so pop singers entering that sphere doesn’t come as a surprise.

Schneider has been part of the country music industry for many years. He has released nine solo albums, a collection of his best songs, and eighteen singles. Among the rest, he released I’ve Been Around Enough to Know, Country Girls, What’s a Memory Like You, and You’re the Last Thing I Needed Tonight, all big hits on the Billboard country singles lists.

However, although he felt entitles to share his opinion about Beyonce,her fans weren’t happy with what he had to say.

They came to her defense, dubbing him “racist and hateful.”

“Country music was created by black folks,” one fan wrote.

“Cross overs are not new. Paul McCartney released a country song 50 years ago (Country Dreamer and Sally G)…even the Stones had a huge country influence (Dead Flowers Far Away Eyes) so don’t understand this is about Beyonce unless it’s because she’s….,” someone else added.

“Imagine gatekeeping a genre of music that black people created, imagine getting mad that a southern artist from Texas decided to go back to her roots. BTW This is not her first country song!!,” a third fan pointed out.

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Waitress gets ‘$0’ tip on ‘$187’ bill, turns heads after making Facebook post in response


If you decide to pursue a career in the restaurant industry, especially the position of a waiter or a waitress, you should know it is followed by certain difficulties such as dealing with tough customers who are impatient and may treat you with disrespect, and not to mention how difficult it is to be on your feet all day.
However, the biggest issue is the pay which is pretty low. Because these employees are expected to be tipped, the country of U.S allows the restaurant owners to pay the workers less than the federal minimum wage.

In 21 states, servers are paid only $2.13 an hour before tips. According to a report in The Wall Street Journal, “nearly 15% of the nation’s 2.4 million waiters and waitresses live in poverty, compared with about 7% of all workers. They are more likely to need public assistance and less likely to receive paid sick leave or health benefits.”


Although they should be tipped, there are customers who are so rude that they decide to tip the waiter or waitress who served them under the standard 15% or even noting. That is exactly what happened to a waitress Taylar Cordova who was so angry at the customer that she decided to share the bill on line and rise awareness of the disrespectful way these workers are treated.

She received no tip on a bill totaling $187.43. A standard tip would have given Cordova $28.11. The post has been shared more than 12,000 times. 


The caption read:

‘“This. This is the reason I work so much. This is why I cry in the shower. I STRUGGLE to put clothes on my daughter’s back and food in our bellies because of THIS. You, are the lowest of the low. Whenever you feel like it’s probably fine to not tip your server, that’s one more bill stacking up because they’re short on money. This is food for the week that our families will go without because you didn’t think it was necessary, even after asking for everything under the sun and receiving it free of charge, mind you. This is one less basic necessity my daughter needs because even TWO more dollars is too much for you.

Every decision has a consequence. Servers are paid a base pay of $2-5/hr depending on the employer, so next time you don’t want to tip, regardless of the situation prior to receiving your bill, think about how much you would have to work that week off $2-5/hr to feed your family, not just you. Could you pay your bills based on that pay alone? Could you feed your family AND yourself? Because that’s what happens when you choose to not tip. Please, please tip your servers. Even if it was the worst service you’ve ever received. A 10% tip is a big enough slap in the face, this completely tore me apart. Don’t even bother walking into a restaurant if you can’t afford to tip. There’s a McDonald’s down the street if you’re that cheap.”

But things may be looking up for servers in the future. According to Eater, “Seven states — including New York — have already increased or eliminated the lower tipped minimum wage and seven more are in the process of increasing or eliminating it altogether.” This change is necessary because, according to the National Restaurant Association, by the end of this year, 12.9 million people will work in the restaurant industry, which will account for 10% of the U.S. workforce.

Note: This article originally appeared on ​May 16, 2017.

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Royal expert gives ‘major’ update on Kate Middleton’s surgery, weeks after leaving the hospital


It’s been weeks since Kate Middleton’s “planned” abdominal surgery took place but people still can’t get over the fact that the Palace refuses to provide any details regarding the procedure.

For most, the most important thing is that the Princess, who’s become a much loved member of the royalty over the years, is doing fine, but there are also those who are eager to learn why exactly Kate had to undergo the surgery for and if it was more serious than the Palace stated it was.

Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

Royal expert Richard Eden appeared on the show Palace Confidential and revealed that readers constantly send letters to The Times, asking questions regarding Kate’s procedure.

He dubbed this efforts by the public “bullying.”

“I think that there’s no reason why she should feel bullied into giving more details,” Eden said, per Express. “If she wants to, at a later point, fine, that’s up to her. But, she shouldn’t feel that she has to.

“It’s been ‘She should give more details,’ and ‘Why doesn’t she?’

