Simon chuckled at his song choice!

For a number of aspiring singers, the stage of the talent shows is the only place where they can shine through their talent.

It is these shows that helped a lot of singers find their place under the stars and in the music industry. Beyonce, who is considered one of the world’s biggest superstars, found her way to fame through the talent show Star Search back in 1993. And she’s not the only one. In fact, a lot of famous names became celebrities thanks to shows such as The Voice, Britain’s Got Talent, The X Factor and Pop Stars.

When Josh Krajcik, a humble burrito maker from Ohio, appeared on X Factor and announced his choice of song, the most strict judges of all, Simon Cowell, chuckled, and the audience joined him.

At Last by Etta James is a demanding song, and Cowell believed it was a huge challenge for Josh, who proved him wrong the moment he sang the first notes.

Josh’s raw talent and incredible vocals turned the initial skepticism into astonishment.

Everyone was visibly moved, and Josh’s performance quickly went viral, with the video of his audition seen by millions of people.

As the show proceeded, he wowed both the judges and the audience over and over again, securing his place in the finals and ending up as the runner-up for the 2011 season.

His performance of At Last is a moment of pure, raw emotion.

The comments under the video speak volumes of how loved of a figure he became among the viewers of the talent show.

“His voice is a hot mug of black coffee on a crisp autumn morning,” one person commented. “Love this. Simon gave him crap, audience members made faces, nobody but his Mom believed him. Then he sang, and blew them all away,” another added. “It’s funny how this audition still gets to me, after all these years and all the countless rewatches. I still get teared up. I think it is Josh’s voice of course, and the kind of ‘underdog story,’ but especially his mom’s reactions, you can see how much it means to them and how proud she is of Josh. It gets me every time, and makes me think of my own mom. I wish the whole video was still on here, so we can see the reaction after he gets off stage. That is priceless…” a third person wrote.

Take a look at Josh’s performance in the video below. Pure magic!

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How a groundbreaking TV show redefined female heroes

It was in the year 1967 that the groundbreaking show that redefined female heroes aired, the always-popular Charlies’ Angels.

The original cast, Farrah Fawcett, Kate Jackson, and Jaclyn Smith in the roles of the iconic Angels, shattered stereotypes and introduced a revolutionary concept of women solving crime mysteries and featuring trendy outfits at the same time.

The show’s fashion influence was larger than anticipated.

Needless to say, the concept attracted the attention of millions of viewers. The combination of action, intrigue, and a touch of glamour turned out a winning formula, and it seemed that the series’ creators, Ivan Goff and Ben Roberts, knew exactly what they were doing when they dared to place female heroes in the center of their work.

Over the course of the series, the initial cast underwent changes. The first change took place when gorgeous Fawcett left after season one and her character was replaced with Cheryl Ladd.

In season three, Kate Jackson made her exit from the series, with Shelley Hack joining the cast as Tiffany Welles. Hack, however, didn’t stay long. Her place was taken by Tanya Roberts in season five.

Jaclyn Smith remained part of the cast until the very end.

These changes added to the touch of diversity and helped keep the show fresh.

During the first two seasons, Charlies’ Angels was in the top 10 series in terms of popularity. But by the 1980s, he show slowly started to lose its hold on the audience ratings.

One of the reasons was that it started to rely more on style and s*x appeal as it progressed than on content.

The finale, titled Let Our Angel Live, marked the end of an era.

To the delight of many of its fans, Charlie’s Angels returned on the big screen, this time starring Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, and Lucy Liu. Although a modern touch was added, the film stayed true to its original ‘spirit,’ but with more intense action, and a cast representing a shifting cultural perspective.

Since the film adaptation was a huge success, the show’s producers made a reboot of the series in 2011. However, it was canceled after seven episodes, failing to capture the magic of the original series.

In 2019, Charlie’s Angels returned again. This time, the Angels who fought crime under the guidance of their unseen boss, Charlie Townsend, were played by Kristen Stewart, Ella Balinska, and Naomi Scott. This sequel didn’t reach the success of its predecessors.

