9 reasons for your body to love eggs

Vanessa Lollipop via Flickr


Heart disease is still the leading cause of death in the United States. It is linked with the high blood cholesterol which was a reason for many people to avoid foods believed to be high in fats, among which the eggs. However, according to the recent studies, there is a huge difference between blood cholesterol and dietary cholesterol, and eggs not only have nothing to do with bad health, but they actually improve one’s overall good physical condition. 

Consuming other foods containing unhealthy fats may affect the increase of the blood cholesterol which leads to heart disease. Harvard’s Public Health blog discussed how dietary cholesterol has a small effect on blood cholesterol and LDL (bad cholesterol). Below are some of the reasons why eating eggs is good for you. 

Packed with Vitamins

Egg yolks are high in vitamin A, a host of B vitamins including B6, B9 and B12, vitamin D, and vitamin E. All these vitamins help with your glowing skin, boosts your energy, and help the body fight certain diseases. 

Packed with Minerals

Eggs contain a handful of minerals among which iron, zinc, and calcium, that help the body have solid bones and joints, healthy blood, and strong immune system. Even the egg shells are full of calcium and some people consume them too. You can check for recipes online. 

Protein Power

Eggs are high in protein, which we need for energy, healthy metabolism, tissues, hair, muscle building, nails, and much more! One large egg has 6 to 7 grams of protein in it.

Choline Mother Lode

Many diets are low in choline, which can contribute to poor liver function. Choline also helps the body synthesize the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Where it really shines is being key to brain development in fetuses and young children, and preventing neurological defects in babies. The egg yolk is one of the top three sources of choline.



Omega-3 Fats Booster

Omega 3s help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and fight inflammation in the body. These fats also boost immunity and brain health.

Fertility Assistant

Many times, eating eggs regularly helps women conceive. They even contain progesterone which induces healthy ovulation. 

Vision Enhancer

Vitamin A boosts vision, but eggs also contain lutein and zeaxanthin. Both are antioxidants found in the eye that can prevent macular degeneration. Eat eggs to up your levels of both. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is also abundant in eggs and can prevent cataracts and other eye problems.

Weight Loss Promoter

Eggs are full protein and nutrients, which can make you feel fuller. Eating one egg with other nutritious foods like green vegetables will help you keep the calories low, especially as the first meal of the day. One hard-boiled egg contains about 70 calories.

Improves Cognitive Function

Besides containing choline for brain health, eggs have helper fats in them called phospholipids. Along with a nutrient dense diet, these fats might aid in protection from Alzheimer’s and memory dysfunction.

If you have been avoiding eggs, it’s now time to make them an important part of your diet. You have to mind the food combinations you take, as doctors advise avoiding greasy foods and including more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.  

We are now sure the next thing you’ll do will be browsing for some egg recipes. 


  • Harvard Gazette, Harvard Medical School
  • NIH, Food Network, NPR, Egg Nutrition Center

Police officer signs off after 25 years of service with final call to dispatcher daughter

Not many people opt for doing the same job all their life. The reason behind this might be because they get bored easily or they are simply not that passionate about what they do. There are also those who enjoy their profession so much they would never pursue a career in a different field. The latter is the case with two amazing officers at the Sarasota Police Department.

One of them is Andrew Jenkins. Believe it or not, this devoted man spent 30 years serving the community, and the way he announced the end of his career will make you shed a tear or two. 

Before offering his final 10-7 (which means “out of service”), he needed to take a deep breath because he was overwhelmed with emotions. After gathering some courage, he uttered:

“I’d like to thank all my SPD family for the last 30 years of being by my side, and especially for today for making it a memorable one,” he said.

He simply couldn’t contain the flow of mixed emotions and started crying as he was thanking his fellow colleagues on congratulating him for being there for the people of Chattanooga whenever they needed help. 

Another officer whose career came to an end is Lt. Austin Garrett. His speech was especially emotional knowing that the dispatcher whom he announced the news about his retirement to was his daughter Haley Garrett. 

“Twenty-five years of service,” the officer stated. “I’ll be out of service a final time.”

Then he told his daughter, “Be careful. Don’t forget who you are.”

“Thank you for 25 years of service at the Chattanooga police department,” she said.