“And there’s been more pressure, there’s even been letters written to The Times newspaper, saying it would be a great example to other women if she was to be more open about her medical problems and this sort of thing.”

Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

Around the time Kate had her surgery, the Palace announced that the King would be admitted to the hospital as well.

On January 17, the palace stated the 75-year-old monarch was to be treated for an enlarged prostate.

“In common with thousands of men each year, the King has sought treatment for an enlarged prostate,” the palace said in a statement. “His Majesty’s condition is benign and he will attend hospital next week for a corrective procedure.”

However, while the King provided details about his surgery, Kate didn’t, and royal expert Daniela Elser argues that the Princess made a mistake.

She believes that if Kate spoke more openly she could have helped raise awareness, just like her father-in-law did.

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM – MAY 04: (EMBARGOED FOR PUBLICATION IN UK NEWSPAPERS UNTIL 24 HOURS AFTER CREATE DATE AND TIME) Catherine, Princess of Wales arrives for visit to the Dog & Duck pub in Soho to hear how it’s preparing for the Coronation Weekend on May 4, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images)

“The abdomen starts with the liver and ends somewhere colon-ish, meaning that there are umpteen reasons why the princess might currently be laid up and enjoying midmorning tele in a pristine starched white room full of bleepy machines and enough flower arrangements to kit out Westminster Abbey,” Elser wrote for

“No one who is not in the Middleton family chat knows exactly what is troubling the mother-of-three and I can’t help but think that the princess has wasted an enormous opportunity here. Kate could possibly have made a huge difference this month and she has chosen not to.”

Samir Hussein/WireImage

However, besides being a princess, Kate Middleton is also a human being who’s entitled to her privacy.

“She has every right to not have to air her every sniffle, ache, and minor rash with the leering public or is not obligated to have her staff put out a press release every time she might get some light symptoms of IBS,” Elser continued.

“All that has been made known by Kensington Palace about the princess is that whatever is wrong with her is non-cancerous, a detail I’m assuming they only released to prevent mass panic in the aisles of Asda. Tamping down public fears is good and all that but hardly goes much of a ways for such a huge missed opportunity.”

Elser concluded, “The princess has wholly passed up on the chance to raise awareness about whatever might be bedeviling her right now and to possibly also destigmatize whatever illness might be ailing her. Charles, in making me type the word ‘prostate’ far too often, has done the world a great service. So why hasn’t Kate?”

Abdominal surgery expert Shashank Gurjar gave his opinion regarding Kate’s surgery and said that her recovery could take up to nine months.

Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

Royal expert Michael Cole claims Kate’s surgery was a major one.

“Other members of the Royal Family, like Prince William, will have to step up and do more”, he told GB News.

“Of course, that’s complicated because at the same time, his wife, the Princess of Wales, is suffering also with an undisclosed form of illness. Without any doubt, the surgery she underwent at the London Clinic was no minor matter.”

He continued, “She was in there for 13 nights, 14 days, and we don’t know what’s wrong, but it’s obviously major.”

Asked how Kate’s surgery and King Charles’ cancer diagnosis affected the royal family, he said that “everything has changed.”

“It’s very difficult, and it’s very unfortunate for the king because he waited 70 years to inherit this role, and he started off doing it very well. He’s now got this hiatus, this pushback, but the affairs of state will continue. There’s no doubt of that,” he told GB News.

That Kate is doing well speaks the fact that she was able to travel to Anmer Hall where she would spend some days along with her husband and children.

We wish Princess Kate a speedy recovery.

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After photo emerges of Alyssa Milano and her son, 12, at the Super Bowl, fans spot detail that leaves people furious


The Super Bowl attracted the attention of millions of viewers not only from the States but beyond. In the center of attention were certainly Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce, whose love is blossoming in front of the eyes of their many fans, but other celebs also made impressions, including Reba McEntire and Usher, among the rest.

The Charmed star Alyssa Milano and her son were also spotted among the crowd. And as much as seeing a mother and her child bonding and having the time of their life together, their photo at the Super Bowl caused quite a stir on the social media.

The reason why is that just a couple of days prior to the game, Milano started a GoFundMe page to raise money for her son’s baseball team that was supposed to travel to Cooperstown, New York.

“Any amount would be so greatly appreciated. You can read more about the team and make a donation,” she wrote on X.

The fundraiser sought for $10,000 and encouraged people to donate to the “diverse, hardworking and really good” 12U team.

Given her net worth, the backlash of her asking for donation and then posing at the Super Bowl was harsh.

“Alyssa is worth a reported $10 million. And look, having traveled to 3 tournaments last summer in 3 different cities in 3 different states, I get it. It’s beyond expensive. But to ask for donations here given her worth and the fact her husband is a CAA agent is really something,” one user wrote at the time.

