Marla McCants from “My 600-lb Life” has lost more than 500lbs – This is her today


Dr. Younan Nowzaradan, also known as Dr. Now, is one of the best bariatric surgeons there are. Over the course of his long and successful career, he has helped many people change their lives drastically. He has also been part of the TLC reality show My 600-lb Life.

He is often times harsh with his patients only because he wants them to understand how serious their condition really is. Dr. Now is known as someone who has never turned any patient down, but sometimes, as he says it himself, there is nothing he could do for those who don’t want to help themselves.

Source: YouTube/TLC

One of those people who appeared on the show and clashed with Dr. Now is Marla McCants.

When she applied to be on My 600-Lb Life, she weighted staggering 800 pounds. She was morbidly obese and was eating practically all the time. She even had a small fryer that she kept next to her bed and fried chicken all the time. She wasn’t able to stand up and relied on her daughter Sierra for everything.

After undergoing the bariatric surgery, Marla refused to cooperate and stayed at the hospital longer than the rest of the patients. At one point, Dr. Now decided enough was enough and discharged her. However, Sierra begged the doctor to take her mother in again and a follow-up of Marla’s story was shot.

At this point, Marla already lost a significant amount of weight but she still refused to get out of bed and still had her fryer next to her. She was hoping to get an excess skin removal surgery, but she didn’t lose the desired amount of weight needed in order to be eligible for it.

Source: YouTube/TLC

Almost a year after she had undergone her bariatric surgery, Marla still couldn’t stand up.

“A couple of months ago, I was kind of depressed because things weren’t going as I thought they would go, but it is getting better,” she said. “I’m getting stronger.

“I came to Texas so I can get my life back and be here for my grandkids, but I still don’t feel like I am able to be in their lives like I should. So I can’t wait to get that surgery done,” she said in the follow up episode.

“I still have cravings, miss fried chicken,” she added. “I was trying to find a way that I can eat that, I tried using olive oil, but it don’t taste the same, and just eating meat is a little frustrating.

‘”All I can say is that I am human. You don’t have to starve yourself; you just have to make better choices.”

Source: Facebook/MarlaMcCants

The great thing is that everything turned out for the best for Marla eventually. She understood she had to let her daughter move on with her life and didn’t want to be burden any longer.

She even claimed that the production of the show manipulated with her case. Speaking to Rickey Smiley in a YouTube interview, she said, “Like, the scene where I was in the hospital. And I wouldn’t get up. You all don’t know why I didn’t get it up. First of all, they put it out there a year ahead, when actually it was only one month after I had the gastric bypass.

“I had lost seventy pounds the first month. I had my surgery February 13th of 2015; that episode aired March of 2015. So I had just lost seventy pounds. I was malnourished, I was in the hospital, and he wanted me to get up? Seriously? I’m bleeding on the bed and you want me to get up?”

Source: YouTube/SisterCircle

After the show, she lost 580 pounds and looks unrecognizable.

When she appeared on the show Sister Circle in 2019, she recalled the time she struggled with her eating disorder.

“I never want to go back to that place,” she explained. “The way I was treated. I never want to go back there. It’s lonely.

”I firstly want to get out there that food is an addiction. I’m always going to have that mindset. I struggled with it,” she added.

”The way I was treated…you never want to go back there.  You should never judge a book by it’s cover. Everybody has a story, everybody has roots that they have to get to.

“For those people [who think it’s gross with people on the show], they are just ignorant,” she added. ”You can overcome your struggles and fears, you can do what I did.”

Marla regained control of her life and is now a true beauty and a huge inspiration for others who are about to go through the transformation she went.

UPS driver, who bonds with pit bull while on delivery route, adopts him after owner dies


Everybody knows that dogs ‘have a thing’ for delivery men and women and UPS drivers. Leo, a lovely Pit Bull, is not an exception. Throughout the years, he and his human mommy Tina Rummel formed a strong bond with a UPS driver named Katie Newhouser.

“He would always start barking as I pulled into the condo complex……He would always jump into my truck when I stopped,” Katie wrote in a Facebook post.

Honestly, every dog owner on her route can tell you how their pets love Katie as she never visits them empty-handed but gives them a bunch of treats.

