Steve Harvey is becoming a fashion guru thanks to change in fashion


America’s showbiz would never be what it is today without Steve Harvey being part of it. This extraordinary man is a true heartthrob adored by millions, but what many don’t know is that his life story goes from rags to riches.

Harvey experienced a tough childhood because his family didn’t have much money, but both his mom and dad were very supportive of his aspirations.

Growing up, young Harvey dreamed of becoming an entertainer. Once, he even shared that dream of his with his classmates after his teacher asked them to write an essay about the job they want to do when they grow up. When the teacher read what Harvey wrote, she started laughing and told him to dream of something else because he would never become a celebrity, referring to his stuttering.

This broke Harvey’s heart, but at the same time, it made him work even harder because he wanted to prove that teacher wrong. Years after that event, Harvey not only outgrew his stuttering thanks to a local deli man who taught him how to slow down his speech and calm down while talking, but made a name for himself, too.

Speaking to Oprah, Harvey confessed that once he became a household name, he sent his teacher TV every year for Christmas so that she could see him.

Source: Shutterstock

After working several jobs, Harvey finally got to perform stand-up comedy in 1985. Eventually, he landed his first headline gig at the Bruce Ayer’s Comedy Club in Birmingham, Alabama. After winning $50 at a comedy competition, Harvey knew comedy was his calling.

“I quit my job the next day,” Harvey recalled. “I informed my supervisor that I was leaving to pursue a career in comedy. My boss discouraged me from applying by telling me: ‘Steve, you’re not even funny.’”

Shutterstock/ Joe Seer

Harvey often speaks of the years he was homeless and how hard it was for him to make ends meet.

“It was crushing,” Harvey told People. “I realized, ‘You’re on your own. You have nothing or no one.’ All I knew was that I could make people laugh.”

Luckily, he got more and more gigs and started earning some money, but at the time, he divorced his wife and around 75% of his income was going to his ex and his twins, so he didn’t have much money on his own.

Things started becoming more and more unbearable for Harvey. He recalled he was using a hotel restroom once and was forced to stay inside for hours until of the guests left. He then sat down on the floor and broke down. Tears started falling down his face and he though he couldn’t take that kind of life any longer, but a voice told him not to quit.

“I sat down and started crying, but a voice said, ‘If you keep going, I’m going to take you places you’ve never been,’” Harvey told People. “It was like God said, ‘Don’t quit, you’re almost there.”

And that voice was right. Shortly after the incident, Harvey got to host Showtime at the Apollo. Around the same time, he landed his show The Steve Harvey Show.

Joe Scarnici/WireImage/Gettty

Later, he appeared in the fantastic classic The Original Kings of Comedy alongside Bernie Mac. He even wrote books which became bestsellers and became a famous name in America. However, it was after he started hosting the iconic Family Feud that Harvey gained a worldwide fame. His unique approach to the show and the contestants put him on the pedestal, and as it looks, he’s there to stay.

In 2007, Harvey married the love of his life, Marjorie Bridges. The two often share photos of each other wearing matching outfits and people love it.

One thing that became Harvey’s signature, besides his mustache of course, are his suits. Over the years, he’s changed his style and it’s safe to say that he turned into a fashion guru.

Source: Youtube/FamilyFeud

At first, Harvey was only allowed to pick a suit in black, dark blue, or grey color for the show, but once the producers noticed the style he rocked on the red carpet and in his private life they decided to let him dress like that for Celebrity Family Feud.

“It was sort of strange because I dress like this when I’m not at work, but I’m always photographed at work. And after I hired Elly and we did [the] NFL Honors [awards show] two years ago, the people at Celebrity Family Feud said, ‘Why don’t we let Steve dress like that on Celebrity Family Feud?” And that opened up the door. Because on Celebrity Family Feud, the way they shot the show, I had to wear the same suit every show—I could just pick a dark blue or black or a gray,” Harvey told GQ.