“Alyssa Milano needs our help, guys!!! This is serious!! Let’s dig deep,” another user quipped on X.

“I remember when raising money for an extracurricular trip actually meant EARNING money for the trip. You know, car washes, bake sales, recycling drives. Kids actually working for it,” someone else said.

Netizens had a lot to say about Milano’s Super Bowl showing.

“How can he get to the game and you request money to take his team to Cooperstown? How out of touch are you,” one person on Instagram asked.

Another asked: “Is this why you created the Go Fund Me? To get you and your kid to the Super Bowl?”

“Damn. Probably could have spent that money one [sic] your son’s baseball team, huh?” another said. “But what do I know.”

Milano answered back and posted a strongly-worded statement after people started targeting her son’s Instagram.

Every parent raises money for their child’s sports teams and many of them do so through GoFundMe. I am no different,” Milano explained.

“As much as I’d love to pay for the entire team and their families for travel, transportation, hotel, food and beverage, uniforms, trading pins, and all the things teams do for this kind of trip—I can not afford to do so. Maybe someday. Also, if I did pay for everyone—my trolls would find something else to be hurtful about.

“Regardless of how you feel about me, going on to my hardworking 12 year old son’s Instagram page and leaving these kinds of messages is so horrid. Leave the kids alone,” the actress added. “Let them play baseball. If you are against donating—don’t donate. If you’d like to donate to help the team’s families — we appreciate it—the link is in his bio.”

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My future in-laws don’t know I own the home they live in & kicked me out of it


A woman named Ellen and her husband David were overly excited for their daughter’s upcoming wedding.

Lisa, their firstborn daughter, seemed to be very happy with her future husband Ric. She graduated from medical school and started working as a doctor, so tying the knot with the person she felt was her soulmate seemed like the most reasonable next thing.

Ellen and David bought Lisa a house because they believed she totally deserved it because of her dedication to her studies and for being a wonderful daughter. The house wasn’t very big, but it was enough for Lisa.

One evening, Ellen and David got a call from Lisa. She said she needed to talk to them about something and told them that she wanted Ric to move in with her.

David hesitated for a while, but they eventually agreed because at the end of the day, Ric would soon be Lisa’s husband and moving in together wasn’t a bad idea.


Before truly getting into the wedding planning, Lisa and Ric decided to organize a family dinner so that their families could meet. Ellen and David never met Ric’s parents before so they were eager to do that. However, neither Ellen nor her husband could ever predict that the family dinner would turn into dinner from hell.

Namely, once Ellen, David, and their younger daughter Leah arrived at Lisa’s house, Ric’s parents were already there. They all talked for a while before Ellen, David, and their daughter went outside to prepare the barbecue. At one moment, David and Leah went inside to grab some spices but left the place quickly and told Ellen they needed to go home as fast as possible.

Ellen didn’t even try to push it further because David wasn’t the type of man to exaggerate anything needlessly. So, if something shocked him, it was most likely warranted.

They said that Leah wasn’t feeling fine and headed home.


Once inside the car, David told Ellen he overheard Ric’s parents saying they wouldn’t invite them to Lisa and Ric’s wedding but they would made them pay for it.

Ellen was shocked. She couldn’t possibly understand why her future son-in-law’s parents would want to exclude them from their own daughter’s wedding and how could Lisa even agree on such a thing.

The following morning, Ellen went straight to Lisa’s house and saw her in-laws‘ car parked on the driveway. She knocked several times but no one answered. As she knew they were inside the house, Ellen kept knocking until Ric’s mother opened the door slightly. She accused Ellen of influencing Lisa too much, adding that Lisa was now like them and that she didn’t need her parents’ influence in her life.

On top of it, Ric’s mom said that she and her husband moved in with Lisa and Ric and that the four of them would be living together. She added that although they won’t be invited to the wedding, they would be sent the part of the bill for it.


Ellen couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Still shocked, she called Lisa on the phone to ask her to reconsider the decision of going forward with the wedding without her part of the family in attendance. Sadly, Lisa said she would respect her in-laws’ decision.

Since the house Lisa, Ric, and his parents moved in was still on Ellen’s name, she decided to undertake drastic measures. She asked them they had 10 days to leave the place, and since they refused to do that, Ellen and David sold the house.

“I just taught our future in-laws a lesson in boundaries,” Ellen wrote.

Since then, Lisa moved into a tiny apartment next to her workplace, and Ellen had no idea where Ric’s parents were. Lisa and Ric stayed together, but they still haven’t got married.


Sharing this story, Ellen wanted to know if she was in the wrong for selling the house and using the money to buy her other daughter the car she had always wanted.

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Bored Daddy

Love and Peace