Source: Animal Channel

One day while on the job, Katie passed by Leo’s house and learned the devastating news of his human mommy’s passing. Sadly, it meant Leo was now all by himself as Tina’s son Conan was serving in the Marines away from home. Worried for the animal’s well-being, Katie made sure to check on him regularly. But, it wasn’t until Leo got inside her vehicle one day refusing to leave it that Katie realized he needed a new home.

She agreed to take Leo in until Conan gets back home. In the meantime, Leo was happy and formed a perfect relationship with the rest of the dogs in Katie’s household.

Source: Facebook/ Katie Newhouser

There were days when Leo would sob after Tina, but his furry siblings were always there to comfort him.

Seeing all her dogs showing so much affection for one another, Katie knew that separating Leo from them would be the worst thing that can happen to him.

Source: Facebook/ Katie Newhouser

Thankfully, she was able to adopt him eventually and that means Leo would spend his life around Katie and her dogs who all love him so very much.

Below is the whole story!

Brave mother hunted down 10 gang members involved in her daughter’s murder


The attempt of a desperate mother to revenge her daughter who was killed by the Zeta Cartel in Mexico mirrors the plot of the famous 2008 movie Taken.

Miriam Elizabeth Rodríguez Martínez of San Fernando, Tamaulipas showed immense bravery when she decided to take things in her own hands in the mission to track her daughter’s killers down, New York Times reported.

When 20-year-old Karen Alejandra Salinas Rodríguez went missing, the family was desperate. Soon after, they got calls from the kidnappers who demanded ransom. Although the family managed to find the money and paid for Karen’s safe return, she was brutally murdered and her remains were found on an abandoned ranch in 2014. 

Unable to live with the fact that her daughter’s killers were free, Miriam spent three years on a personal vendetta mission.

Source: Facebook

She changed her looks, had her hair cut and dyed it red, and pretended to be different people in order to get close to the killers’ family members and neighbors.

One time, she even met with one of the Zeta cartel’s members who tried to convince her that his clan had nothing to do with Karen’s murder and offered to help her in her search for a fee. During the meeting, someone called the man on the radio by his name, Sama, and that was just the lead she needed.

Once home, she started her search on the social media and stumbled upon a tagged photo of Sama in front of an ice-cream shop in the city of Ciudad Victoria, some two hours away. She was waiting for Sama to appear there for weeks, and when she finally saw him, she and a police officer who agreed to join her in her mission followed him to his place and wrote his address down. However, until an arrest warrant was issued, Sama had left town. In September 2014, Sama entered Miriam’s son’s shop looking for hats when he recognized him. He called the police and Sama was arrested. He confessed his clan killed Karen and gave the names of his accomplices. That led to more people being put behind bars.

Source: Facebook

One of them was personally tracked down by Miriam. New York Times reported that Miriam had him at gun point and held him on the ground for an hour until police arrived.

Unfortunately, on Mother’s Day 2017, Miriam was shot 12 times in front of her home. She died at the scene, but she left the world knowing she revenged her daughter.

This mother’s heroic efforts were praised with a bronze plaque erected in her home city of San Fernando in her honor.

Dog’s answer after dad tells him he gave the treats to the cat earns 200 million views


Dogs are super special, don’t you think so? Having them around is a true blessing as they are the only creatures who can fill all your days with happiness and who can put a smile on your face even when you feel blue.

Now, if you think you’ve seen it all when it comes to dogs and their super powers of cheering you up, you may have to think twice. Well, unless you’ve already seen the most hilarious video ever. Believe it or not, it has been seen around 200.000.000 times, and people say how they return to it over and over again.

It depicts a dog and his human. The two are having a very serious conversation with the dad telling his furry pal how he had eaten a bunch of things from the fridge, including bacon, and he had even given some to the cat. The ‘talking’ dog’s reaction is pure gold. He doesn’t seem happy with what he hears and his comeback is going to make you burst out laughing.

Doing a voice-over on animals has never been this cool, trust me.

Take a look at the ultimate dog tease in the video below now and you can thank us later!