“And Facebook Watch came along and said, ‘We don’t want you to dress like you did on your talk show. We want you to dress like you do in your day-to-day.” So I went to Elly and said, “Okay, man, they’re going to let me do my thing. I need your help to help me get the stuff that I like, because I don’t know where to buy half of this stuff.

“So that was the beginning of it right there: they took the shackles off and didn’t require that I dress as a game show host all the time,” he added.

Having in mind that this incredible man’s net worth is around $200 million, it doesn’t come as a surprise he loves wearing famous brand names such as Dolce & Gabbana, Dior, and many more.

One thing Harvey would never change, however, are his mustache.

“You come in here talking about, ‘We going to take the mustache off,’ you will lose your job. You cannot take the mustache off, so everything got to work around the mustache, man,” he said.

“I took the mustache off when I was in college when I was pledging. When I took it off, I discovered something: the distance from the top of my top lip to the tip of my nose is about four feet. It looks like a sheet of plywood if I take my mustache off. So that can’t happen, partner.”

Steve Harvey is one of the best of the best. A true inspiration!

Mom who gave birth on life support for COVID-19 meets baby for the first time


The ongoing coronavirus pandemic affected millions of people, one way or another. As many lost their income due to the huge number of businesses which collapsed, others, the most unfortunate ones, lost their lives.

The bad thing is that the virus is still here and spreading, and it looks like we are unable to put a stop to it no matter how hard we try. But hopefully, better days are coming.

Autumn Carver was 33 weeks pregnant when both she and her husband Zach contracted the virus. Zach’s health wasn’t affected drastically, but Autumn’s condition was getting worse and worse with each passing day, so she was rushed to the Methodist Hospital and was put on a ventilator. Because of the severity of her condition, doctors had to deliver her baby via C-section.

Little Huxley was born on August 27 and stayed at the hospital for 10 days. Sadly, his mom was on life support. Her lungs almost collapsed and her future was uncertain.

Luckily, as time passed by, Autumn’s condition improved, and finally, after nearly two months, she was able to hold her baby boy.

Speaking of the touching encounter between this mother and her baby boy, husband Zach told Good Morning America, “A surprise conversation with a doctor this morning brought us out of isolation and a plan for Autumn to meet Huxley. Same convo advised us that Autumn Carver’s tracheotomy would be switched out to a smaller one so she could have a speaking devise attached to it.

“At 3 pm today she met our son and it was an amazing moment needless to say. Her parents, one of her best friends and many nurses and doctors witnessed the special moment. I don’t know if there was a dry eye in the area. Later this afternoon I got to hear Autumn say ‘I love Zach’. What an amazing day.

“We have a long way to go, but a good day through this was much needed. Autumn says thank you for all the prayers and support along the way. God bless you.”

He added that the entire experience was very emotional for everyone.

Although she was able to be taken off life support, Autumn was told she would need lungs transplant, but as time passed by, her health improved.

“We went from she’s going to die, to she’s going to need a full lung transplant to she’s going to go home,” Zach told Good Morning America. “It’s an absolute miracle.”

This mom of three is one of the bravest individuals we’ve ever met. Her love for her kids and her husband made her fight hard, and she eventually ended up a winner.

For more on the story go to the video below.

Man who was wrongfully convicted walks free after 24 years in prison


We can never imagine what it must feel like to be wrongfully convicted and to spend years in prison knowing you haven’t committed the crime you are found guilty of. Many of these people are simply unable to have their voice heard and have no one to turn to. Luckily, a number of organizations offer their legal services to such people and bring a ray of hope when they decide to take their cases.

After serving 24 years for a crime he didn’t commit, 46-year-old Dontae Sharpe finally experienced freedom. He could again feel the breeze on his skin and the liberation he longed for.

Sharpe received a life sentence back in 1995 when a witness, then 15-year-old Charlene Johnson, testified she saw him killing George Radcliffe in an incident described by the police as drug deal.

