I yelled ‘I don’t!’ at my own wedding after conversation with groom’s mother whose plan almost worked out


Hanna and Ryan met by pure chance. Their encounter could have ended totally differently after he crashed into the bouquet of flowers she had bought for her friend who had her directorial debut with a musical at the local theater.

Instead, they introduced themselves and both agreed they weren’t fans of crowds.

From that moment on, they stayed in touch and started dating. It only took Ryan three months to pop the question, and Hanna was quick to say yes.

Their romance was picture perfect. Hanna’s parents accepted Ryan and were happy their only daughter found someone who make her world complete. They accepted Ryan as the son they never had, and his parents felt the same for Hanna.

Hanna felt she was loved and appreciated by Ryan’s parents. She and his mom, Mrs. Audrey Cole, would have their nails done together, and did some fun stuff.


Everything seemed like a dream and Hanna couldn’t wait to finally say “I do,” to the man she knew was her soulmate. However, she ended up saying “I don’t” and leaving the church on what was supposed to be the happiest day of her life.

Before the wedding, just as the ceremony was about to start, Audrey pulled Hanna aside and said, “Darling, can we chat for a moment?” Hanna said yes, but asked from her mother-in-law to wait until her glam team was done with her hair and makeup. Something about Audrey’s demeanor made Hanna anxious. She could see from the reflection in the mirror that Audrey wasn’t at ease as her eyes moved around the room quickly, often settling on the wedding dress hanging from its hook.

Moments later, as Hanna’s mom was buttoning up her wedding dress, Audrey got closer and said, “There’s no easy way for me to say this.” Hanna was surprised. She thought Audrey would make a comment about how nice the dress fit her as she hadn’t been to any of the fittings, but her future mother-in-law had something else in mind.


At that moment, Audrey took her phone out and said, “There are videos on this phone that will explain everything. I am so sorry, Hanna, but Ryan needs to be caught out.”

Hanna’s mind raced. She couldn’t possibly imagine what was on that phone.

The video showed a woman, almost naked, and a man whose face wasn’t visible but Audrey claimed to be her son’s.

“Are you sure?” Hanna asked. “This is him?”

“Well, look at the jacket on the bed,” she said. “Isn’t that the one you got him?”


Hanna pressed play again, and looked at the jacket. The hotel room also looked familiar—she was so sure that they had been there before.

“But Ryan’s face isn’t in the frame,” Hanna said.

“Hanna,” Audrey said slowly. “It’s right in front of you. You can choose to overlook it, but think of the man that you would be marrying if you choose to ignore it. Could you live with yourself knowing that? Could you live with him?”

Doing her best not to cry, Hanna said she couldn’t live with someone who had betrayed her like that.

“You’re calling off the wedding?” Audrey asked, hope lining her voice.

“No,” Hanna. “I’m going to walk down that aisle. I’m going to walk to the man who has been unfaithful to me. And when the time comes for our vows, I’ll break it off then.”


As she walked down the aisle, Hanna experienced a roller coaster of emotions.

Ryan squeezed her hands, but all she could think of was that video. When it came to their wows and the question whether she takes Ryan to be her husband, she answered “I don’t.”

Ryan couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Thinking it was a joke, he asked the priest to ask her again, but Hanna’s answer was the same. When Ryan demanded explanation, Hanna said his mother had it. Then, Audrey took her phone again and showed the video. Looking at it, Ryan started saying that it wasn’t him but Hanna refused to listen and left the church, her parents walking after her.

“Hanna, please,” he said. “I need you to believe me.”


Hanna refused to take any of Ryan’s calls and even blocked his number. But three days later, he appeared at her parents’ doorstep with flowers and food. He wanted to talk to Hanna and explain everything.

It turned out that Audrey, who was a high-school teacher, orchestrated everything in order to ruin the wedding. Those people in the video were two students of hers. She used Ryan’s jacket to make everything more reliable.

