Newborn baby cries all day no matter what parents do, after a while they check his crib


When Walter entered the house and saw his wife Abby in the kitchen distressed, he knew their son Logan hadn’t slept during the night. The baby’s constant crying for no reason worried these parents. They kept checking if his diapers were changed, if he was fed, and if something hurt him, but they couldn’t understand what was wrong and why their son wouldn’t calm down.

They even took him to the doctor’s, but they didn’t find anything unusual and told Walter and Abby that it could be a phase some babies go through.

“Oh, honey,” Walter turned to his wife. “How long has he been crying like that?”

“I’ve tried everything, Walter!” Abby broke down in tears. “He’s been fed, changed, bathed, and burped! I even took his temperature! I don’t know what to do now. He keeps crying!”


“Come, we’ll figure this out together,” Walter assured his wife as the two headed to Logan’s room.

“Hey there, buddy,” Walter said as he entered the nursery. “It sounds like you and Mama have had a really tough day, huh? Let’s see if Daddy can help make things better.”

When he took the baby in his arms, he calmed down for a while, but once in his crib, the crying continued, and it was even louder than before.

Walter got the idea of checking the mattress out. Although it was new, maybe it wasn’t comfortable enough. Who knew, maybe it was too firm, or even not firm enough, but there was certainly something that disturbed Logan’s sleep, and it could easily be related to his crib.


Upon further inspection, Walter was stunned to discover a stone inside the mattress. Surprised, he approached Abby and asked her, “For God’s sake Abby, why would you put a stone this big inside Logan’s mattress?”

Abby was as stunned. She had never seen that stone before. What’s most, she couldn’t understand how it found its way onside her baby’s mattress.

While the two discussed and even blamed one another, Walter’s mom appeared at the door. Looking at the stone in Walter’s hands, she uttered, “Walter, why did you take the stone out, I bought it especially for my grandson.”

Hearing these words, Walter and Abby got even more surprised. They had plenty of questions for Walter’s mom.


When asked why she would do such a thing, she answered, “Well, I thought it would catch his dreams and let him sleep.”

Abby couldn’t believe what her mother-in-lad said and was trying hard not to unleash her anger. “How can you put something inside the baby’s crib and then forget about it?” Abby asked. “So many sleepless night over what? A stone!?”

The elderly lady tried to come up with explanations, but Abby didn’t let her finish her sentences. “The stone may have a meaning for you,” Abby said, “but for us, all it did was poke our baby and ruined our sleep.”

Marcin Jozwiak/ Pexels

While the two women argued, Walter turned their attention towards Logan. After so many months, the baby finally fell asleep in his crib peacefully.

Abby’s MIL apologized for her act, and Abby and Walter forgave her because they were aware she only meant to help, although she shouldn’t have done anything without their permission.

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Why do some people wait to die alone?


Contrary to the belief that every person opts to be surrounded by their loved ones during the final hours of their life, there are people who wish to die alone.

According to some hospice experts, having someone present at the time of dying is a personal preference. There are instances when a person dies in the middle of the night. There are also stories of loved ones stepping away briefly only for the patient to pass.

Glenys Caswell, a senior research fellow at the University of Nottingham, suggests that individuals have a certain level of influence over the timing of their own death, with some opting to wait until they are left all alone, with no loved ones by their side. Caswell adds that “contrary to societal norms, dying alone is not always viewed negatively by those facing the end of life.”

While this notion may appear grim, Caswell, who specializes in the study of death, highlights that many individuals prefer not to be fussed over when they don’t feel well.


Study conducted by the New York University Langone School of Medicine, published in October of last year, explains that individuals remain conscious of their impending death even after their body stops showing any signs of life.

Lizzy Miles, a hospice social worker, believes that when they decide to die alone, individuals want to protect their family from seeing death up close and experiencing greater emotional pain. This is seen more at parents who are passing away than individuals who don’t have children.

This shows the sacrifice some individuals are prepared to undertake in order to alleviate the weight of their departure.


