Crazy Guy Launches Firework At Dog, Vet Doesn’t Know If He Can Save His Paw…

Just thinking about fireworks gives me a little shiver of fear, beautiful but also very dangerous and loud! Each year most of us Americans have a picture of the fourth of July and fireworks, they just go together naturally… There are many times of the year though that fireworks are used in abundance, the winter holiday season to say one time… It’s safe to say that as a whole we feel festive over the holidays and quite often we have left over fireworks stored away somewhere. In the United States we have laws for the accessibility of fireworks, however, this really does differ substantially from state to state. The fireworks themselves are categorized generally and defined as ‘domestic’ or ‘consumer fireworks’ and this is according to the definitions from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Fireworks even though categorized like this are still very dangerous and any category of firework can seriously damage, cause injury, burn and do a lot of harm to you and others! The CPSC shows the sorts of serious injuries you can get from fireworks… Vulnerable areas on humans are the eyes, hands, and feet, however, it’s not just us humans that are vulnerable! A recent South Daytona, Florida Story shows us that firework injuries are not just limited to humans alone… Police officers witnessed above all the brunt of this when they came to a complaint about a 58-year-old local resident called Madison Carroll, who lives opposite a family with a dog, a dachshund called Oscar… Oscar was toddling round one afternoon near his house were he lived, some witnesses say that were other dogs there too. When Carroll saw the dogs he went inside and returned with an M-80 firecracker! Now if you’re thinking the same as me then it’s not a nice thought at all, and of course, you would be right! Carroll lit the firecracker and threw it at Oscar, witnesses say it was absolutely on purpose! Charged with animal cruelty and arrested at the scene, according to the news channels he is already out on bond! The vet thought that Oscar would have to have his leg amputated for sure… Owner Kyle Jasinski said:

“There was just so much blood”

“I thought I was going to lose him, I was covered in blood in five seconds, as soon as I picked him up.”

Just after it happened Kyle rushed the dog to a local animal care facility in Maitland, thanks to their quick actions the doctors now think that they could save his leg, wow, thank goodness!

The police say that Carroll could have been trying to scare the dogs away when he threw the firework and they also said that they could smell alcohol during Carroll’s arrest. I think that if you’re going to throw a firework then you have to, at least at some level, know that it could cause serious injury! His mother says that she believes that her son didn’t understand fully, the seriousness of his actions? Tell us what you think in the comments, I know what I think! His mother said to the news:

“I’m very upset with him”

“…he doesn’t know what he’s doing.”

Jasinki did admit that Oscar does occasionally get out, but a family pet like this really doesn’t deserve this kind of terrible injury and pain he went through. Thankfully Oscar was so tough and so much of a fighter that he was able to fight his way back to health, but let this be a warning to others, this holiday season to be careful in their celebrations, not just for them but for their pets too!

The Consumer Products Safety Commission and its National Electronic Injury Surveillance System reported in 2016 that around 11,000 injuries caused by fireworks were recorded around the fourth of July Holiday alone! During your holiday, please do take care and for your pets too! Let’s SHARE this warning tale and hope it does some good.

Amazing New Treatment Gets Rid Of Stage 4 Cancer In Two Year Old Boy!

Gideon Purchase began to worry his parents, he began to lose his appetite, little by little at first which is why they thought that maybe it was because he was teething. When they started to notice that he was developing yellow bruises under both his eyes, then his parents really were beginning to seriously worry… Gideon, 2 years old started to look quite sick, his parents took him straight away to the doctors, then very next day after that noticed these latest symptoms, it was what the doctors told them that made their world crash all around them! The doctors said that Gideon had neuroblastoma and it was in stage 4… Katie Purchase said:

“It’s literally as bad as it gets”

The team at the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital conducted many more tests but they too confirmed the severity of the diagnosis, such a sad moment for a young person, with their potential whole life you thought they had ahead of them, just to be told that may not be the case anymore.

Dr. Sara Federico of St. Jude said:

“His entire face and skull was full of cancer, and all of his bones were full of cancer”

“He had a large tumor that was present in the middle of his body.”

Gary and Katie, his parents were shocked beyond belief at what had happened, the news really rocked their world but of course not in a good way at all! The Doctors did have some glimmers of hope though… There was a clinical trial that could be of some help, just a little light at the end of the tunnel, but no matter how small that light was they had to take it! That little glimmer of hope was an antibody introduced alongside chemotherapy, through the whole process. After six weeks the doctors were further shocked by a sudden change in Gideons Health. Federico said:

“The early results are surpassing all of our wildest expectations”

“He went from 84 percent of his marrow having a tumor to zero percent.”