Weeping father of 7 loses wife and is left to take care of children – then stranger tells him Christmas came early


Life is unpredictable. In one moment you have it all, and in the next, everything turns upside down leaving you wonder how things can get a wrong turn in such a short time.

Dakota Nelson’s life changed in an instant after his loving wife passed away. He was left to take care of their seven children all by himself. The sad event happened earlier this year when the couple spent the day cleaning around the garage. Dakota went to the house to quickly grab something and when he returned he saw Ream lying on the floor. She was unconscious, her face was blue, and she wasn’t breathing.

He did all he could to try to save her, including CPR, but once the paramedics arrived at the scene they told them how her brain went without oxygen for around 20 minutes. She was taken to the hospital where she spent several weeks in coma, after which she left this world. What caused her dead is still a mystery.

Source: YouTube / Inside Edition

Dakota found himself in a desperate situation. He knew he had to make sure he provides a nice life for his kids aged 1 through to 16. So, he started working three part-time jobs in order to be able to pay for the bills. He was torn between bunch of commitments and all the errands he had to run every day. 

But this grieving widower and a single father never lost hope.

Anonymous donor

A random stranger stumbled upon the story of Dakota and decided to do something amazing. With Christmas just around the corner, his deed was a real holiday magic that will change this family’s life and will significantly ease the financial pressure Dakota was feeling. 

The “Secret Santa” handed Dakota an envelope with $10,000. This money were more than enough to cover some of the family’s expenses and came just in the right time.  

Source: YouTube / Inside Edition

This made Dakota shed tears of joy. He couldn’t believe there are still loving and compassionate people out there. 

If you’d like to help Dakota out in anyway, head over to the GoFundMe page created by Ream’s sister. 

Watch the amazing video below:

3-year-old boy’s reaction to being bullied for being ginger is heartbreaking


We live in a world where people tend to lessen our value and make us feel worthless for the sake of reaching their personal goals. This sort of treatment that involves humiliation is also known as bullying.

Bullying can happen to everyone. It’s present in the everyday life of people, but I guess it mostly affects little children who are vulnerable and many times unable to take a stand and speak for themselves.

3-year-old Noah Gilbert is a sweet boy with a ginger hair. And although he used to love the way he looks, some rude people made fun of the color of his hair and that crushed his self-esteem. His mother is now trying to share Noah’s story and raise the voice against bullying.

The unpleasant incident took place while Noah and his mom Lauren boarded a bus. There, a group of teenagers started laughing because of Noah’s hair color and made some nasty comments that broke the boy’s heart.

Some of the gruesome words that spoke were, “I would hate my child to be ginger, I would kill it” and “all kids with ginger hair should go straight to social services.”

Although he’s just three years old, Noah could perfectly understand that they were speaking about him and he couldn’t understand why would someone say such bad words.

The boy got so upset that once he reached home, he started asking why he couldn’t have blonde hair like that of his brother.

His brother’s answer was a poignant one and that made Lauren write a Facebook post that vent viral in a blink of an eye.

She wrote: “He hasn’t stopped asking me why people don’t like his hair. He asked me if I could change it for him so people will like it. I can feel my heart breaking every time he asks me.

“It isn’t okay to bully somebody for their hair colour, not now. Not ever.”

People took their time to defend Noah saying he’s the cutest little boy out there and his ginger care makes him even more special.

“This has had such an effect on Noah, it’s just unfair,” Lauren continued. “I have naturally ginger hair too and I remember being bullied growing up, but not as young as three.”

Lauren wants the teens to apologize for their words. She even reached the principal of the school they attend.

She wants to raise awareness of the problem because this type of harassment takes part every single day and it makes little children question their value and their qualities. What’s most, the effects bullying has on children as well as adults can be long lasting and affect their self-confidence for life.

Lorenzo Lamas from “Falcon Crest”: Age, family, net worth


Stories of how huge names in the film industry found their place in Hollywood are one of my favorite because they remind us that these celebs that we all admire weren’t given everything on a silver platter. On the contrary, most of them struggled at the start of their careers, but it was their determination that helped them reach for the stars.