“You’ve been a mentor and great friend to many during your career. We all wish you well on your future endeavors.

Thank you for your hard work and dedication. I love you, daddy.”

Chattanooga Police Department also commented on his retirement and wrote in the caption of the video,

“The Chattanooga PD thanks Lt. Garrett for his dedication, leadership, and service and may the best of the past be the worst of his future.”

Lt. Austin Garrett, however, will continue his service for his people as a Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy. We all wish him lots of luck in his new position. 

Man Fixes 91-Year-Old Man’s Flat Tire, Then Girlfriend Alerts Him Of His New Internet Popularity

All he knew was that the man had needed his help.

One gas station employee has recently made headlines and praised by his local community – for helping a 91-year-old man out by changing his flat tire out free of charge. His name was Jared Stice, and he works at a QuikTrip gas station in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
During one of Stice’ work shifts, a 91-year-old man named Arthur McAfee had dropped by the gas station, asking if anyone is able to change a car tire. The old man was in the midst of leaving the grocery store, just as he realized his tire was flat after taking a closer look at his vehicle. This caused him to pull over at the gas station, looking for someone to help him out. Seeing that McAfee needed urgent assistance, Stice offered his time almost immediately.

Stice followed McAfee outside, and towards the old man’s car. With some handyman tools, he got to work – and was not bothered with the bitter cold winds either. Stice was not wearing any thick clothing to keep himself warm, either. Despite that. he was still willing to stick his neck out for someone in need. The whole process took 10 minutes.

The very next day, Stice received a text message from his girlfriend, notifying him that he was ‘internet famous’ – someone had taken a photo of him fixing McAfee’s car! McAfee was one of Stice’s friends’ grandfather, and he had been battling skin cancer. What a coincidence!

“I was going to bed. She sent me a text that said ‘look on Facebook, there’s a picture of you going around’. I looked, and there was a picture of me on the ground. No one knew it was me yet.”

Watch the news report in the video below!

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Ex-Vet, teacher hides special secret from students

We all have experienced what it feels like being part of a classroom with a strict teacher. Although we may not be fond of these individuals while we are kids who just love to be goofing around, we later realize the important role they played in shaping us into good people. 

Jim O’Connor is a math teacher who won’t put up with any inappropriate class behavior. This Vietnam veteran knows exactly how to demonstrate his authority during lesson time and make students learn.  

Everyone at St. Francis High School in California know of Jim’s strict demeanor, and that was the reason why all of his students were surprised when they learned of his nickname and what he dose outside of the classroom.

Apparently, this teacher is a very loving man who devotes his free time volunteering at the Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles. His job is to help the staff with the ill infants by cuddling them, and even feed them. He’s so good with the little ones that the hospital’s employees calls him the baby whisperer. Who would have thought this stern teacher had such a big and kind heart. 

Jim first started volunteering at the hospital after a friend of his made him take part in a blood drive. His blood type, O negative, is highly sought after because it’s universal. Knowing how this could save many lives, he became a regular donor. So far, he’s donated 72 gallons of blood. 

Once at the hospital, his attention was caught by the tiny creatures who were in need of medical help, but love too. He was more than happy to offer his free time and help around. Not getting married, and not having kids on his own, Jim devoted his kindness and affection to the sweet little babies. 

He simply enjoys rocking them, singing them songs, walking them, and making sure they have a great time while he’s around. The staff describes him as a gentle man the babies love. It’s interesting how the wee ones are especially drawn to him. 

After learning of his second ‘job,’ Jim’s students appreciate him even more. The babies’ families say how he’s making so much for their kids and are beyond grateful for his tenderness. 

Take a look at Jim’s story in the video below. 

Deaf 2-Year-Old Moves Into Neighborhood, But Her Parents Could Not Ignore Their Neighbors’ Meeting

This is the best thing ever!

Just after turning 2 years old, Samantha Savitz has proven to people around her as well as her parents that she was no typical toddler. Although she is unfortunately deaf, her disability never stopped her from growing up to be a very voracious and active communicator thanks to another language. Her parents praised her can-do attitude, remarking that she simply loves to interact with anyone she meets, especially those who knew how to effectively communicate via sign language.