By the six week mark, most of Gideon’s tumors had reduced to nothing, his legs had no tumors, his face and arms were clear too, the last few tumors that remained were getting smaller every day! With many months of treatment ahead of him, Gideon’s treatment, for the moment, looked really positive, the light at the end of the tunnel was getting considerably closer! Gary said:

“Being how aggressive this disease is, they can’t leave one cell alive”

Still a long road ahead Gideon had to face radiation and bone marrow transplants, but it’s not a fast fix and not a chemotherapy-free cure, but it most certainly does give us all hope, and when we have hope it definitely makes us stronger to fight!

War Veteran Keeps His Promise Even After His Buddy Died!

Bill Cox shared a post on the Facebook Page of the Marine Corps Veterans with, he said that it was a photo of his father standing next to a casket. The photo was about his father keeping a promise to a friend and fellow military man. The father, Master Sergeant William H.Cox, who was 83 years old and retired, was honoring fallen comrades. Him and ‘First Sergeant’ James J. Hollingsworth (aka Holly) also retired, made a deal during the war, huddled in a bunker while under heavy munitions fire in the Marble Mountain, they vowed to stay in touch, and that’s exactly what they did! Both the men held positions as door gunners, William honored to be the only man in VMO-2 to be awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross in Vietnam. They both served a long 20 years in the Corps, Holly was decorated too. William uses a cane to help him walk, however, during the vigil at the funeral and at the casket he refrained, and stood strong for his buddy! William was both delighted and a little shocked when he was asked to speak at the funeral! He said:

“Boy, that’s a rough mission you’re assigning me to there”

William went on to say that the special bond that he shared with Hollingsworth was not like anything he had ever know, completely indescribable! He said:

“There’s a bond between Marines that’s different from any other branch of service. We’re like brothers”

Bill really was touched and surprised about how many people it had reached and how the Facebook post had spread and made such an impression on other people! William Wrote:

“Wow! I posted this on ‘USMC Vets Marine Corps Veterans’ partly because of the upcoming Marine Corps Birthday (November 10th), to show the brotherhood of the Corps, and to honor dad and his good friend, First Sergeant James J. Hollingsworth (Hollie). It has been viewed over 20,000 times, with hundreds of comments and shares!! Many comments made my eyes water. Semper Fi, Marines”

There wasn’t anyone, or hardly anyone that was both happy and touch that he had kept his promise that he made to his friend. One reader in particular said:

“What a touching picture … My mother had eight brothers..5 enlisted at the same time during World War 2..all 8 served along with one sister! God bless your Dad !!!!! America Is Thankful for his service”

“They are the epitome of how we should treat each other and be there for each other in life and death. Rest in peace and thank you for your service,” another commented on Mad World News’ Facebook page.”

“I find this amazing I love that people that have a friend that they will stand by you no matter what that is a true and golden friendship,” another wrote.”

  What a wonderful story about the men that fought to save our country, share the love and tell everyone about this touching story 😀

Mother Walks In On What Man Is Doing To Son, Takes Matters In Her Own Hands

Brutality is a terrible thing, it has an effect on a persons life in many ways, even drives us to do things that we wouldn’t normally do. Cleared of a fatal shooting, a woman from Ocala, Florida was in a terrible state as it was also discovered that it was her husband that was beating her, her son and her mother in an awful rage! It all happened on her son’s 14th birthday, Michelle Dinkins-Penland said that her husband had PTSD from his time in the military, then on that day of her son’s birthday he went outside to put a pizza box in the trash, her husband started shouting at him loudly! Before hitting the boy he said:

“Get the f**k out of my face”

Michelle and her mother tried to break up the fight on the patio but ended up being hit as well. She said:

“He threw my mom down, punched me in the eye”

“And went back after my son, and that’s when I shot him.”

Michelle defended her what she did and went on to say:

“I didn’t mean to kill him.”

“I did shoot him to protect myself, my son and my mother”

“I was absolutely terrified. Absolutely terrified.”

Michelle and Mark Penland had been together for about six years, the couple had been married for about a year when the shooting happened. The court in Florida ruled that the mother was completely justified in her actions, in accordance with the ‘Stand Your Ground Law’! She said:

“Now, other victims of domestic violence can feel like they can protect themselves and their families”

“We have suffered a great loss, and I think the only winners, in this case, are the victims of domestic violence. Hopefully, my situation will show other victims that it’s OK to protect their families when necessary.”

There were a lot of people who were not happy that she had taken the matter into her own hands though, to protect her son, herself and her mother. One person commented:

“He is beating her son, slams her mother to the ground and punches her in the face”

“If she did he kill him there might have been more than one person he killed. She did the right thing, protecting her loved ones.”

“She did what she had to do”

Someone else wrote:

“Too often the mother allows the child to be abused at the hands of a man. I are glad she protected her child, mother, and herself.”

Well, we all have the basic human right to defend ourselves and our children, if you were in that position what would you do?