For actor Lorenzo Lamas, acting seemed to be written in the stars because both his mother and father were involved in the film industry. His mom, Arlene Dahl, an American actress of Norwegian descent was one of the last surviving stars from the Classical Hollywood cinema era. His father, Fernando Lamas, an Argentinian who worked as an actor and director and was also known for his turbulent love life was Lorenzo’s idol.

“I idolized my father, especially as a young boy. He was bigger than life. He commanded the room. He’d done everything, seen everything,” Lorenzo told Fox. “It’s pretty heady stuff to grow up with.”

Getty Images

After his parents divorced when he was just two, Lorenzo and his father eventually left California and moved to New York. At the time, his father married actress Esther Williams. One thing Lorenzo remembers from that period of his life is that when Esther’s children visited, he wasn’t allowed in the house.

“He was many things, but he was also fair, so if he wasn’t going to allow another man’s children in his house, then he couldn’t allow me in the house,” he said of his father.

“So my roommate was a Rolls Royce. I had a key that let me in the backdoor where there was a guest bathroom. But I came from military school, so living in a garage in Beverly Hills was plush to me. I had shared a urinal with 30 guys for the last four years. Looking back, I know that’s not normal. I know that I would never do that to my kids. I run my three teenage daughters around like a chauffeur.”

Jack Mitchell/Getty Images

Lorenzo had his big breakthrough playing the role of Tom Chisum in the iconic film Grease. He played Sandy’s boyfriend, and that role, although rather small, secured him his place in Hollywood.

“I’m amazed by the longevity. It keeps finding new generations of people,” he told Studio 10 about Grease.

For the role, he had to dye his hair lighter because the producers didn’t see Sandy’s boyfriend as someone with dark hair, but that didn’t bother Lorenzo at all.

“I would have dyed it green, fuchsia, anything,” he told People.

What he loved most about his role was that he got the chance to work alongside Olivia Newton-Jonh, his childhood crash.

“I was 19. It was only the third thing I’ve ever done. And I was at the Paramount lot, meeting my childhood crush, Olivia Newton-John, and Mr. Saturday Night Fever, John Travolta. So I was kind of in a complete zombie state, to begin with,” Lorenzo recalled. “I couldn’t take my eyes off her,” he told Studio 10.


After Grease, Lorenzo landed the role of Lance Cumson on Falcon Crests where he starred alongside actress Jane Wyman. It was her who helped him get on track and take control of his life after he appeared high on set because of his addiction

“This is what we’re going to do. We’re going to take a 15-minute break. You’re going to memorize your lines. And you’re never going to come to work high again,” Lorenzo quoted Wyman saying.

After starring in whooping 228 episodes, what came next was the drama show Renegade which was also a huge success.

Lorenzo was married five times and has six children, with his last wife, actress Shawna Craig, being 30 years his junior. “It [complicated the family dynamic] initially,” Lorenzo told Entertainment Online in 2015. “Of course it would. My friends said, ‘What could you possibly have in common with a person that’s 30 years younger than you?’ I told them, ‘Everything.’”

The couple divorced in 2018.


Today, Lorenzo has put most of his time and energy working as a helicopter flight instructor and an airplane pilot. His charity organization Angel Flight provides free, medical-related air transport for people in need.

“Pilots like myself donate our planes and time to get people around the country for medical treatment,” he told Soap Opera Digest.

“I would fly people from their hometowns to the cities where their hospitals were located. I’ve also flown disabled kids to camp because riding in a car would be too uncomfortable for them, but the parents just couldn’t afford the [commercial] airfare.”

“There’s no way that you can avoid getting emotionally involved,” Lamas added. “There’s plenty of travel time for conversation, so you get interested in their lives, and you want to know all about them.”

63-year-old Lorenzo Lamas has a net worth of $2 million and is currently engaged to model-entrepreneur Kenna Scott.

Angela Lansbury, “Murder, She Wrote” star: Age, family, children, net worth


With a career that has spanned 75 years across film, TV and the stage, Angela Lansbury is an award-winning actress who is stealing our hearts over and over again.

Earlier in October, the Murder, She Wrote star turned 96 and is still looking as incredibly beautiful as always.

Born Angela Brigid Lansbury on October 16, 1923, in London, England, she suffered a huge heartbreak when her father died. She was just nine years old at the time and the loss affected her childhood and life a great deal.