Unfortunately for Samantha, living in the neighbourhood in Newton, Massachusetts, had never led to proper sign language conversations. No one knew how to talk to Samantha in that way. Whenever her neighbours would spot Samantha, they would struggle to say anything in sign language.
Therefore, Samantha’s neighbours got together to do something incredible as a supportive community. A sign language instructor, Rhys McGovern, was hired to provide them with an immersive course in American Sign Language – which more than 20 people attending each week!

“This is remarkable because a lot of times, even the parents of deaf children don’t bother to learn sign language. But here, Sam has a full community that’s signing and communicating with her and her family – it is a beautiful story,” remarked McGovern.

This piece of news has touched the hearts of many worldwide, and it is truly a touching sight to see. After all, a whole community of neighbors who are willing to do anything to communicate with your child is a great rarity – any parent would love it too!

Watch the news report in the video below!

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Lady Gaga tearfully accepts her first Oscar for Shallow as Jennifer Hudson encourages her from audience

This year’s Oscars that went without a host after Kevin Hart stepped down from the hosting position three days after it was announced that he would front the 91st Academy Awards were really all about Lady Gaga.

The singer and actress was nominated for best female lead role and best original song. She won the golden statue for the latter and had an amazing performance of her song “Shallow” from the movie A Star is Born along with her onscreen partner Bradley Cooper. 

She accepted the award and was accompanied on stage by the song co-writers Mark Ronson, Anthony Rossomando and Andrew Wyatt.

Always unique, Lady Gaga’s speech was emotional and inspiring. She told the viewers: “It’s not about winning, but it’s about not giving up,” and Jennifer Hudson’s reaction to these wise words is all you need to know of how great of a friend she is to the Oscar winner. 

Emotional high: Lady Gaga reliably burst into tears Sunday night as she accepted the best original song Oscar for Shallow from A Star Is Born

She then proceeded expressing gratitude to all those people who have been supportive all along.

“Thank you so much! Thank you so much to the Academy for this wonderful honor. Thank you to every single person in this room.”

‘Thank you to Mark Ronson, to Anthony Rossomando, to Andrew Wyatt, my co-writers. I love them so much. To my sister, my soulmate, I love you. My family’s here. I love you, Mom and Dad,’ continued the movie’s leading lady.

She then took the time to thank the movie’s director and her acting partner Bradley Cooper saying: “Bradley, there is not a single person on the planet that could have sang this song with me but you. Thank you for believing in us. Thank you so much.”

People say how the chemistry felt between the two while performing on stage was undeniable. Many were left wondering whether there could be something going on between the two. 

Words to live by: Gaga explained: ‘There’s a discipline for passion, and it’s not about how many times you get rejected, or you fall down or you’re beaten up’
Diva to diva: As Gaga told the viewers: ‘It’s not about winning, but it’s about not giving up,’ Jennifer Hudson nodded encouragingly along in the audience and mouthed: ‘Yes’
Quartet: The 32-year-old, who was also nominated for best actress that evening, was joined onstage by her co-writers (from left) Mark Ronson, Anthony Rossomando and Andrew Wyatt
Full of gratitude: Thank you so much to the Academy for this wonderful honor,’ she gushed, adding: ‘Thank you to every single person in this room’
‘To my sister, my soulmate, I love you’: Gaga was full of affection for her sister Natali Germanotta, who was in the audience with her that night
‘I love them so much’: ‘Thank you to Mark Ronson, to Anthony Rossomando, to Andrew Wyatt, my co-writers,’ said Gaga, who got in a huddle with them onstage as well
Collaborator: She reserved her most effusive praise for her director and co-star Bradley Cooper, who performed Shallow with her in the film and onstage at the Oscars
‘Thank you for believing in us’: ‘Bradley, there is not a single person on the planet that could have sang this song with me but you,’ the pop act went on

She continued her acceptance speech saying:

“And if you are at home, and you’re sitting on your couch, and you are watching this right now, all I have to say is that this is hard work. I’ve worked hard for a long time. And it’s not about, you know – it’s not about winning, but what it’s about is not giving up. If you have a dream, fight for it. There’s a discipline for passion, and it’s not about how many times you get rejected, or you fall down or you’re beaten up. It’s about how many times you stand up and are brave and you keep on going.”