Shortly after Sharpe started serving his sentence, Johnson recanted her testimony, but no one was willing to take a look at the case with fresh eyes. It just went back and forth between state and federal courts for years and Sharpe lost round after round.

And then, when it looked like everything was lost, his new attorneys at Duke Law’s Wrongful Conviction Clinic went above and beyond to make sure their client received pardon.

It took two years for their goal to be accomplished, but the hard work and the waiting paid off.

Speaking to The Post, Sharpe recalled how his attorney Theresa Newman delivered the life-changing news.

“Theresa called me and said, ‘Hey, Mr. Pardon Man.’ I was like, ‘What do you mean, “Mr. Pardon Man?”” Sharpe explained. “She said, ‘The governor just pardoned you.’ That just left me smiling on my couch and kind of awestruck.”

Newman commented the case as well and said, “No one is saying, or can say, he was released on a technicality. The technicality is that he was innocent.”

As reported by Fox News, it was North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper who made the announcement.

“I have carefully reviewed Montoyae Dontae Sharpe’s case and am granting him a Pardon of Innocence,” Cooper said in a statement. “Mr. Sharpe and others who have been wrongly convicted deserve to have that injustice fully and publicly acknowledged.”

For the time he spent in jail, Sharpe received $750,000. The truth is that no amount of money can compensate for the time lost and all those special moments he spent away from his loved ones.

“This thing is commonplace now,” Sharpe told The Post. “It can happen in so many places in so many ways, especially to people of color. People look at you like an animal or a monster, and you can’t get that out of people’s minds.”

As for now, this man is focused on making up for the lost time, as well as on helping others who are in the position he once was in. “The only way forward for me is to bring about change in the criminal justice system,” he said, according to The Post. “It’s a slow process, but I’m 46, not 86. I got time to do things.”

Based on the new evidence, the judge said that in case there was a new trial, Sharpe would be found not guilty.

“I’m still in a haze, kind of,” Sharpe told Fox News. “When you’re dealing with us human beings, it can go any way, yes and no. I didn’t know what to expect. I was believing for a pardon.”

He is thankful to his new attorneys and his family, without whose love and support he wouldn’t have stayed sane.

Cab driver prevents suicide bomber from blowing up hospital by locking him in the car

Police officers chat behind a cordon on Rutland Avenue, the place where police have confirmed the passenger of the taxi that later exploded outside the Women's Hospital in Liverpool was picked up, on November 16, 2021. - Britain raised its terrorism threat level, hours after an improvised explosion outside a hospital in Liverpool, as police named the suspect believed to have made the homemade device before dying in the blast. (Photo by Oli SCARFF / AFP) (Photo by OLI SCARFF/AFP via Getty Images)

Amid Remembrance Day, when Britons commemorate the brave people who died in war, the country raised its terrorism levels from “substantial” to “severe,” according to The Washington Post.

Now, the story surrounding the events which preceded one of the terrorist attacks which happened in Liverpool after one man died in a suicide bombing is gathering the public’s attention.

According to a friend of the cab driver who was reported to had intervened before the bomb exploded and prevented a tragedy from taking place, the bomber entered the cab and asked to be taken to the Liverpool’s Anglican Cathedral. There, around 1,200 people were gathered for Remembrance Day. However, due to road closures, he was unable to get there so he asked the cab driver, David Perry, to take him to the Liverpool Women’s Hospital instead.

It was then that Perry noticed something unusual.

“David noticed the man had some kind of light attached to his clothing and was messing around with it, it didn’t look right at all,” the friend said, as reported by the Daily Mail.

“I don’t know how he’s done it with a split second’s thought but David’s jumped out and locked the car with this guy in the back.

“As soon as he did, it’s gone off. If this guy got in the hospital God knows what could have happened. David’s the luckiest man in Britain as well as the most heroic,” the friend added.

Perry was dubbed a real-life hero who saved the life of a number of people who were a potential target that day.