Hanna was surprised. Audrey always claimed she loved her as the daughter she never had. She was always nice and full of understanding. Was it possible that she was only acting the entire time?


According to Ryan, she did that because she didn’t want her son to get married because she believed she would lose him. Also, she thought Hanna was unworthy of her son. She believed at first that their relationship wasn’t serious, but when the time came for them to marry, she panicked.

Hanna forgave Ryan, and he forgave her for not trusting him. They are still together and wait to see what future holds for them.

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Mom leaves daughter in wheelchair with stepdad, returns years later and doesn’t recognize her 


Michelle’s world crushed when she saw her stepdad collapse on the sofa and started crying. She couldn’t understand what was going on until she noticed he held a note in his hand. As she navigated her wheelchair between the sofa and the armchair, Michelle managed to grab the piece of paper which disturbed her stepdad. He tried to take it away from her, but she still managed to read it.

It was her mom’s handwriting. “I can’t do it anymore. You know I never wanted children, but I tried my best to care for Michelle anyway. That burden has taken the best years of my life from me. But now that she’s sixteen, I’ve decided it’s time I pursue my dream of becoming an actress before it’s too late…” Reading these words, Michelle felt excruciating pain. It was as though someone stabbed her in the heart.

With tears rolling down her face, she turned to her stepdad Eugene and asked him, “And what about you? Am I a burden to you too? It’s not like I’m your real daughter so nobody would blame you if you dumped me somewhere like a dog.”

“Never!” Eugene rushed over, dropped to one knee, and wrapped his arms around his step-daughter.


She hugged him back and started thinking of her life. She didn’t wish to be disabled and depend on anyone, but that’s what life served her with.

“Look at me, Shelly, and listen close, okay? This is…well, it’s an awful and shocking situation, but you’ve done nothing wrong. It will be tough, but we’ll carry on without her, okay?” Eugene assured her as she was trying to collect herself from the shock.

At that moment, instead of feeling sorry for herself, Michelle promised herself that she would do all it takes to become a successful individual. She was determined to prove her mother wrong, because she wasn’t a burden, she was just a person who was born with disability.


Michelle graduated top of her class and was accepted at several universities, many of which offered her scholarship. She, however, was determined to purse a career in the world of film, and dreamed of becoming a successful film producer. But deep down, she dreamed of meeting her mother again and even imagined situations in which she would audition for one of the films she would one day produce.

Her stepdad was aware that Michelle wanted this career because of her mother, although she never confessed that.

Sadly, her college days turned into a nightmare when she got into an argument with a classmate named Lila.

Lila was a popular girl who wanted things done her way, and Michelle confronted her several times. One time, the two argued whether physical film was being superior to digital shooting.

“I think there are benefits and drawbacks to both. Although there’s a certain look and feel you can only get from physical film, digital allows you a greater range of editing options that might be more suitable for the project you’re filming,” Michelle shared her opinion.

“Only if you’re lazy,” Lila snapped. She didn’t expect the new girl in a wheelchair to challenge her opinion like that. How dare she? “Digital can never beat the authenticity of a movie shot on actual film. It’s just not realistic,” Lila said angrily.


As the discussion became heated, Lila got angrier and once the class was over, she confronted Michelle and started bullying her together with her friends.

At one point, they pushed Michelle into the closet room and turned the lights off. It wasn’t until two hours later that the janitor found Michelle, alone and scared.

The following day, Michelle turned to Mr. Abubakar, a lawyer, and told him she wanted to sue Lila. Mr. Abubakar took the time to listen to Michelle and told her she had a case, but Lila was coming from a wealthy family, so she shouldn’t expect much from the lawsuit. Michelle wanted to proceed with it anyways.


In the days to come, she stared reading law books, researching legal procedures and precedents for assault cases like hers. When she returned to Mr. Abubakar’s office, she brought a folder of notes and a legal book she’d loaned from the college library. He was stunned by the work she did. Everything was perfectly prepared, as though Michelle was a real lawyer.