Cultural factors and personal convictions significantly affect one’s preferences for the end of life. Glenys Caswell’s comprehensive research emphasizes that societal expectations frequently highlight the significance of having loved ones present during death, yet individual outlooks diverge greatly. Aspects such as healthcare policies, media portrayal of death, and personal comfort thresholds all play roles in shaping a spectrum of viewpoints regarding dying alone.

The truth is that dying alone is often related to a lonely, sad death. Many cultural references also suggest this to be true. For example, the death of Ebenezer Scrooge in Dickens’s A Christmas Carol is dark, lonely, and a way of dying to be avoided.


When a celebrity dies surrounded by family and friends, the media portrays that form of dying as peaceful.

Engaging in open discussions can also alleviate some of the guilt imposed on family members who are unable to be present at the moment of their loved one’s passing.

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The critical errors made by pilots before a crash revealed


Most crashes happen because of human negligence. When we board a plane, we put the safety of our lives in the hands of the pilot and hope they would do their job just perfectly.

The truth is that over the years the world witnessed horrific plane crashes that could be easily avoided had it not been for the mistakes made by the pilots.

Aeroflot Flight 593, 1994

The tragic crash of this plane happened on March 23, 1994, during an Aeroflot flight travelling from Moscow to Kong Kong. The number of people killed was 75, every person on board, when the plane crashed down in Siberia.

It was later determined that the cause of the crash was the decision made by the relief pilot, second in command to the co-pilot, Yaroslav Kudrinsky, to invite his children to play with the plane’s controls.

Yana, 12, and Eldar, 15, were at the cockpit and allowed to sit in the captain’s chair. They played with the controls while they were disabled since the plane was in autopilot mode. But when Eldar held the control column down for a full 30 seconds, it forced the system back into manual.

When the pilot and the co-pilot realized what happened and tried to take over the control, it was already too late. The plane crashed into the mountain.

TransAsia Airways Flight 235, 2015

It was in February 2015 when TransAsia Airways Flight 235 tragically collided with a highway bridge in Taiwan before plunging into the Keelung River.

The accident happened shortly after the plane took off from Taipei’s Songshan Airport.

The cause of the tragic accident that claimed the lives of 48 people was that one of the engines lost power and the pilot accidentally switched off the only other working engine by pulling the wrong shuttle. Fifteen of the passengers on board survived.

“Wow, pulled back the wrong side throttle,” were the pilot’s final words.

Tuninter Flight 1153, 2009

After the plane flying for Bari, Italy, from Djerba, Tunisia ran out of fuel because of a mechanical error, the pilot and the co-pilot prayed instead of putting emergency procedures into place. As a result, the plane crashed into the Mediterranean Sea.

A couple of years later, the pilot and the co-pilot were found guilty over the death of sixteen passengers on their flight and were sentenced to 10 years in prison.

As per the Guardian, the pilot, Captain Shafik Al Gharbi, was heard calling for the help of “Allah and Muhammad his prophet.”

Evidence showed that the crew did try to regain control over the plane, but they ultimately panicked and let the crash to take place. 23 of the passengers survived after being pulled out of the water.

KLM and Pan Am collision

What is known one of the deadliest accidents in the history of aviation happened in March 1977, when the two Boeing 747s – KLM Flight 1736 and Pan Am Flight 1736 – smashed into one another at Tenerife Airport.

This horrific accident resulted in the deaths of 583 people.

The reason that led to this tragedy was miscommunication between the KLM flight crew and Air Traffic Control.

While the Pan Am plane still being on the runway, the KLM plane attempted takeoff. Dense fog obscured visibility, preventing both aircraft from seeing each other.

Airblue Flight 202, Islamabad

On July 28, 2010, this domestic passenger flight crashed near Pakistan’s capital, Islamabad resulting in the deaths of all 146 passengers and six crew members.

It is believed that this tragedy could have been avoided had the co-pilot questioned the pilot’s repeated errors.

As per the Pakistan’s Civil Aviation Authority, the co-pilot had endured humiliation from his superior throughout the flight, leading to a loss of self-esteem.