The Vows This Bride Make Have An Interesting Twist That Bring All The Guests To Tears

Getting married is a big responsibility, it’s sometimes a little daunting, but when the person your marrying has children too, then there are also, even more, responsibilities that come. Through good times and bad, you’re committing to being there for each other! Katie Hild and her fiancée Jeremy had some plans to make that would consider their commitment to each other and their children, Landon the son of Jeremy and his son’s stepfather and mother, called Tyler and Casey. The family was going to be all brought together one way or another!
Facebook/Love What Matters
So taking the bull by the horns, so to speak, Katie boldly asked Tyler and Casey to come to the wedding and wrote vows to let them hear how much she appreciated their love and support, how amazing, what a really lovely thing to do! Parenting in these circumstances can be very challenging, to say the least, however, they all look to keep Landon’s best interests to heart. Katie was going to be around and part of the family and that responsibility was taken seriously.
Facebook/Love What Matters
Katie firstly read her own vows to Jeremy, but after that, she then looked to Tyler and Casey to continue with another set of touching vows, to the children she would be parenting along with Tyler and Casey. Katie was bath forward thinking and selfless, with a strong sense of responsibility without even giving it a second thought. The most important day of her life and Katie happily moves attention beyond herself and included Tyler and Casey, then to Landon!
Facebook/Love What Matters
Katie gets down on the floor and vowed to Landon to love him for the rest of her life, she promised him that she would also be his best friend for many years to come, decades! Even that she would be a good parent to him, especially when he didn’t like it. She took the responsibility seriously… Such was the deep feeling of the whole situation that as Katie finished her vows the guests wept with tears of joy. It really does look like this one big family are going to have a very long and happy future together. The adults here really did set an amazing example for their children, the best example you could have ever thought they could achieve.
Facebook/Love What Matters
Have a listen for yourself to the vows:

When The Four US Army Members Left The Diner It Was The Owner Who Was Shocked By What They Left!

A real surprise happened in Paul’s Family Restaurant, a group of soldiers cal to the restaurant for their lunch, many of the customers noticed, what happened shows the community feeling towards the soldiers, but the surprise was what the soldiers did when they left! Paul’s Diner isn’t famous, as such, doesn’t tend to appear on TV shows, but the diners do have a small dedicated crew of staff there and you can get a very decent assortment of fried food on a single plate! Just your average American Diner, Paul’s Diner really shines because of its clientèle of average, but decent American diners. The customers in the Diner are exactly, in fact, what makes our community so great! It was lunchtime and four members of the US Army came to Paul’s for a late lunch together, dressed in their camouflage combats, they quietly took their seats. Everyone noticed them arrive after all camouflage in a civilian restaurant sticks out like a sore thumb. A customer wrote on their Facebook Page:

“A family of six that came in right behind them pulled their waitress aside and said they wanted to buy them their lunch. Moments later another lady came to pick up an order to go and wanted to do the same. She said her son just started boot camp at Fort Benning [in Georgia] this week and she misses him so much she really wanted to buy them lunch as well. Since they hadn’t even ordered yet I suggested that they each put $20 towards their bill and Paul’s would pick up the difference. In the meantime, TWO MORE groups asked to pick up their check!”

Everyone worked, stealthily, with the serving staff to buy these troops their lunch, another guy as he left the restaurant out $50 on their table and thanking them for everything they do. By the time they were ready to leave the restaurant, they had their bill paid off and made money, thanks to all the kind diners! When they left the owner stopped them, he too wanted to thank them and ask if they left a tip for their server. They hadn’t got to pay anything at all for their meal and the owner covered the servers tip for them too! They told the owner that they “left something” on the tables, having a little smile to themselves. The owner wished them a great day and went to the table to clear up. He was really shocked at what he found there!!! The troops had left on the table the $50 bill for the server, instead of keeping it for next time they came, as was the offer when it was given to them. The Army forces team, like most veterans, never sought this attention, but still appreciated the generosity of their fellow diners immensely, they chose to pay it forward, how awesome! At Paul’s Family Restaurant, there’s more than just awesome tasty food – there’s also a lot of love!

Heartbreakingly Simple Things These Kids Ask For At Christmas, Can You Believe It?

They’re asking for heartbreakingly simple things, amongst the parties and celebrations with food the children at Christmas are the important ones, it’s the season! The non-profit ‘Things of My Very Own Inc.’ TOMVO based in New York give gifts. One young boy asks for snacks at school so he is not the only one in the class with nothing to eat! This touching request he made brings our lives back into perspective I believe, TOMVO based in New York have a simple and clear mission at Christmas, besides their gift donation program they also help keep families together too and keep children out of the foster care system, especially when the sole problem is not enough money to buy the essential things needed to live! This ten year old boy with such a simple wish holds this one simple thing as absolutely crucial, because of how it makes him feel to be the only one without snacks! He feels this every day that crushing feeling of being the odd one out when you just want to fit in, and have a few pokémoon cards too because, after all, he is still 10….