“This is useful.” He smiled at Michelle. “I’d already noted some of these cases, but there are others here that I can reference too.”

“Great.” Michelle grinned. “I was a bit concerned it might be too basic.”

“No, you’ve done a good job here, just like a trained paralegal. Have you been taking classes in law?”

Michelle shook her head. “I just have a knack for research.”

Looking at the work she had done, he told her that she could be a successful lawyer had she studied law.

Michelle frowned. “What do you mean?”

“You have a knack for law. I noticed it while we were putting your case together.” Mr. Abubakar moved closer. “I’ve heard bad stories about the kids that go to the arts section of your college. You don’t belong among cruel people like that, Michelle. You could become a great lawyer and fight against the injustices in this system with me.”


Michelle was intrigued but not that interested. However, once she won the case over Lila, she experienced even more bullying by Lila’s friends who held a grudge against Michelle because Lila got expelled.

It was then that she decided to quit studying film, and started studying law instead. Before she made this huge decision, she consulted with Mr. Abubakar to agreed to mentor her.

Seven years later, Michelle found herself moving from a huge law firm to opening an office herself. She was very successful, and even had money to undergo a surgery which was very successful.

One day, she placed her wheelchair at the corner of her office, and walked to the table. She was getting used to walking after spending her entire time in a wheelchair. She changed her style, dyed her hair blonde, and got read of her glasses. Michelle looked like a completely different person, so different that her own mother didn’t recognize her years after she had abandoned her.

As she was going through some paperwork, someone knocked on the door of Michelle’s law office. It was a familiar face, her mother Iris.


But this woman didn’t look like a successful actress, which made Michelle believe that she didn’t make it in the film industry.

Just as Michelle believed her mother would recognize her and maybe apologize for abandoning her, Iris said, “Is it true that you help people for free if they can’t afford to pay you? I don’t have a job and I don’t have any money.” Hearing this, Michelle realized her mother didn’t recognize her so she decided not to reveal who she really was.

“I guess I was mistaken.” Iris rose to leave, but Michelle gestured to her to wait.

“No, you’re right. I just…” Michelle hesitated on the verge of confronting the woman but didn’t know how. It was easier to focus on the job.

“I do work pro bono,” Michelle continued. “Please tell me why you need legal help.”

It turned out that Iris drove drunk and crashed into the car of a wealthy businessman who now wanted to throw the book at her.

“Honestly, I don’t think I can get you off entirely, but we can push for a reduced sentence, possibly even community service. I’ll need more details but first, can I offer you something to drink?” As she returned with refreshments for them, Michelle stumbled. Iris caught her elbow and asked if she was okey, to what Michelle pointed to the wheelchair and said she was still getting used to walking. But even that wasn’t a hint enough for Iris to recognize the child she had given birth to.


When the court date arrived, Michelle fought hard and managed to lower Iris’ sentence to a year of prison time or paying a fine.

“I still have no money to pay the fine,” Iris sobbed. “I’ll have to go to jail after all.”

At that moment, Michelle turned to the judge and said, “If the court will permit it, I’d like to pay the fine on my client’s behalf so she can go home immediately.”

“Why would you do this for me?” Iris wrapped her hand around Michelle’s wrist.

“You really don’t recognize me at all?” Michelle tipped her head. “This may refresh your memory.”

She then took out her mom’s note in which she called her a burden. The paper was creased from being read and crumpled up several times over the years, but Iris’ words were still perfectly readable.


“This can’t be real.” Iris stared at her openmouthed.

“You can keep that, I don’t need it anymore.” Michelle started to pack up her things. “I’m sorry you didn’t get to be an actress after all, but I hope you enjoyed living for yourself.”

“Wait, Michelle. We need to talk.”

“No.” Michelle shook her head. “You didn’t even recognize me, your own daughter. And I know I don’t look exactly the same as the kid you walked out on, but come on!”

“Please, just let me explain.”