The captain’s behavior towards the co-pilot was described as harsh and snobbish. He even disregarded the weather warnings from Air Traffic Control. Unfortunately, the co-pilot failed to challenge the captain as the situation unfolded. Struggling against severe monsoon weather, the captain succumbed to panic, ultimately losing control of the aircraft, with the co-pilot failing to intervene, resulting in the plane crashing into the Margalla Hills.

Air Florida Flight 90, 1982

The many errors, including the one of failing to switch on the de-icing system, led the Air Florida Flight 90, from Washington DC to Florida’s Fort Lauderdale, end with a crash into the Potomac River, killing 74 people.

Taking off in a snowstorm, the crew initially attempted to address ice buildup by employing a misguided technique of using reverse thrust, rather than returning to the gate for proper de-icing procedures. Further, they failed to abort the takeoff despite detecting a power issue.

Eastern Air Lines Flight 401, 1972

It was four days after Christmas in 1972 when an Eastern Airlines Tristar jet crashed into the Florida Everglades because the pilot and co-pilot were distracted by a burnt-out bulb towards the end of the flight new New York’s JFK to Miami. While they were busy investigating the broken landing gear indicator light, someone accidentally bumped a lever which deactivated the plane’s autopilot mode.

By the time they realized they were losing altitude, it was already too late for anything to be done.

In the tragic crash, 101 people, including the captain, lost their lives. The number of survivors was 75.

The fact that these tragedies could be avoided saddens us even more.

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If you see your child covering their nose in group photos, you had better know what it means


Social media sites that are widely used by millions of people on a daily basis serve as a melting pot of creativity, connectivity, and cultural exchange. For the youngsters, they might be a source of income and a place where they can have fun and entertain themselves.

Currently, the most popular online trends are the social media challenges. These viral activities or dares capture the attention of users on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter, inspiring them to participate and show off.

Like waves in a summer harvest, these challenges spread with remarkable speed, and while we may not personally engage with every trend out there, it’s more than certain that these phenomena shape young people’s behavior, even for a while.

Some such trends, like the ALS ice bucket challenge, are positive drivers of charity that lead to real-life changes within societies. Others, sadly, are quite dangerous, such as the challenge that involves inhaling dangerous gases or solvents that cause a high.

And now, we present to you one of the most recent trends that involves young people and group photos.

Credit / instagram – Paris Fury

The trend, known as ‘nose covering,’ includes covering a large portion of the face with your hand so that your face doesn’t appear in the photo. This sounds strange, and honestly, maybe a bit foolish, but it’s a thing among the youngsters.

At first, some believed that those following this trend were sending some secret message to one another, but according to British parenting expert Amanda Jenner that’s not the case.

Speaking to Fabulous, she explained, “Using covers is the only way they can remove themselves without actually upsetting their parents by refusing to be in the photo.

“We as parents want and insist on capturing the moment but to a teenager this is a big deal. Teenagers go through a period of not embracing their appearance, i.e. could be spots, braces, or they just have a time in their lives where they have no self confidence.”

Credit / instagram – Paris Fury

Jenner emphasized that covering one’s nose could be particularly significant for young individuals who feel anxious about their image being shared online by their peers.

“Their peers can often share the photo and make fun of it which is very harmful to their confidence also resulting in harmful comments which can lead onto other issues,” she said.

Jenner has a message for the parents whose children follow this trend. “Remember that this phase is a normal part of growing up, where seeking independence and establishing personal boundaries are key developmental milestones.”

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A man finds a wallet with $700 – A few days later…


Finding a wallet unexpectedly can put people in a state of perplexity and doubt. It’s a scenario where personal integrity is tested, and the decisions made reflect one’s ethical values. In any ways, in case we find something that isn’t ours, we should always opt for honesty, empathy, and responsibility.

A young man stumbled upon a wallet on the street. When he opened it in hopes of finding an ID, he noticed there were $700 there.