This is the second time for the singer to be nominated for an Oscar. Back in 2016 she was running for a win with her song “Til It Happens To You” from The Hunting Ground, but lost to “Writing’s On The Wall” from Spectre.

‘I’ve worked hard’: ‘And if you are at home, and you’re sitting on your couch, and you are watching this right now, all I have to say is that this is hard work,’ said she
Victory at last: Gaga was previously up for best original song in 2016 via ‘Til It Happens To You from The Hunting Ground, losing to Writing’s On The Wall from Spectre

Lady Gaga wore a dramatic black gown by Alexander McQueen and looked simply stunning. She accessorized with the most famous diamond that was previously worn by Audrey Hepburn for her Breakfast at Tiffany’s. The 128.54 carat Tiffany & Co. is worth $30 million. 

Jennifer Hudson is herself an Oscar winner. She got the most prestigious award for her role in the musical Dreamgirls i 2006. 

Seen this Sunday: Jennifer is no stranger to the Oscars herself – she won best supporting actress for her scene-stealing turn in the 2006 movie of the Broadway musical Dreamgirls
So close: Gaga, wearing a $30 million 128.54 carat Tiffany diamond famously used by Audrey Hepburn in her Breakfast At Tiffany’s publicity stills, lost best actress that night

Bradley’s remake of A Star is Born is the forth in a row since the original first appeared in 1937. Among the famous names who played the roles of Gaga are Janet Gaynor (1937), Judy Garland (1954), and Barbra Streisand (1976). 

Take a look at Lady Gaga’s exceptional speech in the video below. 

Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga looked deep in love while singing ‘Shallow’ during the Oscars

Everyone seems to be talking about the 2019 Oscars. And as we were all eagerly waiting to see who gets to hold that golden statue that is the ultimate recognition of their hard work, two particular people stole the whole show and were under the limelight the whole time. Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper’s intimate performance of their song “Shallow” from the movie A Star is Born was talked about more than Rami Malek’s winning the Oscar for best actor and felling off stage. 

People are commenting how there is definitely chemistry between these two, with many saying how there might be something more than just acting that connects the two big stars. The news that Lady Gaga recently called off the engagement with Christian Carino only added fuel to the fire. 

The actor arrived at the red carpet accompanied by his mother and his girlfriend and a mother of his child, stunning Irina Shayk who was the first to congratulate her husband and Lady Gaga for the emotional performance and her winning the Oscar for original song.   

Bradley Cooper said how he wasn’t sure whether he was up to the task of singing at such important ceremony, but we all agree he did a great job. 

The pair who played lovers on the movie screen seemed to be very fond of each other off screen too. In her acceptance speech, the singer and actress described by Twitter user that goes by the name Tiffany L. Berryman as “a creative force, a soldier of epic proportions, and a goddess of authenticity” thanked her partner saying: “There’s not a single person on the planet that could have sang this song with me but you.”

And as some believe that the acting and singing partners crossed some lines, others believe how both of them are just amazing professionals who poured their hearts and soul on that stage.  

No matter what people get to say about the relationship between Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper, this performance is hard to beat and it’s definitely something you don’t want to miss. 

30 of the most hilarious student exam answers

One thing that students really hate are the exams. Many times, taking one make them feel anxious because they know their academic achievement depends on how well they would fill in that piece of paper. The exams are one of the ways of grading students’ performance and knowing this, many would go an extra mile to make sure they complete each of the questions even if that means getting more creative than they should. 

These 30 hilarious answers will give you a good laugh and will make you realize that teachers have both the hardest and the most fun job in the world. 

1) Name The Quadrilateral

Naming quadrilaterals shouldn’t really be that hard, right? Especially if you are very creative. To be honest, that orange square does look like a Bob. 

Source: Someecards

2) Bob’s Candy Bars

If you too hate when the alphabet gets involved into mathematics, then you will find this response hilarious. Since the question itself is an “unrealistic” one, the answer fits it perfectly. So if you want to know what happens if a man has 36 candy bars and eats 29 of them, take a look at this student’s test sheet. 