Charlie’s Angels broke new ground for female-led action and detective series. It impacted many young women to pursue careers that were until then considered male only.

It showed that women can be intelligent, powerful, and stylish all at the same time.

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Kids bully poorly dressed girl on school bus

Nikki wasn’t like the rest of the children at her school. While they were nicely dressed and led a carefree lives, she was forced to do everything around the house. She cooked, cleaned, and took care of her bedridden mother. For her classmates, Nikki was just a poorly dressed girl.

Sadly, she was a victim of constant bullying by her classmates who called her names and made fun of her. One of the girls, Martha, would always make sure she insulted Nikki, telling her she was poor and stinky.


One day, while on the school bus, Martha gathered the girls from the class and they all made fun of Nikki in front of everyone. “Ew! You stink like a garbage bag!” Martha said as loudly as she could, while the rest of the girls chimed in, pinching their noses.

Nikki couldn’t put up with the bullying. She was struggling to stop tears from rolling down her face.

Luckily, the bus driver, Mrs. Evans, intervened. She scolded the girls for their behavior and comforted Nikki.


She even asked her about her life, but Nikki didn’t share much.

Mrs. Evans thought about Nikki and was determined to find a way to help her, and in order to do that, she decided to follow after Nikki one day and meet with her parents.

That’s when the kind bus driver learned that the poorly dressed girl didn’t have a father, and that her mother was very sick.

This revelation broke her heart into a million pieces.


Luckily, Mrs. Evans knew exactly what to do. Her daughter was a media professional, and Mrs. Evans turned to her for help.

Once she shared Nikki’s story with her, Mrs. Evans’ daughter said they could feature it on the news of the local TV station, and Mrs. Evans made sure Nikki’s classmates heard it too.

Eventually, the story aired, and Mrs. Evans asked from Nikki’s teacher to play the broadcast, urging the children and parents to reflect on their treatment of the poorly dressed girl.


When they learned how hard Nikki’s life has been, her classmates were ashamed of the way they treated her. Some of them even cried and promised to never bully anyone again. They learned that everyone they meet in life is fighting a battle they know nothing about, which is why they should always be kind.

The following day, when Nikki entered the classroom, her friends greeted her with a loud applause and congratulated her on her courage and resilience.

Martha and her friends donated clothes to the girl they once made fun of and their parents and the entire community raised funds for Nikki’s mom’s surgery.

What started as a story of cruelty, turned into an inspiring tale of compassion.

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Who Would You Give Your Seat to on the Bus? Your Answer Reveals Personality Insights

Ever wondered what your everyday choices say about your personality? Engaging in fun riddles, such as personality test riddles, can uncover traits you might not even realize you have. From helping strangers to prioritizing relationships, these riddles are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking.

Here are eight scenarios to test your decision-making skills. Dive in, make your choices, and discover what they reveal about you!

1. The Bus Seat Dilemma: Who Gets Your Seat?

Imagine a crowded bus with one available seat. Four individuals need it: a mother with a baby, an elderly woman, a man on crutches, and a visibly sick person. Who do you offer the seat to?

  • If you choose the elderly woman, it shows respect for tradition.
  • Choosing the mother highlights empathy.
  • Giving the seat to the man on crutches demonstrates fairness.
  • Helping the sick person reveals your compassionate side.

2. The Lifeboat Choice: Who Do You Save First?

In a lifeboat with limited space, you must prioritize saving one: a doctor, an artist, a scientist, or a child.

  • Saving the doctor reflects practicality.
  • Choosing the child highlights your focus on the future.
  • Picking the scientist values innovation.
  • Helping the artist reveals an appreciation for creativity.

3. The Last Slice of Pizza: Who Gets It?

At a small party, there’s one slice of pizza left. Your friend, the host, a stranger, and a child are eyeing it. Who do you give it to?

  • Giving it to your friend shows loyalty.
  • Offering it to the host signifies respect.
  • Choosing the child highlights compassion.
  • Giving it to the stranger reflects generosity.

4. The Broken Umbrella: Who Shares It?

In a downpour, your umbrella can only shield one other person: a friend, a child, an elderly individual, or an injured person.