A few days later, he learned of a wealthy man who had lost his wallet and was offering $50 reward. He was glad he finally found the rightful owner and went to his home to return what belonged to him. Of course, he expected his reward for returning the wallet and doing the right thing.

Lukas/ Pexels

However, the wealthy man said, “I see you have already taken your reward,” claiming there were $750 in his wallet.

The young man got angry and decided to get what’s his through court.

When the young man made his case, the wealthy man took his turn and told the judge, “Your Honor, I trust you, you trust me.”

The judge responded with, “Obviously.” Hearing these words, the young man lost all hope of ever getting his reward of $50 not knowing that the judge had something else on his mind.

Karolina Grabowska/ Pexels

The judge reached a verdict to give the young man the wallet with all the money in it. The wealthy man got angry, claiming the wallet was his, but the judge responded, “You are, of course, an honest guy, and if you claim that your lost wallet had $750 in it, I’m sure it did — but this wallet must belong to someone else because if the man who found it is a liar and a thief, he wouldn’t have returned it at all. The money belongs to the person who found it, unless someone comes forward to claim it.”

Katrin Bolovtsova/ Pexels

“How about my money?” the wealthy man asked.

“We’ll simply have to wait till your wallet with the $750 is found,” the judge answered.

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Wife discovers husband’s double life and uncovers a dark secret


Denise wasn’t at ease during the last couple of months because she suspected her husband, Mitch, was unfaithful. In the pursuit of the truth, she realized that the reality was much more worse than she could ever assume.

During a night out with their friends, Denise could witness her husband bragging to their friends about the cars he had been working on, mentioning Mustangs and a vintage Chevy. She was skeptical of his claims having in mind their financial difficulties with their auto repair shop, which was on her name due to his bad credit history, but she didn’t say a single word, letting him have his moment while his friends were in awe.

After some time, Mitch went to the bar to refresh their drinks and Denise noticed that a good-looking blonde woman handed him a piece of paper. Denise snitched the note from her husband’s hand and read it out loud. It said, “Thanks for last night?”


At that moment, Mitch said it was just a prank his friends pulled on him, and his friend Tom agreed, but it was obvious it wasn’t a prank and Tom was unwillingly forced to lie. However, as she didn’t want to made a big deal out of it in front of their friends, she decided to let it go.

A few minutes passed by, and Denise received a video on her phone from Mitch and the lady who handed him the paper. Eager to learn what was going on, Denise approached the woman but she left the place and entered her car before Denise could reach her.

Once home, she waited Mitch to fall asleep so she could go through his lap top.

Luckily, the lap top contained all of his passwords. At that moment, Denise discovered something far more alarming than an affair. Photographs, car parts invoices, and car registration papers with matching VINs were visible in his files. Her husband was obviously involved in criminal activities and all those transactions were illegal.


The following day, she decided to pay Mitch a visit at the shop. It was Carlos, the worker, who greeted her and told her Mitch was at the back of the shop.

She headed there and that’s when she saw her husband arguing with a man she had never seen before.

Denise decided to record the row, and what she heard chilled her blood.

“I can’t use parts that are already broken. Come on, at least give me something I can work with,” Mitch argued with desperation in his voice.

“You’re lucky we’re even giving you this,” the man replied angrily.

“Look at that cylinder head cover…it looks like it was pried off with a crowbar,” Mitch said, and the man replied, “Take it or leave it, Mitch. You owe us.” 

As the man walked out, Mitch noticed Denise and started yelling at her, wanting to know how much of the conversation she had heard.

“Keep your mouth shut, or there’ll be consequences you can’t even fathom,” he sneered.

Denise got inside her car and just as she started driving, she noticed something cold on the back of her head. It was a gun, and the person pointing it at her was the blonde woman who handed Mitch the note the previous night.

“Drive now. Get moving,” she muttered coldly. “I’m Special Agent Garcia. I need your help to bring down the criminals at your husband’s auto repair shop,” showing her badge.

“How do I even know you’re the real deal?” Denise asked, looking at the badge as if she knew how to detect if it was fake.