In an attempt to cope with her grief, young Angela found solace in performance, and that saved her. She would later describe it as a “defining moment of her life.”

“Nothing before or since has ever affected me so deeply,” she told Closer. “I became something of a dreamer, lost in my grief [and] much more interested in acting, following the example of my mother.”

She wanted to be noticed, even as a child.

“At the age of 11 or 12, I remember sitting on buses and trying to look interesting. Or I would get people’s attention by saying something kind of outlandish that simply sounded as if I knew something they didn’t know.

“[I was] taking on the emotional and mental aspects of somebody other than Brigid. So I was acting through a great deal of my life without even realizing that that’s what I was doing.”

Angela’s mom was a well-respected actress, so when the family was forced to leave England for America, she found herself working on Broadway. It’s safe to say that Angela inherited her mom’s acting talent and found her place under the Hollywood sky.

Angela had her big breakthrough acting alongside Ingrid Bergman in Gaslight. At the time, she had just turned 18.

“That was a thrilling experience, to work with Ingrid [Bergman], who was so kind. It was sort of a dream world,” she recalled.

“I was so young; I was really awed by what I was being asked to do. And when you’re challenged like that, you damn well do your best.”


After appearing in her first movie, she was nominated for best supporting actress for an Academy Award. She continued her career during the ’60s and ’70s and appeared in a number of television projects such as The King and I and Sweeney Todd. in 1945, Angela received her second Oscar nomination for her supporting performance in The Picture of Dorian Gray.

She won five Tony’s, six Golden Globes and one Oliver Award.

Besides all her legendary roles, she is probably best known for the series Murder, She Wrote.

Already a famous name in the industry back in 1983, Angela was offered two roles at the same time, that of writer Jessica Fletcher and another in a sitcom. Her manager was convinced she should accept the role in the sitcom, but she felt that playing the role of a widowed former school teacher turned successful mystery writer and amateur sleuth would be the right thing to do. Years later, her decision turned faithful.

For her role in Murder, She Wrote, Angela was nominated for Prime Time Emmy 12 times, but she didn’t win any.

“It pissed me off!” she told the Radio Times in 2017.

“Because I just didn’t add up at all in Hollywood. Everywhere else in the U.S., Murder, She Wrote was huge, but not in Hollywood — no, no, no, they didn’t want to know. I wasn’t upset… Well, I was upset, really. It rankled me. I can’t say it didn’t.”

Before she turned 94, Angela said, “You know, I don’t make movies anymore, but that’s okay. My voice is not my fortune, but certainly, my voice is the thing I’ve been able to keep going and even though I’m going to be 94 next month, I don’t feel anything like that.”

When it comes to her private life, Angela was married twice. In 1949, tied the knot with her second husband, British actor Peter Shaw, with whom she had two children, Anthony and Deirdre. The two were married for over five decades before Shaw passed away in 2003.

Their relationship resembled a fairy-tale.

“We had the perfect relationship,” she said of their marriage in 2014.

“Not many people can say that. He was everything to me: we were partners at work as well as husband and wife and lovers. I don’t know how we had such a long marriage, but the simple fact was that we were devoted to one another.” 

Source: WATFORD/Mirrorpix/Mirrorpix via Getty Images

Writing in the Belfast Telegraph, Angela looked back on her beautiful marriage and the wonderful years she got to spend with Peter.

“I had a wonderfully happy marriage to Peter. We were both doers, we had the same sort of energy. We did everything for the family, and that was our mutual thrust at all times.

“We had our moments when we could have hit each other out of the ballpark, but it didn’t allow us to think that we couldn’t make it through.”

These days, she spends her time with her children and grandchildren. “As she’s getting older, she wants to be with her kids and grandkids,” Angela’s stepson David Shaw told Closer. “She’s a great lady. She always put family first.”

Being 96, Angela says age doesn’t define her.

“I’ve never been particularly aware of my age. It’s like being on a bicycle – I just put my foot down and keep going,” she said, according to Express.

“I never look at my face and think, ‘God, you’re getting old or think of running out of steam.”

The Murder, She Wrote star is believed to have a net worth of $70 million.