His wife, however, offered a slightly different version of the actual story. In the comments section of Manchester Evening News, Perry’s wife, Rachel, wrote, “There are a lot of rumors flying round about him being a hero and locking the passenger inside the car … but the truth of the matter is, he is without doubt, lucky to be alive.

“The explosion happened whilst he was in the car and how he managed to escape is an utter miracle. He certainly had some guardian angels looking over him,” she added.

Following the explosion, four people were arrested and the bomber who lost his life was believed to be 32-year-old Emad al Swealmeen, as reported by detective chief inspector Andrew Meeks.

“We continue to appeal for any information about this incident and, now that we have released his name, any information that the public may have about al Swealmeen, no matter how small, may be of great assistance to us,” Meeks said.

This incident follows after last month’s fatal stabbing of conservative lawmaker David Amess, which Britain labeled a terrorist attack.

9-year-old sells paintings for food and supplies animal shelter


Pavel Abramov from Russia is a young boy who makes a huge difference in the lives of many stray and shelter animals in his hometown.

Sweet Pavel has an immense talent for drawing and painting and he uses that in order to help the less fortunate.

Whenever he sells any of his paintings, he rushes to the local shelter and brings plenty of food for the animals there. The residents there are all very happy when they smell his presence, because that means treats and a time well-spent with someone who truly cares for their well-being.

Source: Instagram/Pasha Abramov

Being just nine, he does so much more for the vulnerable animals than any other person his age.

Sometimes, he offers his painting services in exchange for cat and dog food and a bunch of other supplies. His project is known as “Kind Paintbrushes.”

It first started when Pavel’s pet, Barsik, passed away. Pavel’s mom was very supportive of her son’s wish to help the animals because she could sense his heart was getting filled with sadness whenever he would see an animal in need. Not wanting his little heart to get broken every time, she decided to be there for him in his plan to feed as many animals as possible.

Source: Instagram/Pasha Abramov

The site “What a little volunteer is capable of” Pavel and his mom run is filled with beautiful stories of children like Pavel who make a change the best they can.

Source: Instagram/Pasha Abramov

The story of Pavel’s project has gone viral and influenced others to follow his steps. “Our family is proud of his wonderful project. His days are scheduled to minutes, he wants to do absolutely everything, there is just not enough time,” his mom Ekaterina said.

Source: Instagram/Pasha Abramov

Thank you, Pavel, for everything you do!

German Shepherd thought her soldier dad abandoned her, but then they met again


Being separated from someone you love for a longer period of time is the worst feeling ever. Sadly, that is what the families of many soldiers experience when their loved ones are deployed and away from home. The reunions, however, which are always filled with emotions, are worth all the waiting.

One solder has been away from home for nine months and not only his family, but his dogs too were eagerly waiting for him to come home. He knew his canines were probably wondering where he might be, so he decided to surprise them by waiting for them in the living room. Their reaction? Beyond priceless.

But although all his furry pals were happy to see their daddy, it is Freyja the German Shepherd who stole our hearts. She wouldn’t let the rest of the dogs get near as she wanted all the attention for herself. She just couldn’t contain her emotions and jumped in excitement asking for cuddles.

This video is a must see. It brings positive energy so don’t forget to share it with your friends.

Boy lost his soldier dad when he was just 9 months old, 15 years later stranger brings comfort


Justin Roser is a 15 year old boy who grew up without a father by his side and never stopped wondering what life would be like if his dad hadn’t died in Iraq while serving the country.

Besides his mother’s stories, Justin had some items which belonged to the late Army 1st Lt. Jonathan Rozier, among which photos of the car he used to drove.

Justin dreamed of having his dad’s old car, but his mother sold it back in the day and finding it again was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Speaking to journalist Steve Hartman, Justin’s mom said that she witnessed miracles happening thanks to the social media, so she decided to try her luck and posted photos of her late husband’s ’99 Toyota Celica convertible and asked from Facebook users to help her track the vehicle down.