“I’ve been watching Mitch’s shop, and you stumbled upon something big today,” Garcia replied. “I need you to cooperate.”

Denise trembled, and with a shaking voice she said, “Fine. I’ll help you.”

The two drove to Denise’s house. “What did you find?” Agent Garcia asked Denise.

“He’s been dealing with these people, paying off debts with stolen car parts,” Denise answered showing Garcia Mitch’s lap top. “This is crucial. It links him to these guys,” Agent Garcia said.


Denise explained that she thought he was cheating on her and that she never assumed he could be part of something dangerous.

“There’s enough here for a case, but we need more. Mitch might be key to bringing down the whole ring. Can you do one last thing to help me?” Garcia asked.

That evening, Mitch came home drunk and demanded his dinner, but Denise insisted they needed to talk.

“Mitch, we need to talk. What’s going on with the money you owe these people?”

He said it was just “business trouble,” but Denise confessed to him that she had heard his conversation with the man behind the store.

Mitch snapped. “I cheated them, okay? Sold a stolen classic car and pocketed the difference!” Denise wanted to know what he spent the money on. He admitted to squandering the money on part ownership of a racing dog, believing it to be a lucrative investment.

“How could you drag us into such a mess?” Denise screamed.

“I didn’t expect you to find out, so you better keep your mouth shut. You’ll end up wearing concrete shoes at the bottom of the river if you tell. They won’t do anything to me,” he smirked and laughed drunkenly. “They need me.”


Denise became aware that her husband didn’t care if she was going to be hurt. He only cared about himself. She then opened the front door and Garcia was there. She caught Mitch off guard and arrested him.

As other officers searched their home, Denise asked Garcia why she had sent her the video of her and Mitch the night at the bar.

“I thought you should know what Mitch was doing,” Agent Garcia answered, sighing. “I wanted to ensure you wouldn’t be blamed for his crimes since the shop is in your name.”

Denise gasped, “I could have been in trouble for Mitch’s actions?”

“It’s complicated, but now that we know all the details, you shouldn’t worry. You’re clear of any suspicion,” the agent comforted her.

Denise was relieved she wasn’t in trouble. With her husband being charged for doing illegal activities, she decided to run the shop herself. Of course, with the help of Carlos, who worked there long years.

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Am I a bad mother for kicking my pregnant daughter out?


Every parent wants only the best for their children, and no matter how tough things get, it is moms and dads who are always there to provide comfort and assurance that everything was going to be just fine.

When Rose, 19, told her mom Ella that she was dating a guy, Ella was doubtful about the young man’s intentions, but over time, she learned to love and accept Nathan who treated Rose with respect.

The only concern Ella had was her daughter’s college. She feared that getting involved in a serious relationship at that age would prevent her from achieving her dream of graduating from college, but Rose assured her it won’t be the case.


One day, Rose approached her mom and told her she needed to talk to her about something. Ella’s heart shrank, she didn’t know what to expect but was eager to learn what Rose had to say.

Hearing the sentence “Please don’t get upset,” made this mother feel even more pressured and uncertain of the news she was about to receive.

“I am pregnant with Nathan’s baby. You’re going to be a grandmother,” Rose uttered in a shy manner.


Rose was so young, she was a baby herself, and now she was going to be a mother. Disappointment passed through Ella as she imagined how much her daughter’s life would change.

“I know you wanted me to secure my future first, but this baby and Nathan are a big part of it,” Rose tried to assure her mom.

Promising that everything was going to be okay and that she won’t drop out of college when the baby was born, Rose told her mom that she had yet another news to share.

“Um, I have another surprise for you,” Rose said as she showed her mom her hand. “He proposed Mommy and I said ‘Yes!'”

This was an assurance that Nathan’s attentions were serious, and no matter the fact that she once feared for her daughter’s future, Rose now felt relieved and offered Rose and Nathan to stay at her house until they were able to get their own home some time in the future.

The young couple was overjoyed. They even turned one of the rooms into a nursery. Life felt good, but then, at one moment, everything changed.