  • Sharing with the child shows nurturing qualities.
  • Helping the injured demonstrates attentiveness.
  • Protecting the elderly reflects kindness.
  • Offering it to a friend shows camaraderie.

5. The Emergency Exit: Who Do You Help First?

During a fire alarm, you have time to help only one: a pregnant woman, an elderly man, a child, or someone in a wheelchair.

  • Helping the pregnant woman shows you value new life.
  • Assisting the elderly highlights respect for experience.
  • Choosing the child demonstrates concern for vulnerability.
  • Helping the person in a wheelchair reflects your strong sense of justice.

6. The Single Rose: Who Receives It?

You have one rose to give: your mother, your partner, a close friend, or a sad stranger.

  • Giving it to your mother reflects family loyalty.
  • Offering it to your partner shows romantic devotion.
  • Choosing your friend highlights deep friendship.
  • Giving it to a stranger reveals a desire to spread joy.

7. The Waiting Room: Who Goes First?

In a doctor’s office, only one appointment remains. You’re with a child, an elderly man, a pregnant woman, and a sick individual. Who do you send in?

  • Sending the child shows nurturing instincts.
  • Choosing the elderly man reflects respect.
  • Helping the pregnant woman highlights compassion.
  • Letting the sick person go reveals your practicality.

8. The Last Ticket: Who Gets It?

You have the final ticket to a concert. Who deserves it: a friend, an elderly fan, a teenager, or someone who traveled far?

  • Giving it to your friend shows loyalty.
  • Offering it to the elderly fan reflects respect for missed chances.
  • Choosing the teenager highlights encouragement of youthful dreams.
  • Rewarding the traveler values effort and dedication.

Conclusion: What Do Your Choices Say About You?

Personality test riddles like these highlight values we often overlook in ourselves. Whether you prioritize fairness, kindness, or practicality, each choice sheds light on who you are. Share this fun activity with friends and discover what your answers reveal.

My 5-year-old wants to invite ‘the lady who visits dad’

5-year-old Ellie, my lovely daughter, was about to celebrate her birthday. As any other 5-year-old, she was eager to have all of her friends invited. All she spoke about was her cake, the dress she would wear, and the cookies she wanted me to make.

Her conversations always put a smile on my face, until she came to me one day and said, “Mom, I want the lady who visits dad when you are at work to come to my party.”

“What? What lady!?” I thought to myself, trying not to reveal my nervousness in front of Ella. “Of course, honey, you can invite whomever you want,” I said. “And this lady, has she been here in the house?” I asked, trying to learn more.


“Yes, mom, she has been here before, and she’s so beautiful and so nice,” Ella said and smiled at me.

My husband was laid off from work at the start of the year and has been staying home while I have been working long hours. He never mentioned anyone stopping by, let alone a beautiful, young lady.

I was certain Jake was faithful to me, so was it possible that Ella was just imagining things? These questions bothered me, but I wasn’t ready to confront Jack, not before I was certain this lady really existed.

A couple of days later, when I came home from work, Ella welcomed me and said, “Mommy, mommy, Lila is coming to my birthday party.”


I guessed she was talking of the woman that was coming to our house while I wasn’t there, but I didn’t ask more questions.

On the day of Ella’s birthday, my 5-year-old was overly excited. I, on the other hand, was nervous.

My heart skipped a beat at every doorbell ring. Then, at one moment, someone knocked at the door and I finally saw the lady Ella was talking about. She was very young and beautiful, just like Ella described her.

“Hello, I’m Lila, I’m here for Ella’s party,” she said with a smile on her face. Still shocked by her presence and by the fact she was real, I welcomed her in.

When Jake noticed her, his face went pale. “Hey, Lila,” he said. “I didn’t know you were coming.”


The entire situation was becoming more strange with each passing minute. Determined to get to the bottom of the mystery, I asked both Lisa and Jake if they could accompany me in the kitchen. Jake was nervous, and Lisa was confused.

“Ok, Lila, can you explain who you are and why are you here?” I asked.