Michelle then left the courtroom and never looked back.

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Mother posts picture breastfeeding toddler in public – she finally responds to all the backlash


Breastfeeding in public is a topic that still causes stir. While some believe women should breastfeed their babies whenever they are hungry, others are convinced that doing that in public is embarrassing. The latter probably don’t understand that breastfeeding is a natural and essential practice for both the mother and child.

The truth is that many mothers feel uneasy about nursing in public because of all the stares and comments, but not this mother.

Trinati is a mom of a 17-month-old daughter whom she breastfeeds whenever the little one feels like eating. However, this have put her in situations which she didn’t like, such as employees at stores asking from her to hide inside broom closets in order to feed her baby.


Holding onto the belief that breastfeeding is a natural and beautiful process no mom should ever be ashamed of, Trinati decided to do something about raising awareness.

One time, while breastfeeding her daughter at Costco, she asked from her son to take a picture that she later posted on the social media. “I never shy away from providing my children with what they may need from me based on our surroundings.”

The thing is that apart from facing stares and judgement from strangers, she also gets a lot of questions from her friends and family. When they ask, “How long are you going to do ‘that’ for?” her answer is always, “As long as she needs me to!” And then, the jokes follow, with some laughing that she would probably be breastfeeding her daughter until she’s in kindergarten.

This mom is fed up of people sexualizing her breastfeeding and judging her for it. She said in an interview, “Really? Have you SEEN breastfeeding breasts? My nipples are very far from looking like something someone may fantasize about! Ha!”

She went on, “These are basically udders right now. Get over yourself! I’m not trying to steal your man or lady with these bad girls! To me, they have become so far from feeling like a sexual part of my body. Right now they belong to my child for nourishment, both physically and emotionally.”

She wants people to understand that breastfeeding is a natural way to nourish a child and should not be viewed as sexual.

“I don’t expect all men or those who have never breastfed to understand the ways in which mothers have the endurance to deal with nipple-pinching or straight-up acrobatics while breastfeeding,” she explained. “I have received the strangest glances and awkward giggles when people watch my 1.5-year-old standing on my lap while suckling … sometimes on one leg!”


“I had my son take that photo of us in Costco because I never want to forget (and [I want to] show my daughter in the future) the lengths we, as mothers, will go to when ensuring our kids are well looked after no matter the situation,” she said.

“My baby’s needs come waaaaaay before anyone else’s attempts to make me feel inappropriate for this sometimes-public act of nourishing and/or comforting my children,” she wrote in the caption for the Instagram post.


Trinati wants her children to know they they would always be her priority regardless of people’s judgement.

“Trust is a fundamental tool for developing healthy relationships and it begins with the care that we receive in childhood,” she said. “For me, breastfeeding demonstrates this to my children, and for this reason, I will never feel shame for allowing a baby of mine to do this with me in any environment.”

What are your thoughts on this?

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Picture of female athlete competing in race goes viral when man notices something off


Emma Pallant-Browne is a celebrated athlete who used a photo of her, which some dubbed “unfortunate,” in order to spread a message about the female body and how extraordinary women are.

Among the rest, Emma won a silver medal in the World Long Distance Triathlon Championships in 2022, two medals (silver in 2017 and bronze in 2022) in the championship known as Ironman 70.3, and a gold medal at the European Championship.

Other than that, she has recently participated in the PTO Tour European Open in Ibiza, which took place a few days after she won the Dualthlon World Championship, and ended up on the fourth place.


While taking part in the latest competition in Ibiza, a photo of her taken by a professional photographer were uploaded on the official site of the event. The photo seemed a regular one until another contestant, Xavier Coppock, highlighted something he noticed which later became a huge topic of conversation.

Namely, Emma was competing in a blue and pink swimsuit, but there was also a red stain visible which she got because she had period during the race.