Source: Someecards

3) Ghost Non-Believer

Here we have one ghost non-believer who refuses to give an answer to a question he finds absurd. How the hell would you practice subtraction using ghosts when they apparently don’t exist. 

Source: Someecards

4) True Believer

When Jesus is the answer to all the problems. 

Source: Someecards

5) Wrapped Up In Books

When no further explanation is needed. We are eager to find out whether he got some credit for this one. 

Source: Someecards

6) The Literal Historian

Another person taking things very literally. Although he’s probably right, he should have go the other direction and get more serious. 

Source: Someecards

7) Free Press

When you think of ‘free press,’ the first thing that comes to your mind is a newspaper, but that’s not really the case with this particular student. 

Source: Someecards

8) Always Have A Back-Up Plan

Whenever you feel like there is a chance that you made a mistake on your test, just draw a nice giraffe for your teacher. It did help this student get an extra point. 

Source: Someecards

9) The Risk Taker

This student decided to take a risk while answering a question of what risk is. We’re glad their teacher rewarded them with a big red checkmark!

Source: Someecards

10) You Better Put A Ring On It

It’s obvious this student loves Beyoncé since they found inspiration in her song “Single Ladies” while answering a question regarding Saturn’s rings. This answer is awesome, but the teacher’s response to it is even better. 

Source: Someecards

11) Plant Cell

Draw a plant cell? That sounds easy. Just put that poor flower behind bars. Although that’s not really what the teacher wanted to see, we hope the student got some credit for his creativity. 

Source: Someecards

12) The Giraffe Problem

Sometimes the choices listed under a question don’t really fit your own theory and that requires adding your own answer instead of choosing from the ones given. 

Source: Someecards

13) The Civil Rights Activist

We have to agree that we really love this one. What a clever student. 

Source: Someecards

14) Jason And The Cliff

This is some awesome word-play that this student chose to use here. 

Source: Someecards

15) Colombia’s Problem

Guerrilla warfare is a pretty big problem for a country to solve, yet a student on their own. Although we like this answer that comes in a form of a question, we believe teachers should ask more realistic questions themselves. 

Source: Someecards

16) Creative Solutions

This is some great example of creative thinking. It’s a pity most teachers fail to reward creativity. 

Source: Someecards

17) Ten Words

Wow, it’s amazing how someone so young (judging from the question) could show so much resourcefulness. This is amazing. 

Source: Someecards

18) Blind Science

This is yet another out-of-the-box answer. And although teachers encourage students to be open-minded, this student didn’t get any credit. 

Source: Someecards

19) Literal Math

Takings things literally. At least the teacher admitted she found this funny. 

Source: Someecards

20) Show Your Thinking

When you show your thinking using your drawing skills. 

Source: Someecards

21) Find X

This answer is quite accurate if we take teacher’s very general instructions into consideration. 

Source: Someecards

22) Problems and Solutions

This elementary school student is one tough cookie! Their solution to the problem of falling down on the playground is direct and very to-the-point.

Source: Someecards

23) Fight Club

Thermodynamics isn’t really something this student was willing to discuss so he invented his own “don’t talk about” laws. 

Source: Someecards

24) Literal Answers

We love this student’s commitment to answering every single question on this exam literally. Clearly, their teacher felt the same way, because they gave them an ‘A+’ for their creative problem-solving abilities.

Source: Someecards

25) Connected Lines

Some students are so good at exploiting flaws of the system that they are able to cope with any problem that stands on their way. 

Source: Someecards

26) Number Artist

If the question says: “Find the difference between 8 and 6” do students have to assume they need to do subtraction? Well, not according to this guy. 

Source: Someecards

27) Plant Classification

We do agree that some questions undermine students’ intellect, like in this case. A flower is a flower for God’s sake. 

Source: Someecards

28) Honest Essay

This is what we get when a creative and pretty honest student and a cool teacher communicate through the exam paper. 

Source: Someecards

29) Lesser Than Or Greater Than

If you are presented with the option of using the sign for greater than OR that of less than why not opt for that OR? 

Source: Someecards

30) Out-Of-The-Box Thinking

We didn’t know solving equations was this easy. 

Source: Someecards


All these 30 students deserve an “A” for creativity. Coming up with hilarious answers like these ones surely require a lot of though to be put in the process of thinking.