Believe it or not, the message reached just the right person, Kyle Fox from Pleasant Grove, Utah, who managed to find who the car belonged to now. With the help of some of his friends, he bought the car and restored it to look like a brand new car.

Kyle reached Justin’s mom and told her the great news while Justin had no idea he was about to receive the ultimate surprise.

For his 15th birthday, this young man who missed his dad unconditionally got to drive his old car. Needless to say, Justin was speechless. He could finally connect to his late dad the way he always dreamed.

Thanks to a complete stranger, Justin’s greatest wish came true.

The video of this incredible story is very touching. You can see it below.

Comedian Don Knotts made his family laugh even during the last days of his life


Dubbed by many one of the most beloved comedians, Don Knotts made millions laugh.

This incredible actor who is probably best known for his roles of Deputy Sheriff Barney Fife on The Andy Griffith Show and landlord ‘Ralph Furley’ from the late 1970’s television series Three’s Company passed away in 2006 and left the world mourn his death.

Wikipedia Commons

His fans didn’t know much about his personal life, but many things about Don came to light after he left this world.

Don was born in 1924 in Morgantown, West Virginia, to an alcoholic father who suffered from a mental illness. As a result, Don’s childhood wasn’t easy because his dad was very often violent to him. On top of that, the family was relatively poor and had a hard time make ends meet during most of Don’s childhood. Don used to work as a chicken plucker at a chicken farm.

He had four brothers, two of which died young. This affected Don a lot and he suddenly turned shy and introverted. Many had a hard time believing these traits were part of the comedian’s character as he never showed that while on stage. In fact, when he was performing he was a completely different person.


The five time Emmy award winner was great at making people laugh from early age, but his path to Hollywood took time. When he first tried his luck as a comedian in New York, he experienced a failure and that made him go back to his hometown and enlist in the United States Army during World War II. During his service, everyone became aware of Don’s talent.


After he returned home, Don got his first role, that in the soap opera Search For Tomorrow which aired from 1953 to 1955. However, it was the legendary role of Deputy Barney Fire that made him one of the best in the industry. In 1979, Don accepted the role of Landlord Ralph Furley in Three’s Company. Two roles that marked his life forever.

During the 1980’s, the film Return to Mayberry joined Don and Andy Griffith again and was a huge success.

Wikipedia Commons

Sadly, Don passed away in 2006, at the age of 81, but he never lost the ability to make people laugh. His daughter Karen revealed how she and her stepmother burst in laughter when her dad was telling them jokes while living the last days of his life at the hospital bed battling lung cancer. “He was literally dying, but he did something or said something that caused my stepmother and me to go into fits of laughter, which is why I ran out. I thought to myself, ‘I don’t want to be standing there in front of this man, my dearly beloved father, who’s dying, and laughing,’” Karen told Closer Weekly.  

Karen followed into her famous dad’s footsteps and became an actress herself, although Don didn’t really want his children to be part of Hollywood.

He was described by his co-stars as an incredibly quiet and sweet man. However, he had his struggles but he was doing his best to overcome them. “He had a lot of different kinds of moods. He fought a lot of depression and I helped him, or thought I did, because I could see how he had this endless loop of thought that would always lead to a downward spiral. I would try to break through that and was like Pollyanna, pointing out the positives,” Karen said.

The Andy Griffith Show Wiki / Facebook

Don’s hometown paid him a tribute by placing a statue of him and he was honored with the ”Don Knotts Boulevard.”

“It’s a prop that is a symbol for the script for The Ghost and Mr. Chicken which he did around the same time.  So, it’s a nod to his film work in his left hand and nod to his TV work with the Andy Griffith Show with the prop for the Barney Fife had in his right hand,” the artist, Jamie Lester, explained.


“Don was special. There’s nobody like him. I loved him very much. We had a long and wonderful life together I told him I loved him, and I held his hand. His chest heaved several times, and I believe he heard my voice,” Andy Griffith told WFMY after Don’s death.

We are happy we had him. If you were a fan and Don made you laugh share this in his honor.