“Not the most flattering photo of Emma, surely they can crop it a little better,” Coppock wrote under the photo, trying to stand up for Emma. However, although she was flattered by his intention to protect her, Emma didn’t mind the photo because as she stated, women having their period while competing wasn’t anything unusual. Replying to Coppock’s comment, Emma explained that she had her period and although she used tampon, there were days when even the most absorbent one would not do the job for more than 3 hours.

A couple of days later, she posted the same photo on her Instagram account with the caption, “Celebrating the amazing women in sport and the equally amazing men who champion them. Humbled by the number of messages I’ve had from both men and women about the unglamorous reality of racing on your period.”

Further, Emma wrote, “I raced in a swimsuit because I over heat and pass out in hot races, on my period my body temp is also higher. I have a full length suit for the cooler races in dark colours but the light colours we were experimenting with for the cooling effect. It is dark at the bottom and at the back but my bike position has changed and now I roll more forward (lesson learnt for next years suit design).

“A lot of the photos you can’t see anything, pouring water over yourself at aid stations does the trick and if it doesn’t you end up with one photo like this but the idea to edit it means there is something wrong with it.
If you wrote to me saying 99% of the women you know would be mortified at this then that is exactly why I am sharing this, because there really is nothing wrong.”

She added, “Its natural and coming from eating issues as an endurance runner when I was growing up where I didn’t have my period, I now see it as beautiful.
So if you have a photo like this, save it, cherish it, remember how you performed on a tough day because one day you might just be able to help someone else with it.”

Speaking of her choice of outfit, she explained that wearing a swimsuit suits her best because she sweats a lot and it provides her with the most amount of safety and comfort when she competes.

“This is a women’s sport and the more barriers we can break, the better. After a long career, you end up with a photo like this, but the idea of editing it means there is something wrong with it. I share it because there’s really nothing wrong with it, it’s a natural thing,” she wrote.

“So if you have a photo like this, save it, cherish it, and remember how you performed on a tough day because one day you might just be able to help someone else with it,” the celebrated athlete concluded in her powerful message she extended to other women.

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Vanna White bids an emotional farewell to Pat Sajak ahead of his final show


Ahead of Pat Sajak’s final episode on Wheel of Fortune, Vanna White paid an emotional tribute to him.

During the Thursday’s episode of the much-loved game show, White honored Sajak’s contributions and their enduring friendship through a video segment showcasing clips and photos that traced their partnership from the 1980s up to the present day.

“I can’t believe that tomorrow is our last show together,” White, 67, said in the clip. “I don’t know how to put into words what these past 41 years have meant to me, but I’m going to try.

“Eight thousand episodes went by like that.”

The two life-long friends started hosting America’s Game together in 1982, when the show first aired in syndication, and over the years, they became one of television’s most iconic duos.

s_bukley / Shutterstock.com

“As the years have gone by, we’ve grown up on television, but we’ve also shared so much more behind the scenes,” she said as she reminisced about the pair’s more personal memories.

“What an incredible and unforgettable journey we’ve had. And I’ve enjoyed every minute of it with you,” White added, holding back tears. “You’re like a brother to me, and I consider you a true lifelong friend, who I will always adore. I love you, Pat.”

Following the segment, the two shared a hug on stage.

The iconic duo have appeared in over 8,000 episodes together, with Sajak leading the contestants through the game and White famously turning the letters on the puzzle board.

You can watch White’s tribute to Sajak in the video below.

Last summer, Sajak had announced that Season 41 of Wheel of Fortune would be his last, calling it a “wonderful ride.” White, however, will be staying on as co-host with Ryan Seacrest next season.

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His father is one of the biggest celebrities in the world, but he has to work a ‘normal’ job to support himself


No matter how we feel about it, parents’ “tough love” can teach our children a lot about life.

Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger was named Mr. Universe five times, and Mr. Olympia seven times. Over the curse of his career, which spans decades, he’s given the world of film some incredible roles, such as that of Terminator.