A small snack seems like such a small thing in most peoples eye, but put yourself back at school, under the watchful eyes of all your peers, judged my everything you do and say and have, and while yes its important to accept where you are and ignore the naysayers, at only 10 this is not how our youngsters minds work yet…. TOMVO gives out gift tags to local businesses and people select then buy the items written in the tag that they have and take them to the organization wrapped and ready to give to a child. Getting tags with Thomas the tank engine, blankets, a night-light, clothes, across everything you could imagine there is a request for something important to each child’s heart.

At six years old this boy wants food and an army man, let’s just consider that for a moment, he’s six and he is asking for food? Does that make you want to cry? I know It makes me want to!

Asking for blankets and a coat and she likes the color blue and felt fabric then she wants to desperately tell the gift buyers she is ‘a nice person’, can you feel your heart reaching out and feeling for these children, I know that my own kids don’t have a clue about real hardship! Here, on the other hand, these children are wishing for the simplest of things that so many other children don’t consider because they have all these things in abundance! In what world, we must ask ourselves, does a child have to wish for things to keep her warm!

Amongst all these heartbreaking requests, thankfully we are reminded that these are still kids and still innocent enough to consider that their biggest concerns are things like ‘their brother is stealing their Batman toys’…

TOMVO, it’s fair to say probably isn’t unique, but that doesn’t make it any less special. There are no doubt many places that do similar things, at least we hope so! Let’s all support our own communities and children in these magical times of the year that we can make all children feel special! As a parent, we try to think of other peoples children too, make donations to charities that do actually help children at Christmas time, give food, toys, money, just what you can afford to give to help other kids at this magical time of the year! If you cant give things, then maybe you could give your time to help a worthy charity, to help others, every little bit helps!!! For the little boy who simply wished for snacks at school, $10 or even $5 could get him set-up for a whole month, just imagine how he would feel and grow in confidence, just to fit in at school and not to worry about this simple thing that is so important to him. In 2017 I sometimes think that the world grows meaner every year, but then again, in other ways some of us just grow kinder and do help the world to become a better place! So let’s be the good ones and make our world a better place. If you’d like to donate to Things of My Very Own, Inc. directly, you can do that on their website. Other organizations that help kids during the holidays are Toys for Tots, Operation Christmas Child, and Make A Wish, just to mention a few! Shearing is CARING, please share and let’s really send this message out far an wide, thank YOU!

An Unexpected Savior Helps This Mother Of Two, Dying Of Cancer, To Fight Back!

To get that fateful news, that you never expect to hear, to know that you have a diagnosis of cancer is most of our nightmares come true. Straight away floods of questions come to mind, how bad is it? Can I fight it? Where do I go to get treated? There is no doubt at all that to fight something like this, support is absolutely key! That support can often come from places you wouldn’t imagine and for Nicola Hitchen that support came from an ex-husbands new wife!
From Chester, in the UK, this 41 year old mother of two children was experiencing pain since last spring. The Doctors thought that is was because of an infection from a past operation, but just a little time after this assumption, Niki was taken to a hospital and into intensive care. The Doctors found that she had an abscess on her cervix, it was sadly stage 2 cervical cancer… The bad news didn’t stop there, after around seven weeks of care in the hospital, the cancer progressed fast, stage 4 followed, then doctors told Nikki they wouldn’t be able to operate as the cancer was in a very advanced stage, she only had months to live now!
Nikki is a fighter and she didn’t give up, she went to Northumberland, then many more trips to Istanbul, Turkey to treat the ‘inoperable’ tumor there. After spending £80,000 at the facilities which high higher success rates for treating stage 4 cancer, the main part of the tumor in her abdomen had shrunk considerably. Each trip to Turkey cost about £10,000 and Nikki was running out of money fast, her family was going to have to face some very tough decisions. The shock was that Niki’s ex-husband’s new wife, Clare Hitchen came to her rescue and really helped!
Clare dug deep and set up a crowdfunding page, to help raise money for Nikki’s cancer treatments, they have gathered more than £21,000 in donations to help her. Clare says: (The boys)… “need their Mum and she deserves the chance to watch them grow into men and have their own families.”
“Niki is my husband’s ex-wife and amazing Mum to Joe and Jake” “Niki continues to put them first throughout all of her treatment. Joe and Jake are also amazing big brothers to our 3 year old daughter and she adores them as they do her. We can do this!!”
The amazing and heartfelt response Nikki had has been really amazing! She said: “I’m completely overwhelmed – everyone, especially Clare, has been amazing” “I didn’t think people liked me that much … It’s brought us all even closer together. The support I’ve been given has been phenomenal, not just from my family but from complete strangers too.” Please share this story and show people about devotion and love and kindness to others.