“Oh, I’m really sorry,” she said apologetically, “I thought you knew… I’m Jake’s daughter.”

“What!?” I turned to Jack. “How does she mean she’s your daughter, Jack?”


That’s when Jack confessed he learned of Lila a couple of months ago. It turned out that his ex girlfriend fell pregnant with his child, but never told him that. In fact, when Lisa learned the truth, she was the one who found Jack.

“Oh, Jack, what were you thinking, you let a 5-year-old child tell me the truth for you?” I told my husband.

Lila felt uncomfortable and apologized for causing trouble, but she wasn’t the one to be blamed for the chaos Jack created by keeping a secret from me.


Lila was a nice young lady whom my daughter came to like a lot, so I accepted her presence in our lives. I was also aware that she meant a lot to Jack, who swore he was planning to tell me about her but was just waiting for the right moment.

Almost overnight, our family of three grew into a family of four.

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Which Woman Is the Thief? Unravel the Mystery with This Fun Puzzle!

Have you ever faced a brain-teaser that seemed simple at first glance but turned out to be a real challenge? This puzzle, titled “Which Woman Is the Thief?”, is a fun yet tricky way to test your logical thinking and attention to detail. Among the four women in the image, one of them is the thief. But how can you tell? Let’s dive in to find out the answer.

Don’t Be Fooled by Appearances

When solving the “Which Woman Is the Thief?” puzzle, most people get caught up in irrelevant details. Facial expressions, body language, or even the way someone is standing might mislead you. The key here lies in focusing on the practical aspects—like their footwear. Yes, shoes hold the secret to solving this puzzle.

Analyzing Each Woman’s Footwear

The Woman on the Far Left

  • Footwear: Heeled boots.
  • Analysis: While stylish, heeled boots are impractical for a quick getaway. The clicking sound of heels on the ground would easily draw attention, making her an unlikely candidate.

The Second Woman

  • Footwear: High heels with a casual outfit.
  • Analysis: High heels may be fashionable but are not ideal for running. If someone needed to flee the scene, heels would slow them down significantly.

The Third Woman

  • Footwear: Knee-high boots.
  • Analysis: These boots may look sophisticated, but they are also not designed for speed. Similar to high heels, knee-high boots are not the best choice for an escape.

The Woman on the Far Right

  • Footwear: Sneakers.
  • Analysis: Unlike the others, sneakers are lightweight and built for quick movements. This makes the woman in sneakers the most likely thief, as she’s prepared for a fast getaway.

The Answer: Sneakers Give It Away

After carefully analyzing the clues, the answer to “Which Woman Is the Thief?” becomes clear. The woman on the far right, wearing sneakers, is the thief. Her footwear provides the perfect combination of comfort and speed, which are essential for someone planning a quick escape.

Key Takeaway from the Puzzle

The true trick in the “Which Woman Is the Thief?” puzzle is to focus on logical details rather than emotional or surface-level observations. While the other women’s shoes would hinder them, the woman in sneakers is ready to move swiftly, making her the obvious culprit.

Police issue update on missing Hannah Kobayashi

Hannah Kobayashi, 30, was reported missing from Hawaii last month, and the search for her is still ongoing. The police, however, issued a statement regarding her whereabouts, claiming she “vanished on purpose.”

According to recently revealed footage from a surveillance camera, she missed a connecting flight from Hawaii to New York in Los Angeles on 8 November and disappeared a few days later. Before that, she sent her family “alarming” text messages.

“On Friday, Nov. 8, Hannah Kobayashi missed her connecting flight from LAX to New York, which the investigation determined was intentional,” LAPD Chief Jim McDonnell said.

“Over the next few days, she maintained contact with her family and remained active on Instagram.”

 Larie Ingrum/Facebook

He added: “Our hearts go out to the Kobayashi family during this unimaginable time of grief.

“We remain fully committed to locating Hannah and supporting the family as they navigate their way through this tragedy.”

The footage, obtained by US immigration officials, showed Kobayashi crossing into Mexico with her luggage, which led the police to rule out kidnapping.