If you believe that he translates this tough persona into his private life, you are not wrong. It turns out that the actor turned politician hold onto some of the onscreen toughness with his children. Namely, Schwarzenegger is a father of five children. He has daughters Katherine, 34, and Christina, 31, as well as sons Patrick, 30, and Christopher, 26 with now ex-wife Maria Shriver. He also has a son, Joseph Baena, with the family’s former housekeeper, Mildred Patricia Baena.


Schwarzenegger took care of Joseph as much as he did for the rest of his children. He, however, doesn’t spoil them and makes sure they earn their own living instead of expecting him to provide them with everything in life.

Following college, Joseph, as well as the rest of the children, were to handle their own finances. The reason isn’t his dad’s lack of money, on the contrary, the “Terminator” has earned millions throughout the years.

Joseph doesn’t mind working and making his own money and is grateful his dad financed his education.


“My dad is old-school; he doesn’t believe in handouts. He believes hard work pays off, and so do I,” Joseph, who is a spitting image of his famous dad said in an interview with Men’s Health, adding, “I love the word honorand I’m very prideful in the sense that if I use my dad’s contacts or ask him for favors, I wonder what honor is that gonna bring me?”

Initially, Joseph wanted to follow into his dad’s footsteps and pursue a career as an actor, but he found that to be tough, so he turned to a more regular job. He, however, did pursue bodybuilding as hobby.

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Having a diploma in Business Administration helped Joseph land a career as a real-estate agent. “So yeah, I needed a job, and I was not getting any of the acting roles that I thought I was going to get, and like starting to get paid,” he continued. “I was like, ‘I need to do something.’ So I started interning at this real estate company,” the 25-year-old shared with Essentially Sports.

Last year, he managed to sell his first house and was quick to share his excitement over reaching that milestone on the social media. He posted a picture of himself holding a ‘SOLD’ sign with the caption, “SOLD!!! Congratulations to my clients for trusting myself and @aria_properties to sell their beautiful Santa Monica Property!🍾🎉🎊.”

The young real estate agent shared online that he operates out of West Los Angeles and Silicon Beach. He invited anyone interested in selling their home to reach out to him through direct messaging.

“I don’t have to get into acting or bodybuilding. I’m very motivated and driven. I’m happy about my relationship with my dad. But I’m more happy that I am finding joy in what I’m doing and that I’m doing exactly what I’ve always dreamed about.”

“A lot of guys struggle with trying to make their dad proud or trying to get out of their dad’s shadow. But as long as you’re doing what you want to do, then that all comes. Of course, maybe those guys don’t have such nice dads,” he went on to say.

We are glad Joseph is happy with his life choices.

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My husband doesn’t allow me to clean the fridge in his absence – I did it anyway, revealing his creepy secret


Choosing the right partner might be one of the most important decisions a person makes because that’s the person whom you’ll navigate the highs and lows, share laughter and tears, and build a future together with.

A woman named Stephanie, 32, shared a story that left many flabbergasted.

She started by explaining that she and her husband of five years, Mike, were just an ordinary couple. Nothing ever stood out of the ordinary when it came to their relationship and their marriage. However, there was one thing that bothered Stephanie, and she wasn’t certain if that was something she should worry bout or not, but her gut feeling was telling her something was odd.

Rene Asmussen / Pexels

Namely, Mike told her numerous times that she should never clean the fridge in his absence. This request sounded rather strange. Whenever she would ask him why he demanded that, he would mumble something about him not wanting her to throw good food.

She added that she never had a habit of throwing any food with a perfectly good expiry date away, which made Mike’s demand even more unusual.

It was very obvious that Mike was extremely protective of some stuff he kept in the fridge.

Dids . / Pexels

Stephanie recalled that Mike once brought a metal box home which he placed at the bottom of the fridge. What’s more, she would caught him checking on it every now and then. When she asked him what’s inside, he said there were some olives his friend James got from his granddad as a present and wanted Mike to keep for some time. Apparently, those were olives of a rare kind.