One day, excited to show Rose what she had purchased for the baby they were all waiting to come into the world, Ella returned home earlier than expected. Once home, she saw Rose wearing her delicate lingerie.

Rose’s stunned face mirrored the rhythm of Ella’s plummeting heart, suggesting it sensed trouble well before she did. “Mom! What—what are you doing home so early?” Rose stammered, her voice quivering.

Before Ella could reply, a deep, unfamiliar voice called out from the hallway, “Babe, who are you talking to?” It felt like a knife twisting in Ella’s gut when she realized the voice wasn’t Nathan’s.

At that moment, she dropped the bags full of groceries, and some of the things inside broke and made a complete mess in the hallway.


“I thought I’d surprise you with these,” Ella said, gesturing to the mess at her feet, “But it seems I’m the one surprised.” Her heart started pounding as she moved towards the voice while Rose pleaded, “Mom, please, let me explain!”

When she opened the bedroom door, Ella saw a man she had never seen before. He was wrapped in the blanket that Nathan’s mom bought for Rose.


“What is going on here, Rose?” Ella demanded answers. The man stood up, trying to appear respectable, which only fueled Ella’s growing fury.

“I’m so sorry, ma’am. I didn’t realize—” he started.

“Out!” Ella cut him off sharply. He then took his clothes and rushed out of the house.


“Mom, it was a mistake. I was just… it was nothing. Please, don’t tell Nathan. Please!” Rose pleaded.

“How can you say ‘it was nothing’? You betray everything we’ve built for you, for this family!” Ella yelled, struggling to hide her tears.

“You’ve not only lied to Nathan but to everyone. This house, this room—we prepared this for your future, for your child’s future!”

The image of Rose in the arms of another man was too much for her mom to handle. She also felt sorry for Nathan who loved Rose with all his heart. “You made your choice, Rose. Now, you must leave. I need time to think, to breathe… to decide if I can even look at you the same way again.”

Rose collapsed on the floor.


“I have nowhere to go and no money, Mom! Please, I’m scared!” Rose kept repeating.

As Ella stood there, witnessing her daughter gather her sparse belongings through eyes blurred with tears, she felt a fragment of herself break apart. Nevertheless, the betrayal ran too deep, the pain too raw.

Ella wondered if it was her right to tell Nathan about Rose’s infidelity. She couldn’t kept but wonder whether the child Rose carried was indeed Nathan’s.

Taking to Reddit, Ella asked fellow redditors if expelling Rose was too harsh a decision. “Should I unveil this painful truth to Nathan? Was my decision to protect what remains of our family’s integrity correct? Or am I a mother scorned, acting out of hurt rather than wisdom?”

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Young girl sang an 80-year-old song – The audience went crazy


Over the Rainbow remains a classic adored by millions of people. First written for the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz, by composer Harold Arlen and lyricist Yip Harburg, the song took on a significance greater than the moment it was intended to soundtrack.

One of the most widely embraced interpretations of this iconic song came from Israel Kamakawiwo’ole, the Hawaiian vocalist who delivered a tender rendition on his beloved ukulele during a late-night session in 1988.

The Wizard of Oz

Recording engineer Milan Bertosa said how he got a call one night at 3 a.m by a man who wanted to record a song. “And in walks the largest human being I had seen in my life,” Bertosa was reported to have said. “Then I put up some microphones, do a quick sound check, roll tape, and the first thing he does is ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow.’ He played and sang, one take, and it was over.” 

Over the years, the song has been used by many film companies and producers. 

But when it comes to life performances of this piece of music, many are afraid to sing it because it requires incredible technique and special vocal abilities to deliver it the way it should sound.

When then 11-year-old Anna took the stage of The Voice Kids, she took the attention of the judges, who had never pressed the buttons that quick, and stole the hearts of everyone who has witnessed her powerful performance.

Anna was considered a star in the making because her confidence was very high and her voice was angelic.

This is truly something you don’t want to miss. Take a look at the stunning performance in the video below.

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