“We reviewed video surveillance from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which clearly shows Kobayashi crossing the United States border on foot into Mexico,” McDonnell said in a news conference.

“She was alone with her luggage and appeared unharmed.

“Our priority is ensuring Ms. Kobayashi’s safety and well-being.”

Missing Persons of America

With no crime scene or evidence of human trafficking, the police classified her disappearance as a “voluntary missing person.”

Kobayashi’s father, Ryan Kobayashi, along with a number of family members, headed to Los Angeles to help in the search of his daughter, but after they failed to track her down, he was found dead at the bottom of a car park at LAX on Sunday, November 24.

The cause of his passing was ruled a suicide.

Instagram/Hannah Kobayashi

A GoFundMe page set up after Ryan’s passing read: “He has been living his absolute worst nightmare since Hannah’s disappearance, and now, with his passing, our family is grappling with unimaginable grief.”

The family of Hannah Kobayashi is hoping the police would be able to find her soon.

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During our Thanksgiving dinner, my son refused to eat

Mark and I struggled to make ends meet, yet, we managed to stretch our budget and give our son the best Thanksgiving he’s ever had. I worked my magic in the kitchen and prepared all of his favorite dishes. Of course, at the center of the table was the perfectly roasted turkey, mashed-potatoes, my special cranberry sauce and my son’s all-time favorite pumpkin pie.

This Thanksgiving, I wanted everything to be perfect because my mom was coming over, and she is the type of person who can’t be easily satisfied. She always complains about things, believing they could be done better.


The warmth of the holiday filled our modest home. I couldn’t wait my son, Ethan, to compliment my cooking as always.

However, when dinner time arrived, Ethan refused to eat, which wasn’t usual for him. No matter how much my husband Mark and I insisted, he said he wasn’t hungry each time. What’s most, he even refused dessert. This was a red flag. I could sense something was not right, but since my mother was there and her presence wasn’t the most pleasant, I didn’t push Ethan to share what was wrong.


Once dinner was over and my mom left, I went straight to Ethan’s room.

“What’s wrong honey,” I asked, noticing that he was struggling to hide his tears.

“Mom, grandma told me the truth about you,” he said questly.

“The truth? What truth?” I asked, confused.

“She told me you and dad are losers, and that’s why we don’t have a real Thanksgiving dinner.”


At that moment, my world started spinning. I knew my mom was hard at times, but I never believed she could turn my son against me.

“Mom, grandma also told me that dad is lazy and that’s why he can’t provide for us, and that you don’t take real care of me.”

I had it enough.

“Ethan, your dad and I love you unconditionally. Things may be hard sometimes, but we do our best to provide a beautiful life for you. And your grandma… well, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about at times.”


Ethan felt relieved. He gave me a hug and told me he was hungry. I was happy to reheat everything for him, including the mac and cheese my mom said I shouldn’t have put on the table on Thanksgiving although she knew it was Ethan’s favorite.

I shared everything with Mark and we decided to confront my mother.

The following morning I called her and asked her to stop by.


When she appeared at the door a couple of hours later, acting superior as always, she yelled, “What do you need me for, I was here last night and I don’t want your leftovers.”

“Mom,” I said, “How could you tell an 8-year-old child that his parents are losers?”

Looking at me with an angry face, she answered, “That’s because you are, and I was just being honest. You need to provide more for that child.”


Mark interrupted, shouting, “How is that honesty?” But my mother remained unmoved by our words.

Ignoring him, she turned to me and said, “Things would be different if you married the man I suggested.”

These words were the last straw. “Leave, get out of my house, and don’t ever come back,” I told my mother, no matter how hard it was for me to utter those words.


“What? You can’t do that!” she said. But Mark assured her we could. We didn’t want her to be part of our lives any longer, not until she learned to show us respect.

She grabbed her purse and stormed out of the house.

Honestly, I doubt that my mom will ever make her way back into our lives, but so far, she hasn’t even tried.


While baking Christmas cookies with Ethan, he turned to me and said, “Mom, I think our family is the best.” Hearing those words, I no longer doubted my decision to cut my mom out of my life. She was exactly where she deserved to be.

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