She had no issues with him keeping the box in the fridge but it was really annoying that he would ask her not to touch it and be careful with it all the time. He said he demanded that because it was rude to touch other people’s stuff.

However, those “rare olives” weren’t claimed by James for a couple of years, but she never asked Mike about them again.

One day, she decided to break the rules and clean the fridge while Mike was at work.

© Athena / Pexels

She started the procedure as usual, never assuming that a simple act of cleaning the fridge would lead to the end of her seemingly happy marriage.

In the letter she penned to a magazine, Stephanie explained that cleaning the appliance took her around two hours, including unplugging it, emptying all shelves and putting away all items. She then cleaned the inside and let it settle before she plugged it again. In the meantime, she was sorting the items, including groceries, fruits, vegetables, and some food containers with pre-cooked dishes, checking the expiration dates on the packages and throwing away those that were off.

At one moment, she also took her husband’s box in her hands and noticed that the olives were expired, so she didn’t think it would be a big deal if she threw them too.

But then, she discovered something unexpected about her husband.

Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

As she was going towards the garbage bin, the box cracked open on the top and the lid had almost fallen off. The contents started spilling on the floor and that’s when Stephanie learned there weren’t any olives inside that can.

The liquid that was dropping was accompanied by a chemical smell. She took a look at what was stored in the liquid and noticed two umbilical cords. She knew exactly what they were because her sister had preserved her children’s and had shown them to her one time.

When her husband came home from work, she was quick to confront him, telling him that his “olives” expired and that she decided to threw them away. Her words made Mike’s face go pale. She then told him that she didn’t believe it was a big deal, because he couldn’t eat them anyway. The shock Mike experienced seemed to be growing bigger and bigger.

He started explaining that she shouldn’t have done that, because they were really rare and expensive, but Stephanie interrupted him, and asked him straightforward about the umbilical cord. At that moment, there was nothing Mike could do rather than telling her the truth.

Hasan Albari / Pexels

It turned out Mike had another woman in his life, Rosa, and the two had twins together. In fact, he and Rosa dated way before he met Stephanie, but his parents didn’t approve of his relationship with her, forcing him to marry Stephanie instead.

Mike, who was still in love with Rosa, continued seeing her.

Stephanie was shaken to learn this about the man she dreamed of spending her eternity with. She never assumed that a “box of olives” would reveal his long kept secret that marked the begging of the end of her marriage to him.

She decided to file for a divorce, but she still has a hard time moving on and forgetting about the betrayal from the man she loved dearly.

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Can you spot the problem with this picture?


Sometimes, the toughest riddles and mysteries to uncover are the ones “hiding” in plain sight. You wouldn’t suspect anything, yet it is there, staring right back at you, just waiting to be noticed.

If you are into puzzles, make sure you see the one below.

The truth is that puzzles are loved by many because they provide a fun and engaging way to boost mental and physical skills while offering numerous health benefits.

Not only they enhance memory and improve our problem-solving abilities, but they also providing a break from daily stress and offer a sense of accomplishment.

Take a close look at the above photo of the three ladies sitting on a bench. At first, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary, right? But there is something unusual about it. If you need a little help to see what’s wrong, here is a tip, two of the ladies are “seated” with their legs crossed. 

The “issue” with the photo is right in front of the viewer and should be one of the first things they notice, yet, many have a hard time realizing what’s wrong because the human brain tends to choose a critical rather than a simple approach. Instead of looking at the photo as a whole, most people tend to look for hidden signs and elements.

Sometimes, it helps to start small and take in the whole picture at once which may help you find what you’re looking for almost instantly. This puzzle-solving approach can provide a valuable life lesson as well. Sometimes, when you face obstacles and encounter situations that appear to have no clear solution, try to recondition your mind to approach it from a simpler perspective. Most times, this is the key you need.

As of our puzzle, if you haven’t found the solution yet, check the photo below.

The ladies are “hanging” in the air.

If you loved this puzzle, check some more HERE.

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